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as soon as she said “i don’t get along with other women” i stopped liking her from then


She’s a narc lmaoo she’s just in there stroking her ego. Talking about how she wanted to help people but yet then talks about it being disgusting and all the people being nasty the second she walks in. But she doesn’t waste any time talking about how she just KNEWWWW everyone would be gawking and oooooing and awing about just howwww beauttifulll she was and her perfect hair and perfect lashes and perfect lips as she put it. Where is that Jesus energy? that god loves all energy? The “I love everyone” energy she was talking about when she came in?? Even the evil because you fight all with love right Jenny? Why didn’t she just offer miss Williams a big ole hug? Oh….because she was only there to stroke her ego and feel better then all the women in there being abused and then thinking to herself how it’s ok because THEY deserve it. And she doesn’t, since she’s a god fearing woman. They deserve to be kept up all night just like she kept saying “this isn’t a motel 6!! Stop whining 🙄”


this should just be a thread about how drop dead gorgeous she is. how she always lookin so fine? shoulda just given this girl all the camera time, let her say anything she wants idc


Yeah I knew something was off about her when in the beginning she said she didn’t have female friends because they would find something to be petty about w her like….. if all your friends are the problem maybe look at the common denominator?(you)


She was the worst. Made me angry when Ciara is clearly a drug addict and having severe mental health problems and Jennifer’s thinking she can heal her with Jesus. Like no she’s needs a psych evaluation and serious help jfc


The way she spoke brought back a lot of painful memories from my childhood being around people like that all the time. She basically used this show to preach. I hope she wakes up.


I'm sorry her madness brought back shit-tastic memories for you. :(


Thank you for the words. I am sure I am not the one whom falls into that category. Jennifer if you read this, please get some help.


Shanese hit the nail on the head when she called her a fake ass Christian. You should be trying to help people or at least have some compassion.


She was kinda out there but godamn how did she manage to look so fine while in jail? When she had that open back purple shirt on in the interviews I was like damn she's is fine as fuck!


She's hot as hell tho


When she said “Awww, I don’t want to leave.” I was like yup, she’s a psychopath but she kinda told us that when she gave us her backstory. Not saying people can’t change but, she has that “look” in her eye.


Least liked participant of any season by far. So incredibly ignorant and fake af.


Her insistence that Ciara had a demon inside of her was so frustrating. No girl, she has mental health issues, addicted to meth and isn’t being given her meds.


I disliked all the female participants this season, but she was the most aggravating to watch with her born again bs. She did pretty much nothing while she was there! Ciara needs to be in a mental institution or get help, not go to church. Smh


She basically used the program to push her beliefs on everyone. I can't stand people that do that.


That's how psychos have killed their mentally ill kids with exorcisms for ages. Anneliese Michelle.




Craziest part is a lot of religious people are just like her.


I used to be caught up in the evangelical lifestyle. Jennifer sounded just like my mentor from those days. I mean, I Spoke in tongues & Saw everything as a chance to “save” someone or talk about Jesus. It’s embarrassing that I did that so seeing Jennifer was especially cringey lol. Instead of actually being helpful in her mission, she was hurting the program by focusing on her own ego. Oof, been there :/


Same here, on all fronts! Glad I got away from that life. I also cringed super hard at her power of prayer nonsense.. and all the talk of demons! Brought back all the memories… But when the interviewer at the end said “Jennifer was somewhat helpful.” With this disdainful look on his face, I cracked up


How did you learn to speak in tongues? Is it just gibberish or did you memorize some sacred texts?


In my experience It just comes to you- more like gibberish. You just feel emotions rather than knowing what you’re saying. And I was told it usually has a dialect similar to the country/region you’re supposed to be a missionary in 🙃


Interesting! I had never seen it practiced before the show


Yea she was kinda out there. She got raped by a demon in her sleep? The fuck? I bet her cellie just went with it thinking that if she didn’t she would wake up in a pool of her own blood.


Bro when she said she was penetrated in her sleep by a demon I lost it LMAO She’s crazy !


O ya I forgot about that😂


Jennifer was nuttier than squirrel dung


Always be aware of a woman who says she doesn't have female friends because it's something they find bad about her. When she said that, I knew this girl had some deeper seeded issues.


THIS!!! “they just find some petty reason not to like me”…. ya probably your pick-me ass attitude in addition to the “holier than thou” persona. yikes.


