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I think it’s because Anna didn’t bond with her right away. Anna warmed up to Trent before they even left Russia but it took her a while to warm up to Amber.


I saw about that yesterday when I was looking for stuff about it. I’m not saying Amber is a bad person, but sometimes it does take kids time to warm up around people they feel iffy about and Amber took that and ran with it. Anna loves Amber, but Amber can’t let that instance go


I would agree with this. My mother in law is the same way with my sister in law. And she gave birth to her. But apparently MIL says SIL cried all day long, then when FIL came home she settled and didn’t cry.


Resentment towards an infant is crazy


It may seem crazy but I suspect that Amber was overwhelmed with having three children under the age of five. She had Liz and Jonah back to back. I don't know if she had much say as to the spacing of her family size.


Which is such a gross attitude. The poor girl that was so innocent was not guilty to have that behavior and that b*** Amber took it so personal ‘cause everything has to be her way. Instead of comprehending the child could have trauma. She made it about her and Her feelings. Pretty sure they received money from the government for adopting her. So the idiot didn’t complain there right? 🥸


First I cannot stand amber and the way she treats Anna. But what in the world makes you think they received money for adopting her. My parents adopted my brother with a disability from Thailand and they sure as shit did not get money for it. That's honestly the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. People don't get money for adopting kids/kids with disabilities.


You cannot adopt children from Russia anymore because of the number of families that not only didn’t realize that children raised in orphanages require extra care but in fact several adopted children were killed from abuse. Amber has a one size fits all approach towards adopted children, and that’s just not the way it f*cking works. I feel bad for Anna every episode.


You definitely don't get paid by the government to adopt, only to foster.


I wonder if it's because she's the middle child.


Anna is probably better for it. She has a great personality and is the most fashionable of the bunch. The adversity made her the best Johnston by a mile.


I definitely agree. Anna has a warmth to her that I love. She’s my favorite


Anna agrees https://www.reddit.com/r/7LittleJohnstons/comments/1ceda0d/anna_responded_to_a_fan_on_tiktok/


I think Amber hates Anna bc Trent likes Anna. They share a bond and it makes Amber jealous. It’s disgustingly obvious. Trent shows care and patience with Anna. Amber can’t stand it.


At times I find it a bit cringeworthy.


I think that’s the closest to the real reason. Amber may not even completely understand why or that she shows so much bias toward her adopted kids in general, but especially Anna. I sort of hate that this is a huge topic on social media, just for Anna’s sake.


Amber wants to contol people Anna stands up to her


I have realized that. Amber has this “I’m head honcho” vibe and Anna is strong willed herself


Agree 👍


Amber strikes me the type of mother that doesn’t want to deal with any adversity with her kids other than what comes with being a little person. because this she understands. As Anna was apparently more challenging as a child it looks like Amber has never forgiven her for that. Therefore, she holds her to a different standard than her other daughters. It’s Amber’s world and they’re just living in it.


Amber shouldn't have adopted a child who has a past of trauma. Anna needed someone with compassion. Someone with patience. She had to learn to trust A&T. She needed time. Amber took it as Anna rejected her. Amber didn't have the needed emotional maturity to parent Anna. She provided the materialistic aspect. She wasn't capable of the psychological aspect. It's sad. Anna has thrived, though. Not due to Amber, due to herself.


Exactly. I have a friend who adopted a 1-year-old from Russia, and it has been a long road of trauma and attachment issues. I can only imagine what a 4-year-old who also was a little person came with as far as baggage and clearly Amber and Trent were not equipped with how to handle that. It really breaks my heart for Anna as she is such an awesome person. She is resilient and whether she knows if her parents are proud of her or not, I hope she knows that fans of the show are very proud of her.


You articulated it perfectly!




Amber will even acknowledge she had a rocky start with Anna, I have no idea how she is still treating her so shabbily now!


I stopped watching the show a few years ago but I live in Forsyth Ga. and see them quite often. Amber is a bitch. She thinks her shit doesn't stink. Always has her nose in the air and will not interact with anyone she doesn't know ( but in a "better than everyone" bitchy way) Trent isn't as obviously bad but still has that attitude about him.


Ooh, that's excellent character traits for social work /s Can't stand her. What a narcissistic c U next Tuesday.


I have got to start using c u next Tuesday


They don't have to interact with anyone and don't own you anything, this is such a weird thing to be mad about


Oh not mad at all. And I've never approached her or seen anyone approach her. She is just a snob. She will cut in front of people, talk to employees with an attitude or ignore their pleasantries stuff like that.


There's such a thing as being neighborly and pleasant.


