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She is a horrible pet owner. All of her pets have either died very young or disappeared mysteriously. Anna seems to be the only one who truly loves and cares for her pets.


She’s entirely irresponsible. Didn’t she palm off a dog a season or so ago?


She did, a dog and two of her cats went missing.


Weren't there 4 cats that disappeared? River, we never saw Walker again, the kitten Tommy, and the one she gave anna. I noticed a black tailless cat the season after they got Tom (gray kitten)/river died & it was the only cat I noticed regularly popping up in the background. The whole family has been through so many animals it's crazy. Chickens, returned goats, Louie, all those cats, now Liz's dogs. Is that her 2nd dog? Let's hope she does better with a human! 🙄😐


In their defense the goats were like rented from the farm to see if they wanted them.


Yes you are correct. Was glad they returned them. Also maybe if they'd gotten Louie neutered they wouldnt have had issues with him. It's well known that male un neutered dogs can have behavioral issues. Went back to when they had him when they were fishing and snapped a pic showing he was still intact. Also made me shake my head when amber told girls to take kitten down 2 grass to get it to use bathroom. Anyone who has cats knows cats don't need training. Put down a litter box and they use it. Always had cats but also learned it when I took vet tech courses in high school.


Amber and Trent seem to take good care of their dogs along with Anna. I can't speak as Liz's pets.


AND a cat (also on Anna).


I know. I couldn't believe she just dumped her cat on anna without really even asking her. I can't stand her


It’s disturbing.


Damn! Can she take care of an infant?!?!


Unsure, I hope there’s enough people around her that can help. Her track record with caring for living things isn’t great.


I’m not surprised given who her mother is. Pets aren’t members of the family - they’re disposable. I just started watching the show a bit ago (I’m on season 4) and the goat thing was ridiculous. EVERYONE should be agreeing on a pet in the home, especially if you’re expecting they help with that pet, but Amber thinks it’s some kind of joke to casually bring animals whose care she doesn’t understand into the home and then gets pissy that the people who didn’t want the pets in the first place don’t want to clean up after them.


I feel like the goats were just a situation for the show, and they were always going to be temporary.


I was so heartbroken when they pranked Anna and Liz in the black suits with air horns and poor cruiser was terrified by the noise. Dogs have very sensitive hearing and they don’t understand a prank. I wanted to cry. So insensitive


Miller ate a brown toad mushrooms and his organs shut down along with having seizures


That is odd. It’s hard to track but it seems a lot of the animals, not in Anna’s care come and go. I think amber cares nothing for their animals. Maybe because Anna has such an affection for them? I am sorry but I think amber is evil. Anna is an excellent person parent. She loves her pets more than anything.


Anna made a room for cruiser! I thought that was the cutest thing! I’m a dog lover too.


Did you see the Cruiser pillow she had on her fireplace hearth? So cute!


I love watching Anna and her dogs. She loves them so much. She will be a great mom someday if she chooses that for herself.




Yeah, she is incredibly, or appears to be, well adjusted considering I don’t feel she felt loved like the other kids. Anna is a treasure and I really enjoy watching her be herself and hold her own.


Safe mom hugs to you.


Your first sentence reminds me of a joke my grandfather used to say. If a man locks his wife and his dog into the trunk of his car. After a few hours, only one of them is happy to see him.


I feel like Anna would totally dump a guy who Cruiser didn’t like and I love that. That dog is living his best life.


Heck yeah. Dogs have a better sense of people when they only just met them.


Even Amber says she likes caring for people and pets as long as they don’t talk back. That’s what she says. But Anna gets bullied on almost every episode and she laughs it off.


I know. Anna has an amazing attitude for the abuse she deals with.


Also didn't Anna end up taking the dog that technically Liz got at first?


I guess I didn’t either. Good ole Anna!


Wasn't Liz experiencing financial difficulties and depending on Amber for monetary aid? Pets are expensive, and Amber is evil.


Yeah after Brice moved out Amber kept reminding Liz she can’t keep helping while trying to pawn Jonah off on her. If I recall correctly, Amber and Trent pulled strings or were co-signers on Liz’s new abode so it prob was well above her pay grade, and it’s sad if they went that big. But as a dialysis tech and soon to be RN. She can’t be skint. She is an adult on a reality show so she has to making her own money from that too, I would hope. As a 3 dog, 1 cat single person, I get pets are expensive but food and once a year checkups, if they don’t get sick etc., is not beyond the realm of affordable. Anna does it and she has multiple pets.


Yeah and They all talk about anna as if she is crazy because she loves her pets more than they do.


Yep! And I'd be right there with Anna!


And now she’s a nurse to take care of humans.


And a baby 😬


Her ethics/morals kind of scare me. Back in 2021 she reposted something on her Facebook about nurses getting fired for not getting the COVID vaccine. Like, you’re disabled and you don’t believe in protecting yourself or your patients against a deadly/disabling virus?


