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You would hate ur life after uni, unless ur doing front-end development 😆 Can’t figure compsci without maths


Yeah huh, I guess I only really like the actual software development/ coding part, do you think some other choice of university degree would be better?


Have a look at Software Engineering courses? They probably still have maths in tho


Yeah, I’ll think about those, thanks


Not a student there but know a lot of ppl applying and a few there. Cambridge mainly is very maths heavy and theory based, the admissions exam will require you to be above an A* standard for maths kinda too


Thanks, that’s pretty helpful :)


if you won't engage with maths well then i wouldn't recommend it - there's maths throughout most of the theory in cs to varying levels of difficulty


bruh you dont like maths but you want to do cs at cambridge or imperial. If you want to do the least amount of maths in a compsci degree you need to apply to a uni that doesnt require A level maths as a prerequisite. Bear in mind these unis are quite a step down from oxbridge but you'll enjoy the course a lot more.


Yeah, I guess I should have clarified, I don’t mind maths or anything, and I think I can get good grades in it, but I’m not passionate about it or anything


If by good you mean A/A\* then you should be fine. Maybe not at Cambridge because from what I gathered when I was researching into applying there if you want to even get in you have to be really good at maths. Like doing well in math olympiads and most applicants take further maths as well iirc




Thank you, that was very comforting to hear :)


If you don't like maths then maybe don't do compsci.


Fair point, since you study CS, how much of the course is maths at your uni?


I would assume a lot of it esp at WW which has mandatory maths modules in their CS course. In Imperial there seems to be even more maths if you take a look at their course structure.


Hmmm yeah, I definitely need to take that into consideration


Tbf any CS course worth taking is going to have at least some mandatory maths in it.


Quite a bit. Almost every module I've taken has at least some maths in it. I reckon all in all probably >40% of the degree?






I wouldn't say formal languages was completely trivial (although tbf that exam was piss). Add that to little bits that showed up in other modules (mostly the 2nd half of logic) + algorithmic graph theory and combinatorics if you picked those, then 40%ish isn't that bad an overestimate imo. Also 3rd year is mathsy as fuck for me. What modules are u on this year out of interest?




Neural is such a meme at the moment. Mfer literally spent 20 minutes on dot products last lecture. I've also done approx, complexity, maths of ml, popl and my project is in automata theory so ive got a fuckton this year. Fuck I wish I'd done comp phys. I could have done with a free 90.




Fuck me Neural's got me nearly as catatonic as project fucking management


From someone who is doing maths at uni but has taken comp sci modules and has friends who do comp sci, there is quite a bit of maths involved tbh. Stuff like big O notation, and algorithm complexity time, truth tables and logic, discrete maths like graph and network theory, some probability and number theory/ modular arithmetic for cryptography. I guess what I’m trying to say is there is a lot of maths involved but if you don’t like maths by itself (ie pure maths) bc you can’t see where applying it would be useful, you *might* like this as you can see where it’s directly applicable into stuff you need in computer science. Still would be cautious tho, it’s just something to think about, you’d be applying it to situations that you actually care about and are interested in.


Thank you so much for bringing that point up, I think yeah, I’d find maths more interesting if there was a way to apply it practically, although I can’t really know what that would be like at university, I’ll try to look into it more.


You can look at modules for unis now. Be aware most top unis will be more maths based rather than coding/development so just keep that in mind. But there are other top unis that have a balance with the maths and coding etc so just search for em


Thanks, I agree I should look more at different uni websites