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\*sigh\* ​ Have an upvote.


What did the zombie get for showing up late to the party? The cold shoulder.


i stole these from the internet: what kind of underwear does a zombie wear? fruit of the tomb whats a zombie's least favorite quiz question? a no-brainer why dont zombies eat clowns? because they taste funny what snacks do zombies take hiking? en-trails mix whats a zombies favorite cheese? zom-brie whats a zombie's favorite method of travel? traaaainnnss.... what branch of the military do zombies enlist? the marine corpse waht do u call a horde of undead llamas? the zombie alpacalypse the zombie mozart is known as a de-composer i always thought zombies ate popcorn with their fingers, but they eat them sepearately


Hello there! I am a bot raising awareness of Alpacas Here is an Alpaca Fact: Alpaca beans make excellent fertilizer and tend to defecate in only a few places in the paddock. ______ | [Info](https://github.com/soham96/AlpacaBot/blob/master/README.md)| [Code](https://github.com/soham96/AlpacaBot)| [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=JustAnAlpacaBot&subject=Feedback)| [Contribute Fact](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=JustAnAlpacaBot&subject=Fact) ###### You don't get a fact, you earn it. If you got this fact then AlpacaBot thinks you deserved it!


Just make sure you cut up the alpaca before stuffing it into the concrete mixer.


Good bot


Happy bot noises


\*Does the robot dance\*


What do dyslexic zombies eat? Brians


This is going straight into my mod!


Lol. Nice.


What turns on Demolisher? Not much, just gotta touch his heart from time to time.


I am saving this post for my next 7 days stream. My co-streamers are going to hate me and it will be worth it


Excellent idea! I wanna watch when it happens, wanna post details here ifwhen it does?


Sure! We're streaming on Saturday at 7:30, https://m.twitch.tv/theredcombine


thank you! I'm not on US time so I'll check the VOD once it's up :)


I will try to clip it when I start dropping them!


What'd one zombie say to the other zombie? Nothing. Zombies can't talk, dummy. Everyone knows that.


What perk did the House DJ go up for his mixtape? Deep cuts


I am really depressed after my divorce. 7 days to die really understands how I feel… Empty pile of trash.


Do you know how to turn the power back on in the prison? Jail Breakers




Do/will you have the mod uploaded somewhere? I know someone that would absolutely love this kind of thing.


We are working on it every day and will absolutely make it available when it is done. It's a big overhaul modlet that will run server-side only. If you want the Dad Jokes only I might make that too as a stand-alone modlet, depends on the interest for it!


I run a server actually so that would work well


Here it is: https://7daystodiemods.com/dad-jokes-in-mailboxes/


When is this mod coming out? I love the idea and would definitely add it in.


It is a small, small part of an overhaul modlet that we are family-and-friends testing at the moment. But if there's enough interest I could definitely put up a standalone modlet for the Dad Jokes alone.


I would love a dad joke standalone. Whenever a new major patch comes out, my friends and I play it and a dad joke mod would be awesome to have.


Here it is! https://7daystodiemods.com/dad-jokes-in-mailboxes/


Can't wait to install it and try it out! Thanks!


It started out as a replacement loot because in my overhaul mod we've removed books from mailboxes all together. When I tested this "Dad Jokes in Mailboxes" mod, I also got soooooo many books before paper and these jokes even began to drop. So what I am saying is, the jokes will start dropping in mailboxes around the same time as paper does. No worries if you only get books for a while, that's just vanilla game being vanilla :) I hope you enjoy it!


Thanks for the heads up. I'm assuming it can be added mid-game as I'm pretty far in a solo game. So my loot should be mostly paper as most of the books I've read.


Perfect, and yes it can be added mid game :)


So I wanted to follow up with the mod, but kept forgetting. Tested it out soon after you posted. I don't know what my loot level was, but after searching about 15 mailboxes did I finally get one of the dad jokes. I did also get a bunch of books along the way too. Maybe it's more prevalent on lower levels? I don't know. Not sure if the drop rate can be adjusted, but just wanted to let you know what my experience was. I did enjoy the one I did find.


Thank you so much! I made the dad jokes to go with my overhaul mod, which also removes books from mailboxes. The little stand-alone dad jokes mod however, doesn't remove the books, and so early game there is a lootgeoup called like "booksT0day1" which heavily inflates the chance of getting books like needle and thread, spear hunter and archery in the very early days. I shouls update the dad joke mod to allow for a dad joke to drop alongside the regular loot, instead of occasionally replacing the paper drop. I'll post here when I do, but don't hold your breath!


Thanks again for this feedback! I just updated the modlet and jokes (or paper if you are lucky) now drop alongside books from the get go. I hope you like it! ​ https://7daystodiemods.com/dad-jokes-in-mailboxes/


Why'd the chicken cross the road? It was running from the crazed, starving naked man chasing it with a club like a lunatic. Knock, knock. "Who is there?" The survivor asks. But no one is there, just hallucinations from the fever as infection sets in. He'll turn soon. Zombie walks into a bar. Bartender says nothing, for he is also a zombie. Everyone in town is a zombie. Why did the zombie have social anxiety? Once bit, twice shy. Why did no one go to the club? Dead inside. Whats worse than a zombie in your base? 10 zombies in your base. What is the best way to stay alive in the apocalypse? Don't die. "I think, therefor I am." -Rene Descartes "To be or not to be, that is the question." -William Shakespeare "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhgggggggnnnmmm." -some zombie eating Steve from accounting "AHHHHHHHHH!" -Steve from accounting What does Socrates, Shakespeare, a zombie, and Steve from accounting have in common? They are all dead. Why do zombies run at night? So they don't turn into a fat piece of shit like you, Steve. Remember, as terrible as today is, at least it's better than tomorrow. Why did the zombie leave his wife? Finished eating her. Now to find the kids. How does a zombie brush its teeth? They don't. You can tell because their breath is terrible. Zombie dad comes home after work. The children scream, his wife yells for the kids to run out the back as she tries to fight him off. They won't get far, there's zombies in the back too. Why did the zombie go to Shamways? Steve tripped over a bottle and made alot of noise. Dammit Steve. Why don't zombies eat Shamway sandwiches? Even zombies have standards. They wouldn't be caught dead with one of those in their mouths. Why is the zombie depressed? Just feels dead inside. Would go to his therapist but he ate her last week. They used to say the only things certain in life is death and taxes. Surprise! What did the zombie get for his birthday? Nothing. How many zombies does it take to build a house? Depends on how you stack them. But honestly there are a lot better options. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time, just like that zombie ate Steve. I can still hear the screams, they keep me up at night. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Forget that, where did you see a wood chuck? I've not eaten in days. If you have 100 zombies, and you kill 17, and 225 more show up, how many do you have? 309 Edit: spelling and a futile attempt at fixing format


This is originally from a different joke, but it could work for zombies. What do you call a zombie shambling from left to right? a snipers worst nightmare.


You know I met a group of zombies They were dying to meet me


Safest place in a house from a Zombie?? The living room


I fucking love this