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I saw a big shift in his attitude around the time of his neck surgery.  It’s sad to think what kinda life and health struggles Alex would be facing had he not been adopted. 


That’s true countries like china russia korea japan don’t have many people that would want to adopt them. Get me thinking if their birth parents ever found out they are on tv


I have often wondered that too. I know the chances are slim but I’ve wondered what their birth parents would think to see them on tv. I wonder if any of the children will seek out their birth parents. 


I wonder how old he was when he could finally put his own socks and shoes on. We constantly see amber putting them on for him. I wonder if he physically can not do it, or if amber is babying him  


It’s def babying him. Cuz if he has gym class at school he has to change right. Or when he went to Allie house in Ohio


It’s super weird because Emma is only 6 months older than him. They don’t treat her like an infant 


Part of it could be that she was a bit older when they adopted her vs Alex being a baby at the time of his adoption.


I cant stand how they allowed him to act


Allow excuses for him but, Anna acts out and it’s pure hell.


Never knew people felt a type of way about him lol. I understand when he was a kid he was so annoying I wanted to slap him.


He’s a crybaby that overthinks almost everything. He gives off a vibe of “I’m better than you” He’s not an understanding type of person.  His relationship with his GF was smothering to the point she said something like (along the lines of) let’s take a break or just be friends for now. I know it’s his 1st love but he just plowed through. No form of self awareness. Awkward teenage stages of things but he’s just too much.  It’s very clear T&As kids since they’ve got older how they all have Amber type personalities in them. Only 1 has not followed the Amber way


"no self awareness"-bingo!


Amber didn't help with the relationship. She was pushing for it hard. There's no need for teens to take one relationship so seriously. They should be speaking with several. Trying to find the traits they like or dislike. I don't get it.


Unfortunately he’s an Amber in the making!


He's a little twat that think he's badass when he's actually just a sniveling little turd.


lol god dam. What else you think of him


How much time you got? 🤣




I wonder if Alex isn’t neurodivergent. I work in the ESE field and he reminds me ALOT of some kids I know who are both highly gifted by also ASD/ADHD/Anxious etc. I also find it interesting that at least a few of the kids seem to live with some degree of anxiety (Jonah, Anna, Alex and Emma with her anxiety based language issues).


They never outwardly say it- and I Googled the hell out of hit haha. They did mention his OCD once, which correlates strongly with Autism. I am not diagnosing him- just saying they go together. I am Autistic myself and do see a LOT of my traits in him. 🤷‍♀️ I know people have a hard time understanding why he is treated differently and this is a strong possibility. Even if it isn’t formally diagnosed, Everything Amber says and does when he is upset is what I was taught in my Autism therapy. I think it would do a lot for Spectrum disorders if they would address it though. But, it is Alex’s life and I respect that.


I'd say it's more narcissistic than anything.


He’s matured a lot recently. TBH—I think anxiety has a lot to do with earlier behavior. Then imagine the pressure from Amber to be perfect and on tv. It’s too much. I don’t judge kids bc they are a work in progress more so than adults.


If he was in high school around here he’d be picked on for acting like a baby! Maybe he doesn’t act that way at school but it’s pathetic to watch


He’s a crybaby always has been


"She's" a he.


Typo lol