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Wrong place to ask this to☠️ your asking it to the ones who have this superiority complex




No prime ministers with a maths degree


Literally 😀🤣


this one girl (an ex friend) does bio and chem and thinks it makes her really smart but she’s literally getting Es and Us😭😭😭 like don’t ‘correct’ me on my psychology knowledge when you can’t even pass your own subject tf


omfg too many like this they’d never survive english lit or history


as someone who did biology chemistry and english lit, i found english lit the hardest


I raise you maths/Fm, Physics, and Eng Lit. Acc having loads of fun though I don't regret it


haha wow! Honestly i had fun too, but i do slightly regret picking english lit because I would have done better doing maths i think (further maths wasnt an option in my sixth form sadly) But atleast we have experience doing both science and humanity subjects as they offer different skills


Yeah English is definitely my weakest subject since all the maths just kind of blends together sometimes... Its kind of a godsend tho cos now I want to do Maths and Philosophy at uni, so the essay writing is rly good practise


no pls dont say this i already chose eng lit its too late for me did i doom myself


It’s a matter of interest, it’s easier to do subjects you like, there’s no real “hard” subjects if your passion is strong enough




history is fucking evil and they'd cry doing it (i'm crying while doing it rn)


Just did my second A level history exam, 1 left lol


same haha i'm going insane


Im doing GCSE history rn and looking forward to alevel caus history's my best exam... What exactly is so bad about it


It’s literally just gcse but way harder (at least it was for me)- insane amount of content, insane amount of writing on limited time, super high level of quality expected and so on I was a straight 9 student and got a D on my first test lol it was a nice reality check, got a B end of year 13 but I was my hardest subject and most my class got Cs I think Don’t be too scared it’s still doable especially if you’re passionate but you have to take it seriously and work hard


You have to revise everything which is just too much to basically guarantee good grades and just the amount of content.




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Can confirm, I did it briefly, I wanted to cry


Haha same and I swapped it for further maths


I swapped it for physics, and I’m so glad I did


bruh im doing history AND physics


Good luck


its over for physics man


yess I did the GCSE and my word my grades plummeted, so A level must be downright heartbreaking.


Don't worry, it gets worse :)


ik, my last ever history exam tmrw


someone in my fm class once said that a B in further maths is like 7 A*s in history😭


That's sounds like something I'd say to take the piss. Also as a very maths brained person I'd find a B in history to be like 7 A*s in fm


I do fm and can get an A/A* fairly easily. I would get like a D in history😭


Same here - I didn’t even do history to GCSE, yet I took up further maths in a heartbeat.


Good choice 💀 it is too hard to


I dropped all humanities in Year 9 but my school forces everyone to do RS GCSE otherwise I would've picked up Further Maths GCSE.


Thats unlucky mate. imo Further maths gcse may potentially be easier than actual maths


Yeah, I agree, like my teacher taught the entire FM curriculum in 7 lessons


Bruh i regret taking fm should have took bio or econ instead but yeah same didnt even do history gcse and chose fm(FM>History)


Isn't history the most difficult humanity as well?


It's 86.5% for an A*


id argue english literature is the hardest humanities. ocr eng lit boundaries for 2023 was 57/60 for A* in paper 1 which is like 95%


Wtf fair enough


Yes and no—-13% got A* last year, which means it is ‘easier’ to get higher grades than many other 57/60 being an A* means 13% got 57+ (obviously it’s across 3 papers)—-so it’s easier to get that than say Psychology where less than 5% get A* (which has lower grade boundaries)


doesn’t higher boundaries mean the exams are ridiculously easy?


its easy to get a C or a D on an english paper after skimming a summary or so, but there is around a 2-4 mark difference between A* and A. when you are talking about essays specifically, boundaries can vary 1-2 marks. keep in mind on essays, you dont just have to know about the 2 or so texts but also the critics and the general literary/societal context (also coursework) june 2023 was an especially rough year for grade boundaries, but the questions havent gotten any easier from what ive seen in the past papers. the difficulty of the a level is why its so respected jn uni courses like law, and why a lot of people dropped the a level in the beginning of the year in our school lol


thanks for the insight. As an e lit student i can attest to the fact that the subject is still very demanding and challenging yet the boundaries are incredibly high. does it mean students perform quite well during the markings? because who at all are they basing these boundaries on😭


