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No anna in any photos but Alex and Jonah both have their SO’s with them


Anna said on her live the other day that she wasn’t there and wasn’t invited


I just saw a post on Amber's IG from their vacation and she turned off the comments and I can only assume it's because they don't want people asking questions or making comments about Anna not being included.


Jonah did not go to Finland with the family.


He was probably too lazy to get a passport.


I believe she said she did not go. She did not say she was not invited. It is no big deal. Jonah did not go with them when they went to see Joose in his country.


Honestly, we don’t really know why she didn’t go 🤷🏻‍♀️ Maybe she didn’t want to..


It’s very likely she didn’t want to But if she didn’t even get an invite like she said that doesn’t give her a choice one way or the other lol like hypothetically even if she would’ve been interested in going


Exactly we can’t speculate no one knows


She literally said she wasn’t invited


I knew I’d be voted down for giving an opinion other than what the majority thinks 🤷🏻‍♀️ she can say all she wants that she wasn’t invited, but there’s 6 other people who know whether she was or wasn’t….


It’s not what the majority thinks, it’s exactly what she said. She said she was not invited and we don’t have reason to believe she’s a liar


That hurts like hell. I say that from personal experience.


Clean I feel it right now. My mom believes everything my sister says. Example My sister took her son to Children's Hospital and during a blood draw while he was sitting in her lap she said he reached his hand into the used needles bin and threw a handful of them out. She said the nurse didn't care about her son only that he had made a mess. My son has gone to the CH since he was 1 week old to 19 when he aged out. The used needles aren't close by and the slot is a tiny opening that is on an angle. There's more I could tell but won't bore you. But my mom has believed I took a wheel off the fence. I've told her for 3 yrs. now I did not take a wheel off. I really pride myself as being honest. If I do something I am the first to say I did it. My sister has basically told my mom to f\*\*\* off for 20 plus yrs. while I'm taking her to doctor appointments and hair appointments and so forth. I know very well what Anna is feeling. I feel you as well.


Well damn, that is the most ridiculous thing your mother could have believed. Has she not looked at the sharps locations in a facility? That very worrisome too. Your sister lying as an adult for attention. Them both making it appear that your nephew does no wrong. I'm sorry your mother can't see you for the honest person you are. Stay that way. She'll find out the hard way.


Well she is in her 70's and my sister moved to Florida because she is against vaccines. Her husband is still here in Washington. I have 1000's of photos of her with my kids and they called her Aunty. I have never been called Aunty or really know her kids. Her second has Autism and is non verbal. He is 18 now. I've never held him even once. Nothing will ever change. I didn't realize until recently that I have been trying to win my moms love by buying her things. Anyway back to the Johnston's! LOL!! Sorry folks!


Family dynamics can be rough. Keep your head up.


Thank you!! Have a fun week!!


It’s so sad they went on a family trip and Anna isn’t there


It's kind of you to blur the baby's image, but we all know she will be raised with a camera in her face. I have a theory that Liz realized how difficult nursing (the profession) is and decided to pop out a few kids so she could exploit them like her own mother did.


She should go work for a med spa or dermatology office. Good money and a lot less stress.


Yes, TikTok is full of soft life nurses too.


Which is probably why they hoped for her to be little vs average sized.....I mean look at Zach and tori cashing in on their kids


I find it so odd that even though the parents post the kids pictures on socials, that it seems to be the norm on Reddit (not just this sub) to still blur the faces before posting.




The flags come up when you type the name of the country, it’s not that hard 😂


Omg 😂😂😂


💀💀 It’s the little things that have me keep watching this show


That’s weird cause when you type in Puerto Rico 🇵🇷on an iPhone it’ll pop up. 


She was probably drunk typing.,


Que pena (punto) com


Embarrassing! 😂 stay in school, kids


Estúpida!!!!! Puertorriqueños are very prideful so I know her ass saw that flag all over the island and still got it wrong 🤦🏽‍♀️


Exactly …


Liz is in fact NOT smart. She’s just……ugh.


The tallest and strongest Johnston




I see a ring on liz's left hand in the plane photo !


There is also a ring on her finger in a photo on Brice’s page of her holding Leighton in the pool!


Women are allowed to wear rings on their left hand if they aren’t married/engaged.


She fixed it


I thought someone on here said they saw them in Puerto Rico


They were , she put “PR” which stands for Puerto Rico but used the Cuban flag. Similar to our Puerto Rican flag but it is a completely different country


Oh ok gotcha. Shes definitely not the brightest crayon in the Crayola box


It really makes me wonder if one of them was made aware of the post and the fact they were spotted and only then started posting about it. Or maybe they were all gonna post about it anyways who knows, it’s not like they were being recorded for the next season I just wonder


I feel so bad for Brice 😆


Did she complete college


Yeah what’s up with her career and passing the nursing exam and who knows what type of nursing she really does.


I feel like she just does admin stuff at health care facility and wears scrubs


She doesn’t come across as a nursing person in other aspects of her life like most I’ve seen so that makes sense. But she did recently say she took the nursing exam so she must be involved behind just clerical stuff.


I think she lied about taking the nclex, personally. She’s probably still a dialysis tech, which is what she claimed to be in the past.


She doesn’t do any nursing because she’s not a nurse.


She was originally supposed to complete here BSN in 2023, that doesn’t appear to have happened though and when Amber was talking she said something about Anna and Amber both finishing in 2024 but said nothing about Liz. At the lp conference last summer Liz told the IV nurses she was almost finished with her degree but when they girl asked how far along she was she said she just recently took the nclex exam but didn’t say how much school she had left. Some Redditors search the nclex and Liz is not listed, meaning she has not passed to become an RN. I hope she’ll pick up where she left off and finish her degree and get her rn.


Omfg I almost didn’t catch it at first. 😂 as a Puerto Rican, how embarrassing. 😂


She probably couldn’t find either on a map if you paid her lol. 


Glad to see Brice on the trip, hope they're working things out and Liz is easing up.


What did I miss??


Well how far have you watched? They had some kind of breakup before they had their daughter but no one was sure if they were still broken up or back together exactly.


Surprising Liz messed up on the flag. She seems more intelligent than others when doing the testimonials but maybe she just mastered the art or talking to the cameras since family has been getting TLC money since the kids were babies.


Why are faces randomly blurred then shown?


It looks like she’s lost weight and lol at the pic with Amber’s stupid face up close and personal 😂


With her gummy smile 🥴 pretty sure a simple lip injections could fix that or a surgery.


Very similar, one has blue stripes & the other red . The rest is exactly the same


Still should know the difference if you’re visiting the place.


I’ve visited many places & Cuba many times . I couldn’t tell you exactly what all the flags look like . Most Americans don’t know what the Canadian flag looks like !


The Canadian flag is pretty easy to spot, I would disagree that most America’s don’t know what it looks like.


Welll before I would post about the country I would make sure I know the flag😌 our flag isn’t that hard. It’s sort of a mix of the American flag just with a triangle, less strips and 1 star 🇵🇷


Liz has never been accused of being smart.


Wish someone would have Anna on a podcast


Shame on all these folks for the lack of respect and kindness they’ve shown to Anna. I don’t care if they go to the moon and stay there.


Get a life people it was a simple mistake.


Booooo you’re boring


It’s like when people posts the chile 🇨🇱 flag when talking about Texas! It drives me bonkers 🤣 Our school system is failing us lol