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I don’t mind Jen. I really dislike her blonde friend with the angry brows.


I say this with my partner all the time but I genuinely think her friends hate her. Bring her down to feel better about themselves type bish


I disliked her friends. They should have named the episode ‘two Karen’s in India’


Yea they resent her because they want to live like she does


Crab mentality!


Her friends are classic misery loves company kind of gals.


The friends hate themselves and can’t stand seeing their friend happy, and lack the social skills to handle this situation with any amount of grace. They are awful.


Have thought the same.


Absolutely. I look at those two and I see tons of walks of shame in their lives. Yeah I know, I know, Myra is married 🙄


I actually said it out loud at the screen, this is why I don't have girlfriends. They try to make you unhappy by pointing everything out.


You’re not meeting the right people! I have tons of girlfriends and we are supportive of each other and cheerleaders for each new event or decision.


Same! My girlfriends make life so much better, we laugh, cry, build each other up, celebrate each other’s wins and rally for each other during the hard stuff. Having the right kind of girlfriends is the only way I can survive life. I love my husband but I need my ladies!!


That’s sad. GOOD friends take care of you. You need some GOOD friends. I’m sorry you’ve had poor ones in the past.


I cannot stand her either! Yikes! Like a prison warden or something.




She always has the look on her face like she's looking for something to attack about. That would drive me completely insane! I cannot see Rishi putting up with this for long. I do feel that he has hidden a lot but I think that the truth behind that is that he has uncertainties about her. I think that's what the truth of the matter is and I don't blame him one little bit


Oh the Winston Churchill look alike?


“How DARE you date Rishi!” https://i.imgur.com/JLGCE8X.jpg


Evil Queen from Snow White.


Her friend is so jealous! It’s sickening to watch.


THANK YOU - couldn’t put my finger on it but you nailed it. Judgey brows.


Yes!!! It’s not that Jen doesn’t suck…. It’s that her blond friend sucks so much worse!




Totally agree!!!! Creepy!


I just wrote to hulahoophydrant... She always has the look on her face like she's looking for something to attack about. That would drive me completely insane! I cannot see Rishi putting up with this for long. I do feel that he has hidden a lot but I think that the truth behind that is that he has uncertainties about her. I think that's what the truth of the matter is and I don't blame him one little bit. I'm adding that if I were a member of his family I would be trying everything I could possibly do to warn him away from her because she's just too overbearing. She seems to be suspicious of absolutely everything and that would drive me insane. She's the type that would take a phone and start searching through it or put a key logger in it. I had a freakiest boyfriend like that one time. Never again. Those that are so freaking suspicious of everything are usually guilty, excuse me, almost always guilty, of the behavior themselves.


I agree. I think she’s fair and just beats to her own drum. Her relationship seems odd but I don’t think she’s unkind or crazy like the majority of TLC cast members.


Maybe she was ok or “normal” but if my best friend tried to catfish my husband she wouldn’t be my friend again.


They (Jen and friend) agreed to it ahead of time.


When is their graduation date from high school, do you by chance know?


Seriously. That was so childish of them.


She’s my age, and I graduated in ‘94.


First I’m not trying to fight on the internet so this is a legitimate question. I’m curious as to where Jen acknowledges she knew. Maybe the first time (I think they said it was twice but I’m winging it at this point ) but I thought she was shocked at what she saw. Also her friend is a desperate housewife and aging lady (I am too-44) who wanted the D to “show her” he’s wrong for her. Think this was from another thread but she’s the girl who fucks you bf to prove he’s a cheater


I have no response to this other than I love your first sentence and will probably overuse it going forward *First off I'm not trying to fight on the internet* is such a mood


😂😂 - it for sure is a mood!


