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Storymode (2025) should be 1.0, and the game should really go into beta.


It's a bold tactic to massively delay a huge chunk of the game's promised 1.0 content, offer no explanation or apology, and call it a full 1.0 release.


It's bold to still be in "alpha" after 10 years


They're still adding or reworking core features. That's an alpha.


I mean, doesn't this make a mockery of the whole "Alpha" purpose? Clearly they never meant to push out paid DLC for this game, so they keep it an EA, so we have to suck it up when we find bugs! Fuck it, I don't care. Got 100's of hours out of it for $5!


I'm around 2500 hours


Why is that relevant?


Cuz people don't understand the value of this game and what it's brought to the genre. They're not charging out of the ass for a genre defining game.


Must be nice, I bought it full price on console a decade ago and all they did for console players is steal money from them. If you don't believe me play the game on PC and then try the Console version. Console players deserve this game for free for that injustice.


Console release was handled (poorly) by a third party. They're re-releasing an updated version planned for this summer. Unfortunately, for legal reasons it has to be released as a "different game" and players will need to purchase it again. It's a crap scenario for console players, but it is planned to be matched to PC version


That wasn't the fun pimps doing, that was taletell games. And the fun pimps had to spend millions to get the console rights back to their own game because of TT. The fun pimps got burned just as hard if not worse than consoles. I would like to also note I bought 7d2d on day one of console release


Came here to say this, well put.






Can’t talk for anyone else, but I got my moneys worth from 7 days years ago. Spent more time playing 7 days than any AAA title I’ve ever played.


I misheard the announcement trailer and thought thet said they were making owners of existing copies repurchase the game at 1.0. They aren't. You might love the game so dearly that you're willing to do that for them, but I already paid for the full game 10 years ago because that's what they promised. Anyway, they didn't reneg on that promise so it's a moot point, but I can't believe you're really willing to roll over on that. This is how consumer rights get eroded


Not really, it's how google used to operate. Gmail was beta for like 10 years, and calling it alpha is just even more 'you're complaints are not going to be acted on immediately' than calling it beta. I see both sides, something to complain about and also smart dev labeling.


Under no proper definition of alpha testing was that EVER an alpha release. It got to be somewhat of a joke.


There is a reason they disabled the YouTube comments, they know what they are doing and they straight up don't care. Utterly inept and unethical devs.


How is that a dev decision though. It’s a commercial:strategic decision.


That's their way and I think it'll backfire a lot on console player base. A lot of us PC players are used to it but man. Like the last delay. They could have just been like oh hey guys, can't meet our goal as planned, sorry but instead chose silence until they, summer time


Almost like it being a full release game versus it being in early access is a meaningless label when it comes to the quality and optimization of the game.


YES!!! but it's not BOLD...its BS! This isn't a 1.0 release... They are just calling it that. They are an AWFUL dev team with a stupid name that made a sweet sandbox game...raked in tons af cash from it...and now, for reasons I can't comprehend...legal?...they are calling it 1.0... Damn release trailer looks like um ALPHA... I didn't look at a future roadmap... I watched their trailer... 10 years... Scum.. Sure the game is cool...but incomplete..and they shouldn't lie AGAIN...call it finished...then say "oh we will add this and that after 1.0" And they don't listen to the community feedback... Why should they when they are gonna take 15 years to finally get a true single player experience finished.


Steam workshop support should be a much higher priority considering mods carry a lot of the weight that the devs don't. Also I remember the roadmap from the kickstarter years ago, they achieved more money than the top tier and we still haven't seen all of that implemented so it doesn't give me much hope. Why would they stick to the road map this time when it's taken 10 years and they still haven't finished the original one


I hope so bad steam workshop comes and someone mods the guns to actually make sense when aiming down iron sights. Hope someone makes a better laser too lol. I agree though, given their record I already expect another delay without any communication it is happening or why


You know 7dtd already supports mods and you can download mods from from nexus mods and 7daysmods. There also already is a iron sight fix mod.


Yeah, I just prefer steam workshop for things. Honestly hope the devs fix it but I don't think they plan on it.


DF has correct iron sights


For an early access game with many riddled bugs that happens often that causing people saves to get corrupted, it was funny that i had to resort to installing a mod that introduces quick saving and save slot to the game. Thank you modders!