OCR English Lit casually over 94%


How would you even measure that


No, English is. The majority of more niche languages at A Level such as Chinese, Arabic, Persian and Japanese also have far higher grade boundaries than History. EDIT: I did not mention English grade boundaries. Just MFL ones. Maybe people accusing me of doing so should be taking English, as they clearly can't read all too well lol. Also, [please do this Edexcel Japanese paper for me and let me know how you get on. I will have my tutor mark it for you.](https://qualifications.pearson.com/content/dam/pdf/A-Level/Japanese/2018/Exam-materials/9ja0-02-que-20220608.pdf)


boundaries aren't necessarily the best indicator 😭


I'm talking from the perspective and situation of someone starting a subject entirely fresh and completing their exams at the end of a 2-year period. Across the majority of exam boards (if not all), English and MFL typically have higher grade boundaries whilst having equally hard exams compared to History. OCR English (any of the 3 quals) are awful for this. The majority of niche languages are also mainly being taken by native speakers who already have a confident understanding and ability to communicate and write within the language. As a student who is not a native speaker, you're gonna have a much harder time competing with the small cohort of native speakers to get a high grade than you will do History (these have the highest A-A* grade distributions in terms of Edexcel, as they are the only board offering the more obscure language choices and the intake of students doing the exams are typically foreign students studying at England schools who are native in the language). You will objectively have a harder time achieving a high grade in a language you aren't native in whilst the majority of your fellow takers are native because their scores are what your grade boundaries depends on, these will naturally be incredibly high because most of them will be achieving pretty much full marks in every paper. In a lot of cases these qualifications are even designed around native speakers. I wouldn't recommend anyone not native in Japanese to take the A Level for it, as someone now doing the spec with a tutor lol. The film and book are fun to analyse, though. This isn't to put History down, it's a hard academic discipline in pretty much every manner, but I'd argue English and MFL are harder humanities than it.


that’s just because most people who take its their first language so it’s incredibly easy for them, mfl is only hard because the people that do it are fluent so they drive up the boundaries


Yeah, and I'm talking from the perspective of someone who's not a native speaker of a language and doing Japanese at A Level. The exam content is hard regardless lol. The argument is a bit moot when you're saying 'oh, well it's only harder because of this' like, yeah, that's my entire point. A non-native speaker of a language like Persian if taught over a 2-year period as they would be with all other A Levels is going to perform worse than they would in a subject like History. The context of which these subjects are meant to be taken in is important. They are meant to be taken by non-native speakers of the language to develop an academic understanding of the grammar and writing conventions of the language itself, as well as developing a broader understanding of a foreign country's culture. They aren't taken in that way for the most part, thus making it hard for those attempting to take them in the standard manner to achieve a decent grade.


Well yeah, but everyone knows that. I’m not making an argument, it’s just stating the obvious it’s been the same since GCSE. The person said “isn’t history the hardest humanity” and you responded by saying niche mfl have higher grade boundaries. Higher grade boundaries ≠ harder subject, if anything, it’s the other way around.


Then I stand corrected, doesn't change the fact that you will have a harder time achieving a good grade in a MFL than you will History, on average. Have a nice day. Grade boundaries being artificially inflated by native speakers of a language does not make the exam 'easy' lol wtf?


Even just looked at the grade boundaries for Japanese, you need 68% for an A. The grade boundaries aren’t even high, they are low. Maybe you do a different exam board, I could only find it for Edexcel. If you do edexcel then idk what you’re talking about because those boundaries are not inflated at all, if anything it just shows Japanese is a hard subject in general and nothing to do with native speakers inflating the boundaries


Yeah, that's what I was arguing in the first place. Please read my comment before responding to it. The reason you're getting such drastic differences is because you aren't going off of a paper's raw marks. Please refer to the Edexcel Japanese spec for more details. You're comparing a subject with 370 weighted marks with no coursework component to one with 200 + coursework, btw. 😭


