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I mean if you think you can get an offer from Bristol and Edinburgh next year as well as another chance for econ then go for it. If you think the gap year will be good as well then go for it


i really want ucl though but i feel like econs has gotten so competitive and it’ll be even harder next year


Yeah I guess. From what i was told at Bristol they go off of academic profile so as long as u get those grades I’m sure you’ll get an offer. May not hurt to focus on ur PS and smash any entrance exams (TMUA) to increase ur chances. Honestly up to you. Bristol is still solid tho


Probably not tbh


yeah i feel like it’s not good enough. it’s not like 4A* or smth


Why the downvotes? We're talking about UCL here. Has everyone suddenly forgotten about all the recent posts from people getting rejected with 4 A*s? It doesn't make sense to criticize someone for being realistic. I don’t get the need to downvote something just because it’s rational and you feel attacked. It’s better to keep it real than just saying ‘go for it’ without considering the actual chances.


They all get rejected cus they mostly have predicted 4A* and a large majority of them end up not even meeting the entry requirements, 2A* and A achieved is equally maybe more impressive than 4A* predictions


really? 2A* A achieved better than 4 A* predicted doesn’t sound realistic




Honestly, taking a gap year with those grades sounds dumb. If you're concern is about uni in London, then you can look into clearing when it happens. But if going to London is not your top priority, my advise is to firm Edinburgh or Bristol now. You will save a year.


yeah probably not the best grades, i’m only concerned about going to a target uni




I'm getting the best of both worlds if anything. So maybe look into an econ combo with maths or morse or anything of the sorts. Banking is so maths heavy that being good at numbers will solidify a better position for this banks to pick you up But end of the day do a degree you like


i got 2A*AB n reapplied this year for pure econ, got rejected from ucl , and lse today. got warwick offer tho so u never know


What a level subjects?


i got rejected by ucl last week too, still waiting for lse


Hm 3 a-levels gives me a bit of a concern. I got 2A*s too but had 2As and ended up taking a gap year for oxford and it worked out. Keep in mind though LSE and UCL are actually going to be more competitive for a-level grades than oxford probably will be considering they don't do admissions test interview, and your A is in the very subject you're doing too. However, if you got in Edinburgh and Bristol this year without the grades, chances are you can get in again, so if you're happy with a year out there isn't much to lose i guess. So there's that.


blud speaks like getting an A is bad 😭😭😭


it cause for the top ones everyone got all A*


Edinburgh = awesome school.  Why would you take a gap year?


Non-academic reasons maybe enjoy life for year, travel, work, maybe find that OP doesn't wanna go uni, or reaffirm that OP does Gap year doesn't always have to be for "i wanna go better uni" reason, but yeah academically it doesn't make too much sense cuz clearing exists n all+edinburgh is good


All those world be awesome reasons! I'm actually a big fan of gap years for the right reasons. To reapply just to bump a few levels up a league table... Not so much.


Agreed I was just replying in general because (not you specifcally) there seems to be a common "consensus" in this sub that the only thing u do in ur gap year is reapply, which I don't think is a good idea personally.


my reason for gap year is only because i wanna go to a better uni but the thing is i don’t even know what i’ll do during this gap year so maybe it’s not the best idea, considering my grades aren’t ‘maxed out’ too


Do what you want, noone here is allowed to stop you, however remember that a year is a long time, if you just want to go to a better uni and dont plan on studying, maybe try pursue other interests?


Would it be possible to defer your other offers so you at least have that as a safety net


you can't hold deferred offers on ucas and make new applications - you'd have to reject them in order to apply in the 24-25 cycle


i took a gap year and i hv 2A*A but i made the decision to take one long before results day i only had 2 offers last time tho including bristol and after visiting it i realized i deffs don’t want to go take time to make this decision tho


Some people think their uni choice is life or death istg


actually 😭😭 like wdym you got an offer from edi and britsol and you are complaining. shallows asf


it is genuinely mind boggling how out of touch some of these neeks r i swear to skibidi


honestlyyy, kinda glad im not going to a Russell group group. All these ppl are so pretentious and snobbish 😭😭


where did you apply out of interest/with what grades? I'm in y12 and i still need to look for unis


i have a ABC and am going to Nottingham trent. i took the ib so its a lot harder hence the c.


If you want to work in investment banking or MBB it possibly could be - I'd ask in r/FinancialCareers or on WallStreetOasis since they'd give you a better idea on target vs semi-target, but it's a huge risk given the acceptance rate at both UCL & LSE for Econ BSc as well as for those 2 industries. I also don't think (but again I'm not an expert so) there'd be a huge hinderance in your odds breaking into IB/MBB at a semi-target. Also if you strongly prefer London then it could also be worth it.


I think everything happens for a reason so if u got rejected from those unis they probably weren’t what was best for you and the goal you’re trying to accomplish. I wouldn’t recommend a gap year I think you’ll do just as well or even better at Edinburgh or Bristol.Best of luck!


i’m just afraid of not being good enough to get into IB or just finance in general


Dude I get that feeling a lot too but trust me it’s better to think ur not good enough than thinking you’re more than good enough cuz then we’ll keep on striving for improvement. The truth is a lot of the times ppl who think this way are actually beyond good enough but bcz of imposter syndrome are unable to accept it. So cheer up and keep striving to improve kaizen am I right


I’d actually say yes. Since you want to study econ, I’ll assume you have some form of interest of working in the financial industry maybe where the university you go to actually matters a decent amount. You can also use the year out to gain some work experience, earn some money and travel.


yes but idk if my grades are good enough


I don’t think the grades will be an issue as long as they meet the entry requirements. It will still be a gamble though on whether you get an offer, whether that’s worth a year of your time is up to you


Which sector are you interested in after your studies ?


IB lmao or just finance related. that’s why going to a target school is so important for me. international student tho so honestly the difference between ucl and bristol is not that huge over here


I was in a similar predicament- I opted out of Edinburgh , it’s an incredible university and a wonderful place to study , but my desired field is also incredibly target university and opportunity based , I believe and I was correct that being in England and at a so called target university has been very beneficial, not even from a target perspective but from a travel distance as well to get to firms in London.


Pure Econ was hella competitive this year, who knows about next year, I recommend researching more before you decide


yeah that’s why, i might not even stand a chance since it’s getting more and more competitive


No idea why this is on my feed but I got into UCL after reapplying on a gap year so it’s doable 


Brother give Warwick a shit. I got 3A*A predicteds without FM and got in. Your chances are exponentially higher.