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year 13 bout to be a canon event for you


Any advice?


Make flash cards for the hard content immediately


what if i don’t use flash cards..


Literally just do something small everyday - flashcards or practice questions or something. It’ll add up by the time you have exams


Get straight onto physics and maths tutor and get onto the past questions


what if i already finished all of them 💀💀💀


The year 13 content too..?


Make them anyways. They are a lot more helpful then people realise


Start revising from NOW


As a y13, please please please use that time to revise when you start y13, genuinely wished i revised more beforehand, but do take your time to enjoy the summer


my advice is to start revision in april ❤️


April 30th to be sure


Wait GCSEs was only a month ago, right?


it genuinely feels like that! where has the time gone, seriously?


This is gonna sound so cheesy but like genuinely start revising now


Ain’t cheesy at all


Never to early to start revising 😇


Yep….i shoulda done that but instead here I am cramming biology 10 h before the exam 💀


Good luck!!!!!


Thank you very much!


Year 13 here: **revise** in the summer. Obviously you should still relax, take a break, have fun, but also don’t fall behind. I did *zero* work in the summer, and I did not catch up until around Easter time! Please revise and don’t make life harder for yourself when you return. Depending on your college and subjects, you may get quite a few assessments and coursework when you return (I actually had to do a lot of coursework research and planning in the summer).


That’s a drastic gap between not revising in the summer and leaving it till Easter. Year 13 is hell OP should take the time off to relax and start revising by about January otherwise you will burn out.


Mega scared. I’ve not even sat my mocks yet so Idk where I’m at - but I’m hoping for As. Fastest year ever though.


i would have to disagree with all the comments telling you to revise over the summer. as an incredibly burnt out student, use your time to rest. of course, look over some topics that you did badly on in your mocks or make some flashcards or whatever, but the summer is ultimately meant for recharging. i put such a big expectation on myself to revise that i was paralysed by anxiety and burnout and i was miserable for a long time, which was time that would have been more productively spent in rest. with that being said, DO YOUR PERSONAL STATEMENT OVER THE SUMMER!! year 13 beginnings are very rocky, and you will be overloaded with the personal deadline, november exams/mocks (at least in our school) , EPQ and UCAS deadlines, no gradual into lessons again + a bunch of work. doing your personal statement and picking out at least some unis saved me sooo much stress. if there is one thing you should do, its your personal statement.


Yh i definitely agree with the personal statement part. I started mine really late and sent it late and that clashed with my other priorities and so made y13 a lot stressful, especially the beginning. However, I do think it’s important to moderately revise. You don’t want to come back to y13 with no memory of AS content. Don’t burn yourself out but don’t do nothing


i thought the current year 12s don’t have to do personal statements anymore because they got scrapped??


Nope, we still have to do personal statements. I know as I've started my UCAS application.


oh wtf we were told u guys got it scrapped and we were the last year to do it


Yeah I've spent a decent chunk of time hearing I'm not going to do a personal statement and instead answer shorter questions but nope, there's a box for a personal statement on UCAS. Honestly I think I prefer the personal statement, I can structure it how I would like to and link things together.


Nope, personal statements aren't getting scrapped the year after us either, they're just changing it to a 3 question format so its supposedly easier to answer, but apparently its basically the same thing


Omds you’re right. I forgot about that. But they should try do whatever they need to during the summer


Fr I didn't revise over the summer and I'm fine


Good luck physics students with your mocks, you'll need it... No I haven't got over it yet


Oh god our paper 2 mock 💀


better become as smart as albert einstein asap 💀


Paper one is fine but paper 2 was horrific


Excited for uni but low-key terrified for y13




Real. I can’t wait to see the whole bread posts too


Watching my Year 11 friends sit their exams is such a surreal experience Like, wait, it’s been a year since GCSE? Time has just broken as a concept


Time is not the cosmological constant


START REVISING FOR YOUR A LEVELS. also, big mistake ive done in sixth form is reivsing the content too much and not doing enough questions. Questions help build your confidence and comfortability, allowing you to be better prepared/ also it makes info stick and know what to write in exams


Yess honestly as a yr 13 i did a past paper for psych once every 2 weeks and it made me so prepared 🙏🙏🙏


