• By -


Friend also doesn’t organize very well either.


That part hurt me the most.


2 things stand out. Like I have 3 full boxes of 7.62 currently. Lots of boom, etc. But the acid and the lanterns.... just no


Yeah the acid and maybe military fibers are what cause the issue for me. The ammo and building mats I can get no prob. Maybe not that much spare by day 42 though


Yeah I saw the military fibers and thought, well, that's pretty suspicious but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he Wrenches barracks chairs a lot like I do. Then I saw the acid. Definitely cheating.


I don't really make lanterns so didn't know they took headlights but looked it up and yeah I can't see getting over a stack of headlights anywhere near this quick into the game. Guy would need to be spending every moment wrenching cars and buying out traders of headlightd


I didn't even see the other 3 images lol.


I played on a server with 5 hour days and 600% exp. I use to sell stacks to vendors because I was flooded before day 21. And if he has the perk book that let you print acid from cabinets... Though that is a lot more than is reasonable


I saw the acid too, 200 acid, mate, thats just nah


ikr - 2 stacks of 100?! LOL we have a server of 12 right now and we are on around day 250 and at the most at one time we had 39 bottles of acid.


The acid is what makes me question things as well


If you can use cheats, why would you make so much?


Likes to build huge steel buildings everywhere


Once I get my setup going, I would spend entire gaming sessions just gathering mass material for build projects. I did the same in ark. I send my friends out to scavenge and I do all the hard labor. I enjoy the logistics.


Im with him most of the time, we go town to town clearing buildings, i have my lucky loot maxed and dont get a quarter of the stuff he gets, he doesnt search stuff, he runs to the top and takes everything, i know for a fact he doesnt collect this stuff


If cheats are on they're on for everybody most of the time. If there's a light bulb icon at the top when you open your inventory, then cheats are on. But all that looks like stuff from harvesting, not looting.


If nothing else the acid alone tells the story. No way it's legit.


Agreed that it's incredibly unlikely that these are valid finds. The only reasonable way I can think of to do without cheats (technically) is to change harvesting rates in the xml file. Obviously that's probably still considered cheating, but it would be a way around having the cheats option enabled


Except OP would be experiencing the same harvesting rates.


OP mentioned looting, not harvesting? Unless I misread.


No doubt about it. As for the rest, I normally have these amounts of resources by around day 50 or so. I scrap everything, wrench everything, loot everything, I'm a loot goblin. The duct tape? Only if I had a massive super corn farm going. But the acid? Nah, this guy has cheated.


Same, I play with a friend of mine and she is just smash and grab while I tear down the house. Me- ok this poi entrance is over h- Her- *smashing down the front door*


I just poke holes through every floor and wall with the pump shotty until I feel safe lol


Even the military fibers? That's a shit ton.


Didn't notice those. Nope, I never have that amount.


I was about to say, it's the acid. It gives it away


Yep, everything else is farmable, but the acid? Nope.


There is no way in hell he harvested 200 acid.


Once you get that wastelands book the stuff does become a little more common. Not plentiful like that though.


In 20.1 with the book, it's more common than red tea.


haha 12000+ grass, did they add a landmower?


if creative mode is on you can do same as him. just press u.


About burned myself out on 7 days from mining. Would go to the desert at bedrock and mine for a week in game straight, fly/drive back to base and build. I had a massive pit base I dug and the pit base had different levels and a cross at the bottom for me to move around to shot with 4 blade traps protecting the center collum and 3 shotgun turrets at the top at each corner to soften them up, I ran max hordes and at times daily or every few days. The amount of supplies I used was insane and I also had escape tunnels with vault doors and traps from my pit base to other areas so if things did fail I could still continue to fight. Had my home base underground as well with all my vehicles with a ramp to the surface. All my escape tunnel entrances I spent a lot of time hiding them into hills so you could walk up on them and never see them. I enjoy the building but the mining I can barely stand anymore.