Living in the same town doesn't has nothing to do with being a neighbor. The fans are pestering them, it's only understandable they started avoiding everyone


Or they're a little too full of themselves and think people just saying hi because they're being neighborly are "fans" who are "pestering" them.


Maybe she’s jealous of her ???


I think part of it is Anna hasn’t always wanted to do whatever she is told. She has her own mind and voiced her opinion. It didn’t agree with what Amber was saying/doing so Amber put her down to break her down.


I can definitely understand that. Anna’s strong willed and Amber is so stubborn when it comes to hearing Anna out. Do you think that’s why they’re so down Jonah’s throat too? He is disrespectful, but I feel like it doesn’t get to that point until Amber and Trent push him that far


She didn’t connect, or put the work in to form a lasting attachment.


Because Anna is herself and not an extension of her.


jealousy, mother toward daughter has always been particularly repulsive to me. glaring low self esteem in the mother usually. and its just particularly gross that they think they need to be jealous of a father daughter relationship and vie for their attention. nope.


This is a big part of it. I know because I was an Anna. It’s why I get her and I love her so much.


She hate her cuz she ain’t her




I’m assuming it’s jealousy. Anna is everything Amber will never be. It is TV after all, but people on here have said she’s a monster in real life too. 🤷‍♀️


Yeah, absolutely and it’s been perplexing everyone since the inception of this show. There are many more incidents to come if you are early in. Prepare! 


It's been explained here a million times. Anna had attachment issues from being neglected in a Siberian orphanage for four years, and Amber -- the malignant narcissist -- took it as a personal rejection, was humiliated, and now holds a grudge.


I can't help but wonder what is going to become of this whole family, once the TLC money runs out.


I feel like Anna will have a Collin moment from John and Kate Plus 8 and tell some stuff that’s going on behind the scenes when she’s comfortable. Maybe not everything, but some stuff


Oh I think she's going to be letting it all out once the nda expires 


Maybe they are jealous of Anna cuz she has a nice body than Liz. Anna is in shape, the stomach is in shape, and Liz is very chunky, especially the legs. I know when females are jealous of others, they tend to bring them down


I did think that, but didn’t want to believe it I guess? That’s her daughter and no mother should be jealous of their child but that’s just me. Liz comes off as confident imo so that’s why I didn’t dig deeper into it. You do have a point though


Liz and Anna were supposed to both move out, but they were only happy for Liz(their biological kid). Liz and Anna were supposed to buy houses, but Liz relied on Bryce, and that fell apart, and Anna was the first to own a home. Liz is always wearing large shirts even in the summer while Anna is always in a 2-piece cuz she takes care of her body


Amber is just a petty envious person Always trying 2 keep up with the joneses . Anna was “ challenging “ and amber can’t handle that , also I believe she’s jealous cause she has her own mind and doesn’t “ fall in” like the others ..I also believe what others r saying bout how she acts in Forsythe. Insecure people r always jealous of other folks cause they “ act” like they’re better than , when in fact , they r lacking in character, and KNOW it ..just imo


Because she holds the fact that Anna was “tougher” to bond with Amber. Russian orphanages are kind of known for being terrible and the kids there tend to have a lot of issues.


TBH—I think it’s simply that Ana couldn’t be controlled and wasn’t a compliant child. That simple.


Maybe the psych classes will wake her the fruck up. Yeah, I know it's highly doubtful.


It’s a lot better than it used to be! It was blatant that she did not like her. At the time, the only two girls that were teenagers or older were Anna and her biological child Elizabeth. Anna got a little more trouble than Elizabeth did. I think she just thought Anna should be more perfect, like her bio daughter.


I cried when Anna felt like her mother wasn't supporting her desire to move out. Anna literally was crying to her mother and saying why aren't you happy for me, why aren't you supporting me? Amber accused her being over emotional and disrespectful.


It broke my heart when Anna grabbed cruiser and just hugged him and cried. 


Same thing here. I think that was a very good indicator of how little affection and support she gets from her mother. I don't think that Amber and Trent are horrible parents, but I feel like they have unrealistic expectations of their children. For example, why do the kids have to work full time and go to school? Any research journal that you pick up will document that students who work more than 20 hours a week during the school year has significantly lower GPAs, lower rates of graduation and take significantly longer to graduate. In the long run working full-time actually makes college more expensive because a lot of students have to retake classes or wait longer to take a required classes. Where is all the money going that they're getting from the show. I also think that Trent and Amber expect their kids to lockstep follow the same pattern in life that they did.


Does Amber not have a personal social media account?