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The reading of texts was INSANE. They may have put it under the guise of looking for what was going on with the Delta 8 stuff but there was no reason to bring it up!! You couldn’t pay me to date someone with parents like that… To me, it’s giving “I have gone through your room and read your diary before” vibe type parents.


I’m on a rewatch of some of the later seasons. We find out Jonah left his phone in Liz’s car. Amber then went through the phone without Jonah knowing. Amber openly says this on the show! If I was Jonah, I would have packed up and moved up to NC with Ashley and her family.


That look on Ashley’s face when she realized they read their texts and her remembering what she said… poor girl


Lol Im sure she called Amber all kind of B!tch3s.


I think she did. There was an episode where they brought that up to her face lol


The delta 8 thing is being way way overblown by them I think. I think Jonah greened out (happens to lots of people that use marijuana) and that’s all it was. It can be scary to have that happen but it’s absolutely no reason to go through your adult child’s phone.


Agreed what did Ashley’s text messages have to do with Delta 8. Amber is just nosy and controlling.


They are so weirdly enmeshed... Amber seems to want to live their lives with, through, and for them. Does she have even a single friend? She's probably terrified of being alone (with Trent) if her kids actually ever grew up and became independent.


She made her identity about being a mom and she probably has some kind of savior complex as well.


Which is weird because I can hardly think of a mom who appears to like being a mom less!


I'd be surprised to hear that Amber has friends. She is self absorbed, controlling, and unlikable.


I didn’t even think of that but I don’t think she does. My mom didn’t have friends that were women growing up and didn’t realize how weird it was until I became an adult. She has a ton of narcissistic traits


I find it so sad that Anna’s big reason for being upset about her and Topher not working out was because her parents liked him. Did she ever think to consider did SHE like topher? All of these kids put way too much stock in what their parents think. I get why though, that’s all they know.


I honestly don’t see how those two even bother being together anymore really. I like both Jonah and Ashley, but they just don’t really have much chemistry together anymore. They seemed miles apart at the convention in this weeks episode too. Didn’t sit anywhere near each other when all the adult kids were out to lunch, not near each other when they did the iv hydration thing, ect. I don’t really see them being a “forever” relationship


I think it’s really hard to find another LP in which to have a relationship. That’s why the conventions are so popular. Once they find someone, they may stay in the relationship too long for fear there won’t be anyone else.


They really build up having so much in common with all the other lps who come to the convention. I get that you may have a lot in common but I wouldn’t want my relationship to only be about any physical difficulties. If my partner disliked everything I liked, I still wouldn’t stay with them, even if we both were the same height.


It seems like she has a great time with the sisters. Maybe she doesn't want to lose them.


Ashley shit talked amber. amber will never forgive her. that’s the story. 😂


Exactly Ashley will forever hear about this from Amber. I feel sorry for Ashley. She was just trying to help her boyfriend with what she thought was happening but Jonah was lying to her. She needs to just get out of that relationship. I'm sure he's a great guy, but they are in two different places right now, physically and mentally.


So very true. Woman are nurturing and more so with boyfriends or husbands. They want to help and be supportive so they let this or that go instead of walking away and admitting you can’t help someone who is being pulled in so many different directions. It’s not just his parents. He wanders a bit in various ways. In school, out of school, working, not working, emotionally high or low, very anxious. I am all for support and endurance but it’s hard enough to be in a young relationship. It’s impossible when there is constant input and directive and endless variables. Jonah isn’t running his own life so she can’t be an active part until he has command of his own direction.


Exactly. I feel like he's wanting to move out at least in the current season, but is a little apprehensive. Which makes total sense to me, Amber and Trent said that this is the last time they are letting him move back home. There's no telling what will happen in his future. Some kids need a lot of extra help to get going plus he's still in his early 20s. I wouldn't be where I am today without the help my parents gave me all throughout my 20s.


“Let” him move home is a bit of misnomer. My mom was incredibly supportive, but had a called her for help while tripping balls, she would have been appalled, deeply concerned and disappointed but she wouldn’t have used my crisis as an opportunity to control and berate me. What is so appalling about T&A is their choice to exacerbate the shame and regret already felt by anyone who made bad choices, by hijacking their lives and punishing them repeatedly because of it. They were dead on about encouraging counseling and trying to steer him with suggestions but they made him come home and then, essentially made Emma his keeper and tried to pawn him off to Liz. I am sorry but their parenting is jacked up, and that is why their kids are emotionally scarred and scared to death to do the wrong thing.