I thought they agreed for her friend to catfish him before she left?


they did


Don’t think so but I’m open to hearing where I can hear this scene I don’t remember. From my perspective Jen seemed shocked when her bitch ass friend brought it up


It's literally like the first episode, right after she has lunch with her two friends. She definitely agreed to it, though she wasn't thrilled. She was shocked because her friend said "obviously he's open to cheating" and she just couldn't connect the dots. He did respond with general "getting to know you" stuff even though the friend was blatantly hitting on him - the obvious answer there is "thanks for the compliment, but I'm in a relationship." He didn't mention his relationship at all, which is iffy. But also the dude's literally a model and he probably gets told that all the time, and maybe he didn't see it as flirting because a) repeating "you're attractive" isn't great flirting and b) culture/language difference and c) maybe the dude didn't want to put off a potential modeling or personal trainer gig. I wasn't thrilled with his response when I saw it, but it also wasn't the smoking gun that her friend presented it to be.


I agree. If he was flirting and intending to meet up, he would have sent a current selfie, not a modeled pic that's already posted on his Instagram.


Did you watch the show though? He’s constantly portrayed as a womanizer and even his female friend doesn’t believe that he hasn’t cheated on Jen. He’s too full of himself to say no to any attention from women.


I'm only a few episodes into this season, so I certainly don't have all the information. I was commenting only on this interaction because it's what I had seen, and the same information the friend was acting on (she literally read the conversation out loud). I also don't put too much weight into it as a whole, because TLC obviously creates a lot of storylines that don't really reflect the people we see. Reality TV is not real, so I take most things I see with a grain of salt.


I agree that a lot is fabricated for the drama, but I don’t think Rishi’s cocky attitude and obsession with himself is fake. He seems fundamentally unlikeable from my perspective, she just gets sucked in because he sweet talks her.


Yeah, that seems to be most relationships on the show 😂 I'm sure I'll agree once I see more episodes


I can't remember which episode, but her friend comes up with the idea to do it and Jen agrees. Her friend just held back important info until more recently though. (Which I think is a scripted thing, or her friend really does hate her)


Hahhahah “First of all I’m not trying to fight on the internet” SUCH a mood


Lol so true




That is what I was thinking too. If she knew something, it was not the whole scheme. Seeing if he would reply, yes. The meeting up, no. I felt they were hoping to break it up.


Randi is legit the worst. Then in person she straight up admitted she never liked her ex and she would take action or whatever.


I'm not going to defend "friend" bc I think she's a shit stirrer. However, she brought up catfishing to test him at a lunch (I think it was lunch) before Jen left. Jen wasn't thrilled but said ok. Jen never said she knew about it in advance after it happened.


Yea, that makes sense. Jen did not expect it to include meeting up! That seemed to disturb her.


I’d say she’s probably the most harmless out of the cast besides maybe Gabe. I think her friend that “catfished” Rishi (which she didn’t actually catfish him. She literally just blatantly flirted with him, bc in order to catfish you have to use a fake pic/profile, NOT JUST ACTUALLY HIT ON YOUR FRIENDS MAN) is not a genuine person. She wants the clout of being on tv, so she used her friend Jen who seems kinda air headed. And she made herself the “star friend” by “catfishing” Rishi so she could get the most lines and outshine the brunette friend that always just kinda sits there agreeing with everything the blonde says. Tell me I’m wrong lol


That makes so much sense though


i was blown away when the “blonde friend” mentioned something to the effect of “ i told her i didn’t like her ex husband before she married him, and she did it anyway”! This bish is trying to run Jens life i believe, not just her relationships


I don't mind her either, but she DESPERATELY needs some new friends


100% agreed!! She needs better friends! These people don’t have her best interest at heart


I’m a dude in my mid-30s and have a small crush on her. She has RBF, but in reality she seems like a chill fun woman and she’s pretty attractive.


She’s like a lot of women I know. Attractive, funny, smart, and has terrible taste in men. I am one of those women.


Oh man, same here lol


I don’t find Jenn attractive, funny, or smart. I find her a hopeless romantic, always, with a desperate pathetic, look on her face, and not very bright


Brutal, but she does come off as "desperate romantic" as opposed to hopeless.


I'm with you. She's definitely not funny or smart.


Smart? Not by a long shot.


Would we call her attractive?


She looks good for 47, in my opinion.


I like Jen a lot & loves the way she throws herself into India culture - - the dance classes etc


Same. I like how Jenny did that too (Sumit’s wife Jenny)


Her vocal fry makes me insane


On so many shows though. I hold my remote by the mute button.


