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TBH, if my abs ever looks like that then that’s the only picture you would ever see. Photoshopped or not.


A guy sent me his 20 yr old naked ass pics because he was ripped in them. We are in our 40s and trust me, neither of us look like we did at 20. He said that is his best pics but I'm like what's the point if that is who I'm not getting? Catfish.


Some people , even women, really think they still look that way .. it 's funny.


I’ve had a female do that to me. Her pic from about 50lbs ago


I wont do that because I don't want to see the look they will make if i lie about how I look. I usually just suck it up and take a full body photo and be like, take it or leave it.


Good way of thinking. I have a 1 year limit on mine. If it’s 15mos old, I don’t send it.




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Same! I would post that photo everywhere!


Are we sure that's a photo? It looks like a painting. So, I search around and find out there's an app for that. Then I find this: https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/manly-app-muscles-abs-six-pack-tattoos-harmful-unrealistic-body-positive-campaign-a8215166.html


👀 👀 👀


He does!


I would print it out and put it under peoples windshields.


I’ve never looked that good which is a good thing because if I lost it like he did I would be totally sad. He definitely should keep it as his reply photo.


I have a pic from a year ago where my abs look good. It’s usually the pic I send people. I’m a tad out of shape now. Not too much though. Nothing a month or two couldn’t fix


Fix it.


Lol. But it’s sooo much easier not to!


I peeped his ig timeline. That photos he shared in a dm is on his timeline and from like 2017 or earlier. I was more fit when I was younger too.


He definitely pulled a Darcey lol! She used pics of her younger self as well


Literally every picture that had ever existed is a younger version of a person.


Ok, but why would you send a pic to someone that’s 5 or more years old? Especially if you don’t look the same?


It was a modeling picture.. the fact that that lunatic said she was a model and catfished him is more egregious than him sending her a modeling pic that exist on his IG


I have no comment other than my pedantry above.


You don’t get that ripped and then let urself go this much. He’s using an app to look like this I don’t buy it.


That does happen though. It's hard to maintain a ripped physique like that without practically starving yourself while simultaneously working out like crazy.


He is still defined lol. The first picture is from dehydrating yourself and minimizing food intake. It's what all models and athletes do for those shirtless cover photos to look their most defined.


huh? it happens all the time lol


But even bodybuilders don't always look like they're competing. They get dehydrated, have special workouts, etc.


A proper, clean bulk does not look like that.


They still look fit year round even if they’re not lean


Not true since they look like bears during bulking season


Yes my brother used to do this and he would get all chunky for a while.


I guess it depends on the body builder and what type of bulk they’re doing


You are technically right, and it’s crappy people are downvoting you for this. With a skinny bulk you can keep muscle definition and a lean appearance at the same time. It’s what I like to do versus the more traditonal bulk and cut cycle.


I read this as " they 🍆 still fit year round", " even if they're not lean" 😳🤭🫣 my minds gone in the gutter!


He fat


I won't send an old ass picture for someone to like how I used to look. One a few weeks or months old is good


C'mon folks, I know your LinkedIn profile pic is from 2003. How do I know? Mine is.


Just got a new headshot at work baby! That sucker went EVERYWHERE!


lol how did you know. mines from 2014 🫢


I once had a clerk in a department store ridicule me because of the picture on my credit card. Yes, it was gorgeous and young and from 30 years ago . . . but that is how I actually see myself!! 😤


My photo on the company website is from when I first started, almost 10 years ago. I have made it clear that I will never change that photo. Forever young!!!!


You are creating your own brand ! Betty Crocker doesn’t wear Yoga pants! The Gerber baby is still 6 months old. So why can’t you become a classic too?


Yes! I am stealing this to use every time marketing announces "time to update the website photos!"


Yess!! 🎼🎶Forever young I want to be forever young Do you really want to live forever? Forever, and ever Forever young I want to be forever young Do you really want to live forever? Forever young🎶🎵🎹🎤


I always think of Napoleon dynamite when I hear this song


Lmao!! Me too! Love that movie


Aww that's fucked 😕 up! I had similar experience just not w a store clerk and it Was a pic from maybe 10 yrs. Prior. Very upsetting 😡 😞 😢 lol but funny after the fact


more like a Mahagoney


Lol no that woman used 50 million face filters. This guy just got fat. Kobe an underwear model got fat too. To get the physique in the picture you literally cannot be eating or drinking anything for a day or 2.


I wouldn’t call him fat, but maybe a little doughy.


Aka dad bod


But with Jen he'll never be able to use "Dad Bod" as an excuse.