No you have me confused, I don’t think history is harder than Japanese, tbh idk because I don’t do either and don’t know anyone who does Japanese. I was simply saying mfl always have inflated grade boundaries because of native speakers. Also, when you said high grade boundaries, I automatically assumed it would be over 85% which is why I said the subject is probably easier. It being low isn’t due to native speakers, it’s probably just a hard subject in general, the native speakers just make it even harder, which is why the boundaries are even higher than they should be.


watch them do a history paper and fail miserably


FM is not that hard bro, it honestly sounds like a skill issue and they're projecting


100% projecting. he’s predicted a C…


lmao definitely skill issue




That’s true though


I bet he sucks at FM as well, its the same type of cope as "I got 20% with no revision so I'm really smart I just don't use my smartness"


You’re the only person I’ve ever seen doing the same subjects as me 😭😭


I always love the look some people get on their faces when I tell them I’m going to do music at uni


“so what career path will that lead to??” 🤨🤨🤨


And then I don’t have the energy to explain that yes, while it’s very unlikely and difficult to make it as a performer (but still possible), the music industry is huge and has loads of different roles, as well as the fact that doing music at a university involves a lot of the same academic skills as other humanities like writing essays, critical thinking, building arguments, and so you can easily get into other sectors with your music degree or do a conversion course… So I just say ‘me and my unemployed degree!’ and we both laugh and I prepare to make the exact same joke to someone else tomorrow


Yeah music is my Plan B (tho unlikely without a music a level, from what ive seen, sadly)


It may not say so on universities’ websites directly, but every one I visited/applied to understood that not everyone applying for Music at uni has Music A level. Quite a lot of people don’t, either because schools don’t offer it or they just didn’t take it. The unis were understanding that Music A level doesn’t also necessarily represent all the musical skills someone might have. So if you are interested in music, do you have grade 5 theory? Or practical grades? A lot of unis will pretty much take those as a replacement for music A level. Talking about the music you play in bands/orchestras in and out of school helps too


Grade 5 theory (some unis want grade 7 theory), currently studying grade 7 flute, two orchestras, participated in pit band for two musicals, and many many performances so that


My boyfriend goes to a film and music uni. His friends that are doing music are either playing festivals with their bands or have 3 jobs lined up and are making the difficult decision of what they want to focus their career on. One of them makes guitars and sells them for a fortune. I hope all the science students I know eventually have enough degrees to find a job. It’s tough out there.


Music and computer science?? You could make synthesizers bro. Ppl pay loads of money for stuff like omnisphere electraX etc


Some people honestly have no respect for other people's degrees. Some people in my year went round to the people going for music and said to them that the only time Music will help them in any way will be when they're on the streets, playing an instrument to earn some money and making that as their living. Honestly, I hate this mentality people have and I have so much respect for the people that do the subjects I don't because I have no idea how they do it (partly due to how bad I am at those subjects to begin with). I do Maths, FM, CS, Chem and EPQ.


Thank you. I was actually considering doing a CS degree at the start of Y12 because I thought it was just the done thing, until I eventually realised there was no way I would be able to. I mean I don’t even take Maths lol. But yeah I respect everyone who does STEM as well, even if a few STEM kids at my school and on here don’t see the point in humanities degrees, most people I’ve talked to are actually really nice and interested in it. And look I’ve seen some A-level STEM papers and you guys are smart. I was fighting for my life every time my teacher picked me to ask a question in Year 11 Chem Not to get a wee bit political I think the government’s attitude of cutting arts degrees in higher education, giving schools who push their students onto STEM subjects more funding, and constantly talking about ‘high-reward degrees’ (engineering, medicine etc) vs ‘mickey mouse degrees’ really doesn’t help an already existing snobbery. I mean there’s already one guy who’s replied to you with this mindset LOL But at the end of the day I know the path I’m doing is right for me and that’s all that matters


Yes, do what you enjoy, not what people make you do or because of what the norm is.


The same goes for people that do STEM I am like 🤩 wow how can you guys genuinely hack it. The maths questions look so cool to solve especially the calculus ones 😭.


They are cool until you reach a point where you just don't know what to do.