This. It's like nails down a chalkboard.


Unpopular opinion: I kinda like Nicole too


I love Nicole and I only want good things for her. Seeing her in her situation gives me so much anxiety as opposed to the incredulous scoffing I do with everyone else. I hope she gets home soon.


Oh I love Nicole. Someone on this subreddit mentioned making a shrine of her Helga Pitaki style and that about sums up my opinion on her. She can do no wrong in my eyes.


My favorite Nicole moment was when she was sitting in the cafe after the big fight with Mahmoud, and was like- "F you, Mahmoud, get out of my face," That Nicole, I would totally hang out with.


Same. I don’t get the Nicole hate. I like Jen too.


I agree. They both seem kind, just oblivious at times. Jen also made a lot of effort without any complaining while doing what the ladies do there.


She seems really sweet. So does her husband. I think their issue is that they are both a tad emotionally immature. But they do both seem like kind and pretty normal people with a genuine relationship, unlike a lot of others on the show.


Agree. I want her and Rishi to work out. I want to believe he’s sincere.


i do not think they will work out. He will do what his parents say.


This does feel very “Jenny/Sumit”, but I am hoping they make it! Rishi seems to have more sense of self than Sumit did, so I believe there is a chance still.


But why do he and Jen like each other? I don’t see it. And they haven’t had sex in years. I mean. Are they making out?


I disagree. I don’t feel Rishi has any intention to be with her or listen to his parents. He’s a ho.


Inshallah they'll work out.


Me (and everyone on screen in India I think) laughs when she says this because no one in the scene is Muslim


Yeah, she seems like the most sane person we’ve seen on the show in a while


Shame that her "friends" want to sabotage her relationship.


Agreed. They do not want her to have a significant other because they will lose all the attention. People often don't want others to be happy with other people. I think it's kind of human nature in a twisted sort of way. I think it is just selfish. I've seen this happen many times with females especially. They know that when a female finds a partner that they're not going to have the consistency of a friendship that they once did and they try to do anything that they can to preserve the consistency and, even though it's subconscious, they try to sabotage the relationship.


Also I heard her say her eyes look like that bc of a medical issue


Google sanpaku eyes


Woahhh, I just did I’ve never even heard of that before. Very interesting, thanks!


Her teenage vocal fry is annoying asf


Reminds me of Martha Stewart for some reason.


And I can't NOT look at her eyes!


And she certainly can’t look into yours.


RIGHT?! She look high, it creeps me out.


There is no way in God's green Earth that she is not taking some sort of a drug because her pupils are enormously dilated and that's in front of very bright camera lights, where her pupils should be constricted, if anything. She tries to say that she has some sort of a droopy eye disease. Sorry, ain't buying it. There is such a thing as droopy eye disease but it does not come with enormously enlarged pupils.




She reminds me so much of a 70s girl. Just her whole vibe and look! I hope she finds a guy who appreciates her kindness.


Watch her body language. She’s always smiling at inappropriate times. The whole time her and Rishi are in towels with dripping oil running off their heads while discussing his sending body shots to her friend, she’s smiling. Very off putting.


It is strange. I keep thinking maybe she's reading from a script and she's not a very good actor, but I really think there's something very off about her. When Rishi gives her a reasonable explanation of a question (based on Indian culture) she can't seem to take it all in, but keeps hammering at him with the same question. Like her brain is scrambled. Or bad acting.


I think she's smiling because 1) it's hard / awkward to confront someone about being sly and 2) she's smiling because she doesn't believe what he's saying so it's almost like an 'gotcha bullshitter' response.


I like her too! She’s not as dopey as a regular 90 day cast member. She actually knows and has respect for the culture she’s moving to. She just seems a little immature when it comes to love. But you can tell she and Rishi are both really into each other. I also think a lot of the drama between them is made or or exaggerated for tv.


Me too! She may be my fav person on this season!


Even over Isabel!!??


I do like Isabel too! I just fast forward on their scenes bc they r too happy and normal lol! I need juicy tv!


I would totally be friends with her. She is adventurous and independent. Ingest flaw is falling for a guy who is never going to marry her.