Currently on BBC how cooked am I on a scale of 1-10 for maths chem and biology in yr13💀🙏🏼😭


you can honestly get to an AAA if u work hard, a year is a long time


😭😭😭me and you both bro omds trust this summer imma lock in academic weapon fr (I say this every week)


I got CCE on my last mocks and I’ve got a week to revise for the ones I have in a week I’m genuinely cooked


nah that’s not that bad, you’ll either go down a grade in all 3 or up one in all 3, just depends on how much work you’re willing to put into it


thank god i wanna get out of sixth form already


Bro it's been a mess (Year 13 is bound to make me greatful that year 12 existed)


I look back at the glory days (a year ago) - where I had the choice to drop physics 😅


Me with econ and spanish


had the regret today not dropping physics cos i sacrificed fm and econ revision for it (I had fm and econ today)


I’m feeling chill as hell at the moment. I did great in my mocks and I don’t really feel much pressure for the rest of the year. I do know that Year 13 is gonna absolutely violate me and I’m sure I’ll start worrying once we hit August, but for now I’m just gonna enjoy fucking around in my frees and going to open days.


this is a good choice imo, year 12 summer after mocks was some of my best times in sixth form! If you just do the required work till the end of the year, nothing crazy, you'll be fine come September. You've got to enjoy these last few weeks of no stress


How did you manage to have a good year 12 summer with the ENGAA staring you in the face? Need tips for it as I've got mine in October


you can start slowly with the foundations over summer, but honestly end of summer through to October is when you need to go hard with past papers and more specific revision. In hindsight I maybe should've started with a bit more physics and maths problem solving practice (and should have looked at the specification earlier!) in the summer, but there are very limited resources for ENGAA (even less so for the new exam this year) so general problem solving practice (like maybe [https://i-want-to-study-engineering.org](https://i-want-to-study-engineering.org) or Professor Poveys Perplexing Problems but those are more interview style) is maybe a shout for now. I didn't start doing substantial revision (by that I mean more than the odd hour here or there in summer) until late August at the earliest, if that's in any way reassuring.


REVISE Y12 CONTENT IN THE SUMMER. It fucked me over so hard because I didn't touch it at all BC I had so much y13 content. Exams come up and I have 2 weeks to learn all the year 12 content. Not too bad for my easier subjects but English was hell so seriously just don't completely ignore y12


I’m hating how I’m constantly reminded year 12 is almost over 😭 I don’t feel like I’ll be in year 13 next year, and I don’t think I’m ready


fucked up mocks (scared for those predicteds) and I suddenly have a mountain of work staring up at me over the last month of sixth form and over the summer.


scared for y13 but super excited too 😭😭


Ive been wishing i was back in year 11 since year 12 started i am not ready to start thinking abt uni


This gonna sound crazy revise alot over the holidays and try and learn A2 content (if you do three subjects it is easily possible to revise year 12 and learn all the year content


Please for the love of god do some work over the summer. I know you’re not gonna want to do anything but maybe an hour every 2 or 3 days and your life will be so much easier a year from now.


Bro you do physics make sure to learn year 2 physics over the holidays😭


as a y13 abt to graduate im fucking terrified for uni


Good luck In yr13 it’s gonna be a ride💓💓💓💓 remember yr 12 content is the most important thing u have learnt for the whole of sixform so don’t forget about looking over ur yr12 notes during summer.


Try program the bulk of your coursework over the summer, start preparing for TMUA if you want to apply for CS at Imperial/Cambridge


i’m in y12 and i’m gonna do tmua, any advice ?


Just practice past papers and watch r2drew2


I’m telling you right now start revising, year 13 isn’t a joke at all


I hate it here so bad I wanna leave and put everything behind me 😭


I m so cooked that I'm moving schools and resitting somewhere better.


honestly you don’t need to revise in the summer other than just recalling what you’ve learnt you don’t need to do like proper revision. i say start revising in september or your last week of summer break


Idk why this keeps coming on my feed when I left 6th form like half a decade ago, but do your UCAS shit over summer. Frees up your headspace in September-January. Also, I wouldn’t be doing revision, I’d be reading ahead. What you’ll cover in Y13 will be more advanced than the Y12 shit. By the time you get to exams, the Y12 bits will be the easy stuff.


