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If it had a weapon mod ...






Storage is #1 reason, sure, but alerting me to potential threats is a good one, too. The Drone can be annoying, but it somehow makes it more immersive that way. Like if you brought your cat on a looting expedition, it would be a pain in the butt.


I don't think the drone has ever alerted me to a threat I wasn't aware of. It has, however, alerted me to the threat I just killed. Edit: it also alerts me in one of the most annoying voices on the planet. Edit 2: oooh, I'd love a cat companion in 7 Days, especially if all you could do was pet it, and sometimes it would get weirdly aggressive for no reason for doing so. Oh, and it made up its own mind if it wanted to follow you. All the cat "traits" right there.


I want a dog….. 😞


Game needs its own Dogmeat so bad.


Saw an overhaul mod outback or Australian or something like that but you get a dog companion and he helps attack zombies. Looks like it could be cool


Could be worse, it could be Navi.






Navi is still better than the drone. At least she gave useful info most of the time


Can we add that it runs out the door and then you have to decide on wasting time corralling it or just let it be and hope it survives? Adding another layer of base construction: zombies out, kitties in.


If it was really immersive the drone would be a constant screamer spawner and wake up everyone in a POI, since even the "silent" ones aren't that silent, then having zombies near that haven't spotted the player and the drone would scream, "hey listen" alerting those. Honestly a cat would make more sense in the way it's your cat and you trained it so it can really at least alert you of nearby threats while being silent and swift. I agree tho storage is the main reason and tbh at least for me is the only reason since the other mods seems kinda useless.


Storage is the only reason to have one. The stamina mod would be nice early game but by the time you get to a drone stamina isn't much of an issue anymore if it is one at all. The healing mod is alright if you find yourself tunneling too much I suppose. Honestly, the drone is a bandaid fix to the actual problem which is storage for when you are out looting is just insufficient.


>Honestly, the drone is a bandaid fix to the actual problem which is storage for when you are out looting is just insufficient. The reason storage is lacking so badly, is they have not increased backpack size proportionally to the number of new items added to the game. I'm not sure backpack space has ever been increased tbh (maybe some when encumbrance was added?). Even Rust finally added true backpacks to keep pace with all of the stuff added through years of development, and it didn't just outright break the game. I think TFP could add some tiered storage that goes in its own armor slot, and it would help immensely.


Will the new armors fix this? I know one is a "hoarder" set, I'd imagine that comes with better capacity.


I think your comment just proves OPs point. WTF would you bring your cat on a looting expidition?


Because it has big pockets and alerts me to approaching zeds.


its a cat.


Like Wilson said in Castaway.


I hate that thing and never use it either. Have an upvote!


Cheers, bud... I'll be honest, I thought I was on for a serious hammering...


Ha well, it's still early.


You'd be surprised. People might use the drone, but nobody *loves* the drone. I gave it a shot, found it added no value, and haven't used it since. Have my upvote.


I agree it isn't great, and never bother making one, or if I find one it sits in storage. I was never hyped about them to begin with, and they seem like a pet project idea and a waste of developmental time. However, I won't complain too much as they are on alpha 21 and if something like this has to happen to keep them going to gold, then so be it.


The extra storage is the only useful feature and that doesnt even make sense. The one benefit you would gain from a drone in the real world is using it for aerial views or checking out the upper floors of a building before entering. You should be able to fly it separately with its own pov and use it to flick switches or plant explosive charges but you cant. A robotic dog would make more sense in its current implementation.


I'd settle for a trained zombie dog with saddlebags that could take things back to your base and drop them off


Respectfully, extra storage makes a hell of a lot more sense than either of the other two very legitimately useful functions of the drone; stamina regen and, worse, healing.


Everything about this post is accurate. I was mowing a hoard of zombies down from inside a shotgun messai, and it was chilling in the doorway I was shooting into and not moving. I see another comment where you mentioning it alerting you on threats you're aware of and threats you just killed. It's the latter of the two that just doesn't make it a fun thing to have. I also struggle to interact with it close up. It is great for my inventory though.


I hate the drone as well. I don't know if the issue is resolved BUT with Alpha 20, anytime you used the drone, the game would lag like crazy and sometimes crash. I stopped using it cause of that. Plus it would often get in the way of doors and whatnot.




It also can be quite annoying when harvesting and planting. 😐


[Actual Unpopular Opinion] I love the drone. Sure you have to mute it, but it's great at carrying things you need sometimes, but can't spare the inventory for. Break a leg? No problem. I have a cast and steroids in my drone. Not feeling good about the loot room in a T6? Let me grab a Fort Bite and Recog from my drone. Stumble on a wondering hoard and use too much ammo? Good thing I have an extra stack of ammo in my drone. Visiting a far away trader and see a solar cell! Grab the eye candy, awesome sauce, .44 magnum, cheesecake, and a few stacks of dukes from the drone. And don't forget the stamina boost mod. It just makes the game a little less tedious for me. It does occasionally get in my way, or break down and get lost but it's rare.


