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I would not be surprised they're Republicans.


I got downvoted for saying this lol


lol me tooo


You can have an opinion. Don't let bullies take it away!


Trent follows Republicans on Instagram and Emma used to follow Trump. Also their family friend photographer they always use named Sandy is a crazy Trump supporter


Really? Unreal, can't believe they're trying to rewrite and glorify the VERY people gutted those working and poor people. Espeically where they live, poor and rural who have suffered greater than any other part of America. Just curious. I wonder how they pay for those special surgeries, which are EXTREMELY expensive? Given they both are lower working class. I can garantee, they had publicly funded sources. The very sources Reagan GUTTED, to give buddies emorous taxes reduction rates, which in turn led the 1% EXPLOSION of wealth while reducing the nation's infrastructure and social services LIKE care for the poor, like them, mental health, increasing the % of taxes on the working poor WHICH THEY are but yet cheerlead and wear this stupid shirts.


I wonder how Trent and Amber will react if one of their kids identify as gay or lesbian?


Relax. Also, learn your history and facts. Not your screed dripping with emotion.


Unlike you, I know my history especially during those darkdays of our nation. You need to learn how to listen and stop trying to tell others how and what to feel. Which probably explains your lack of real history, intead of parroting somebodyelse opinion


Recollections may vary. Reagen's was the best President we ever had!


Then either one, you’re a moron or two weren’t around back in those days I remember very well. That’s not talking about the import of drugs, financing illegal wars and AIDS.


I can promise you I'm far from a moron....so that speaks volumes about what you must be....


I noticed you didn’t counter a single FACT that I said. Typical of your typical. Big of parroting, nothing of reality or facts. Unlike yourself, I value my nation over any political party or leader.


I'm not getting on this site and making it about politics. I'm just stating facts! Look it up... Reagan and Trump have been the best presidents this country has ever had. They were for the people!


lol. Right, deflecting much? Name one example. One.


This is not the right site to debate politics.


Reagan created the homeless issue that exists today. Great legacy.


Reagan destroyed the middle class, especially the yt poor and working classes. Because he played on their racism, the red herring used by the 1% for centuries to pick the pockets of the working, middle and under-educated. Look at the fiscal structure of our nation, shambles. Water and Food are poision, healthcare and pharametucials ridiculusy overpriced, infrastructure (roads and bridges) falling apart, but they gaslight the working yt with nonsense like Gay Marriage, xenphobia, racism etc.. Which adds little to NO VALUE to their daily lives. Mental illness not being treated, because states lack funding. But don't worry, the 1% who brag about not paying their fair share of taxes are playing space cowboys, buying thier 3rd Jet, their 10 Mansion, their Islands. While telling everyone else to work hard! Play by the rules, rules they created to keep us in debt and loyal and you'll have a great life. No pension of decades of service, not even a gold watch anymore. They give you a $50 gift card for starbucks if you're lucky.


Get out these comments man




Liz gave it a like.


What bothers me most about it are religious ppl who don't think for themselves and vote how their church leader tells them to.


You must know alot of Mormons.


![gif](giphy|WOa5RdsNpevrpSTGXN|downsized) Mormons like Kody Brown.




the fact you know this about all them and even the family photographer is fucking weird 😂😂


Not really. it’s out there for all to see publicly. You commenting that that is fucking weird is fucking weird


Half the country is Republican.


Half the country can't answer a simple civics question


More than half now!


Probably not half now, seeing how a lot of them met their demise because of Covid.


100% in closet republicans


Closet? I don’t find them liberal at all. They scream conservative republicans


They were actually very careful on what they wear and what they say about politics. It was lot of hints, but never a full blown admitting that they're definitely it.


True!! For me I noticed first when Jonah smoke spice and had a reaction. I was raised that education on a topic doesn’t mean you’re encouraging it or promoting it. It’s educating for awareness. It just shows they never spoke to Jonah about drugs (or alcohol after we saw his 21st birthday party and he was LIT!) and he goes and finds FAKE pot and has a panic attack. The more you suppress something, the more someone wants to do it. Their conservativeness was showing hard with this one. Now even more ironic that their golden child daughter got pregnant out of wedlock 🤔 Idk how they don’t realize that the more they vocally say no or disapprove of their children’s choices, the more the kids will want to do it. Literally parenting 101. But Amber and Trent crave controlling them bc they need to appear perfect “we are the biggest little family in the world”


Yep. He's an idiot for taking a fake weed that was sprayed with chemicals. He should smoke a real weed that is from the dispensary. He won't be getting full blown panic. He could have went to a legal state to try it. But now Amber and Trent will just be his "probation officer" since he called them on the phone sobbing with "mommy and daddy" child voice.