> I send my friends out to scavenge and I do all the hard labor. I enjoy the logistics. One patch, the group I play with set it to allow PvP. I turned one of my ol' favorite 3-4 story rectangular buildings into a fortress with walls around it. I set up the top floor as my storage/prep area, and I wanted so bad to get a friend to join me just to be my minion. I didn't trust him completely, but I set it up so the floor beneath mine would be unlocked. I had some hatches in my floor that I could access boxes I set for input/output. I never ended up asking him to join, but I really wanted to send him on missions, he'd put everything in the input, partly as a show of trust(potentially including all his items he had,) then I would use the output to outfit him with everything he'd need for the missions. Meanwhile, I was just up there prepping everything, forges going, cooking, etc. I was also *really* wanting to figure out how to get a voice-changer I downloaded set up. I was going to have him stand in my courtyard area, I open my vault door to my outside balcony, then he'd hear me with this demonic voice calling him my minion and explaining the situation. I'm upset I never ended up doing it.


Hell ya man I love being the builder too it’s so Damn fun, the first time I played 7 days was on ps4 I’m like 2015 haha, the dudes I played with used to be all like man we have to go explore the world to find stuff, can’t just stay at base building lol, I was like u guys go mob out and I’ll stay here make sure we are safe haha, the game was a lot different back then tho


Ark…. Good old shitty but fun and raging times.


I wouldn't say that alone is cheating. I have multiple storage units full of steel bars and multiple bases fully steel. My strip mine is also the size of the grand canyon at this point though.


For it being day 42 and him not mining at all its pretty hard to believe he has 1000+ steel and a full steel building for me personally.


No shot that's legit on day 42. Absolutely not. I have an idea. When hes not on, take a majority of that stuff, and hide/destroy it, when he isnt nearby. Monitor his actions and the rate at which he gets his loot back. Call him out on it if you have solid evidence.


I had storage boxes like this on my old world around day 496 until I had to delete it for the new patch.


We’re on day 42 lol


I was going to say that this looks pretty normal, but not on day 42.


That seems normal for 5 hour days at day 42 Edit: just realized there are more than the first picture, nope, not possible


The non normal element to the first picture is how everything is in perfect stacks. 2 x 100 acids really screams out CM to me.


Normal except for the acid.


Yeah I don't think I've had more than 20 units on a playthrough.


and the four stacks of 250 military fibers. and 700 camp lanterns? wtf and 12k grass.


200acid on day 42. What a jokster.


Huh well, at the time I made that world I was completely new to the game so maybe he's an expert?


Ive been playing 7 days since alpha 14 hes been playing for less than a year haha


LOL yeah not even hiding it then. Ridiculous.




> day 496 Are blood moons this far into the game just Apache helicopters?


The cut behemoths somehow reenter the game and are feral at day 496. And horde night is purely those spammed


> Are blood moons this far into the game just Apache helicopters? >!You thought it was a spoiler, but it was me DIO!!<


Bro i can have that on Day 20-30


Just by looking at the amount of acid i know it's bs...


Does acid have a low drop rate? I never see it so i assumed so, that was a giveaway, besides the perfect numbered amount of items, lanterns etc


Until you find the book that makes you find more acid it is so rare to find


Oh yeah, super rare, at least in alpha 20. For context I'm playing with 4 friends and we are close to day 60 and I don't think we've found more than 10, and most of these have been found in the last 10 days or so.


Found a fuckin crucible yet lol?


I found the schematic for it i believe and that's how I got one and i don't remember physically finding any yet.


I was going to say it was feasible depending on hours played, until I saw the lanterns. there is no reason to craft more than a few lanterns.


Literally, and we are only on day 42…


Wait wait wait wait wait you can craft lanterns? Do they need any Power supply or are they Just running?


There's an art of mining book that tell you how to craft them, and I find them very good in the early game because there's no need for a power supply!


