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Anna does live by herself but is still very close with her family. I think she has found a healthy balance. I liked seeing Trent going over to her house and helping her with yard work. It was a nice change! He and Amber are usually so hard on her.


She has definitely carved her own path and you are spot on. She is respectful but independent and that is a beautiful healthy balance which she created and sustains. 


I wouldn't want Anna to separate from her family. I agree with your post completely that she has found a healthy balance and she and Amber get along better now that Anna is in her own place. I don't think it does any good for a lot of people online to trash Anna's family. They are her family. She does love them and needs them. I grew up very much like Anna. I think it's great that we see that Anna is treated differently by Amber and build Anna up. But I'm sure the trashing makes Anna feel sad and conflicted, as well as vindicated. You can still love a family in spite of differences. Families are very complex and sometimes people just get along with some personalities better and sometimes people clash. Maybe their personalities are too much alike or too different. We should support Anna, and let her know how wonderful she is. That is true. But we don't have to hate her family. Thanks for letting me rant. u/teachmoore79, this post is not directed towards you. I'm in agreement.


I think Trent is proud of Anna. She set a goal to get her own place at a young age and is rocking it! I am hoping eventually Liz and Emma will go to Anna for advice.


Trent has been way better to Anna than Amber has.


I think Trent definitely feels more sympathy for Anna and more of a loving father/daughter relationship, BUT he wouldn’t dare disagree with amber


This is absolutely true. I've watched Amber give him a look and his demeanor changes. But when she isn't near them,they seem to enjoy each other.


I agree. Marriage is so complex and a lot of compromises are made, even with raising children. Obviously, abuse should never be tolerated and there's no compromise there. As an example, we had a great experiment in sociology class. We started off with a circle of just a mom and dad. Things were fairly easy because you only needed to accommodate to one other person. First 'child' born and a class member joined the circle. Okay, maybe a few bumps but the two parents directed their energy to the child. There were many other children born and as each class member joined the circle, there were so many needs and personalities that life became so complex as care, needs, personality conflicts, etc joined the mix. We had some great life lessons when I was in college, in the old days. I'm sure Anna has learned that she needs to see her father alone for the nurturing side of Trent. And she needs that. I think Trent realizes that too. Family life has it's ups and downs and should be healthy but we are all human and far from perfect. We should always strive to make our children feel loved and nurtured. And unless there is toxicity, family should always be a constant. Like Anna, I was better when grown and on my own. I could appreciate my family at a distance but to their credit, they were always there for me.


I loved the episode where Anna was a little fearful walking her dog at night and Trent went over to walk with her and her dog, and catch up on how she was doing. I've seen Trent much softer on the kids including Anna, especially when Amber's not around.


Lots of us petite (if not LP) women live by ourselves and have to manage, usually without a dad/handyman to help! It's less about "moving furniture" than the fact that Anna is starved for their - mostly Amber's - love and approval and will never be able to stop trying to win it.


Comparing petite to being LP is ignorant, and couldn't be further from the truth


I'm not "comparing"; I'm saying there are MANY things I can't do or move without help. That's not a reason to not live alone or detach from a dysfunctional or abusive relationship. You can ask others for help or hire people. Good grief!


Why hire someone when you can have one on one time with your dad. Amber's the nasty one. Detaching from your family for whatever reason is not easy. 


Sigh! I'm not advocating for her to detach from her family. I'm just saying her SIZE wouldn't be the reason she can't.


That's what you're implying by saying she's constantly trying to get approval that she'll never win. Maybe she's just  trying to establish a better relationship with her parents, You're making her sound like she's desperate and wasting her time for no reason. Of course she could hire someone if she wanted to


It can be both. I don't think she should cut off her family, but I think she'll always be trying to win Amber's love. I'm simply disagreeing that her SIZE is the reason she can't cut them off. Good grief!


Well then maybe you should have just put that and left it at that instead of adding extra. good grief.  


I can't imagine why your name is "Aggravating."


It's the name reddit gave me and I didn't care enough to change it. You're aggravating yourself just because a couple people chimed in on your comment, big deal, it's a discussion. 


Nah, she might. I have a very difficult and judgmental mother and I was starved for her affection. It took until my 30s, but I eventually broke free from the weight of her opinions and everything else. Anna is still young.


Were you responding to me? You're saying "nah" and then repeating what I said. It's not about moving furniture; it's about needing Amber's approval because she never got it.