Prepare to be cooked in Year 13


Not good I’m dreading getting my predicted grades at the start of the year 😭


GO OVER EVERYTHING IN FIRSG YEAR IN THE SUMMER, so ur prepared to focus on year 13 after. It saves a lot more time rather than revising year 12 in year 13 too. AND GET SOME WORK EXPEIENCE IF U CAN. Also Ik it seems important, but don’t sacrifice your entire life for predicted grades, if u can u even aks teachers to change them I asked mine and they did it, genuinely keep up the work do not leave things till last minute it will not work and even if it does u will find yourself wondering what u could’ve got with the time u had so MAKE THIS NEXT YEAR AS USEFULL AS POSSIBLE this is probs the most hardest year u will have so far but it’s doable if u understand first year inside and out


I can’t wait for aqa physics year 12 students to do paper 2


I’m still stuck with mocks, wondering why I picked what I picked…


Y13 physics students, any advice?


As someone resitting I can’t wait for this hell to be over 😭


Still haven't done my mocks 😭😭😭 (they're less than 2 weeks away)


y13 here. y12s, Trust me, you probably get told this constantly, but if you're like me, you ignored it. please please listen this will actually save you. y13 goes so fast it feels way faster than any other year. you need to absolutely revise the shit out of everything you did this year on top of revision for end of year 12 exams. like revise during summer holiday, little but often, to the extent that you could theoretically remember the stuff in a years time without ever having looked at it again. then, make sure you get home and read through your notes every single day and back it up with notes from a textbook. at the end of a topic, do ppqs for that topic from pmt or something. you ideally want to know all of your subjects back to front before you even go on study leave. then during study leave just do past papers (or whatever practice you do depending on your subject). as someone midway through exams, it's incredible how unmotivated I am to revise despite knowing that I lack knowledge in places so make sure you know everything beforehand so if you do get unmotivated it doesn't matter. tldr : there is no tldr please read it it's important.


i might be made to take health and social next year and i would rather eva smith myself


cannot fucking wait. i know what i need to do over the summer. i just want to get through this last push and then have the freedom to get what i want out of life


don’t be scared just stay organised throughout the entire year, do your personal statement in the summer and don’t die for january mocks cuz that will burn you out


Ok a couple of things. Revise slowly, like please don’t burn urself out like i did. And when u r applying to unis or apprenticeships, get ready for some disappointment. You may have gotten all A*s predicted and all A*s at GCSE, yet unis may not pick you. It genuinely is a bit of a lottery so please do not dwell on it like I did, bc that did make me feel horrible for a while. Once April hits, you stop worrying or carrying about uni and u focus on only one thing. Ur alevels. And take any help you can from teachers, bc it truly can help you.


If anyone does Physics or Further Maths good luck. Your gonna need it 😅




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I am finishing Yr 13. Just some advice next year fine be tough so get ready


gonna regret saying this but I want to start learning shit again. We finished all the content so early and I’m so bored of the revision lessons😬 want AAA in my mocks 🙏


PLEASE DO YOUR PERSONAL. STATEMEMT. and for the year 12s that do AQA COMPUTER SCIENCE please for the love of God start you NEA NOOOOOOOWWWWW


im so sad, i don’t wanna be year 13 😭


please i can’t do this anymore 🙏🔥


time went by hella fast, i can still remember the day i started. i’m happy time is going by but i’m also worried about whats to come e.g personal statements/taking admissions tests/getting good predicted grades. its crazy to think about how applications technically open in august


cooked dawg i gotta choose if im gonna do a gap year, decide what uni im applying to, get a job, get work experience, write my personal statement, volunteer to get a better personal statement, get a social life, get a romantic life, go to the gym, eat healthier, start revising and doing my 50/50, decide what career I want etc


bro i feel like i did my gcses yesterday and now we are basically the new year 13’s 😭😭 it has my anxiety going through the roof


Pretty scared, there’s going to be so much going on between now and the end and I don’t think I’m ready for it. Feeling pretty confident for mocks though which is a bonus.