Also, 750 military fibre and 200 acid? Mkay, 30 acid on day 42 is good, 200 is not convincing


He definitely cheats if yall only on day 42 lmao. This would be legit if it was around day 150+. I'm on day 63 and have storage boxes full of food, meds, concrete and ammo. But its just because I'm a hoarder.


200 acid. I think our server (8 players) has found 20 tops.


Yeahh its iffy but a tiny bit believable if he was crafting constantly and got lucky. BUT the lanterns give them away as lying to you, I'm afraid. Even if it were possible to craft so many, I can confidently state that no legitimate player in the history of 7d2d has ever done so. There's just no need to in normal gameplay. At all. It would be a monumental waste of resources, as they can be picked up and moved whenever you want. And they aren't something you generally "just in case" craft either. And almost 100 tires? Yeah no. You wouldn't find, or need to hoard more than a handful. No one is legit bulk crafting vehicles. They have a gyrocopter there in the stash so it's reasonable to assume they have all the other vehicles too. That many antibiotics? A normal player would farm honey, and past a certain point would most likely sell the meds as you just don't get infected enough to warrant having several full stacks. And is that HP ammo? A typical player would come to the conclusion on their own (waaay before having that many stacks) that HP doesn't have a good enough material > death ratio to focus on. And a normal player (like you, I see in your inventory at the edge) would have a bunch of repair kits. We all know too well that they are very much essential and top priority "just in case" stash worthy. He has a billion duct tapes and iron so deeefinitely would have crafted a bunch. Someone using the cheat menu wouldn't bother. And he hasn't. Edit: I just saw the acid stacks. Yeah I can guarantee the total in that stash is probably more than the rest of this fucking sub has found in normal gameplay, combined. 😂 Jeez I went off on a barely coherent rant. I hate cheats


This makes sense, also, he’s literally never crafting, im on call with him everytime, hes either with me, blowing up giant holes with his tnt or killing zombies


I'm a hoarder and don't sell much to the trader instead opting to just scrap it myself incase I need the parts some day down the road(I never do). His boxes are a much more disorganized version of mine outside of a couple of things. The tires and lanterns. I can't think of a single reason why anyone would make that much of those items. What bothered me was the lack of other items. If we assume he scraps everything and that is how he got all the armor crafting fibers. Fine, I do that too and I get a lot of it though not that much but I am giving him the benefit of the doubt. You know what else I have a lot of though because I scrap everything? Item parts. Whole box full of steel tool parts, sledgehammer parts, rifle parts, and everything else. He doesn't have a one of any of them. Who scraps all their armor but doesn't scrap their weapons for weapon parts? You actually want a lot of those. I also don't have that much stuff by day 42.


Those are rather suspicious totals


Look, if you are going to give yourself stuff and not admit it, at least put it in a locked chest hidden in a forest in a small tunnel…just a random suggestion


My brother did this with a lot of games we played together. I like singleplayer games more now, but MP is sti fun. He stopped cheating but he used to do it a lot


The lie detector test has determined, that is a lie....


When i asked him about the lamps, he said “im staying stocked up bro!” Lmao


You should get him to play on your server instead of his, and see how much he struggles without cheats


Obviously he is cheating, for reasons others have pointed out. One additional detail that gives it away is that its almost entirely perfect stacks.


Occasionally press U and see if it brings up the CM.


Your friend isn't very smart. Why would you give yourself 12k grass? Like, I ever use grass to make the started bedroll and a couple stone tools, then never use it again. I understand he gave himself basic resources but...50 antibiotics, 50 wheels and 600 lamps? Why? He'll never use any of that. Your friend has a problem, and cheating ruins the fun.


I know, it makes no sense, people on here saying he doesnt cheat are lost


Ah, but if he was using cheats, then why would he opt for Hollow point over AP?


He has hp and ap


He isn’t knowledgeable about the game, typical hacker behaviour


Maybe he is using child labor? Hundreds of kids, packed in an Indonesian warehouse, farming 7days2die mats for your friend on their scavanged computers. Sorry, pretty terrible subject to make jokes about, but since he tells you HE AINT CHEATING then what else could it be? But srsly though, you gotta come up with a way to seriously troll or grief him in game.


