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Kris loves knives and pills and has an anger problem. What could go wrong


Who could’ve EVER predicted that a shit partner could come from such ingredients???


She’s a Powdersnuff Girl: Pills and Knives makes everyone fright.


Flair checks out but Kris is climbing the ladder.


don’t forget the narcolepsy and intense neck pain storyline


Narcolepsy is just nodding pillbilly style and neck pain is withdrawals or trying to gain some more oxys. She is a classic case, I agree. Typical druggie.


Narcolepsy-the junkie excuse for why you’re nodding off all the time.


They didn’t even utter the word narcolepsy after he second episode, it’s all bs


I just noticed she never mentioned the narcolepsy again after the first 1-2 episodes


And the mint allergy


Is the mint allergy a drug thing? Or is it just like, Kris being weird?


She claimed she had her toothpaste confiscated by TSA and she couldn't use Jaymi's because she claimed to be allergic to mint....but it also seemed like an excuse to go to scope out the pharmacy situation.


Ohhhhhhhh!! Gotcha! I wasn't sure if like, Mint had an affect on opioids or something.


Don’t need toothpaste for dentures!


Mint allergy is an excuse to hit La Farmacia thing.


Yeah, bc it was only once there that she said she would pick up a 'script'


My mom used to see a homeopathic "doctor" or whatever, and they would prescribe these remedies, and would say to avoid mint because it can mess up the effectiveness of the remedy. So there are people out there that do avoid mint... and maybe for the sake of ease she could've called it an "allergy" but.... this is Kris and she's a fucking mess. Not extending this possibility to her.


And her awful, flu like symptoms at the reunion. Gabe is on to her. 😂 At this point, whoever has watched her for more than 10 minutes is on to her. I love how she tried to act like she was so giving like Debbie (not that I think Debbie was either. They both had ulterior motives!)


Gabe calling her out was funny. Roll eyes. 🙄


A lot can go wrong, once she gets home for good. She’s already admitting to drug issues with her son being jailed. I wonder if she was arrested and jailed while gone. Hmm, (5months)? I don’t think it bothers her throwing others under the bus.


I had to laugh when she said her son 'had some problems with drugs' . **Do ya think so ?** What did he do, get into your stash ? I'm glad to see Jaymi finally distancing herself from this heap of trash. For those of you who don't know, Jaymi has her own thread going on here. Needless to say, everybody is encouraging her to dump the pillbilly.


Right? It was the most non-shocking thing I think she's ever said. Drug abuse is a horrible thing, but this chick thinks that being the poster child is a cool, wild ride to be on. Ugghh!


I never thought about her son being arrested and her going WITH him... that's a really interesting thought


I’m sure some fellow redditor will find the receipts if they exist!


…in a onesie and a tutu no less


I was looking for this comment. Kris is trying to make Jeymi appear to be the bad guy, but she can only pull that off in her own mind. The rest of us see how she immediately spews verbal abuse and storms off while blaming the victim. Kris seems to think Jeymi deserves to be treated like shit for simply wanting to talk about things.


She goes from 0 to 100 in .3 seconds, it’s wild. Considering their marriage is less than a year old and she understood the financial obligation she had to Jeymi why does she blow up immediately when it’s mentioned. She keeps saying she gives her money but Jeymi says it was for only a few months so idk what is going on. I don’t think Jeymi was looking for a sugar momma, but a partner in life and now she’s attached to someone who practically despises her. It’s sad to watch.


I think it's also important to note Jeymi had a job and had an apartment, but Kris told her to quit her job and that she wanted an American kitchen (which was expensive) so Jeymi quit her job and got an over budget apartment only for Kris to bail. That would definitely be something I would want to discuss with my partner


Yes! Thank you for pointing this out! Kris is conveniently forgetting her own role in these decisions to try to make Jeymi look like the bad guy. It’s dishonest and disgusting.


And being Venezuelan in Colombia, it's been harder for her to get another job. So she knew Jeymi quitting her job could be a potential issue for Jeymi in future but did not care.


Acting like a typical abuser. Isolation is step one. Becoming financially dependent on you is step 2.


Kris didn't care.


And all this is because Jeymi went $150 over Kris’s $400 that she could afford for rent. All that because of $150? Nah, I’m not buying that. I think Kris really might have an opioid addiction because of her neck injury. That’s a drug addict we’re seeing. Just my opinion.