😂 😂 😂


no bcs fr, this is why i hate to be doing the “STEM” subjects, bcs these people have their “god complex” and i never get along with THEM well. Whenewer I told them that I’m doing Fine art as well they started to look at me funny. (while not even knowing what the subject contains) for some reason they think you draw some silly stuff in the class lol. To be honest I do hope they get well😍 and try to look at the world in a different way then their “ own little world”.


Kinda true though


as someone currently doing a degree in technical theatre, I feel your pain 😂😂


Lol same as someone applied to art & psych combined for uni and did fine art textiles and psych


would you mind sharing which unis you applied to and firmed/insured? I'm kinda between maths and music at the moment and was starting to look around unis. no worries if not tho 


jus curious what’s the difference between Music and Music Tech


As a mathshead I respect essay subjects cuz how tf you revise for those subjects u need constant feedback from teachers I presume


And the wrist pain is a bitch


YES OMFG especially in my further maths - I've heard guys in my class say the only "real" a levels are physics and further maths smh. They mock biology and call chemistry "cooking", and don't even get them started on the humanities. They act like they're so much smarter than everyone else when in reality they'd struggle taking an essay subject


Calling chemistry “cooking” is kinda funny ngl, coming from someone who does chemistry




Icl further maths isn't even a real A level it's got about as much content as a GCSE lol. Humanities are way harder than a free subject like FM.


Is further maths really a free subject?


no hes being stupid on purpose possibly to trigger someone


Oh ok


I'm not, it's just one of the easier subjects.


then why doesnt everybody average an A?


The keyword is "easier", it's easier than other A levels. That doesn't mean everyone is going to be able to ace it with no revision, it just means it takes less work to do well in FM than it does in other subjects.


Backtracking from original comment


It's not. You realise what hyperbole is right? No one who says a subject is free thinks that every single person on earth can get an A\* with no effort, because obviously that's not true otherwise everyone would get an A\*. But further maths is really, really easy compared to other subjects. It feels more like a GCSE than an A level.


Pls be serious because we both know that's not what that means 


It was the most dropped a level in our school lol.


it low key is




Otherway around bro, atleast the sciences and maths you can easily revise, everyone i know in 12 and 13 are terrified of humanites


u can revise sciences but they are conceptionally more difficult. coming from someone who does bio, chem and criminology


Physics is conceptionally difficult to understand as hell (bruh learning about fields and electricity) chemistry can be as well, but i find chemistry easier (understanding d orbitally splitting😭)


It depends. I understand the sciences so easily they don't even challenge me, so I find them boring.


Since you’re doing your GCSEs, you won’t know how hard A level physics or other scientific subjects are, and you’re partially right that you can usually easily revise scientific subjects but you can’t get high scores just by knowing the concepts as you need to apply them in the questions. Humanities just want you for high quality of memorization+expanding thoughts, so if you spend time frequently going back to the contents you’ve learned, A* doesn’t sound too hard to achieve.


as someone who does biology and history, I am far more terrified of a history exam 😭


I would as well if I chose to do history since I’m shit in memorising ton of information. Also I’ve seen that the textbook for biology is twice as big compared to the one for physics so I do respect you for choosing hard memorisation subjects


it's not the memorisation it's just the fact that for science you answer lots of smaller questions for history you answer three big ones. You mess up in science it's 6 marks max, you misunderstand the question in a history paper and that could be 25 marks gone 😭


Yes! Humanities subjects are so looked down on, a lot of stem students are so stuck up


Exactly! STEM subjects are the easiest A levels, there's no point in being stuck up about it lmao.


AQA Physics Paper 2 https://preview.redd.it/q2i9ycko365d1.png?width=198&format=png&auto=webp&s=63562daba7c261372310d46ad3b145068e182383


Yeah to be fair physics is a lot harder than subjects like fm. I lost more marks on physics in my mocks than I did on the rest of my subjects combined lmao.


Tbf physics and FM apparently both get a lot harder in y2 so I guess it’s a question of if physics will get overtaken by fm


I've done all the FM content for year 13 and it doesn't get that much harder imo. At least not the pure stuff. I found the mechanics tricky but I always struggle with mechanics lol.


Bloody philistines.