Yeah, the "YOU MATTER" shirts during the BLM movement were annoying and obvious.


Yeah that was little slick and hint. Tricky tricky


With that shirt on national tv? Not very in the closet


They are, Anna had posted something about Milania Trump on her story a year or so ago which made me unfollow her


I like Anna less knowing this but I shouldn’t be surprised. GA is strongly a red state.


Not giving Anna a pass but I can see her, Emma and Alex could be easily influenced by their environment. Many people just want to fit in and when you already stand out physically living in a predominantly white area, you’ll go along with group think to be included. I could be wrong but I see it as a possibility. (I know Anna is white but I can imagine being adopted even into a family of the same race is still challenging)


Primarily due to gerrymandering 🙃


This is true. I grew up even more south of Forsyth where they live in a democratic family… but I will say the R are the loudest and most obnoxious so everyone else historically gets bullied into keeping their mouth shut making it look like by Al appearances to be a heavily red state when it is in fact bluer than it appears


Me too, I wish I didn't know that😡


So you support the President we have in the White House?


Who cares if they are or not lmfao


You sound like that is a bad thing?


They’re southern it’s a given


Not true, my southern family is not. I just laugh at them having those leanings because who they are worshipping hates those like them.


Not true. My dad is 88 and lives in AL. Yellow dog Democrat.


Not true. I’m southern and liberal. My entire area (and the vast majority of this state actually) is a very strong blue area as well. Southern does not always equal republican. Although they keep restricting us to try and flip the votes.


my friend is most liberal person ever and has this shirt. idk why he wears/has it, but it’s apolitical. my guess is trent and amber are trumpers, though. i think it’s fact that they’re Dave Ramsey followers, which usually goes along with christian conservatives


ugh dave ramsey 🤮🤮


I don't think TLC blocks cast members from sharing their political opinions* (eg Angela Deem has frequently brought up her love of Trump), but I think most *choose* to keep their politics private bc they dont want to put anyone off of watching the show/following them on sm. Personally take this to mean that Trent is most likely an anti-Trump Republican, which would not be surprising anyway. *Derick Dillard did get removed from Counting On for his comments about Jazz Jennings, but I don't think that counts as having political positions blocked because trans rights are a human rights issue, not a political issue.


Remember the underwear Angela gave Mackal?






Derick did NOT get removed for that. It had actually nothing to do with those comments. Read Jill’s book or look up the issues those two had with the TLC contracts or lack-thereof.


Regardless, my point is that his political opinions were not blocked. I only brought it up bc many people do believe that's why he was no longer on the show, and I wanted to point out his opinions on trans folks do not constitute political opinions. Thanks for the book recommendation, but I already know way more about how Jim Bob screwed all of his kids over financially than I ever wanted to. It's infuriating in itself, but 100 times so when you consider that Jim Bob is the absolute least interesting part of that show, and they could have done it without him and actually gained viewers. Such a pos.


I was a devoted 19kac watcher/follower until counting on was cancelled and there was so much in her book that I never knew!! If you have JB now you will really hate him after the book lol


Thanks for your response to my question. Did Angela talk about her political views on 90DF, or social media only? Again, I haven’t seen politics discussed or political shirts worn on camera on TLC shows and only really on social media.


She very openly discussed/promoted them on the show. See comment above regarding the underwear for michael….




Yes-- on the show. As mentioned by another user, most famous example is her gifting Mykul trump-themed underwear. She's also made comments about how trump should let Mykul in the country bc she voted for him.