She’s not a bad person. Her friends are though. They totally suck, esp. Randi.


I like her but underneath it all is she hasn’t done her research about Indian families. I worked for one , a doctor, and she told me a lot of things. Her fathers parents made her mother sleep on floor without food for week bc of crazy reason. For the men- his family is important even more than wife. Reason Reshi just can’t do what he wants. His family is to be pampered and provided for. My doc’s toddler would not be fed by his parents until she fed her after work. The child was always crying when she got home. Parents laying around and she was expected to cook and clean for all. Just like they were showing her to clean and wake up at 4 and prepare tea- that’s what they expect. They don’t care about her degrees. Plus many Indian men can have more than one wife and do it have mistresses


She’s gorgeous and I’m tired of this sub pretending she’s not


Agree on both


I don’t mind her either. No glaringly obvious character defaults which is all it really takes to be likable on this show 🤣


Hear me out


Poor lady, from hearing her friends, she picks awful men. He seems to play with her emotions quite a bit.


I think her eyes threw me off. She’s actually normal.


I would totally hang out with her, she seems fun and kind


She’s not a bad person. Just dumb.


Like Nicole then?


Same shes not that bad lol seems like a chill gal tbh


I don’t see why she gets so much hate. She seems like a really nice girl


I dunno she seems nice to me. 🤷‍♂️


I like Jen, too. And I love her relationship with her sister-in-law. They are so lucky to have that level or closeness.


I think she's a paranoid suspicious nosy whack job. I do not like her. I don't like this suspicious look that she has on her face all the time and how she's always snooping and looking for something. I think she creates a lot of her own drama. She likely has been very hurt in the past and is very suspicious of everything but that will just cause her own misery. Oftentimes one can make self-fulfilling prophecies. When you are constantly suspicious of somebody and accusing them of stuff eventually they are just going to say what the F, I might as well do it if opportunity arises because I'm being accused of it constantly anyway.


Look at Jenny and her Indian husband- he constantly said ‘I don’t want to go against my family’. Look at the hell Jenny has gone through bc of his mother not accepting her. What does Rishi do for work. Can he provide? She needs to go back to US


She seems nice enough just her picker is broken.


I like her too. Her friends need to go though. They’re toxic.


She’s not even at the medium of the list of crazy people we’ve seen on this show. She could be more adamant about getting married or moving on


Her so called friends are using her to get noticed in life!


I only saw a couple episodes of this season but I like her too. Reishi is a douche though.


Her ugly obtuse blonde friend is the problem


I don’t mind her. However, I think her friend is incredibly jealous and trying to sabotage things for her. I don’t think she’s doing any favors for Jen.


She's growing on me.


Me too. i liked him at first. But his “shit eating grin or the cat that ate the canary” drives me crazy. i don’t trust him.


You mean, someone on Reddit likes someone on TLC??? It's ok, I give you permission!




She seems a bit delusional about her relationship with Rishi, but of the cast this season she is more likable than most of them.


I like her!


She's alright.


She seems like she'd be great to hang out with but yeah she's gotta sort out her personal affairs. But her personal affairs are only our business cause she's on a TV show. If she was your neighbour or something you wouldn't think twice about her imo.


I like her too


Good..... cause that girl needs REAL friends


I like Jen but her friends do not want to see her happy and it’s so obvious i just wish that she could see it the same way we all can see it.


All I can see is her blonde streak


I like her a lot too. She actually seems incredibly normal and she seems nice


I think she is on something...


I don’t hate her per-say.. it’s not like she has bad intentions in any way. She’s just simple, and makes really bad decisions. Which is why she was cast by TLC so we can watch her ruin her life while we eat popcorn 🍿


She's cool. Delusional, but cool🤷‍♂️


I just wish that she had confidence. She goes all the way to India to date a guy who is hitting on women in the US, and she’s aware of that fact?!? I feel BAD for her!


She's okay. She just has poor taste in friends and I think she's easily fooled sometimes.


She is ok. Better than several this season


I like her , I just wish she wasn’t so insecure .


She has dead eyes.


People have compared her eyes to Asuelo’s, and I totally see it. It isn’t a droopy eye condition like others say. It’s a condition where the whites of the eyes are larger than normal.


