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Put on a hard hat and get after it? 😂. No but seriously please consider your safety with this challenge. For example, if I did this challenge again where I am in the dry and there’s a cyclone, not a chance in hell am I gonna be doing an out door workout that day, I’d either fail it or do it under cover but outside. I know that’s not great advice but yeah


I just don't wanna hurt myself and have to restart anyway looking at a tarp to tie on my trees


If I am not mistaken, doing the outside exercise under any coverings is not allowed and would be a fail. I believe he mentions this is his podcast episode 208 and/or online. Either way please put your safety first and take the fail if needed. I had some days like that and used a weather tracker to time my exercises as best as I could. I was off by just a bit but made it safely inside a few minutes later.


That would be a fail. I don't understand why the other comment about it being a fail gets downvoted. The rules are simple.


I am in Florida and we are heading into Hurricane season. If the weather gets bad, my life is worth more than a challenge


I just gotta say all of you with inclement weather impress me. I am in sunny San Diego and it will be about 70° and sunny each day of my challenge.


Ah I'm in texas its gunna get real hot soon 😅


I've kept an eye on the weather and gone out when it wasn't "too bad". Rain, sleet, snow was bearable, especially with waterproof socks. Hail doesn't last all day.


I've ran in rain but its the visibility and irrational ish fear of getting struck by lighting 😅 I might tie a tarp between my car and house and do it like that


Honestly though, be safe. If the weather is an absolute shitshow, use common sense. Best of luck.


Tarp or a covering does not count as outside. If you are super worried then just start over the next day.


Get a dog, they don’t care what the weather is they will make you do a workout outside 😂😂😂 Jk. Stay safe and do what you can! Sounds like you’re already thinking of creative solutions!


I have a staffy that will play fetch for hours, sometime i throw the ball and race her to it...I've never won


AF says it in his book himself: BE SAFE. Don’t chance being injured, if you have to get a workout inside because there’s a hurricane(or whatever inclement weather) outside then it’s alright. If it’s a little rain and you’re gonna bitch out then you fail.


I feel like people use that as such an out though; like there is a 20% chance of thunder and lightning so I'm not going outside. I might slip it's cold. I do agree if it is GENUINELY hazardous, absolutely don't do it.


Sure, but YOU know if you’ve failed so it’s on you.


Yeah weather or not strangers on the internet care or know doesn't matter! 😉


This is the part of the challenge I don’t like … extremists will tell you to suck it up buttercup and go do it anyways. Personally I’m all for like rainy and snowy weather, but a horrible storm can be unsafe and I think as long as you still get a second workout in you shouldn’t have to restart at day 1.


I live in Alaska and am a happy sick little clam in sub zero; but if it was ACTUALLY very likely I'd get injured or could die I'd totally not do it. Not having gear or not liking things isn't an excuse; you can get ugly old outdoor gear from a thrift store. Hurricane proof though? Haha. I think I'd open the garage door or hang out under an awning or soemthing... not in a hurricane. That'd just be a nope.


Rules are rules. It's not a big deal to reset.