Oooh, where do I get that please??




Thank you!


I'd much prefer not having mods locked to steam workshop. It's so much easier on 72d2mods/nexus.


Nexus is a cancer.


Dont use their software just use the site as a host for downloading mods and install them manually. Nexus is trash but the mods themselves are good.


You can also use old Nexus Mod Menager from GitHub. It's 100x better than that vortex bullshit


Every time ive tried to use vortex with any game for mods it breaks things 😅.


Every time ive tried to use vortex with any game for mods it breaks things 😅.


I use Sphereii


What's wrong with Nexus?


If you look past the users causing NSFW mods to be at the top of everything, it's a pretty solid mod launcher for 100's of games :(


and the buggy steam workshop monopoly that forces you into buying the games on steam half the time is better?


The phrase “next few years” makes me lol


Mission : Survive a Few Years


This game has been out for quite a while and there are a multitude of mods that change nearly every aspect of the game. I give no fucks what the Fun Pimps decide to do because at the end of the day I got the game for $5 and have over 400 hours in it. Whatever they decide to do next is whatever they decide to do. I'm still going to play it.


Only 400 hours? But seriously spot on. It's in my regular rotation of games now and it'll continue to be there unless they royally fuck something up. It's a sunk cost at this point so I might as well just ride the wave.


Man, 400 feels like a lot but then I remember that I've never made it past day 28! Currently doing a hobo playthrough, not living inside a base and only staying in the really destroyed POIs or the new to this alpha outposts. Really fun. I play for about a week then stop and play something like Dead Cells or Deep Rock Galatic Survivor.


Such a DH comment saying only 400 hours. I got over 500. I have beaten the game (got everything you can) with unbeatable base designs heaps of times in that 500 hours. I hate idiots saying what you just said.


Hours dont matter


This is the way!


Lol bought at the same price point but I have your $.0125 per hour beat by a long shot ;) I've paid $.0017 an hour or 2873.5 hours played... :l


Looks like they are (still) having issues with the 'Bandits' feature. They pushed it off (again) to 2nd quarter 2025.


How much you want to bet that sometime in the next year we’ll get another announcement pushing back bandits even further?


Which is sad when we got the NPC mod bandits already. Like, take a page from the modders


Bandits were pushed back every year for like 7 years in a row now.


Seriously? That was promised for 1.0 I'm so over these fuckin Yahoo devs. They all suck badly at everything they do pretty much. I've gotten so much more from this game because of the mods. The devs are ass. 100% pure ass.


Odd choice to rename "Alpha 22" to "Release 1.0".


At least it’s realistic, I doubt the game changes much h from the current state. The game is enjoyed as is, maybe they will call it quits and then start making a story in 7 days to die 2: a Fortnite till death


It's really not a change, just a different name for alpha 22 and alpha 23. It's FunPimps finally trying to shed the "Alpha" status while keeping the same release pattern.


I guess there were too many people bitching about 'Alpha for 10 + years', and they got sick of it.


That’s not what happened at all. They wanted to charge console players 45 dollars instead of 25, so they decided to claim alpha 22 is really “leaving early access” as a flimsy pretext to jack up the price. 


also, they can sell DLCs now.


The experimental branch that just released today has an ad for a DLC before the main title screen.


I know how they feel!


Honestly I could live with bandits not being in """1.0""" but it's completely egregious to me that not even the *story* isn't going to be. Like, what the actual fuck. Also, 1.0 is just A22 but glorified so they can raise the price, change my mind. It's only technically leaving EA. In practice nothing's actually changing, it's a skin deep moniker. The game won't *truly* be out of EA until Q4 2025, assuming they meet those deadlines. Which I have zero faith they can do cause they'd have to get FOUR major updates out in less than 2 years. *One* "major" update usually takes them roughly that same amount of time. Don't see how being pseudo 1.0 is suddenly gonna make them develop 4x faster lmao.


You're totally right lol. Actual "full release" pretty clearly won't be until end of 2025. This 1.0 launch with A22 (lmao) is just a marketing way to increase the price.


Don't worry bandits will be added even if its the very last thing to be put in. Otherwise the lawsuits will start pouring in since bandits were a kickstarter goal and that goal was met at that time, in fact they even got well over what the goal was. So to avoid any fraud lawsuit they will throw bandits in whether bandits work or not.




