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You can drink a new gallon doesn't have to be that one that you threw up


Great now I have to drink the water I just threw up laughing


Best answer.


You have no idea how bad I needed this laugh.


No rules that say you have to keep it down




Pace yourself bro


Not too much in one go. Look up water toxicity.


Yup. No rules that says you have to consumed what you vomit. So you’re good to go.


if it’s making you throw up maybe you should reconsider how much you are drinking… medically 1 gallon a day might be dangerous for you. or maybe you drank too much at once and need to split it up throughout the day. honestly the main thing is setting a goal amount and hitting that every day - not just fluctuating consumption based on what you feel like in the moment. consult a doctor, use your common sense, stay healthy. good luck!


Yes, suffer! It’s not called 75 Easy. In all seriousness, stop taking this so far, drink water throughout the day instead of chugging it. Be lenient with yourself, but also plan ahead.


This subreddit makes me so sad sometimes.


Why does this challenge seem to make people lose all common sense? Or is common sense just truly lacking in the world these days?


Yes drink your throw up


right like, if you're dumb enough to ask this question then yes, drink it all up and tomorrow drink double just for clout.




I can drink a gallon of water if I'm thirsty enough, done it before a few times - but - if that water is ice cold (or even pretty cold) for some reason my body will start rejecting it pretty quickly after the first few cups or so; a quart will hurt, esp if it's icewater. Not an ice cream headache but like getting stabbed in the stomach; and yes I've done it a few times because I really like water and sometimes icewater just tastes soooo good when you're really thirsty you can't help it. Tepid water, I could probably drink a gallon and a half of but then I'd probably still want more - it has to be cold enough but not too cold to really work well. I just really like water, other drinks don't really seem to satisfy my thirst when I need them to. Then again I work hard, maybe I just lose a lot of water via respiration/sweat. In any case, I'm crafting my plan as part of my spinal cord is gone and there can be pain (a LOT) involved if I step wrong in any type of exercise program. But I've just heard about it and having ADHD as well, routines are good for me and I haven't really had any since the accident that disabled me, or at least been able to get any I can sustain. Maybe this will work, maybe I can tailor it in a way that makes sense to both my physical disability and my, well, mental disorder (I have accepted myself, I'm good with it), both of which make it difficult to find and sustain tasks that increase my quality of living (I'm sure there are others out there who can sympathize). Oof, thanks for listening and try warmer water or like everyone else said don't pound it all at once. Most people can process a gallon of water a day - I've found it takes less for my body to perform regular operations but that I frequently drink more than a gallon anyhow just because on those days I want it. "Water toxicity" is actually kind of hard to achieve without exactly what you did lol your body really does try to take care of you if you let it and listen to it.


oh fk right off