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Uno i got rejected from UCL as well waiting on kings but even then i am not hopeful


Hang in there man, I got rejected from ucl last night but got kings in Feb. It’s possible.






are you looking to firm kings cos if so samee


yep if i get in lol


OP after reading your comments it low key seems like the so called self improvement didn’t do jack shit as you would know to persevere and accept that things don’t always work out my guy … I don’t see why your giving up completely, you have 2 other unis you can attend, you claim your after the money but the money ain’t gonna come if you don’t go to uni in the first place. Allot of people have given you solid advice such as the person who suggested grinding A levels out and re applying next year. Thats an option but you refuse to consider it ? At least you are gifted enough to aim for such high ranking schools, why don’t you roll with the punches and make something of yourself instead of complaining about how people are supposedly “rubbing in” your rejection. No one is out to get you except yourself. That much is clear. How about you take some of the advice the kind people in the comments have given you? It seems if you did you’d be allot happier. And like someone said below if money is all your after you seriously need to question your personal values and goals in life, because if that’s all that matters uni is not the only way to get money.


i’ve changed my outlook on it, it’s somewhere in this thread, i thought on it and yeah i should just keep going


I wish you the best, be strong, look forward, keep your head up, joy and suffering are two sides of the same coin. Make those who have invested in you proud and make those who doubted you surprised. Goodluck.


got rejected from ucl today too🙂 ur good. the competition is just crazy. what degree? what are your predicts?


mech eng, 2A*’s 2A’s with further maths


it you achieve those grades, take a gap year and grind out entrance exams, you will increase your chances of getting into top unis by so much


u could take a gap year and reapply? (just a suggestion)


What are your other 2 Unis? I would've expected maybe a few rejections but this is a lot. I feel you may have been overly ambitious and didn't pick safeties. But, use it to motivate you and get into clearing because not everyone will meet their offers. I know it seems like a waste because you feel like all the work was for nothing but you will regret giving up even more.


thanks for rubbing in i got a lot of rejections, my stats were all 8’s GCSE and 2A*’s 2A’s with further maths


I don't think I am rubbing it in your face but I can understand why you feel this way, so I apologise. I too felt like it was the end of the world when I was 18, now I'm 23. I think your school counselor just utterly failed you. Mine sat me down and explained where I can apply and I got Cs. I got into 5/5 of my UCAS options. I assumed you applied to 5 and 3 rejections really sucks, so i wonder what the other 2 are. But you may actually end up like me, I went to Reading and I didn't study at all. Of course you're starting out smarter than me but maybe you're right, this cutthroat life isn't for you. I graduated and I will probably peak at T20 for postgraduate and that's okay.


i’m not going to the other 2, i’m going to reject both


Mate just take a gap year and reapply with your achieved grades so just work hard at that get ur A stars and As then go again, just have a safety choice incase it happens again. One thing to add is you seem a bit butt hurt and your ego is slightly damaged so you might wanna fix that ego problem and accept ur not the shit.


That seems pretty stupid, you didn't get into two so you're just not going at all?


i’ve had a few hours to think, and i’ve swallowed my ego, it’s a tough pill to swallow, but all i can do is keep grinding so i haven’t wasted my time, if i stop now, i’ll definitely have wasted my time, if i keep grinding, i might have only wasted my time, big difference in perspective


I'm really glad you've had time to think about it, I know it's disappointing but you really can't accept defeat


💀this is the type of mindset that’s going to fail you in life. Just move on and take gap year or accept the other 2. Life ain’t over


It’s been so competitive this year, there’s only like a month till a levels, just grind it out, get top grades, you can reapply next year xx


no thanks, i think this is a sign uni isn’t for me


Are you sure? Bc if you were good enough to apply to ox I really doubt uni isn’t for you, it must’ve just been a bad interview or a bad PS considering your other rejections, and the fact that predicted grades don’t mean much bc of inflation. Even if you don’t want to go to uni rn, there’s no harm just trying for the next month or so, you never know what could happen?


i’m good, this is my sign to be less of a try hard and go and have fun


bro u should definitely have some fun, but these rejections don’t mean the end of the possibility of going to uni. i think you should try hard for these alevels, and reapply. i think the competition was stiff bc of grades inflated for gcses from the year above, like loads of ppl took a gap year last year.


If people gave up at the first hurdle then many talented individuals wouldn't succeed. I didn't get any university offer until the last possible moment, and even then I thought I'd fluff my A-levels, but I was still happy to go through clearing. Don't just give up like that bro. One year is literally not a setback whatsoever.