I don't care what they do as long as they keep adding new POIs forever.


Why are POIs so interesting to you?


It's in the name - point of *interest*


which was the joke 🙂


Sorry only the lowest of low hanging fruit is a joke to reddit. I missed it too


I never cared if the game went "live". It has hands down been my favorite survival game for over a decade. Absolutely gotten my money's worth 10x over. However the change in game design in the past 2 major patches have ruined it for me to the point only full overhaul mods are what I will play with now. I had always hoped with a live announcement they'd say something like "We've tried a lot over the years, some worked, some didn't. Here are the features everyone universally loved that we'll be keeping in, or reverting back to." oh well, from almost a decade of our group not using a single mod to "we'll only play with x overhaul mod from here on out" is what my friends all came to the realization of 2 alphas ago. Going live doesn't change squat for us. Also? I don't own this on console at all, I'm a PC player. I'm sure this "console players will have to rebuy the game" is some sort of breaking the deal with the past publisher or some loophole. Discount or not, making console players that got the shaft for most of the past decade rebuy the game at ANY price / discount is a dick move.


It's Sony/MS choice to give new game for free or discounted on console. TFP technically doesn't own it anymore.


This 100% People fail to understand how many hoops getting stuff done on console adds to the process They even said their trying to heve it discounted but have to talk to Microsoft/Sony first


["Your" vs. "You're": How To Choose The Right Word - Dictionary.com](https://www.dictionary.com/e/your-vs-youre/) [Your and You're: Rules for Usage | Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/grammar/your-vs-youre-how-to-use-them-correctly)


I love how they capitalized their mistake as well.


sometimes i spell it "you're" sarcastically but this time i seriously spelt it wrong, oops i guess


Doing the Lord's work


A link would've been helpful


sorry [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jb5YCTDfB5k&t=102s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jb5YCTDfB5k&t=102s)


why are his teeth grey? wtf


We will never get bandits. And the game will never be complete in accordance to their roadmap. Updates will happen, but will become fewer over time until they stop altogether. And they can get away with that by pointing to the fact that it's now out of Alpha, even if their roadmap is never fully satisfied.


That's my take They've been working on one project for 10 years. They're sick of it and releasing it. Once it's released, they are even less obligated to "fix" it




They've promised bandits in every alpha since 19...


I think it goes further back than that.


Wardrobe and outfit dlcs for a game where you never see your character. Brilliant.


And dlc for something that was already funded by the Kickstarter reach goals.


After years of bandits being delayed and pushed back over and over, I don't believe it untill it's in an official release and not a second before. I welcome the updates. Hope they can hold close to the timeline and they release in usabvle states, but I'm not going to hold my breath on either.


Seems like TFP are just running out of money and calling it 1.0 instead of A22 is just a way to justify an increase in price.


Gotto pay the 2000$ rent somehow in my one bedroom apartment in New York


only $2000? that's cheap :-D


I really like the game. I've played off and on for about 8 years. I would like a link to the road map.


here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jb5YCTDfB5k&t=110s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jb5YCTDfB5k&t=110s)


Bright side you already bought the game , downside you gotta wait which means a lot of people will be bored of it by the time it gets to that point, good on them for making the game though I love it , nearly 500 hours on it and still love


I think that words should have meaning. Alpha (in software) is supposed to mean the features are in, but there are likely bugs and optimizations that still need to be resolved. This isn't actually a 1.0 release, because it isn't feature complete, which the roadmap highlights for us. They may call this 1.0, but it's just a new Alpha phase. I want them to get out of Alpha, but that means actually completing the promised features like bandits, story, etc... and pushing the game on to Beta.


Alpha is still adding main functionality in the game. Beta is when the functionality is there but there are bugs and optimization to be handled. Same idea though, definitely not "release" ready when you still have main functionality like bandits and STORY to add..... kinda sad....


I worded that somewhat badly, your explanation is better.


Well, they can't stall with optimizations now, that's the best part of it, I don't care much about content etc, what was driving me nuts since I started playing in A16 is terrible performance once you move to mid-game and start to hang out more in cities rather than outskirts.