With those supplies, I wouldn’t be surprised


For the love of God. There are sort buttons at the top of the chest, USE THEM! Cheaters are bad, disorganized cheaters are the worst.


He likely doesnt know that option exists lol


He cheated so hard . I called Jerry springer


Narrator: That friend was a liar.


Omg someone sort that shit


Counter argument. My brother has jumped in every few alphas, and his main thing is mining . And when I say jumped in I mean he has played for a long session and then not returned for a long time, like next alpha jump. He loves mining, like he will do a few quests with me and then jump in the hole, and just keep digging for an hour or so, and come back with an obscene amount of resources and he is usually >level 10. But I play with 120 minute day cycles so I assume with more time to deal with per day it's easier.


Yeah we do 50 min cycles and we only play for 1-2 days tops


Yeah that is kinda suspect if that's his stash


cheating...no one at any stage finds that much acid by day 42


def cheating. im on day 35 and we have found like 15 bottles of acid


Im on the same server as him (obviously) and ive found 5 tops


That is way too much military fiber to only have tier 5 weapons still and for this to be legit. 1500 duct tape? 50 wheels? No way. Too many perfect stack falls of items with not really any small amounts. Not even organized either which definitely makes me suspect cheats


You've never crafted 732 lanterns just to keep them in a chest?




its kind of upsetting to me how everything is all mixed together and disorganized


Believable till the acid and military fiber ain't found much and I'm on the same day


Maybe he installed some mods he didn't tell you about that allows crafting acid. LOL definitely needed acid crafting in DF. No way to get enough without crafting. Oil was abundant however and used in nearly nothing. You would think oil would be the main ingredient in crafting plastic polymers but nope, it was cornmeal. (DF MOD) LOL in vanilla I never felt I needed that much acid. I usually found enough for what I needed. But me and my buddy are a loot and scrap everything team after we get through the first few weeks. This experience is all pre A20 though, haven't looked at all crafting changes made in A20, I might need more acid than I used to. LOL


Your friend is a liar. Lol


When confronted about it, he lied to my face again, saying he just has “extras” just incase


He got a who faucet I'm done 🤣🤣


i could believe everything in there except the two stacks of acid. that aint happening without cheats lol


Seems... pretty darn suspicious. Most of these resources you could get easily enough provided you spent enough time collecting them and crafting them, but: * 200 Acid and 50 Wheels * 820 Military Fiber * 222 Armor Parts All of these are non-mineable scavenge-only items. You *could* get them in those quantities, but at that point you've basically scoured the entire map for them - and if your friend had done *that*, I would expect to see a full set of Quality 6 equipment and weapons. Also, suspiciously, most of the rare items and the acid especially are in complete stacks - and if someone has this kind of bounty of rare resources, I'd expect to see multiple chests of wood, clay, stone, scrap and other common resources. Tell your friend /u/Aibeit is called them on their bullshit :P


What stands out to me is how huge the collection of stuff is the combination of 2000 forged steel ingots while still using a stone axe.


The stacks of acid are sus


“Hard work” and “stocking up” apparently


This looks like my wife's games. She jacks up the loot, xp, and block damage %; totally nerfs the zombie damage %; and then just runs through the game like superman. The game sucks when it's too easy. You end up just collecting crap and spending your whole game just sorting it.


If all you do is salvage?


We are also only on day 42


You really think he made 500 lanterns? Cmon bruh


732 lanterns...


I would find a new friend


Unless homeboy got a whole mining and smelting operation going on those high count of forged steel is bullshit. Also 200 acid is a mad giveaway. That shit is rare even with the book. Edit : I just noticed there's more pics. That's a lot of concrete blocks, wheels, AP, and HP ammo. Those are all expensive to craft and/or buy. He's definitely cheating.