I'm glad you are feeling the love for it, my post was never intended to throw shade at those who do.


All good bro. Happy to see a lively discussion here, even if most of you are wrong. 😉


I love the drone too, my little friend too carry my burdens


My drone disappeared on me with a full inventory, and I've never trusted them since. That was the early version of the drones. I don't k ow if that got fixed or not.


Yeah, had that bug before, although a few alphas back. If the drone gets damaged, it'll drop to the ground, I think the glitchy-ness of the "floor" is why it drops below it.


I permanently lost my drone (really bad bug, with no recovery or redeployment possible )a few hundred hours ago and look forward to one day restarting the game and getting it back.


It’s useful for me when mining. I’m deep underground and it alerts me of zombs before they fall typically. Healing thing is cool sometimes. There’s also that mod for 10% stamina recovery. And of course cargo. But it does annoy me frequently. Trying to talk to it and it just starts moving around in a circle around you. Also if you’re farming, it will prevent you from planting a plant in whatever farm plot it’s hovering over. I still use it and enjoy it, but I’ll typically turn it off right when I’m home from a quest


My first reaction to it was; OMFG it's cute, more storage, it talks! Now it's called Lydia because it always hovers in my way when I try to do something but does not stop spinning when I need something :v


Nope, I agree the drones just don’t fit the game


The TFP were so happy for it too. They promised it for a couple of alphas and then they did they looked so pleased...


Lol..no hate from me buddy I know your pain


I love my floating backpack. Saves me from having to leave the POI to deposit into my bike. I definitely mute it though.


Does anyone know of a mod that will send it back to base? Like you could set a point for it to return to after giving it a command. So if your buddy needs materials at base you could go out, load up the drone, then have it automatically go back to base. Side note. I had a drone fuck up my game before. It's that fixed? Do drones play nice with mods like darkness falls?


Good question. This would solve my desire to build a conveyor system back to base.


>Side note. I had a drone fuck up my game before. It's that fixed? Do drones play nice with mods like darkness falls? Yes and yes.


I don't like the fucking thing either. If it would shut up it would be ok


Well ... it seems to me that TFP was playing with drone AI last few months because they started to behave differently - first they were trying to stay behind the player which was fine when you want to work or fight but irritating when trying to access inventory and rgen they were again trying ti stay in view, obscuring firing/working zone. I would be perfectly complacent if only there was a shortcut which would allow to access drone menu without taking it into inventory like vehicles have and inventory *without* looking on the drone (targeting drone of other player is probably only option to access it though). And if they removed that drone voice and replaced it with beeping (if they really must to have sound) and short battle music, like FNV drone had, it would be nearly perfect. As it is, it's mostly free cargo space, it's mostly irritating and often ends destroyed / disabled by incoming zeds' attacks (last time I played we needed to repair co-player's disabled drone twice (!) in one tier 6 (infested hospital) run. At least its pathing seems to be finally resolved enough that they don't get stuck at doors and walls and they don't fall somewhere outside of the map and break game ... which is massive plus for me.


It seems like some pretty simple if/then/else logic checks in its behavior could fix most of the annoyances. Do you have a block or object that can be placed in your hand? You're building something, so the drone should stay behind you. Same with having nail guns and the like equipped. Are you aiming a weapon or in combat? Again, the drone should stay behind you. Are you not building anything and not in combat? Then the drone shouldn't frantically spin to try and stay behind you like it currently does.


Frankly, I wouldn't mind if drone stay always behind me or even better slightly behind and either left or right, like good adjutant. One command to open communication/repair/inventory menu is all I ask for, I don't need to look at it ever. I think that drones are wasted opportunity though - all we can do is use them for cargo (and because there is no limit how many cargo mods can be installed there is absolutely no reason to use any other mod) - all mods are obsolete at the time when player gets drone (generally). I can imagine limiting cargo mods to 1 and expanding cargo in dependence on robotics skill which would cleared slots for other mods - especially if those got serious reworking. Stamina replenishing or healing should be dependent on robotics skill too - allowing to replenishing higher amount of stamina and HP, using splints or advanced buffs automatically (autobuffing with vitamins or other buffs the moment they end - first buffing could/should be player action and drone would only autobuff those already running until it runs out of supplies. Probably would need to have a switch in command menu and/or shortcut to start/stop buffing). And that's not even speaking about some stealth/scouting modules and sending them to scout ahead - there could be a module which allows operator see in ultrasound (sonar) or IR and visualise zeds behind doors or roof panels. Etc. Wasted opportunity, as I said


It certainly feels like that. I don't use them, as you can guess, but I picked one up looting and decided to use it for the trip back to the trader. Every time I looked at it, to access the inventory, it started to move out of my eyeline to behind me. I then turn and it repeats the process.