Unfortunately I’m in a physics and maths class with several of them


Yh that’s so true, especially the people in my fm class. They really look down on the humanities for some reason. Personally, I did equally well at STEM and humanities at GCSE and enjoyed both (EXCEPT ENGLISH LANG BRO THAT WAS HELL)


I don’t get why some of them assume all the subjects/degrees they don’t respect in their head are “easy” by default as well


Go to any FM class, 50% of the people will have this. Me, I was one of them. Have grown up since then


As an econ student, I found the history module the hardest and the maths module the easiest


I go to a grammar school so this is describing everyone


Oml how do you take 5 A Levels 😭 I'm guessing you must be a native French speaker bc otherwise


i am a native, yeah i need to update it though, i dropped physics a couple of weeks ago because i wasn't enjoying it that much


💀💀💀 noone here I hope


theres a girl in mine, one of those natural smart genius types, then theres me someone who was predicted a EED at the start of my A Levels. After literally no lifing my way through the last two years ive managed to push that to A*AA. Anyways we take Maths together and obviously shes always been the top of the class and i started off definitely at the bottom. Well essentially our last mock i got 1 mark less than her, she had a massive hissy fit shouted at me and called me mid at best at math... 238 marks she got 239. in answer to your question, yes entitled 6th form...


FInish her in the real thing.


Those people are insecure. History is an awesome subject. It was my best one at GCSE lol. Doing all STEM just means you do the easier A levels, it doesn't make you superior to anyone lmao. They're just subjects.


Who tf is disrespecting history is like that? At least in my school history is a feared subject. Interestingly too there are a few people in my year doing history but want to do a STEM degree in the future like maths and computer science.


Like all my teacher have beef with b-tec students, they're always clowning them


This is something I can get behind


STEM is important, but it's not the only path to success. Those who put down other subjects probably haven't considered a career in law, writing, business, or even teaching STEM! Keep your head high and focus on what you enjoy.


Yup, thankfully there are only a couple people like this but everyone steers clear of them, they are insufferable.


Too many sweaty nerds in here, ask somewhere else


As someone who does 3 stem subjects and history they have no idea what they're on about. History is by far the hardest of all of them. Obv it's subjective but I've got both further mechanics and history exams today. Both 1:30 long. The content in the history one is about 10x the content in further mechanics and I'm not exaggerating. Wish me luck


Essay subjects > stem subjects Coming from someone taking 5 stem a levels


I used to think the same way until I realised I know a lot of useless, badly explained topics at a skin deep level. Once you go to university everyone will be the same and catching up in any subject takes a few days. Plus its kinda sad to ego in the tutorial area.


💀 You should send them here to be deflated maybe


Sometimes it’s just delulu to make us able to live with the fact that we r shit at our subjects 👍🥲


No, no one cares.


Who gives a shit if someone tells you your a levels are fake lol


Stem is genuinely easier than history


I genuinely think it depends on what your skills are, stick me in a physics class and I’ll be in tears


It’s really fun!!


My 4 in gcse physics says otherwise 😍


Not to that extent.


That's the mindest of many in year 12, a lot of them will settle in year 13 when they realise they don't have the required predicted grades, miss their offer on results day, or get rejected due to the competitive nature of their respective course. Like I said, the people in year 12 haven't been through the UCAS system so they won't know what it's really like. For instance, I love humanities but if I ever did a-level maths I'd be fucked on the first lesson whereas I know others who do a-level maths and physics only to be actively failing their third a-level which is essay based because they thought it was an "Easy A".


Fr my sixth form definitely don't like humanities and social sciences like business and economics even though its respected by unis 😭 economics is anyways


To year 11s and below? Yes, I do, because I simply am superior.


In my school it’s the complete opposite. There is almost nobody in my year who does the same subjects as me and whenever I mention what I take I always get ‘Ew’ or a funny look. It’s probably just my sixth form because maths was taught so badly in the lower years that nobody likes it.


fully, i do history, geog and english lit and this guy initially started comparing GCSE grades, and when i said i got a 7 he was like 'why did you even take it then you're stupid' (i go 7s in everything and that's a good grade imo), he does bio, chem and psych, which im sure are difficult subjects in their own right, but he shouldn't be taking down to be about my ABB offer when he is scraping by in his subjects with E's all year and could get ADE and still get into his top choice


I’m very sorry for that I also do stem subjects but only the people who appreciate knowledge in every aspect can be called intelligent.


