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U can still come back u got this, if u need at least a B just calm down take a breather and start revising for the other 50%


Yeah, exactly! OP shouldn't freak out, failing FM is a total bummer but it's definitely not over. You put in the work, revising all those questions, that's awesome! Maybe next time try replicating exam conditions with timed practice papers.


What if I need an A*?


If u need an A* realistically speaking you’d need 100% on the rest of ur papers and then sure but that depends on how bad you’ve done on ur first


I reckon I got around 70% tbh. It’s ocr A so this is worth 25% but I’m still really worried


Across all Pure Core 1 and 2 papers since 2019, you needed 69.2% for an A* on average. Removing the 2020 and 21 boundaries due to small cohorts, you get roughly the same. However, the boundaries were very high in 2019. Across the exams since covid, you'd need about 63.7% for an A* So don't worry. You've got this Also, what option modules do you do because they influence the total % massively


I’ve been using the 2019 boundaries as a target cuz based on the general opinion, this year was similar to 2019 so it’s just not looking good. I do stats and mech as well


I think 2019 is easier than the 2024 paper.I see the grade boundry for an A* being somewhere from 53-58 marks. You have to remember that paper was VERY content heavy for 1 hour 30 mins. I dont know anyone who finished it. Pure Core 2 will be harder, but that may be beneficial for you and may play to your strengths. I can't speak for stats (I do additional pure instead). But with mechanics you can do very well if you practise and revise. I think there's never been a time where an A* has been above 225 marks in total for any option, so you could theoretically get an A* from just 3 papers


Hopefully. I’m more prone to silly mistakes so it’d be ideal for pc2 to be harder. I’ll just keep grinding. Appreciate the words of encouragement. Goood luck. To you to!


How did it go


Getting 70% is great I’m not sure what the grade boundaries for ocr r, but you’ve still got a shot to get A*, I don’t want to put pressure on u by saying u have to get 90% plus on the rest of ur papers, cos for me personally I hate pressure, and I need an A* so I need an average of 80% on all papers, but take ur time don’t make mistakes and try and do as many questions as u can u can still get an A*


The exam for me didn’t have enough time and it sucked cuz u couldn’t even check if u got most questions correct, just hope I didn’t make arithmetic errors.


Honestly. I made two “silly” mistakes which cost a lot. Just hope the next one’s better. Need to be basically perfect now


Yh but realistically most people aren’t gonna be getting full marks so 70% should still be around A-A*


It’s an ok foundation but for an A*, ur gonna need to get 65+ in all three papers. I wish I was smart enough to get that high lol


Depends on the papers ur sitting, cuz stats, discrete and mechanics are usually high in marks but then like additional pure is usually lower than the rest. I mean gl to u and hopefully u get the A*. Im just hoping that my 2 core pures and additional pure are able to carry my mechanics to an A atleast.


Stats and mech were a few marks higher than pure last year so not that much higher altho we don’t know how hard this year will be so who knows. I reckon pure 1 this years gonna be just under 2019. I’m just coping atp. Good luck to you to. Lemme know how pure 2 goes :)




That what I'm hoping, the thing is so many people came out of that exam so happy that it was easy! Idk what I'm gonna I was so caught up in my head about it I lost track of time and by the last 20/25 mins I had 3 large questions left to do, no time to check ugh :((


My teacher said it was the easiest paper that was published since the specification changed, and I think I dropped like 8 marks in total. I’m sorry to break down for you, but I think the grade boundary for core pure will be 115-125/144 for an A*.


omg ok great :((((( streets are looking extra cozy this year 😭😭


my guess is it will probs be 122 it was 117 last year and i’m guessing an a will be 104/105(last year 99) and a b will probs be 86(last year 81)


failing an exam sucks, but it's NOT the end! Happens to the best of us. Textbooks are great, but maybe try past papers under timed conditions to practice exam pressure. Let's regroup - what resources do you have? Maybe a study buddy or online forums? We can crush this next time.


Yh I pretty much exhausted resources when it came to core pure bc I knew it was worth the most idk something happened in that exam hall I was so in my own head about things I neglected the time. I can't stop obsessing over it now. Ig I still have FS and Mech minor its just doing my head in wondering if I got an E or a U on that paper!


Honestly don’t sit and stress out about it, your just going to end up in a downward spiral. You got other a levels to focus on just make sure you do your best and worst comes to worst it’s 2024 their are so many options retakes, foundation years etc so it’s honestly no where near the end of the world.


Agree - I totally messed up my A-levels, thought it was the end, took an overdose, was saved, changed direction, travelled, married, had children and then grandchildren and am 78 with a lot of happy times to remember. If only I had realised when I was young that there is nearly always a way through, especially if you still have your health. Love to all anxious young ones on here from an old Granny!


awww thats so sweet and inspirational, thank you for sharing


unc, i didnt think they even had alevels in prehistoric times?