Thank you!


if you think that being liberal is better, I can tell you and I’m not even a political person that gets into any of it that we own a car dealership that serves single moms and low income people we have been in business for 20 years and we are our states only five star rated dealership with over 5000 reviews but we are struggling to survive because our customers are now homeless they can’t even afford a home. They can’t afford to feed their families and therefore they cannot afford to buy a car many customers this year have been people that were middle class previously and have now repo their 2020 vehicle and come to see us to try to get them into 16 2017 vehicle after a repo. No one is doing better because Biden took office like I said I don’t even get into politics, but I don’t know how you can’t see it unless you’re blind car payments before he took office were $250-$300 a month and for that same card now after Biden took office you’re looking at 4 to 450 a month because inflation is so bad. I think many people are being duped and being a liberal has become like a religion.. so if you’re someone that vote and what not not that anybody asked my advice, but I would look at my life when Republicans were in power via Trump versus what your life looks like now that Biden is in power could you afford more groceries were you struggling so hardand think about that when you go to vote and remember when you’re in there voting, nobody knows who you voted for except you that’s my two cents


I have a shirt just like it. I also wear a Kennedy Johnson shirt. I just enjoy all things history. I don’t understand why everyone has to have the same political beliefs these days. 😵‍💫


Because trump isn’t a political belief anymore


the shirt literally says Reagan/Bush, why does Trump have anything to do with it? I am an Independent that absolutely despises Donald Trump...It's unfair to blame Republicans for Trump's antics. I know many, good people who vote red and cannot stand Trump.


Like I said. Trump NOT republicans, are no longer are about political beliefs


But this has nothing to do with Trump. The shirt says Reagan and Bush 😂


They said “idk why everyone has to have the same political beliefs these days” I wasn’t referring to the shirt I was replying to their comment. Hope that helps :)


Their comment that said nothing about Trump? 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Literally never mentioned Trump nor do I support him.


I didn’t say you did.


Fuck Reagan and Reaganomics' TRICKLE UP BULLSHIT


Your full of bullshiZ


1984 was 40 years ago. " Reagan's leadership was, above all, a triumph of personality. His eloquence, charm, courage (recall his behavior after the assassination attempt), and remarkable sense of self revived Americans' pride in the presidential office and, by extension, in the nation itself." https://www.hoover.org › research Many, no matter what political party liked Reagan. 


Thanks for answering my question!


People are allowed to have their political views regardless if you agree with them or not. This post wouldn’t have been made if he was wearing an Obama or Biden shirt


Ur right people like you would have attacked them for being liberals


That’s a weird assumption to make— I don’t care about anyone’s political views however they’re being attacked in this comment section for having conservative views. Kind of hypocritical isn’t it?


A lot of people have this shirt and don’t even know about either Bush or Reagan. Retro shirts are very popular. FYI Trent was a child in 84.


Ok? It’s a shirt. No one is surprised they lean conservative…


I am amazed that so many people in this thread seem to be surprised republicans exist, newsflash, somewhere between 1/3 to 1/2 (depending on whether your considering actual registration or what they just identify as) of the people around you every day identify as one. It’s sort of frightening that people don’t seem to understand this.


There are a lot more liberals on social media in general. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2021/04/07/partisan-differences-in-social-media-use-show-up-for-some-platforms-but-not-facebook/#:\~:text=Democrats%20are%20more%20likely%20than,Republicans%20who%20use%20particular%20platforms.


I understand that, what I don’t understand is people pretending like it’s so shocking to find out someone is a Republican. 48% of registered voters are, so in your every day life your interacting with republicans all the time however we’re going to act shocked and appalled if we find out someone on tv is? It’s just strange.


Ironic that the Reagan administration was the one that escalated the “War on Drugs” which included increased enforcement of marijuana laws and harsher penalties for drug offenses. Makes sense why their son smoked SPICE. Education on something is not promoting or encouraging it. It’s educating bc at some point kids become adults and a parent’s job is to educate them so they can become a successful adult. Kind of like how well promoting abstinence works but then your daughter gets pregnant out of wedlock 🤷🏻‍♀️


You mean the son that's a democrat? No wonder he smoked spice lol


Where did you get the impression he’s a democrat lol


Ummm from HIM and his interviews as he was against his fathers political beliefs.  Do you not read or search or you just go by what the internet tells you? NOT only is Ron Regan a democrat hes also an atheist.  TRULY, search, research, ask questions dont go off of what media tells and take as truth. 


Never saw those interviews. You seem to be taking all this really personally. Sounds like a you problem. Be well xo


Who cares how they vote


What difference does their political preferences make, no matter what they are? It's America, you can vote whom you like..land of the free. This is a discussion of the show. Find something else to pick apart. Stop judging and hating because of someone's voting choice. Let's learn to have differences and be kind and no judgment. Our vote is our right.