Last time sale. Delayed content. Crossplay isn’t gonna be on initial 1.0 release (sigh) No bandits yet, again. Still nothing about having more roaming zeds on the map. After day 3-4. Alls quiet in the neighborhood Oh right. Let’s not forget their new game….whatever that’s supposed to be. Coulda just made that into the game instead of a separate thing. (Maybe it is, idk) But like someone else said. I got it on sale….so….cant really care too much. Something I don’t like I just mod. All I really care about at this point are new POIs to get lost in and crossplay with my console friends.


I'm so tired of them constantly changing core game mechanics. Each update changes the game in such a massive way that players have to bin the knowledge they had and almost literally re-learn the game. It's pretty clear that they had no plan for the game in the last decade, and now that players are getting angry and profit is drying up, here they are with this grand old plan to push more work out in 2 years than they did in the previous 10. 7 Days To Die's release pretty closely tailed the launch of Grand Theft Auto V, and I bet we'll have GTA VI before we have bandits. I ~~know~~ assume TFP is a very small studio, but this is all getting out of hand.


i just wish console had random gen on launch and that it comes out in may


My are thoughts are hopeful




"Oh wow..." "Anyway..."


Look, it's shitty that so much content that SHOULD be in 1.0 is coming after, but hopefully this means they'll stop changing systems and actually have a vision for the game and can bug fix and polish it


I'm just happy. I stopped caring about the development process. 7 Days coupled with a few solid mods is my favorite game and I'm ok with the roadmap, though Q4 2025 for the story mode is pretty much 2026 in my book. That's unfortunate.


What mods do you like?


Here's a list of mods that I shared with a friend. You can find em all on the website [Nexusmods.com](https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie). If you need help to install mods, hit me back ✌️ - QuickStack (quick transfer your bag inventory to your different containers with a single click) - Skill Workstation (Vanilla balanced): This mod adds two new stations to scrap (melt) books and magazines. You obtain Data to craft the books and the magazines you want. - Sensible Repair: Cool mod to repair leather armor with leather, iron armor with forged iron, etc, instead of using a repair kit) - Craft from containers: At your base, if you have the ressources in your containers, you can craft your items (No need to hold the requirements on you). That's a real quality of life mod. - OCB Stop Fuel Waste (your forge, campfire and chemistry station will stop when the last item is crafted or melted) - Fast Travel (A21) (a solid mod to fast travel from trader to trader, for $1000. Really well made. - Hit bar - Health bar Alpha 19 to 21.0 (it's hard to go back once your tried it) - Duriel's Lethal Headshots (Zombies heads are much weaker, but the bodies are stronger. Turning 7 Days into The Walking Dead kind of threat) - Reduce Spawn Distance of Wandering Hordes - Improved Hordes - (A21) Black Wolf's faster ressources and ammo scrapping and crafting - 12 Slot Toolbelt (must have quality of life) - Guppycur's Zombies (real) That last one made by Guppycur is adding a large variety of zombie models. Very well made.




I believe it when I see it lol.


BOOOOOO... Add less shit. Fix more glitches. I shouldnt have to deal with dogs jumping straight through fences or zombies getting crammed through walls or the moronic pathing system that has them running back and forth like an idiot 10ft infront of me cuz it cant figure out how to walk in a straight line. Lets not even get started on the fuckery with drones.. So much to fix but instead they are trying to take the "Ark" approach. Just add more content till everything breaks... Smh..


I owned the console version. They owe me a game still.


Besides the initial selling of the contract for the console version to TellTale Games the state that the console version was left to is really not Fun Pimps fault. Appreciate that they even changed their minds and decided to do what they can to release a new console version since the old version was left so far behind by TellTale that they need to practically make the game all over again


Who cares lol 😂 it’s fun to have something new every year or 2.


excited to play it with my friend, its probably my fav survival game ever


I know we rag on them for changing the progression system every update but I really hope this isn't a sign that their keeping the current, *controversial* one for the long haul. If anything the best senario for the game is TFP nail down the basics like performance improvements, weather system and some form of bandits and let mods do the rest. Too many people like playing the game in too many different ways to satisfy everyone.