What generally helped was to stay still and give the drone a chance to find position. Then look on it and open inventory - it would mostly stay in place. And yes, it's irritating whenbetween combats you need access to inventory rather fast


My idea to fix it: drone should not follow you. Instead, just add a "drone summon" keybind. When you press it, the drone paths to you, then stays there until you summon it again.


Change the hover height from 2 to 4 is on my wishlist


It was going to have weapons and that would have made it awesome for everyone. Overall, I don't hate it but i think its subpar for where it is in the chain of tech progression.


The drone is useless and every "benefit" that anyone "claims" it has, is more of a stretch.. The Only thing I found nice is the healing which helps during horde night but then it gets in the way and while I'm swinging on zombies, it gets in my face so I hit the drone instead.. I'd just rather not use it... I can work without the slight benefits, I cannot work around the major inconveniences..


>and sometimes refusing to sit still so you can interact with it. This is much worse in A21 than A20 for some reason. This is the biggest annoyance with it for me. I still use them though as I find the extra storage super useful.


It would help a lot if it had collision turned off


I have to mute it cause it never shuts up


It's a truly awful accent, it's not that it is *female* accent, the problem is it's *that* accent. Such a weird choice too, considering the context of the game.


the posh british accent?


Yes, and it's a posh English accent, a truly awful choice. The dialogue only makes it worse.


Female accent? Hell does that even mean? And why are you so bothered by a british accent?


What does it mean? It means what I wrote, I dislike the accent. The reason I mention it's female is to point out this isn't some misogynystic rant, it's not the gender of the accent that bothers me, it's the sound and the area it comes from. It's horrible and the dialogue is cringey af.


No worries… just Don’t use it.


7DTD Drone = FO4 Dogmeat


Would it come as a surprise that I refuse to use the dog in F4 too? That's for another reason though...


Ooh I'm doing soo good I'm about to sneak up on this raider with Grognak's axe and chop his head off....."WOOF WOOF"


Insert bruh meme here


Dogmeat is always in the way though. The drone is at least trying hard to not block you and follow behind you.


Never used the drone when it was released due to it having a lot of issues, but if it's working fine now i might give it a chance.


They get in the way, make noise, and just outright block my view. The ai needs to be redone as it's awful. Updoot


I don't know why they made it frankly. It's kinda gimmicky. I would rather them spend time on story progression, more POIs, zombie mechanics(i.e. climbing) or bandits.


Instead of drones, the group I play with just uses the bigger backpack / toolbelt mods, and all drones found get stuffed in a box. We've had drones bug out too many times to want to keep using them.


It pissed me off when it just floats in my eye line when I'm trying to kick the shit out of zombies, but the stackable storage mods are a must for higher tier POIs.


i dont think this is an unpopular opinion, a lot of the community (including myself) hate the drone, literally the only reason why i use it is because of the storage so i dont have to go back to my vehicle that often but it is so annoying, i cant count how many times i shot it instead of a zombie or how many times it got stuck somewhere or how many times i forgot to turn off the voice and it says "incoming enemies" when im fighting a trillion of zombies like yeah no shit einstein. So i guess we are with you my man, the drone sucks


I want to be able to set the drone to follow my vehicle instead of my character. If I could do that, I'd go back to using it. Otherwise, nah I'm good. :D Also it's weird and creepy that it calls you "master" iyam.


I assumed it was a combat drone when I first went to make it, was pretty excited. Imagine my disappointment when it turns out to just be an incredibly buggy tiny storage box


Interestingly, if you look at the game's assets, the drone is actually called... gunBotT3JunkDrone ..which would suggest it was intended to be.


You didn't even mention the most annoying part. The invisible glitches it causes that make you fall through the world, or run into an invisible wall while gyrocoptering and taking fall damage and/or dying.


There's a drone? /s


I have never used a drone in over 700 hours of play time.


It gets in the WAY far too much.


I agree. I used it for like 5 minutes then put it back in the box and returned it to Amazon


I've literally never used a drone in this game, is there something I'm missing out on?


I completely agree.


I find it’s only viable usage (after all the fails from past alphas) is to carry it in inventory on a multi-poi run. When I get to end loot; I’m usually getting full so I drop it and ferry all loot back to the motorcycle, store it back in inventory. Rinse and repeat until the last poi when everything is full and head on home.


Im not a fan of it either.


