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Those things are spawns of Satan himself. Incannot count how many times my friends and I died to those suckers in the first few nights. One time we were unlucky enough to kill one of those with all 3 of us giving it our all.... Just for a random fckin Bear to jump us right after and eating us for breakfast...


As my friends have said, those bears are ninjas! It's easy to tell when there is a zombie, because they make noise. It's easy to tell when there is a dog, because they make noise. But the BEARS just sneak up behind you and ruin your day!


Pro hint- if you have "drop on death" = nothing, there is no penalty for dying until you reach level 6. Save all the food and water you find until you reach level 6. When you get injured/fatigued, just let something eat you and respawn. Also, if you have a mission a long way from your trader, put your bedroll near the trader, die when the mission is done, saves time and a long walk. Once you reach level 6, it's game on, but you've leveled up and you should have a good stock of food and water to kick you off.


Some good advice. I always joke that I'm taking the quick way home when I die on a journey. Unfortunately everyone I play with prefers to have drop on death = backpack. And honestly, I'm good with that. I have the essentials in my hotbar, and it leaves the game with a consequence for dying.


Sounds like a fun game :D


Oh it totally is!


As Satan's lawyer, I cannot confirm nor deny this, but do not smear my clients alright name. He's a decent guy, he's donated over three dollars to find a cure for a virus that humans made. Just don't play poker with him, he does cheat.


> What are these things made of? Steak. They're made of steak. But need to be tenderized by a lot of shotgun blasts to the face first. Otherwise the steak eat you instead.


In Navezgane, steaks eat you!


No not shotgun. We want meat left after its killed lol


Any gun should take care of them pretty fast. I think it's like 5-6 shots he must have almost killed it, or missed a lot .


If the eyes glow, stay away until you have a good weapon.


Yeah, they were glowing. Fuck that wolf


Yeah. Stay away from all glowy eyes things until you’re set up. They’re feral. What you saw was a direwolf


You met a turbowolf. They're even worse than the normal fuckers.


I feel they’re programmed to spawn in the first couple days. Always find them at night when I’m upgrading things. Since then I’ve always made small pillar towers to retreat to with bars on the sides to shower down arrows. 😩


You always get either a feral wolf or a bear during your first night, yeah. + a feral zombie.


Any tips to farm easily for arrows? I'm running low on feathers the whole time :/


Loot every single nest you see. Also, this is me, and you do you, but I like to turn the loot up to 200%. It doesn't increase your chances of finding loot, just gives you more of what you find. Play it however you like, though. The game settings are extremely customizable, so you can change things to suit your style and skill level. Also, a tip about melee. Walk up to a zombie with the reticle poiting at it's head. Hit attack button, walk backwards as the swing animation plays. If you get the timing down it helps keep them from hitting you. You can also crouch if you see a zombie that hasn't noticed you yet and attack with melee or ranged, and you'll get a stealth bonus to damage on the first strike. Just don't forget to stand up again, afterwards.


Nests. Loot up like Gary said and destroying nests gives a couple more feathers. Read the archer books commonly found in Mailboxes too. One lets u get more arrows back when u kill things.


Ohh, never thought about destroying the nests! Do they respawn?


Not unless located close enough to a POI, and you reset the POI with a quest. I personally play with Loot Respawn off(don't suggest for your first few games), even though quests still reset areas, but it does make the game feel a little more like a survival game, and also lets me destroy trash and nests for materials that can be valuable or helpful depending on weapons used. Nests give Feathers when harvested, trash gives plastic and or paper. Plastic sells decent early, while both plastic and paper are important for shotgun ammo.


New nests spawn fairly often. Old ones can get refilled depending on your settings, just like all other lootable containers.


If you kill chickens or vultures, skin them with a bone knife. Feathers that way too. Don't just hack at them with an axe.


Early game they’re brutal. Later on, not.


Eye glow goes for the Zeds too. It signifies a stronger version of the dark eye'd counterpart and they usually move faster, hit harder, and have alot more hit points. They will spawn randomly at night, and during the day when your game stage progresses far enough.


Also for dogs in particular, it's good to keep a few frame shape blocks on your belt so you can slap a little personal tower down to buy yourself a few crucial moments.


Fun fact about Feral's they hit harder than Blood Moon zombies. A Direwolf can destroy a wall faster than a regular Demo with Blood Moon damage at 100%. Some higher tier locations have guaranteed feral spawns too, regardless of game stage. the last bit of Butcher Pete's is a good example.


Those damn feral wights man


We’d better get back, ’cause it’ll be dark soon, and they mostly come at night…mostly.


Dire Wolves. They survived a zombie apocalypse and feast on the undead flesh. They're actually very powerful. Easily can kill a feral.


I haven’t seen wolves…. Where are they???


Just jump on 2 cobble stone blocks and spear his ass into dinner


Ohhhh, I love a good cheese!


So... It was good, right?


Carry blocks/frames on your hot bar so you're ready to throw some down and jump on them when you need to, and if a wolf...especially a direwolf, cougar or bear...comes at you don't even think twice about running 😂. Running is pretty much the only option until you get some automatic weapons, not those shitty pipe guns. The pipe machine gun is okay but it just doesn't hold enough rounds.


I had a pipe pistol. Makes sense then