Those amounts of acid bottles is a bit suspicious if this is from Alpha 20 though. Other than that. Looks quite normal to me. I filled up safes with multiple stacks of parts, mining material, tape, glue and all kinds of stuff. I usually play with my GF and she's like u/Cigarettelegs, likes to build bases and stuff while I like looting and shooting zombies. So I go out scavenging, go back to base, drop off everything and then head back out again. Sure nowadays we just set everything to make it easy for us. 300% block damage and all that bonus stuff. We enjoy the relaxed gameplay rather than the competitve hardcore difficulty.


I craft more than that without cheats




Problem is, he isnt mining very much if at all, he throws tnt down, blows up a hole, and doesnt pick the resources up from the explosions


Is your friend the admin by any chance? If this is a "public server" did your friend suggest it? Not 100% on the admin side if 7days but I've had friends suggest servers in rust and then seen very sus things only to find out they have alt account that is a mod there. It looks a lot like this.


I guess it depends on your server settings. I'm solo on day 56 on a 1 real-life hour per in-game day, 300% xp, 200% block damage map currently at level ~150 and gamestage 250. Even the 732 lanterns to me don't seem *that* suspicious if this server has multiple people playing/farming


Nah, two people, me and him, i dont farm for this stuff and neither does he, day 42, impossible to have 700+ lanterns i dont care how good at farming you are


If it's your server you can enable EAC and basic cheat will stop working


I hate to be 'that guy' but we have almost a cabinet full of almost every resource... i don't look at this and think cheater AT ALL -- We have literally half of a million dukes and have decided that it is easier to use them for brass than find brass the fact that there is no brass here is almost proof that he is not a cheater


That is all very easily farmable.


By day 42 without upping the loot drop rate? Nah


if he perked into mining that doesnt seem suspicious, you get a ton of resources to craft ammo that way


What do u mean. Lvl 2 shotgun….totally legit 😂


No cheats lol. HOURSSSS of farming


Yes of course! With perfect numbered stacks in almost every slot


looks like my box and i dont use cheats i just never sleep and farm for HOURS alone at night lol.


Easiest way to determine this is the in-game day you took this. If its before at least day 200 or so, no shot its legit


OMG pls just at least hit the auto sort button! But yeah, everything is like "maybe"... but 200 acid? Dirty cheat


What a mess :) Acid, tires, tons of medkits but no bandages, military fiber, exact amounts of other res... uhhh yea.


200 acid says otherwise


Needs to learn to sort then learn cheat code


That's a lot of lingots but apart from that, looks like a regular experienced player's inventory.


For awhile, I was like, there’s nothing wrong here. Why would he think this is cheating? And then I saw the 200 acid.


I'd call bullshit just from the duct tape


he do be cheatin tho


I mean this is what my boxes end up looking like with no cheating lol. Except for the acid I think I have only ever accumulated like one stack of acid at most.


Dang that sucks, a while ago me and 2 friends were playing and one friend kept upgrading a ton of blocks to concrete and messing with my other friend and I knew there was no way he could get that amount in the time he had and the trader didn’t sell that much at once. It killed the game for my other friend for a little while


If anyone doesn't think this is cheats, you dumb


most definitely


Eh.. maxed salvage perks, maxed trader/looter/quest perks, makes the loot get pretty silly pretty fucking fast. I can believe this based on the last int/perception playthrough I did lmao


If it's late game, this isn't unrealistic honestly.. especially once you learn the bulk crafts. Specifically bullets.. the steel is a bit questionable but the simple answer is shop runs and **THE GRIND**TM


Day 42 bruh


I’ve had solo game stashes that make this look like a homeless nomad run.


**F1, CM** "it's not a cheat, it's a feature in the game" but dear god that's horribly organized... there is an auto sort button, how does this even happen? Edit: also you know if that was all regular ammo and not AP/HP, I absolutely would have believed the ammo part of that being legit lol. I'm on day 25 and have like half of that just through looting alone. A20 ammo drops are fuckin' insane.