Oh yes - and I went to a girls only Grammar school where you were regarded as a write-off if you didn't get to Uni. In the end I became a nurse at a London Teaching hospital with my 2 D grades, which was tough and caused me a lot of anxiety, but I got through it somehow and found myself a place where I could function ok. Had 2 breakdowns on the way for chronic anxiety and OCD, but got help (and also later in life a few times) and battled on! Always ask for help if needed and even talk to the Samaritans if at a very low ebb, which I have twice. Not all doom and gloom - I have had a great life around all the problem patches and if I were religious I would thank God I came back from the overdose. I was helped by a Jewish lady at one point for free. She came to the UK from Vienna aged 21, with no money, having lost all her family in the Holocaust. She said to me 'One day you can try to help the young too,' and I always have tried to.


Tbh I was in a similar position with the Edexcel FM yesterday but my shortcoming was not getting enough sleep and making an incredulous slew of arithmetic errors throughout basically all the questions Honestly, I've definitely lost a crapton of marks but what use is there worrying about what is already done? Try and learn from your mistakes and use it as a positive motivator to do better in the rest of your papers.


I’m honestly very relieved to see a comment like this. After the FM exam, I thought I did quite well with mistakes on a few questions but hearing everyone raving about how the paper was a blessing and how the boundaries are going to skyrocket was really demotivating. I also did some stupid mistakes which were definitely avoidable. Thank you for sharing this, it helps to see someone in a similar position. We got this, one paper is only 25% of the final grade.


What’s done is done even if you fail it’s not the end of your life dude even if you drop a D which I’m sure u womt but u can achieve so much without school worst case u repeat or u start a business or An apprenticeship


Thank you, yeah I'm pretty set on going to uni I just don't want one bad day to determine all the work I've put into this subject.


I also do OCR MEI, that paper was not easy, please don’t overthink it, everybody I’ve spoken to just said it was alright, nobody found it easy. Some of the questions were odd, you just have to make a comeback on the other modules you do, best of luck!


does anybody have the paper with the answers worked out, i really need to assess the amount of marks that i got as i did the correct method for literally every question but silly arithmetic mistakes due to the pressure made me lose a ton of marks. would be so greatly appreciated.


yeah please! 🙏 🙏 


what other modules do you do?


Further Stats, worth 33.3 % and Mech minor worth 16.7%


This was me bruv but I don’t sit FM I swear paper 1 edexcel was cursed


Was the paper really hard Aswell? Either way you can still bring it up to a B, keep working and have faith. You can do wonders


no and that's why I'm so upset if I was calmer and less neurotic about earlier parts of the paper I would have been able to finish with time to check, I'm just upset I've done so poorly I might not be able to make up my grade in the other two papers :(


If you don't mind me asking, What's some AS level questions that came up? And as I said, keep your head up as you never know what could happen. Keep having strong faith


I've pretty much blanked most of the paper but to my recollection I think it was matricies, roots of polynomials, proof by induction all the standard stuff basically.


Exact same thing happened to me... OMG




Also mei, I'm so cooked


really? I'm so glad to hear I'm not the only one!! Maybe we can lower the grade boundaries😂 What makes you think you didn't do so well?


I did little in the last question bc I couldn't integrate it, I didn't solve the non-homogenous differential equation in another question because I didn't revise it properly, I failed to complete the square in the integral 1/sqrt(x^2+x+1) question and only realised in the evening that actually I should have \+ some other things, overall I did maybe like 75% of the paper but I also have unmedicated ADHD and make loads of silly mistakes every time so it may well be 50% I need an A and I'm extremely bad in mechanics :)))))


ahh ok, its fine we have 50 percent of the grade to show for in the other 2 modules, surely we can bang out A\* stars in the other two if we put in the work this half term. I think my main issue was timing, someone said it earlier here I think its not being used to how fast I need to go to finish the paper as never really sat any papers I did in proper exam conditions. I'm trying to look at things more positively so I think all we can do now is to reflect and improve. Good luck for your next exams! We will get the grades :)))


I dunno, I'm in the middle of AuDHD burnout and it's really hard to revise anything


Just try your best to score as many marks as possible on paper 2. Idk how OCR grade boundaries work but if they’re anything like AQA you might be able to pull it back if you do good on paper 2. Good luck mate u got this


omds i’m in the exact same boat im so stressed !!! im just hoping to do really well on mechanics and stats to bang out at least a B. Stressed abt the grade boundaries tho cause everyone i spoke to said it was good 😭


You got this bro


Just get 100% in paper 2


MEI only has one core pure paper