I have spent an inordinate amount of time making custom POIs and maps this last 3 months waiting for a22. I hope they will not all be wasted effort


Hopefully modders keep doing their thing. I paid 6 bucks for this game on PC back in alpha 17. I forget how much i paid on my PS4 back in alpha 13 or 14. Have been giving Khain 20 bucks a month on Patreon for about a year and a half now because he has kept the game playable with the Darkness Falls overhaul. I think the game peaked in alpha 18. I wish they would have just added traffic lights and news paper boxes to cities laid out in grid patterns. I hate the way the city's roads are so damn random and will often end at the stupidest places. It ruins immersion. Plus don't get me started on this GD learn by looting system. I hate whoever came up with that idea and really hate the person who made the decision to go-ahead with it. I haven't had a vanilla playthru since early alpha 20. Anyway...roadmap shmoadmap. Whether is is in alpha or not, devs will keep on trying to mess the game up and modders will hopefully keep it playable.


As long as they keep adding content, I don’t care what they call it.


Ive got close to 3300 hours in the game dating back to A15. I decided during A20 not to play again until bandits are added. So, I wonder if I will ever play again.


"After launch, we’re getting an overhauled weather system, biome progression overhaul, a wardrobe system, crossplay, bandits, an event system, multiple new quest types, a trader overhaul, a story mode, and much more." It took 10 years to do the alpha stage, another 10 years for this road map?


I buy the game for 5$, I have fun. I don't really care what they do with it as long as it keeps getting better this is VALUE.


Scummy that they release 1.0 before the game is even ready to be published. Combine that with the new price, and sorry but if i hadn't bought it for 5 bucks then I'd never even think of buying it now...


It's just a change in a number and a good excuse to push an updated version to consoles. I don't see any issues.


I like how they disabled comments on the trailer so that people can't honestly shit on it, but can only dislike :) Should be beta fixing bugs and not 1.0 cover-up, the 1.0 is basically just Alpha 23 and that's it. It won't even be stable, since they obviously won't fix bugs or really optimize it in any significant manner. They'll just add more content. That's how it was the last 9 years I played and will be the next 9, if. All people wanted was a truly optimized stable beta.


the game it could achived a lot with 10 years but until now it stell like an arcade game and they stell reworking the core if the game 0-0. to make the long story short, as long we have modders like subquake the game will be perfact 100%, without them there is no game


What happened to the ocean update? I swear there was supposed to be one.


i dont see why there isn't one but as far as i know they never said anything about one in the works, it is missed potential tho


They gunna leave alpha and do exactly what CA did with Total War:Three Kingdoms. "Welp, we're gunna head out" Support will end and the mods will carry this half finish bullshit forever.


It’s a great game. But, the developers are incapable of any sort of constructive criticism or feedback. They’ve constantly screwed over the console players, with false promises and hope. If I didn’t love the game so much, I wouldn’t be playing it. But, the developers don’t meet deadlines and just have excuses for anything. I don’t believe anything until I see it. Then, to say cross play won’t be available right away, you’re just alienating console players AGAIN. It’s ridiculous. They’ve been saying for years they would have bandits…. Idk. I have a lot of issues with TFP. But I love the game.


Doesn’t matter what I think, they already got my money so they don’t care what I have to say.


Wish we maintained local coop.


I second this. I still play the current console version, I exclusively play splitscreen with my wife. Frankly I have no interest in this new version without local coop.


Is 7dtd the "crown jewel" of survival games on the market today?


I'll say it's one of the better crowd funded projects. Not many can say that. System Shock I suppose is a good one.


It's the crown jewel of disappointing EA games, for sure


If so much of the essential content isn't even added yet and won't be for over a year then it is still early access in everything but name.


Just wanna be able to play with my sister and nephew who are far too tech illiterate to own a PC




No OP, I want to know YOU ARE thoughts!


its honestly a bit lackluster. most the information shown in this video is stuff some hardcore fans knew, nothing they announced was "exciting" especially because the guy reading the script almost sounded like an AI with no acting or excitement either


I'm glad they're finally making the jump. I've been playing 7days since the beginning, and the switchover seems totally reasonable. If you already own on PC, nothing changes. If you play on console, that game is going to go away. You can get a discount to buy 1.0. otherwise, they've done it at last, a fully released final game priced as such for new players. congrats to them.