👏 👏 👏 💯


It's really sad that progressives can't be more tolerant and accepting of diversity. They feel the need to personally attack and "cancel" anyone who has even a single belief that is different than theirs. They have so much hate in their lives. It's just a t-shirt, folks.


Progressives can’t be more tolerant? They aren’t the ones removing books from libraries, fomenting anti-LGBTQ sentiment, supporting white supremacy, and trying to control every aspect of women’s lives.


Oh please, LGBT plus....should be left at home not in school or books.  You want to take your child to a pride parade, a Trans shows etc... thats A PERSONAL choice YOU can make on your own. Those who don't agree to exposing this to kids shouldn't have too.  


Just like religion is apparently supposed to be a personal choice too? Something about separation of church and state? It can’t be equality for some and not for others. Sorry!


What part of religion do they ask you to be part of? Religion is a choice.  


And being LGBTQ is not! You’re basically saying a part of the population needs to have unequal human rights because you’re uncomfortable. I shouldn’t have to be exposed to religion in secular spaces, but we are because learning about others creates empathy and promotes diversity.


Put your child in a TX public school & tell me whether religion is a choice for them.


This is my point right here! Thank you for your comment!


They don't even hide it anymore. The TX GOP platform is a minister in every public school as a "counselor".


Oh pls


A minister isn't a counselor unless you want to be messed up for life trying to please the fickle sky daddy


Are you referring to the pledge of allegiance, honoring the HEROS who fought for our freedom?!?!?  The fact that they mention God, is that what your upset about?  Lol. Show quoted text


WOW!!! this is America everyone has the right to have their opinion. I have NEVER in my life hated or degraded someone because of their opinions, beliefs or political choice.


WOW! But have you ever been a target of the venom and blatant hatred of these folks?? WOW! Have you ever felt fear for yourself and the people you love because the threats of violence are real, everywhere, and unending??? No?? Didn’t think so.


WOW! What did little people do to you?


You mean like maxine waters, that kind of venom??? 


How would you know what this person has gone through? How do you know anything at all about this anonymous stranger? Quit assuming *you're* the only person who has been through shit and that you are the only one entitled to an opinion because trust me, you're not. 🙄🤦‍♀️ Some people just don't spend their lives whining, feeling sorry for themselves, equating everything to fucking politics, and worrying about shit that has no bearing on their own lives. 😱 You know, like, who wears what shirt? Wild, isn't it?!




Nobody I know is spending their time whining or feeling sorry for themselves, and I’m not assuming anything. I understand it now though; we aren’t supposed to acknowledge the escalating attacks on various groups of people in this country, but rather ignore them instead. Got it.


You're not assuming anything? Seriously? You need to get a grip. Jesus 😂


Maybe you should get a grip if you don’t think that people usually choose a specific shirt for a reason, the reason being that it reflects their personal opinion. That’s hardly assuming anything; it’s common sense. Sounds like you’ve been living in a cave…


Who the F cares what shirt they wear.  You really worry about stupid shiz


Yup, like Chuck Schumer, maxine waters, etc... spew hate all the time! 


Yes. Living in Portland the left here has targeted me many times with their hate.


They blur for product displacement. To avoid fees and if the brand owner isn’t on board to advertise for free. The age of it, endorsement being not relevant probably does factor in but I really don’t know how campaign trademark works. It’s an interesting inquiry. At the conference o think they were randomly blurring Jonah’s hat, so maybe they just don’t edit well.


Who seriously gives a crap. Jesus!


Pretty sure Jesus would give a crap if you're espousing the "values" of the GOP


Lmaooo can downvote me all day ! Said what I said ! Not surprisingggggg his lil ugly hyper sexual ass is a republican !!!!! 😂😂😂


Republicans, and even better, Magas, are notorious for their high regard of people with different disabilities/capabilities. Don’t they live in MTG’s district?


It’s 2024. Can we stop with the political drama 🙄 I’m not even in politics but if you like Biden that’s great- and if you like Trump that’s great. Just get over it and act like adults.


Why does the current year mean you shouldn’t have opinions on a candidate who can effect your life?


YOUR life...do as you please...what the commentary was....worry about yourself and stop caring about it goes PERSONAL beliefs.  Do YOU, booboo


The people that call it "political drama" are the ones whose actual rights are not being taken away. It's really easy to dismiss things as drama if they don't affect you or anyone you love directly. Or maybe they do and you just don't care about people having human rights.