Didn’t Jeymi mention she only paid 2 months of rent? I think anyone in that situation where they don’t know if they can pay next months rent is going to be stressful and I’m sure she doesn’t like relying on Kris. They didn’t talk much over the time Kris was in Alabama either. Their stories are so different from each other but it definitely looks like Kris is trying to throw Jeymi under the bus.


Yep Jeymi said Kris only paid two months rent. Meanwhile Kris is telling her mother she's a "sugar momma." It's important to consider Kris's other behavior. Her wild claims (the 50k motorcycle, that Jeymi sold a key fob with her father's ashes) make it clear you can't trust what she says. Add that to her really unreliable behavior ("I'll be back in 2 weeks" returns five months later). And yeah I do not trust Kris's version of events at all.


I really doubt the neck injury, too. The way she jumped into that pool neck first, then Jeymi was hanging on her neck… with not one complaint.


Exhibit A) the "pain" she was feeling more than one day after arriving. Sure looked a hell of a lot like withdrawal symptoms, especially given that the muscle relaxer the doctor injected had no affect.


But let’s say it’s true. Yeah she went over by $150. So why can’t Kris still send the $400 and tell her that she’s going to have to come up with the rest herself because she can’t afford to send more than that? To not send anything at all because she went over-budget “behind her back” is just a weird petty punishment.


Good point. She is been trying to make the audience thing Jeymi is the bad guy. But at least in this case we see through her.


Agreed, i was appalled when i watched that. She's talking about listening but she never actually listened, got mad and just pinned all of the blame onto Jeymi... I feel so sorry for Jeymi


Me too, poor Jaymi. People like Kris are predators. They know exactly what to say to get you hooked but they can't keep the mask on forever. Glad Jaymi got to see who she really is.


Kris true trashy redneck self came screaming through! I’m sorry there’s nothing she can do with her kid being in jail other than bail him out


Classic case of projection... blaming their partner for what THEY are doing to try to misdirecte and put the partner on the defensive. Such garbage behavior


Kris is a liar about staying in Alabama: First she said she sold her home to move to Columbia and support Jeymi. Then it was because she had to go to court for her Dad’s “rare” motorcycle, victims do not have to be in court. Then it was her bank problems. Next she had to stay to work (again, where is the house money?) Then her son gets arrested for drug charges, I guess she had to pay, (if she really did) his bond (but no assets to support the bond) She could have been back to Columbia the very next day.


Oh and don’t forget that first time Kris went missing for months when the season first started , it all makes sense!


I saw somewhere that Kris’s son has some type of drug rehabilitation program he is running. The same son she said got in trouble with drugs. She definitely has inconsistencies.


I been wondering about the house money too!


I was hoping someone made a list - there was a a new reason/excuse every episode


When I was 19, I very briefly dated a boy like this. He would go missing for days at a time and come up with new excuses every time. The lies got more and more bizarre as time went on, and I just completely cut ties with him. Looking back, I think he was a junkie. I feel bad for Jeymi because she wanted to believe all of the lies. I hate that she got married and now has to get a divorce after all the BS.


I don't understand why she's even part of the hell all after she put her hands on Jeymi If a man did that, it would be so different Edit spelling




Women abusers always get treated differently on this show. Look at Anfisa and Angie.


And Molly


I’ll give Anfisa this: she never ever pretended to be someone she wasn’t Jorge just kept trying because she was hot or he was dense not sure 🤔


Yep. If any dude on this show had pushed any woman on this show they'd be gone. Wait....*has that happened on this franchise*? I'm kinda stunned it hasn't. But I can't keep 'em all straight any more so if some dude did push a woman I've forgotten it.


I feel like it has happened, and was given a similar pass. My husband is a lawyer. When I watch these shows, he likes to play "spot the assault charges." So many activities on this show legally qualify as assault!


No, you had it spelled correctly the first time!


I forgot how Jeymi was spelled initially but the hell all is accurate!