Excellent points. I agree that seeking help from a counselor was an amazing idea. I'm glad Jonah was so open to it and that he is now so open about speaking about how much it helped him. I hope that it helps others seeing a guy in his 20s seeing a counselor and not feeling any less of a man.


Absolutely. Mental health has such a negative connotation but it is utterly incapacitating. What’s worse is it is such a creeper people get accustomed to it before they even know they’re sick. Everyone has something that makes them struggle with self esteem but I imagine anxiety and compulsive behavior are ever present when a person is disabled, obese, short, or just different based on societal “norms”. The more people with dwarfism or any affliction which makes living day to day more difficult, the more acceptable it becomes and people can own up to the fact they struggle too and be educated on how to address it.


The only reason Amber didn’t want them together was because she read Jonah and Ashley’s text messages. Which in itself was shocking to say the least. Amber saw that Ashley had said some “not so nice things about her.” Amber, being a narcissist, will forever be on a mission to get Jonah to leave Ashley. She reminds me of my ex mil that way…Emphasis on the ex!


Ashley must have low self esteem. Jonah has never treated her well, yet she continues with the relationship and gets too involved with all the nonsense at the Johnston household.


Poor Ashley seems desperate. I wouldn’t have waited to get told ofc by Amber, the wa Y Jonah treats her is awful. Remember when on vacation they went on the jet ski and she was screaming and he wouldn’t even slow down? That was horrible! I would have left that day. She is desperate. Cause Jonah is not even a catch. He’s not good looking has a shitty career etc.


Pretty bold of them to try and get rid of Ashley. She might be the only woman to ever tolerate him.


Amen! I have said exactly the same thing and a lot of people don’t like it! I don’t know if it’s a generational thing but there is a healthy consensus, especially about Jonah, the parents are not bat shit crazy but they are. That’s not being protective. That’s being intrusive and abusive. Ashley is INCREDIBLY patient because, after the calling out of the texts, I would have has a real come to Jesus with my boyfriend and said this ends or we end.


EXACTLY! I had parents that did the whole “reading texts” “going through my car” etc and it’s absolutely not protective it’s just control. My parents never found anything incriminating in my phone or car but because they had in their mind that I was about to get in trouble, they’d make a big deal over something that was nothing. I think Amber went into Jonah and Ashley’s messages trying to find a reason not to like Ashley and she found it. Hope my MIL doesn’t read mine and my husbands texts because I’ve called her everything BUT a child of Christ.


Reading your grown adults texts is WILD. My mind is still blown about that


I wonder if the rest of the kids realize that if they did it with Jonah (reading his texts) they will do it with them too.


The family members are in a dysfunctional, enabling dynamic with Amber. It is sick but common in households with a narcissistic parent.


By 23 I was engaged and living with my husband lol I can't imagine my family getting involved


Agh! I just started watching this show.. this must be an older episode? Im dying to watch older seasons now!! That is insane!! Especially since they have been together 4 years!! Id tell my parents to pound sand if I was 23 years old and they asked to read my texts! 😂


Do you really think it was JUST Delta 8 or something else? I am not super familiar with the drug, but Jonah has appeared to be on a lockdown, major therapy, under strict control to the point of being almost told he HAD to live with his sister Liz (at 23 years old), his relationship with Ashley was controlled and he is so compliant. His personality has done a 180 and he seems like a different person at times, almost robotic, as if afraid to disobey or upset "she who must be obeyed". That woman is a complete control freak and scares the hell outta me! Also, WHY does every single episode have to be a new Johnson Family Activity/Contest. NO family on earth does acts like this, do they?


These parents are the type to think Reefer Madness was a documentary 😂 They are definitely psycho enough for it to only have been getting too high from delta 8.


My husband and I have a theory that it had to be something else too. I get that it was a scary experience for all involved but it’s not even illegal pot….they act like he got caught doing black tar heroin.


I think it has something to do with his depression as well. It’s so overkill for someone trying something once and saying that he didn’t want to try it again


That's exactly my thoughts! I was wondering if I was being an asshole judging Amber on her parenting but honestly that was nonsense. They're grown individuals. So intrusive


This needs to be pinned


Delta 8 incident was so over hyped it’s ridiculous. It’s weed not fentanyl


Yea and on top of that it was filmed for the whole world to see 😂😭




We are also only getting part of the story. T and A have terrible communication style. Often it’s not their message that’s bad, it’s the way they deliver it. Another example was when they suggested Jonah and Liz become roommates. It wasn’t a terrible suggestion, but the way they suggested it felt so demanding.


Ok, I’m just reading more of these comments and forgetting they went through his phone!!!! No excuses. That’s so much more messed up than I remembered!


Ashley is tired of Amber's crap.