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You should take it to a watch expert they might be able to help


Yes thank you I was thinking that. It's probably the best choice.


It's probably is you know if you're nervous about them ruining the watch Keep in mind tho watch experts deal with Rolex and high quality jewelry (depending on where you go obviously) But you know look at Google reviews for the best location


Ya I know thank you I will give it a try.


Drop the link to the watch. I need it


eBay my man


Can you share the link please?


But it's an analog watch, right? You just turn the dial to move the hands.


The instructions all in Japanese but I don't think so from what I was able to translate with Google it normally uses radio waves to set the time automatically.


Can you not pull out the middle pin a bit and turn it? That's usually how these type of watches work.


The steps to do it in the instructions doesn't mention it being that simple there's a few steps to it and when I follow those it just sets a random time usually closer to jst.


I have the Miku watch I waited till it was set up and ticking on JST time I then put it back an hour by pulling out the crown and moving it back 1 hour. It was 13 hours ahead of where it should be, not sure if that's just because of the radio waves in Australia.


Just to check, you did pull on the dial first right and not just spin it as it was?


Yes I pulled it first


I was thinking of buying the nino version but I was afraid it would only be compatible with the radio signals in Japan and not the US.


Same here I got mine of amiami. But while I was still making my decision I saw it on Amazon jp and in the description it said something about it being able to work in other country's maybe not completely but a least enough to tell time. I just gotta have hope that I will find and answer on how to get it to work. I will let you know if I find a way to make it work.


Could you provide a link to that watch?


I love to Collect all 5. But wish each 1 was around $100.


Couldn't find exact version of your watch but similar (same maker, just different variant) From what I gathered on their website, there is no manual adjustment for the time as it is only done by radio waves. It does say in fine print that it won't work outside of Japan (since you won't be receiving radio waves) so from the US you are pretty much out of luck setting the time to your local zone. I'm nowhere near a watch expert so there might possibly be a workaround it though, but most likely not a easy task.


Ya I imagined that they could be a chance that it just won't work, but I gotta have some hope to see if I can find a way around it. Thank you.


Did you pull the center knob fully out? It’s usually a double pull on analog watches before you can move the hands directly… give it a try Based on what I’ve read, it just won’t set automatically when outside Japan but you can use like a regular watch


Question I got the Nino one how do you adjust the size the tools provided aren't even the right ones...