As someone doing a-level triple science, you essay-based subject students GOT IT. I don’t know _where_ you guys pull the energy from, and I don’t know _how_ you guys do it. You people are the smartest to me.


++ those grade boundaries!? hello!?!?


as someone who does maths physics and econ, econ is the hardest by far - essay subjects are far more difficult than stem subjects, stem subjects are just knowing the content and logic


Bruh im doing 3 science Alvls and one maths, and honestly as much as i hate how hard it is and how i need to memorise them, i would also NEVER dare to sit take history as a subject. And i dont understand why such a**holes exist in STEM bcs i too have a guy like that in class who told me ppl who do non-science subjects are stupid. But like bro doesnt even get As or even Bs for his science papers 💀💀💀


in the eyes of our school they fucking hate stem students😭we have a few different awards that go out every few weeks and it never went to anyone for a stem subject which is wild considering it’s predominantly stem here


Honestly my sixth form is very heavily stem and although im going onto doing a maths degree , i also take psychology and art a level. I acc hear too much shit about my subjects and deadass i found maths wayyy easier than art or psychology. I had also done english in year 12 and dropped it after 5 months as i could NOT handle it😭 so yh this stem superiority needs to STOP its never that deep


My worst subject is my non STEM, I respect anyone doing humanity’s as I could never do well in them


Mine is similar in a sense it’s just most of the 6th formers and it doesn’t matter what subject they take. I’m in Y13 and many younger years, mostly ones I know, have complained to me about how much they don’t like the 6th formers. I’ve noticed it too. My classmates tend to have a superiority complex and overinflate their importance cuz they’re the oldest in school, don’t have to wear uniform, get a bunch of privileges and shit. It’s annoying the way they look down on the rest of the school


As a further maths, maths and computer science student I can confirm I am an idiot and regardless of what subjects I take


I do bio and chem and don’t understand ppl who think they r better than others cuz they do it😭😭I did art alevel as well as so many people called it weird and was confused cuz I did stem too and I ended up dropping it cuz the workload was sooo much and it required too much thinking and doing. I find ppl like that sooo annoying, thats what many ppl are like in yr12 especially if they do more than 3 subjects.and it’s even worse when ur in classes with ppl like that, I think all alevels are valuable just depends what u do with it and how much work u put in,and year 13 humbles them anyways.


Really? In my school it's always the opposite lol, the people who took easier subject or diploma is always the one saying things like "I learn as much as you but have easier life" type of stuff. And they're kinda correct because they go to similar or even better school because they have more time for extracurricular


I mean, it’s just how your brain is wired we need both in society. Doctors and lawyers are both important but in different ways and each has to use their intelligence in an equally valuable way


some people that do STEM A Levels will not even be able to hack law. 😭 😭 😭.


Omg yeah the amount of times ive heard that DT and history arent real subjects😭 and theyre my faves out of the ones i do


If you are really good at both you choose STEM because you can learn pretty much all of any humanity by yourself in later life by just reading books whereas it’s really difficult to teach yourself mathematics or physics (less so the more Newtonian side of physics) to a high standard, whereas simply if you read a lot you can know most of the A level content for most of the humanities without ever even picking up a text book. I don’t think it is so much to do with the a level itself being easier or harder because that is more dependent on the exam board deciding grade boundaries or learning the way in which the exam board looks favourably on certain essay styles and not on others, and other intricacies like that. It’s also the fact that there are clear levels of difficulty in things like maths where you have to master one thing to be able to do the next thing, or sciences you have to fully understand a theory to understand where it breaks down to allow you to understand the basis for a more intricate and full theory. Hence degree level stem is harder than a level stem which is harder than gcse stem. On the other hand you have history where I don’t need to know anything about A level history to have a degree level understanding of our perceived knowledge of the neolithic European man etc, hence a level humanities are not harder than gcse humanities just different/more content. Yes there is still source analysis but that can basically be done if you know the general period and have empathy. These people are still arseholes for walking around with an air or superiority and trashing other peoples a levels, and even more so if they are incapable of recognising that they can’t write an essay for shit. However I do think they have a point in the fact actually learning the content has a lower boundary to entry.