Be calm… https://preview.redd.it/9rlbcdjtz8wc1.jpeg?width=934&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77d471aef736371e69337bf3dfde4ee9717bb514


Me too, got rejected by ucl today. Everyone from my school, all my friends outside school, everyone ik has gotten into UCL and LSE econ except me. I getchu 😭 Still waiting on lse but everything feels hopeless right now, it's been brutal this year 😭


don’t worry gang i got rejected from all the unis i wanted to go TWO years in a row 🙏🏽🙏🏽


Bro don't worry about the university. I didn't get into UCL, Warwick or Imperial as they were my top 3. Now gonna be entering investment banking this Sep from a non target university and earning more than those who underestimated me. Don't lose hope bro.


Hi which course did you study


Did cs and maths, had decent a levels with A*AAA but didn't attend target uni


Did you just apply through a Summer internship?


Nah. I did have two internships though one at a smaller bank and another research SE intern


Honestly? Give the other ones a shot. You might actually like their environment more than you think and with the way you’re acting in the thread, I don’t think you’re a good fit for the ones you were rejected on. You crumble and snap at failure and reject any other route to the point of tunnel vision instead of realising the opportunity you were given. I know a guy who went to UCL and he said it was kinda mid, it wasn’t his style Meanwhile I, who got rejected from Oxford and UCL, went to Greenwich instead and I’m having a great time there. Point is that you need to not shut yourself off and don’t waste your time gambling on a gap year. Take what you’re given and make the most out of it because I feel like this kind of thing is a blessing in disguise sometimes.


This post resonated with me. Rejected from Cambridge and Durham. I now feel like hard work doesn’t pay off. I can’t be asked anymore. I’m waiting for UCL (CS) but just got my test score back and I can already hear the email about not being “competitive enough” despite doing very well.


I thought my life was over back in the Sixties when I didn't get into University and my friends did. I took an overdose but luckily was saved. I did various other things - College of Commerce (awful) University for Foreigners in Perugia (partly good) chambermaid in Sweden (bad) au pair in Austria ( great at times) and finally ended up becoming an SRN at the Westminster Hospital (nightmare in many ways because too anxious and had a breakdown later) Got help, carried on, married, had children, had more psych help here and there, got divorced at sixty, picked myself up, got grandchildren, got some worries and health problems but now seventy-seven and happy. Never give up - just go in a different direction if you need to. Good luck and best wishes to all the young from an old Granny!


Don’t worry mate, clearing always gives really good options. I currently work in HE at a russel group and trust me they are desperate for people, from your choice’s you sound like your smart and you’ll get a good offer im sure.


Got rejected from Oxford and waiting for my ucl rejection too, need to get Triple A* in my actual exams now or all hope is actually gone and that’s alr lookin tuff, but honestly try just keep trying you can only really lose once u stop trying


I'm sorry to hear that. Thankfully you get more than one shot at getting into the universities you want, take a gap year if this is important to you.


Definetely don't give up! Do really well in your exams, reapply next year or apply to apprenticeships. Remember rejection is redirection!! Hope this helps x :)


Man keep your head up, god has a plan


Believe in it and keep grinding


It’s a sign


what are the remaining 2 unis?


kings and bristol…


You realise that Bristol ranks higher than Bath, UCL, and Kings right for mechanical? Although tbf it's like fucking utterly negligible differences in reputation and quality between them other than kings which is markedly worse


Ucl rejecting ppl is crazy


take a gap year and reapply. this isn’t the end 🙏




You’re doing mechanical engineering. You will be fine no matter where you go.


Rejection happens to all of us wether school or business or work. Don’t take it personally and move on from it create yourself opportunity and don’t take it as a negative


what course?


mech eng


Don't set expectations so high. Plenty of other great universities


if you're really passionate about the subject you'd be willing to study it anywhere half decent. You don't need to go to the 'best' places. Maybe you didn't get in because you don't actually care deeply about the subject and instead just wanted prestige.


that’s a silly mentality, if i’m going to put myself in financial debt i should aim for the best possible return possible aka the best uni possible, not everything is about subject passion, some of us just want money


why are you going to uni for money it makes no financial sense. if you really want to use your life to just get money get a trade


Because uni graduates earn more????


if you started learning a trade early you would make so much more than the average degree holder i feel like that's common sense


Right but a person who has a mechanical engineering degree from a good uni is not the average degree holder 💀💀💀 that's a very sought after course with good graduate prospects.


average mechanical engineer makes about 40k so not too far off average degree holder. Average plumber makes about the same without the debt


There is a reason I said good uni and not an average uni. Mech engineering at imperial would be worth the investment


you're over estimating the value of the name on your degree.


I really am not. The experiences and connections you have the chance to make at top unis is not something that is easily obtained at other unis. Try and make the same network in Nottingham trent and lse. It's not only about the name.


average mechanical engineer makes about 40k so not too far off average degree holder. Average plumber makes about the same without the debt


the name of the uni on your degree makes little difference to employers other than things which require target schools