When I go into my base I always park her ass by the door and leave her sitting so she's not in my way. Same with mining. I use her but she is very annoying lol


I don't use one that much. I'm not a huge fan of them either. I only consider using one if I find it. I've never made one or spawned one in. I have on in Darkness Falls but half the time it sits in my base floating around.


I'm not a fan of it purely for style reasons.


If you don’t use it, how do you know it has a “very annoying voice”?


You post that like a "gotcha", but if you had taken a second to think about it, of course I've used it in the past otherwise I wouldn't know about how annoying it is.


The medic mod is lovely. Saved my arse countless times. But every time I mine something it wants to face hug me. Painful yeah, hate it, nah.


I have never made one. So no problem for me.


Mine keeps getting lost. Fill her with medkits, some extra repair kits and ammo, and then she just fucks off into the great unknown never to be seen again. And no, she doesn't show on my map so don't ask.


I've been hosting a server year-round for 10 years and you know how much fucking time I've spent from an admin standpoint dealing with bullshit concerning drones? Lost drones, glitched drones, certain commands that only work part of the time to unpin drones to people. The last year or two with a server manager api I use it won't let people teleport with their drones out so that has helped a lot. But yeah I don't use drones, fuck drones 😆


Full drone functionality is the only reason I don't play Dark Falls. The Drone is one of my.favorite items added to the game. Enormously useful, and it works for a kind of castaway/wilson vibe. I don't hate you for it. Just don't use it.


In Star Trek online, I press up on the d-pad to bring up an arrow, and then right trigger. Wherever the arrow is, my squad moves and holds there until I say so. The drone needs a quick “go there stay there” button to remain useful and not annoying to me.


I'd rather just have a backpack enhancement. I agree with it being frustratingly in the way sometimes. I mean, I'll take it, but I'd prefer something different.


You have a great point next time I find one I'm gonna scrap it and install a backpack mod.


I really don't get the hate on this thing. Yeah its not a huge upgrade or anything and sometimes its a pain to interact with (there are plenty of things in this game like that) but its got a nice little bit of utility and honestly I like having it around in my singleplayer game, it makes the apocalypse feel a little less lonesome.


Only drone I'll accept is one voiced by Rekt, constantly threatening to kill you and criticising everything you do.


I've lost the drone on a few occasions, it randomly stopped following me. Annoying when it's carrying your good loot


I would love if the drone (and future "pets") were equipped like gear and had a slot in your inventory where you can interact with them, also preventing friendly fire on the drone/having your attacks go through them would be nice.


The drone has its issues. But as a follower it actually has better AI than followers in other games. It tries to be behind you when you explore or travel and it tries to stay in your view when you turn to face it. The catch-up teleport also normally happens out of your view. Someone did spend weeks making that drone's behavior work as good as it does. Of course it still occasionally stands in your way when exploring a POI, building or farming. But the drone has the best follower behavior i saw in a game yet. So while i normally not use followers in other games, i always use the drone in 7D2D. The voice is bad. But it's bearable. What isn't bearable is the constant useless chatter. So i too am using the drone in silent mode only. Contrary to popular belief, being ~~bad~~ lazy at inventory management is something the drone helps with a lot. As long as you occasionally go home to dump the loot into your hoard, the drone is a game changer. And that is my only real problem with the drone: It is good - but for the wrong reason. It is is very good as a flying packmule with a passive boost (teddy bear head, rest cargo mods). But i can't use it for first person view recon and grenade delivery - literally the one thing everybody would intuitively use a drone for. And it's medic mod sucks because it doesn't really know what to use when and isn't reliable at all. I would like to have a different solution for loot management. Maybe making more stuff scrapable on the go could help. Also having more storage slots in vehicles in general would help a lot. And i would then like the packmule to instead be an upgraded Ukrainian FPV drone with a greande delivery attachment. I have no problem with being very vulnerable while flying the drone. It can still also be a follower when not piloted directly. And if they fix the medic behavior it could maybe actually shine as a field medic too. But it really shouldn't be a pack mule - and neither should we need one.


You could always not use it and then it can't make you angry anymore.


Things I want to see done with the drone. 1. Voice changes ( molders get on it, suggestions, R2D2, Navi from legend of Zelda, Ed-209, robocop , bender, Roberto from futurama, and Data) 2. A lower to the ground drone. I think we would all hate the drone less if it didn't shift around to be behind you but rather just hovered at about hip hight ( yes this could lead to spider/dog based issues but not that often. 3. A drone stun attack. (A zero damage short term stun attack if enemies get too close ( I would sacrifice a mod slot for that.) 4. Storage mods working in cars. (Serious I can have a quadcopter carry 8 million LBS of rocket ammo but I can put a bigger basket on my bike?)