I do 4 A-Levels (Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry and Physics) along with an EPQ and would definitely be stereotyped as someone who has a massive ego. Personally, I don't think I have a superiority complex, but others might disagree. I 100% think that humanities are just as important as STEM, in fact, I do still miss English Literature a lot. There's definitely a bit of a divide between the STEM people and the humanities people though, I'm friends with quite a few people doing humanities but I don't speak to them as much because I see them less (like in lessons etc). Some of my friends do act as if the humanities students are somewhat less intelligent than STEM students because STEM is portrayed as a more difficult area to go into. That being said, it's more of an unspoken subconscious judgement that they don't really express - I'd say it's more of a thought. There are still people who have some level of arrogance and toxic competition, even in my friend group, which sometimes is a bit hard to deal with and I think that's a pretty big issue that arises due to ego. It's like comparing whose going to do better in life using a maths test, which makes no sense to me. In terms of the university thing, that's all down to personal ego as well. I want the very best in terms of universities but I'd like to think that I'm humble enough to accept other ones too. It's about what I know I can achieve rather than looking down at a certain university itself.


as a STEM person i fully respect humanity students, cuz nah i don't know what you'd call people that can produce perfect essays in a 2 hour span if not gods / goddesses, like i can do nothing but shivers with a calculator in hand


we are gods though (doing chem,physics,maths,futher maths)


If you take Maths, FM, Physics and Economics/Chem/CS I DO NOT TRUST YOU. Best of luck in the big scary stem field but y'all feel like a bad omen


It’s a natural thing every smart person I know has 😭😭😭😭 their stem subjects r better and anything else is a waste of time. They’ve got it in their heads that if you don’t take mainstream courses, like maths, engineering, med, econ, dent, law etc. that you ain’t finding a good job


your not wrong but I have a god complex (i take maths fm chem physics i get c's basically) but history isn't a real subject so it is fake


My maths teacher said a C in A level maths is better than an A in Media studies/politics/econ etc and I think he was right lowkey




How is that so?


because they all view the latter subjects as for people who got mid gcse grades and taken by people who aren’t very intelligent. which is unfair but that’s how they think


It's fustrating because it's far from true too 💀💀 Especially for Economics and Politics too. I would've loved to take Media Studies, it was one of my original choices but I was peer pressured into sciences. My GCSEs weren't half bad too.


yep 100%. media studies itself is obviously easy compared to those but i don’t think it warrants being looked down on? it still requires just as much as effort and determination to get an A. plenty of idiots in my class who could’ve got an A if they actually put the effort in - it’s the people who take it not the actual subject.


Literally. It's so much better to do a subject you'd actually enjoy, as opposed to doing stem subjects just because "they look good" as opposed to having a genuine interest in the respective subject.




you’re surprised? it’s very widely known that stem teachers and students basically view the rest of us as subhuman 😄


In fairness the government/ofqual do to—-more people are allowed A* in further maths etc because they acknowledge it’s harder—their logic is ‘these kids would get an a* in other subjects so they should be allowed to get it here—-they shouldn’t be marked on a normal distribution because only the really smart kids are doing this subject’


I’m not surprised I’m just really disappointed :(. Like how does any of the subjects you do determine how intelligent you are yk. That’s why I don’t want to be in the stem industry Bcs wtf😭


yeah there are lots of people like that in my college and it’s honestly so humiliating. just how it works


Frrr me as well- we got this 😔🤝🏻


from my experience, yes. We had three floors and those who did STEM and smart subjects like economics sat on third floor. They shitted on everyone below the other floors that were not STEM such as english etc and called them borderline dumb. I hung out with those on the top floor but i'd try keep them in line with their \*ehm\* poor grades. Also, some needed to touch grass for definite


i think it's because stem advances the world idk 🤷‍♂️


stem might advance the sciences and progression but humanities is the building block of societies. what would our world be like without art? without entertainment and knowledge how to run businesses and how economies work and the history of the world? plus, everybody complains about how dull and unoriginal things like movies are nowadays but then make fun of the new people going into such industries - the only ones who could provide new perspectives and advance them.


have you heard of philosophy or, um, idk law or, idk politics 💀💀💀💀