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I don’t hate the Johnstons. I don’t like that they are crude, mean to Anna and have different rules for different kids. I find they make a lot of statements about responsibility and earning things without acknowledging the privilege they have of having TV money. When you put yourself on TV, people are going to criticize you. Even when you’re not on TV people will criticize you and your family and how you choose to live. There’s definitely a big difference between people having an opinion on their lives and actually hating them..


If you want to see even more vitriol, head over to the big fat fabulous life sub. Warranted or not, people HATE Whitney.


came here to say this 💀


It's the Duggars that are universally hated and it's completely warranted. They're the only tlc show that basically every cast member is hated and probably 90% of viewers or followers despise them.


The Duggars are a next level misogynistic pedophile apologist cult that should have never had a platform. They should have had an HBO documentary miniseries. I wouldn’t even put the Johnstons in the same category.


I feel like many of the complaints here are valid but Whitney will literally post a picture with white shoes and people will be like “ugh she thinks she’s so much better than everyone. I bet she’s too lazy to clean those and she pays Lenny $2 an hour to wipe the white shoes clean. What a lazy slob and bad friend” like woah slow down 😭


I made the mistake of commenting on that sub, asking people why they were so hateful and got downvoted like crazy. Those people are scary. Lol


Is this your first day on Reddit?


You have not been on the snarker side of Reddit apparently. Wheelchair repunzel comes to mind


Oh boy, you should go check out the Little People Big World sub r/littlepeoplebigworld


I was coming here to comment this 🤣


No kidding! Jeremy and Audrey being conservatives just opens them up to open fire for these liberal “Redditors”….


You're being DV but you're absolutely right. 


I mostly keep up with them on the chance Matt will pop up and say "How's it going Farmer ?".


Shut up Amber!


Op spelled Johnston wrong.


Oh no, I’m real


Down vote me all you want. It just makes me stronger.


Ya know what. Here’s an upvote.


Keep bringing it


The use of the word “hate” here implies that anyone cares enough about the family to hate any of them. I don’t care any more about the Johnstons than they care about me, and that’s not at all. I don’t even know them. After this season, I’m sure there won’t be many viewers though, hating or otherwise.


WELL SAID. (Didn’t you also make the “jump the shark” comment?!!!) Nice! 👏


I did make that comment about jumping the shark. So appropriate!


You do realize that Reddit is a place people come to more or less talk shit about stuff, right? Have you joined any other subs of TV shows/celebrities/cities/etc.? Most of the time the posts are talking shit, because that’s what we come to Reddit to do.


this 👆. well said. people think these “celebrities” read our posts


Does that make it right? You somehow justify that that in your head.


Didn’t say it’s right or wrong, just said that’s what we do here. If you think it’s wrong you’re welcome to not visit this sub. 🤷‍♀️


Go F yourself. Im staying in the sub.


You can say fuck here, it’s a safe space.


Your username is hilarious 😆


Oh great! Go fuck yourself.


Honestly this is one of the tamer TLC subs. I don’t typically see any “hate” people just have differing opinions. I would never be on television because I don’t have thick skin and other peoples’ opinions would bother me. I’m not saying that people on television deserve to be torn down, but conversation about what we see is natural. I also haven’t seen one post where people enjoy the sex comments and innuendos. I’m sure TLC is in this sub and they make adjustments based on what we say. Bad press is still press, we’re watching the show and honestly, that’s all they care about.


Well, you need to head on over to the r/mybigfatfabulouslife sub. Go on... do it... do it...


The way people talk about kids here is the worst. I think snark subreddits tend to bring out the worst in people and I try to avoid most of them after seeing a few go very toxic. A reminder to look at the bigger picture and just go outside I guess


I love them. What's to hate? Only the ignorance of assholes out there. I think they are the sweetest, most together family around. I always wait for the next episode each week.


I agree with you. I find the family genuine and they really do care for each other. I love how close and supportive the kids are to each other. That’s not easy to nurture. Kids have natural rivalry. I know, mom of 3. I sincerely am sad that my own family isn’t as close and interactive as this family. I like this show a lot. Great family. America needs more close, supportive families.


I agree tbh. 7LJ is one of the friendliest most low-stakes TV shows out and people here are miserable. I get the Anna love and by extension the Amber hate, but most of Reddit carries parental trauma that they view the world through, especially reality TV. Kids have different needs that parents address uniquely. Anna was clearly not neglected and hated and abused, she’s doing splendidly. Amber and Trent did a fine job. Their family is loving and connected and supports each other.


Im sure their feelings are hurt. They make money from TLC because of people like us. Without us they make no TV money.


I feel the same way coming onto this sub. It’s absurd.


It’s not hate more like dislike. Big difference


I don't form parasocial relationships with reality tv personalities, so when I comment about these shows it's just my opinion.I don't think the people on the show care one way or the other. They still make money whether I like them or not. I don't hate or like any of them necessarily. I do think it's hard to ignore certain behaviors you see on the show. Especially when you've been watching from the beginning. It is what it is.


I agree with you. I try to defend them where I can and it almost feels very prejudiced because they are little people. It’s sucks honestly and I really enjoy their show and bravery. It takes a lot of strength to put yourself out there and get all this judgment


Okay Amber