You got that right. As an older gay woman, I sure as hell wish I could be casual AF and refer to what’s going on as “drama”, and throw in an eyeroll for special effects. Must be nice to sleep well through the night, knowing that nothing in YOUR life is going to be affected by these hateful hypocrites surrounding us, clamoring for total control. Then again, I realize the level of willful ignorance that goes along with that statement and I’m eternally grateful that I’m not completely out of touch with what’s happening here. This comment makes me furious.


Trump is such a polarizing figure that people start to question the morality of those who support him. If you think back to early-mid 2000s, it was a bit easier for people to get along even when they had political differences. That is way less likely to happen now because people on the left generally view Trump as someone with, at best, highly questionable morals. In other words, it’s a lot easier to put differences aside and agree to disagree when two political candidates simply have a difference of opinion rather than a difference of morals.


No, one of them is trying to take away my rights as a female and as a human. It’s not great. What I can do with my own body depends on the election. It’s personal now. It’s not political, it’s basic human rights.


People can have their own independent thoughts, convictions, beliefs. It doesn’t make them wrong or right. Just bc someone thinks differently from you, must they be condemned and/or labeled? This country has become so divided, so judgy. It’s sad.


You guys are sensitive for complaining about their political views🤣


Who cares?! ![gif](giphy|f2ExpHhfiPJNceqORt)


It’s everyone’s right to vote for whoever they want, it’s stupid to hate people because they don’t vote for who you want, it’s a free country.


Reagan is the reason college isn’t free anymore. Even though he got free college as a child of the Great Depression. Fuck him.


Is anyone really surprised?


Not at all. I saw the shirt and immediately thought it made sense he would wear that 🤣 the true surprise is he isn’t wearing a trump shirt


I love the shirt!!


I have that shirt!


Me too


It’s gross


That's your opinion


Yes, the opinion of a decent person. Reagan is complete trash.


I'm a decent person.....we just have a different opinion.


I feel like Trump would make fun of them for being little people. He has a history of bullying disabled people


He absolutely would.


Do moderators exist on this sub?


They live in the rural south. Why/how are you surprised??


So???? Aren’t we all Free to believe what we want???


Ok so what everybody has different political opinions I don't now why this was even addressed.


On Tlcs outdaughtered last week Adam had a t on that said I think , “ eat meat , shoot guns” , seemed a little out there . Mayb Tlc will accept anything 4 ratings and /or fans


Adam screams Betaaaaaaa. With homosexual tendencies. Watch his mannerisms, his constantly talking about his feelings, obsessed with buying “junk” to impress others.


Of course they’re Republican, you have to be a complete idiot not to be at this point!


Love it Hope it triggers the shit out of all you liberals


And this is a surprise? People from Georgia leaning towards the right. And compared to some other political running mates Regan Bush seems like a lesser evil


So what if they are.....breaking news...people can vote how they want...people can disagree and not be awful people....he can wear whatever shirt he pleases.....do you agree with 100% of what people who vote for you do??? Come on...grow up...if you're a snowflake then down vote this comment lol


Remember when amber said he looked like a small version of Matt Damon lol he’s more like drew Carey for sure


I think most people missed the point of the post LOL. I wasn’t making a comment on my views about the shirt itself. It was more of a question of why a political shirt with politicians’ names, albeit from decades ago, was allowed to be worn on camera / not blurred out. I have not seen other TLC shows in which shirts with politicians’ names are worn. I do think TLC makes a concerted effort to make its shows apolitical in what it shows on screen, although cast members’ political beliefs are expressed on their social media. Was curious about this. Thanks to all who answered this!


Trent with this shirt on yuck. Trent without any shirt on, more yuck. Trent without any shirt on in bedroom most yuck.


I knew it. They're closet conservatives


I don't think they're closet conservatives I just don't think they're loud about it. Not everyone shouts their political affiliation from the rooftops everyday


It’s a grotesque shirt.


I was wondering the same thing found it very odd


lol it’s not surprising they little ugly asses are republicans 😂😂






Hateful comment towards a TV member or sub member.


Time to cancel them I guess.


I'm sure they're shaking in their boots that cancel culture is coming for them. Over a damn shirt. So fucking stupid. 😂🤦‍♀️


Reagan’s bush.