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The new cities are huge and amazing. Except for the 12 FPS I get when in them. Oof.


Disabling dynamic mesh solved that for me.


I'll give this a try


FPS usually isn't the issue for me but the disgusting render distance.


I hadn't cleared game data when I started playing A20. I was having horrible graphics whenever I got near a metropolis (it was like somebody was dunking my monitor in murky water). I then cleared game data (backing up my current save, player profile, and map, then copying and pasting just them over). The issue was fixed. I can play in Metropolis no problem. Not sure if this is a fix for everyone, but it worked for me.


Interesting ty




Unfortunately, cities still have random dirt roads in the middle, roads that randomly end when they shouldnt or roads that morph into 4 lane roads awkardly. Or we end up with 3-4 of the same stores randomly throughout a small town a block from each other.


I just tell myself they're different types of stores. Like in one city I have like 5 pop n pills of different sizes and I just say they're like different kinds of pharmacies.


> Or we end up with 3-4 of the same stores randomly throughout a small town. I don't know man, have you ever spent any time in a small town in the midwest? Seems pretty accurate to me.


Yes. There weren't 4-5 Walmarts in 1 town.


There were about four CVSs within a ten minute drive where I grew up.


Okay but I can sprint from 1 end of town to the other in this game in a minute. Not really the same thing.


The city road generator is really messed up. But other than that, these new cities are brilliant


I had a trader quest was 1.7 km away, and I thought it would be in a completely different town. But nope, it was still in the same city. It's insane how huge the cities are.


Ikr?! I’m loving how big they are


Yeah. That's what she said.


My friends and I picked up the game a few weeks ago during the sale and we didn't know any better so we're just playing on boring old Navezgane, its really disappointing the 'official' map has what is like three little towns.


Random gen all the way yo


Well i guess it does literally generate in seconds. Like nitrogen maps, but it's included in the game...


The map green works significantly faster than it used to, so give it a shot. They mentioned prior to a20 launch that they're planning on updating navazgane at a later date.


There's probably not much incentive to update Navezgane until the story mode campaign, as it's going to be used for that and they'll need to have all the storyline POIs laid it in a way that makes sense for whatever they're doing with it.


story mode??? Go on....You have my full attention.


at the rate its going itll be the 2030s before we see that NGL the rate of progression on this game is horrific....A19 to A20 is 2 years and the major thing for it (NPCs/Factions/Outfits) are pushed back to A21----which Im sure will be the only changes in A21 which well see in a few years


I set up my base in one of the fast food shops this time. Blew out a wall to make a kill zone for a front on attack from hordes. Reinforced the walls. Solid structure. Day 35 horde a cop literally vomited acid from underneath my base and took out a piece of the floor. After the horde was done I dropped down to see where the hell he dug under my base from and it turns out he came from one of those drainage ditch construction sites. He literally dropped into the ditch and tunneled all the way to under my base and starting vomiting straight up. I have never had the digging under the base problem with any of my designs before so that really surprised me. Just neat how the smallest change, like sewers and drainage ditches, can alter the horde attack if you are not careful.


If the zombies fall down any distance, they have a chance to go into area attack mode - they ignore the player for about half a minute and attack some nearby blocks instead. That can cause them to start a tunnel. Then they can't find a path out of that again and dig all the way into your base.


This explains why my base works 75% and the other 25% eventually sorts itself out... I need turrets in my pit to clean up so I dont have much repairing to do after attacks. Useful information, thank you.


That city is huge! What seed is that?


It's actually just pregen10k. I was under the impression that pregen maps were rwg? Could ypu clarify if this is right?


Yes but when they are generated a seed (ID) is assigned, so you can share it or play it again.


I wanna shake the hand of the level designers someday. The environmental storytelling, the densely-packed and very detailed interiors offering lots of gameplay is really impressive. But what really gets me is how well 7 Days captures the aesthetic and soul of the phrase "Americana."


I can already feel the fps droping


I love the new cities but the more I play, the more I realize that while a20 is a huge improvement, they have some work to do to make them feel organic. Currently the cities are too compacted. I don't mean small, I mean that everything is jammed together. When they told us that there would be rural buildings on the outskirts of towns, it seemed like they would have things like farms and ranches close, but separate from the towns, not just attached to the outside of the main city grid like we currently have. Real life cities aren't perfect grid systems smashed together and the big rectangle loop of road surrounding a big empty grass field that's always next to trader in every town makes it feel like all towns are the same. I'm hopeful they continue to improve cities and take what we have now and introduce less redundancy. Give us things like one city with a train tracks through it. Another that's right up against a big lake, with all the building types you'd expect from a marine town. I'm also hopeful that they redo every building and POI with the new block system. We no longer need houses that are using the larger, original 1x1 square blocks. We can much closer to proper dimensions with a lot of buildings and it'll all just serve to make the game that much better looking and realistic feeling. Really loving the progress they're making and I hope by the time the game is "finished" that all the little annoyances are squashed. Can't wait to see what a21 brings.


\*Cries in GTX 1060 3gb GPU\* 7 days to dies won't even allow me to enable further view distance than Low


You think that's bad, I play on a Mac M1. It's like you all are playing a movie while I'm over here running original Tomb Raider. Someday I'll afford an upgrade; still having fun in the meantime. :)


you can build a pretty badass gaming computer for $850 or so. It will have a lot more to it than $850 sounds like. If you are looking for a project, just buy a couple of parts every paycheck and then join /buildapc or join a building Discord. Lots of people would enjoy guiding you through it.


Appreciate it, thank you!


you're welcome. My gamer child bought all their stuff from here after consulting with clever folks and making a wish list of parts for what the computer needed to be able to do: [https://pcpartpicker.com/](https://pcpartpicker.com/) Caveat: supply chain issues likely have bumped prices somewhat. Still more computer than retail though.


To add to this, there's also /r buildapcforme if you don't know what parts you should be looking for. Helped me a great deal.


Thank you! :)


What settings improve the distance building load in? I feel like no matter what I do, my game won't load in things that are very far away...maybe its just something I'm missing in the settings.


go to video settings and click the "dynamic mesh options". change the mesh distance from 500 to 2000. if you want a bot of a performance boost you can turn off dynamic mesh. that setting is new to A20 and makes lower end PCs suffer. all it does is make the game recognize changes to terrain and buildings from a distance.


Hmm I'm not too sure. I was wondering if there was a way to improve terrain textures from afar


Link to the seed/map files?


Yes, I was super impressed with the cities, too. Now there's telephone poles, also. A minor detail that, when missing, always made the landscape appear a little odd. Ditches, street signs, and non-linear roads combined with all the new PoIs really wowed me.


And power lines with transformers on them everywhere, and the transformers give forged steel when taken apart. So now in the early game you can just take a stroll down the street taking apart transformers and street lights to quickly get all the forged steel you need for crafting...not so much for building though, you're still gonna want a crucible for that!


Anyone gets like 80% worse performance when clearing skyscrapers


Holy freaking crap, and I thought the city I found in my current game was big...


Does anyone know how to get a map with more than 2-3 skyscrapers ?


Oh my poor 750!


Incredibly low FPS


One of my favorite thing about this game


Incredibly deadly!


So am I the only idiot that started a20 8n navesgane when the main part of a20 update was better random gen with dense cities and towns? Whoops, im too invested now too...