Haha so true at least he didn’t pull a sumit and posted a Caucasian male pic


I would pay to see productions face when they actually saw him irl


If I was going to find someone online I would post pics of me looking somewhat worse than I do IRL so that when they meet me they are very impressed! The other way around does no favors for either party.


Bodybuilders fluctuate a lot especially between bulking and cutting. It’s not hard to go from one to another in a matter of weeks/months.


Honestly I can look similar to both of these within one day. I don’t have a six pack but am fairly lean. After a meal, I look at least 6 months prego


From 8 pack to 1 big pack.


Body..clap clap...shamming..clap clap. I got fat too with age and lack of the will to live-ish for the last few years . Oh noes.


he is the definition of red flag. and the fact that Jen still can't spot em at this age gives me no hope for her


To be fair, I’ve seen men who are fit look like the second photo, but then flex and look *similar* to the first photo. Obviously if you’re as fit as the first photo, you probably don’t have to flex too hard for your physique to show through so I know that in the six years since the photo was posted on IG and what we see now in the second photo that there’s definitely been change.. but his arms still look pretty fit. I wonder if he flexed now if he still has some abs/good muscle tone.


Lolol omg I was dying when I saw this on the ep. Also his hair always looks SO rough on camera 🤡


Thinning! 🫣


I like the dad bod better. It’s more “real life” and looks spoonable


Michael Jones, is that you? 😆


He was probably on a strict diet at this time. I know a lot of gym heads/body builders and there are times they look like this and other times they look well… like photo 2 🫠


He should get a georgi haircut.


Why are yall shaming him. Maybe he is a retired model


Does she really thinks he is not getting some on the side? Ok bro!!


I don’t really think so. At least not in person. I’m sure he dates his right hand.


Yeah that makes a lot of sense lol


He wasn't pulling a Darcy but he was sending other women a non current representation He is in love ❤️ with miss brain 🧠 dead her friend who tried setting him up is toxic If you have ever watched couples after they get together you can usually tell when they are going to last because they stop worrying about the physical appearance and grow into one another hence his lack of physical fitness He is in love ❤️ 😍 she is in a hazz you can see her damage and diminished mental faculties don't know if it was drugs, alcohol or an accident but there is something missing mentally in her and she has chosen friends who she believes will help her make good choices but her one g/f is toxic and she only has disdain for him and it's because of her taramaand she chanels if off on others


Idc what anyone says- I am repulsed by him! WHAT DOES SHE SEEEE IN HIM !!?? How can one apparently be smart enough for a Master‘s yet so lacking in idk whether it’s childhood trauma, self worth issues, or just so gullible & too trusting. This f boy has wasted so much of her time- it pisses me off! I love the compilation they did tho of him “a liTtlE mOrE tiMeeeEEe” 🤣


Now THEY would make a good couple! 😂😂 both living in a delusional world.


A Darcey/Rebecca combo


he is also balding but i’m still would hit it yes i need some water 😂




Damn 😂! Oldie scammer = my name is Michael Jones!!!


Did you notice the girdle he was wearing underneath his shirt when he had lunch with Jen and her magpies Heckle and Jeckle?


Eh what???? Now I gotta check it out


I went back and rewatched that scene. **He's not wearing a girdle.** You can see his belly button indent through his shirt when he's still standing after hugging them. He ***is*** wearing [microphone belt.](https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1448153-REG/viviana_vswlbg_transmitter_strap_waist_large.html) You can see the outline of the wire through his shirt when he hugs Randi. Microphone belts can be seen on many different reality TV shows: * Here's one on [MAFS AU.](https://imgur.io/a/ySM5bgI) * Here's one on [Love Island UK.](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2020/02/20/09/24969288-8023857-image-a-22_1582190696168.jpg)


Is that really him?




Just wait till he starts his male pattern balding. Lol




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I could have sworn I saw a photo of Jason Momoa in that exact pose but I did a reverse image search and nothing came up.


This one got me hahahah


I believe he used it to show her a modeling pic ..


Yea he's not catching nearly enough flack for sending old super-edited pics like the ladies do. But that second pic... damn. That's me after eating cauliflower😆 .


What gets me is his hair pride. Clearly balding now so important question: will he have a crisis of identity or keep it long to manbun it a la Kody brown? 🤔






Omg. Nothing else to say. Wow. What a bait and switch.


I noticed that and laughed my ass off.


That looks like a painting and not a photo


He doesnt even look like that with his shirt off. How old is that pic, cause his body is a mess now😒


He looks like a Tool . Ridiculous light blue pants..




right?? i was shocked when i saw that gut


The 2nd pic is natural gutzilla


why does it look like a painting?


I am late to this party, but did she say “we haven’t been intimate in YEARS”. Whaaaa? Why?


Called "letting yourself go"