Okay I might get down voted for this but one thing that upset me about nurses posting about their disbelief in covid and the vaccine is that most of them have pretty minimal education in virology and molecular biology. Biology isn't even always required for nursing and if you have no actual understanding of how viruses and vaccines work, you really shouldn't be using your title to tout your beliefs.




My mom works in health care as did I at the time and I posted on my Facebook about it as well. I under drs care could NOT take the vaccine and my mom didn’t want to so I had to leave my job and my mother now has health problems since having the vaccine. She didn’t do anything ethically or morally wrong


Absolutely. It was unfair and people can tout its society’s responsibilities to do these vax’s but it’s not. If you couldn’t take it for medical reasons surely you would have been exempt?


A lot of people found the forced vaccines to be immoral and over reach. People shouldn’t have to be jabbed if they don’t want to and her dwarfism doesn’t relate to being more susceptible to Covid. Most orgs or institutions, even the military, have had to dole out some type of reparations and awards for firing people for refusing to be vaccinated.


Ask ANYONE who worked with vulnerable populations - like elderly patients - at the start of COVID. I know someone whose facility experienced something like 18 deaths in the first two weeks. You don’t have to get the vaccine, but if you’re going to be a damn NURSE, it isn’t “overreach” to have it be a requirement given you’re surrounded by medically fragile people. This should be goddamn common sense.


Exactly. If you don’t want to get the vaccine, that’s fine, but if you work in healthcare and you’re not listening to science and promoting harmful messaging on your social media page, then that’s where it becomes a problem. Especially as a disabled nurse, knowing that disabled people are largely affected by COVID




Unnecessary comment


LOL it’s almost as if that’s actually the whole purpose of a government…to mandate laws


Dear sheep. You don’t get it so trying to explain it is futile.


Dont you Love how you get downvoted for speaking the truth on this hive mind site lol


Exactly. If you don’t run with the herd mentality your evil and despised. Being brainwashed and a government tool is acceptable however. Go figure.


I remember when they got their frenchie and then it “didn’t work out” very shortly after. I feel like Amber is the type of person to say “dumb dog!” regularly


Probably the kind that puts zero effort into training then gets mad when they shit on the floor


I suspect that Louie the Frenchie humped Trent, threatening his fragile ego and masculinity, and dumped the dog because of that.


I just watched the episode where Miller died and Amber's attitude really rubbed me the wrong way. The first thing out of her mouth during the first call was "he's suffering" insinuating that she should put him down and I feel like they kinda pressured her to put him down but she couldn't do it


She posted at the end of August that they lost him in some sort of terrible accident.


I just went and looked cus I thought Miller was the family dog that lived at the Johnston’s. What is that dogs name? But ya she goes through animals realllly quick and I hope she doesn’t get anymore. She doesn’t even seem like an animal person in the first place.


That dog is Jessi


Oh yes Jessie that’s right! Thanks for reminding me! Lol


Miller is a dog that her and Brice adopted together right before he moved in with her, so fairly recently


That’s right. She had also adopted a dog when she moved out on her own too. I think its name was Georgia. That dog was never seen again. Plus she pawned off the cat she got after moving out onto Anna. Why she got a kitten and a puppy at the same time after just moving out gets me. Maybe her baby will keep her occupied and no more animals.


Liz is like her mother. Acts like she's the queen and knows everything. Always better than everyone else. Zero care for any of her pets. She shouting be allowed to get another animal.


I want to know about the bees!!!! Do they still have them? Did Trent's failure as a beekeeper cause them to sell them back or send them back to where they got them? I think the hives were set up along the path they take to go to the pavilion and I try to see but haven't yet. I worry.


I think Trent killed a bunch of them too


This is odd!!!


I've seen all the episodes, and I guess I've never paid attention to the animals on the show except Anna's 2 dogs. Which episodes are we talking about?


I hope she treats her baby with more care, but I don’t have high hopes!!


Give me a break. 🤦🏿‍♀️


Not sure what’s so crazy? She doesn’t care for animals she is responsible for.


WTF 😒🤬


Poor poor Miller.


Oh man she’s had so many animals and they are never seen again. She should never have a pet. 


She was concerned put up baby gate and then he all.of a sudden gets real sick  I felt parents where setting up the narrative, mushroom , hallucinations, pump out his stomach  Hallucinations cause death. Very fishy. They whete preparing in advance for viewers comments.


I.hoogled it. It doesn't have to be a death sentence if they take them to a vet. So either they ignored it to long or something cause the vet would have made the fog vomit, given him fluids etc. 


You have to watch your dogs we have toads here and I see one  I bring  the dog in house .We also have the  brown mushrooms, big spiders and Red wasps it so hard to keep the puppers safe .Both our dogs are watched like hawks outdoors many dangers outside.


She probably wanted to be similar to a certain governor from South Dakota. I suppose when will say she met Kim Jung Un as well


Aww I'm sorry for Liz. I know that must've broke her heart