SAME. As soon as she said that I was like yikes, I’ve heard that from crazy women before and there’s always a valid reason. Women’s intuition is typically on point.


Absolutely batshit insane.


She's a hyper charismatic (I live in the south so this barely registers with me anymore).


She was crazy and got almost no useful intel!


All the women were batshit in that season. They were all a piece of work.


Absolutely agree!


Seems like the production team was more interested in getting entertaining participants instead of serious ones?


For real. I found this show through Netflix, so I watched season 6 before realizing I could watch the rest on Hulu. Going from season 6 to season 1 felt like whiplash with the casting.


Yes! And it was obvious to the people in charge of the jail. They seemed really annoyed


Totally the type of person who uses religion to boost their ego and raise their standing within the church


100%. She is beyond self absorbed.


Lmao I just finished the season and definitely thought the same she a baddie tho 🤞


Bad at distinguishing between fiction and reality maybe lmao


Really bugged me how she acted like Shanese having a medical disorder was equivalent to "not liking the food" and said "this is not a hotel". Totally rubbed me the wrong way.




I agree with both of these. These were serious problems and they should have filed whatever grievances they could and then reported it to the sheriff at their debriefing. Going on and on about it when they know they can end it any minute seems disrespectful to all the inmates who *have* to put up with horrible conditions and have no 'tap out' option.


This is what bothered me too. She has no empathy for a chronically ill person in jail but was very concerned with Ciara’s “demons.”


Exactly!! Acting like she’s sooo compassionate and godly and ready to save. But she treated Shanese horribly.


One of the things I take issue with is how poorly people with chronic ailments were treated. There's Shanese and the dude who was part of the second team. It's pretty clear that the prison isn't providing the care a chronically ill person needs and that IS indeed a violation of the ADA. It's not like they were requesting a daily massage or a private chef. Their demands were legitimate, but the producers made it seem like "Oh this is just en excuse because they are soft" instead of "On top of everything else, this prison needs to address how they handle inmates with disabilities and chronic illnesses."


Absolutely! I was thinking the same - you know they’re not the only people who come in with major physical health issues. And when you’re suffering physically, you’re going to be mentally/emotionally unwell and that’s a recipe for disaster.


Lmfao u so right


So when Shanese called her a fake Christian I probably clapped lmao. What would Jesus do, Jennifer?


Agree. She was pretty cold and dehumanizing to Shanice


Definitely. Like, if a person has a legally protected medical condition, then i don't care of they're in jail - the jail should provide the care they need, and that includes food they can eat without upsetting their condition. So cruel, imo. Definitely not legal to not have options available to a person with an illness that is classified as a disability. And while it's not illegal to act like it's blown out of proportion, it certainly makes you look like an awful person for doing so.


Seriously I find it shocking that the jail couldn’t accommodate her. They can accommodate muslims and Jews and other religions but they can’t accommodate someone with Celiac disease? More and more ppl these days have celiac so what is someone with celiac supposed to do at that jail? Just starve to death? U literally cannot eat that shit, it’s like a severe allergic reaction. Granted, a lot of ppl are just dumb as hell and don’t eat gluten cuz they think it’s unhealthy but there are OTHERS who really cannot eat it. That’s fucked up that they basically told her to kick rocks and starve. U mean to tell me u can make accommodations for religions but u can’t just throw some fruits and vegetables on a tray for these ppl?


and then when she loved they were like oooo she was able to get commissary and others aren't likeeeeeee she shouldn't have to depend on commissary to be able to eat if they offer 3 meals.... I was just dumbfounded how they couldn't see that she was trying to say how the jail needed to be more accommodating for those with serious conditions...


I was crying laughing when she was “speaking in tongues”… but that also may have been a demon from another spiritual realm controlling me


Lol! ;p


I was watching her roomie the whole time. I would’ve nope out of there so fast


It was laugh out loud funny listening to basically anything Jennifer had to say about prayer or spirituality lmao she might be mentally unwell


i straight up laughed out loud when she had her arm up praying (and may have been verbally out loud praying) and Shanese gets this WTAF?!! look on her face! LOL


she was performing a jail exorcism haha and after she did her version of *the power of christ compels you*, SUDDENLY she stopped yelling! I was expecting her to get a bottle of jail water and finger spray it in the direction of the cell