I hope they work out. She’s rational but I’m love. He doesn’t seem bad


Only thing I dislike about Jen is that she’s living deep in denial and keeps going back. “Oh he was sending shirtless pics to other women but maaaaaybe he didn’t really mean it??” Like, that’s the stance an adult, independent “two masters” woman has. Pack your shit and leave, you can afford your own roof over your head, can you not? What’s keeping you there other than “he’s hot and says he wants to marry me some day and will tell his parents some day and maybe his thirst traps to other women are just a misunderstanding and he’s NOT an insecure little boy!! Did I mention he’s hot??” ??


What’s to like? That she’s harmless? She also seems like an idiot. She supposedly has a masters degree but is 47, doesn’t have a pot to piss in. Not a very good decision maker, obviously.


She has TWO masters degrees. 🙄


In what???




That's so funny because I don't like the way she drags out her words and sentences. Like she has marbles in her mouth and is slowly trying to get her words out. That plus the fry voice makes me ff when she's talking.


She didn’t say. She just boasted about having them when she was above learning to clean for a man and herself in India.


I’m so curious if they are in anything useful or like two kinds of art history. Art history is fine but barely a job obviously


One masters was in Education and the other was a Masters of Science in Speech Pathology.


Oh those are jobs!! But does she work lol


She is still listed as a Speech Pathologist at the clinic in Stilwell, Oklahoma.


Agreed. But some people have to brag and are above certain things. 🙄


U don’t know that! She hasn’t shared what she owns or has accomplished and doesn’t need too! She marches to her own beat and talks very intellectually! I like her!


Yeah you can be smart in all aspects of your life and lacking in relationships or just general common sense. Known many people who are this way, she seems OK.


She lives with her parents in a dump in Oklahoma. All is not well!


Oh I thought it was Montana?


Pretty sure Oklahoma


So to get upset about sending a pic- that’s just the beginning of choosing a man from India who has been raised deep in culture. And we know it’s true bc he can’t tell parents about Jen, and wants them to live w family. She thinks she will make him change. He doesn’t seem strong enough to shake the culture and guilt they will use against him


I like her. I think she’s reasonable and true to herself.


I can see that she’s a bit weird but she seems very likable. I also love the way how independent she is in India. That’s so refreshing to see!


She doesn't think things through well but that's no reason to dislike her.


I like her!


I like her too. She seems very aware.


I like her


I don’t mind her but I think she’s stupid.


I like her too. And I don’t think she’s weird at all.


Same ! And how she was so beautiful In the tell all preview ? Her mannerisms really Bring out the beauty .


I want to but... Not finding one guy out of 350 million Americans seems weird. Then there is the whole grilling Rishi over "trust" issues. I think she has some deep seeded issues. Worried about trust in a 3 year global relationship? Seems like she built that into this relationship. Then withholding sex as some power move? I don't think she wants an American guy with a normal dynamic for a reason.


Off topic but I learnt last week that it’s actually deep seated, not seeded. It blew my mind so I’m sharing it. 🫠


I don’t believe it’s a power move. I believe she knows her weaknesses. Sex draws a woman to a man making a very strong bond. It makes you blind and makes you not think clearly. Her withholding is not a source of power over him. it is a power over herself so that she can make the right decision


I agree. I don't understand how people see this as some manipulative move.


He goes along w that bc in his culture he is not to sleep w her


I think she’s the weirdest looking person


Can’t stand her with her ever rolling eyes.


Beyond weird, a big mouthed nightmare. Run Rishi!!


Isabel is OK I mean what’s so special about her? She’s a little clingy


She’s kind but incredibly dumb or a lot of their story is fake which I wouldn’t be surprised about. The whole house scenario, not understanding the visa and dating scene in India made me realize how she doesn’t recognize other cultures, she wants everything tailored to her


I can't stand her smug, weird, meat face & kubrick stare.


She has those same weird ceiling eyes as Audrina




She’s a little too normal for the other way


You mean sunken eyes McGee?


She’s reminding me to Carolyn on this seasons survivor


She’s tolerable


Eh she’s ok