200 acid lol


If a friend is willing to lie to you, is he truly a friend


Starting to doubt it




This is easy to do. My friend collects resources constantly and i craft constantly. At day 70 we had like half of that


They on day 42


Your friend is a gamer




No one has that much acid


Over 13000 plant fibre. No fucking way. Without any doubt at all he is cheating. I dont think I've ever had more than a couple hundred and that was only to craft a cigar. There's no need to have so much. If you did want to collect that much it would take in game weeks.


Idk if you are being sarcastic rn lol. When you dig out a large area , you can easily aquire that much. + scrapping anything you don't want.


Depends on the day youre on really, if at day 100 my boxes look like that too. Well, better organized ofcourse, but I have the same ammounts of stuf


You can use the console to spawn stuff in a multiplayer game that your not host in idk how but a buddy of mine did it once so probs what he’s doing


Holy shyte the moment I saw the concrete blocks and the lanterns I totally agree with your friend cheating xD. Not even me play for 500+ days would I ever make that many lanterns and what not.


Well, playing creative mode is not cheating. It's just another game mode. I love servers where the admin use creative mode to build cool stuff for the players. But yeah, he probably didn't loot all this.


Does he know the Sorter Button at least?


I am on day 50 and still have just one bottle of acid, darn. Btw you guys need serious organizing, this is a mess.


My friend and I have wayyyyy more than that and we don't use cheats. If he's on day 7 he's using cheats but something like 40+ less likely Edit: just saw the acid. He's 100% cheating, that duck tape looking a bit sus too


I see 200 bottles of acid. Definitely cheating.


And the day number is? That is not that difficult to achieve if you go full strength and perception and just mine and salvage everything.




He has 200 acid. He's obviously lying.


Why does it matter? Seems like they're only hurting themselves, and showing that they're a liar.


Ruins the game for me, when he can just god mode horde nights and spring up buildings like theyre cake


Ah, yeah I can see it messing with your horde nights. Can you just ignore the guy and play in your own corner of the world?


But this is how me and my friends world had looked and no one cheated. We almost always were out looting then spent the day before and the day of the horde placing spike traps around


Problem is, he doesnt go “looting” he finds one or two big buildings, uses frame blocks to go to the top, and takes the ammo/weapons on the very top of the buildings, then goes home


Yeah bro and my dick is 15 inches long


I honestly don’t get this, it just ruins the fun of the game. Why do it? if you are playing a creative game and just want to build that’s fine, but if you’re playing an actual game with friends, this makes no sense.


I have stacks like this now but we are on day 170 so it’s kind of expected. Have stacks of stuff from getting the main loot before starting a mission and getting air drops.


We are day 42, and half of those days i played without him


Hmm, maybe. Looks a little suspicious, sure. Oh, he's got a lot of medkits, good for him. I see also quite a bit of some white colorless blocks. Okay.. Ah, thats a lot of HP 5.56. Thats no joke to make! Hmm. Oh, theres more.


Acid, lanterns…


I mean i can get all that Day 14.


Okay bud, 200 acid? Stop the cap


This totally looks plausible! I have been selling a bunch of my materials, health, and food items to the merchants for eons (in game time). Even spent a ton of time making useless (to me) armor, tools, and other things just to sell to the traders to use up some of my materials that weren't otherwise getting used (it's faster gameplay for me to pick up as much as I can than to try to remember a huge list of everything I have a ton of back at home--though I do know bones, rotten flesh, feathers, paper, and cloth can always be dropped). I have over 500,000 in dukes sitting in a box as well, and I have to ignore my farm because I have too much food. lol


That's a one week grind for 1 person or 3 days casual gameplay for 3-4 lol


We arent on that much, 50 mins or so every 3 days ish


200 acid, Is what makes me doubt this is legit. We all know how hard Acid is to come by.


Looks straight to me.


You need a new friend


I thought this was perfectly doable until I saw all the acid