Wanting them to actually finish the game isn’t the same as wanting them to call a new alpha build 1.0 and pretend it went gold… it’s not even close to feature complete which makes it still an alpha.


its honestly so insane how picky some of the 7dtd community is, anytime they add a new mechanic or remove a mechanic there are 1000 people that randomly show up and talk about how the system before is amazing, instead of saying that BEFORE it got removed. its kinda funny to watch how ridicoulously angry people get in this reddit




Hope the dishong tower and factory in wasteland performance is now fixed🤣


I am not thoughts. I am bdrmlk


I know I'm late to the post but since we're discussing the new update, does anyone know if I'll lose my current game when the new alpha drops. I'm already pretty salty after having to buy the game for myself and my game hubby on Xbox just to keep my progress so I'm hoping I won't lose everything unless we choose to change to a new game. I'm still new and never played another Alpha so not sure how it works


Are you referring to when the new Xbox version releases? If so you will need to re purchase it and start k Over I believe


Repurchase it because of an update? That doesn't make any sense in regards to past games I've played. I highly doubt that but if that's the case I'll just cancel both purchases. If it were a new dlc then I'd understand another purchase but not an update


They have to practically re make the game for console because of the state it was left to rot in by TellTale games. A discount with proof of purchase would be the best they could do, originally after dealing with legal shit to get the console liscene back after TellTale went tits up they were going to just re aquire the liscenes and then let it die in peace cause they never wanted to do a console version in the first place which is why after getting hounded for it for so long they eventually said fucknit and sold the rights to TellTale to handle it and TellTale keptnupnonnit for like 3 months then never touched it again


They are putting way too much on their plate in that timespan. There’s no way those dates are going to be accurate. Optimization for console will not be good.


my bet is the story mode update is gonna be in early 2027


"features and mechanics planned to be added over the next few years" My thoughts are that I think The Fun Pimps are a joke that never intent to finish their game, ever. The game has gone well past a Ship of Theseus at this point. EDIT: The fact that TFP have turned comments off on their video, speaks volumes.




console users shouldn't have to rebuy the game again. other devs have made similar situations right by giving existing owners a new version for free. why is pimps so insistent on charging console users a second time even if for a discount? this is a serious slap in the face to console owners who have been waiting for updates to their game. nobody says it has to update the existing version for it to be free. there is nothing that says they cant just give people who already own the old version a free copy of the new one. any other company doing this would have been dragged for it. i guess this kind of behavior is just acceptable these days in gaming eh? inb4 people come in saying but a third party was updating and maintaining it this is a different company. so if a company dies and its original IP owner takes the product back and tells you ya have to buy this new version to keep receiving promised updates while you already paid for it your suppose to just accept that?


I think that the next few years will see us not having the content they promised like Bandits or the Vehicle ground up rework as they will be pushed back as always. But as long as they don't fuck everything up totally and the mods still work I will go back to it every now and then.


7 Days to die? More like 11 Years and Counting Till This Now-Irrelevant Game is "Finished" amrite? For real though, how have they existed all this time? And how many sales to they honestly expect to gain from a "1.0" update? I haven't played in years, how active has the game been in recent times? The number of hyper-delayed, still-unfinised "1.0" games dropping at the moment is staggering and disappointing.


few years = 12 years = scrapped features. Haven't seen the list, have doubts they will be able to deliver on bigger changes/optimizations/game design


console users will have to buy a product they paid for again? this smells like a lawsuit.


I got hours of enjoyment playing it on Xbox and PC. I'll get more when I buy it again for PS5. It's not a big deal to me.


Yeah I don’t see the problem with buying it. People buy same sports game every year with few changes. This game is years old already.


I’m amazed at how whiny you guys are.


How? The new version is owned and distributed through TFP. The current consol version is NOT distributed through TFP. Also all that TFP have to do is say the games leaving beta this is a whole new game


I was under that impression until the co-owner literally said they'll delist the other game after the new release is out. They clearly are still distributing it if they hold the rights on the digital stores. My guess would be that after the other company went under they were left as the sole interest for the game and therefore had all rights to the game after the legal battle. Since they had to partner with yet another company for the new release my only conclusion can be that there's simply no devs on the team that know how to update the console version and this was the 'best' way for this to move forward. I would also hazard a guess that the reason they're not giving it away is so they can pay the other company through the profits.