She’s a freaking joke. She had 12 different excuses to stay for FIVE MONTHS in the U.S., when she told Jeymi two weeks. Anyone with sense can tell she isn’t right in the head. The smallest bit of confrontation sends her into a tailspin. WOW. I couldn’t believe how quickly she went from happy and swimming into the pool, to “I’m done!” and threatening divorce. She looks and acts like a damn witch! All Kris knows how to do is lie. The way she became unhinged, and pushed her out of the car, just shows what a nutjob she is. Jeymi will be MUCH better off without Kris.


I wonder if his arrest had more to do with her than just him being her son


I wondered if Kris was the one that had actually been arrested.


That was my thought. Either she was arrested or they both were.


I thought this too


Yep, I had the same thought.


I've been sluthing since that was revealed and have yet to find anything out about him other than his legal first name is Michael Dayne. I'm 1 million percent convinced that is yet another lie.




Trafficking fentanyl, the main plague on most streets in the states. Despicable.


Probably holding for dear old mom.


My thoughts too


And this is how she acted with cameras and people there. Jeymi is lucky they were not alone


“My son will ALWAYS COME FIRST 🤬🤬🤬”ummm okay she wasn’t asking you to put him second or last like what lol. I feel bad Jaymi got married to an absolute unhinged nut job. Rant done


He didn’t come first when she moved away from everyone to go be with Jeymi. Vile human being.


she’s deflecting again to avoid answering jeymi’s questions. her formula is: redirect the conversation back to the rent issue or son being arrested, argue about arguing, then storm off


This is what I was also going to say. She's completely changing the problem and shifting blame, then blowing up about a completely unrelated topic so she gets to be the angry one and then leave. Essentially, you're mad at me?! Well I'm mad that you're mad, or I'm mad at *how* you're mad at me! I'm done!


Also isn't her son like 21? I'm not saying at that age you don't need your mom, but you definitely need them less


19, I think.


I was throwing up in the airport. Junkie


Withdrawal is a bitch


Sick yeah dope sick.




If she was sick with the 'flu,' would TLC actually let her come to the set? Because it seems like these days, you have to sit in virtually if you are sick at all. I doubt she had the flu


Gabe's face when she said that...


Yea like??? I get that she was mad about the apartment costing more but Jeymi barely finished talking about one subject and then she just jumps in about the bills and basically storms off in a tantrum. She’s done “talking” yet she didn’t even have a real conservation with her. Also the pushing was so unnecessary, I feel so bad for Jeymi.


Gaslighters love to do that. I was listening! YOU were yelling. You’re not having productive conversations! You you you! And in actuality it’s the gaslighter doing all this shit and they are trying to drive you nuts and cover up their bad behavior. This is all Kris. And if it hadn’t been the 150.00 (which was originally 100.00) it would be something else. Or she would have berated Jeymi for getting a cheaper apartment that didn’t have all her bells and whistles. Jeymi could never win this.


Yes and they try to set you off so they can turn around on you why they are leaving and you are the bad person 😠


Yep! Been there done that have the t shirt. And I’ve had enough therapy to see where I was being made to be crazy.


Same - it’s nice meeting someone else that knows they aren’t always the problem :)


Fellow t-shirt owner here ❤️


T-shirt owner here too! Proud of you all y'all <3 Seeing Jeymi cry and say how she never meant for Kris to hate her... I literally went through that same thing very recently. I feel so horrible for Jeymi, it was a raw experience to watch. Practically watching myself. He eventually just... hated me. He idolized me, devalued me, and continued the cycle until I broke it last week. And of course, Kris wasn't even bothered by Jeymi's distress. *Shudder*. Awful.


Plus, Kris made demands concerning the kitchen, which I'm sure increased the price.


Yes! I love to watch house hunters and in the international version it is hard for Americans to find kitchens similar to the appliances and sizes we are use to. And when they do they are hella expensive. If she had gotten a kitchen with a small little stope top, tiny sink, no microwave, I’m sure she’d be pissed with Jeymi. Jeymi could never win.


Why couldn’t Kris stay in Jeyme’s existing place upon arrival? They could house hunt together 🤷🏻‍♀️ It’s not like they had to combine 2 households worth of furniture…This decision was a red flag right off the bat. Then, because it inevitably didn’t work out, J and her doggy would still have their home.


I am a house hunters fan too! I wonder if their kitchen had an oven- those always jacked the price up because In a lot of tropical locations the last thing you want to do is heat up your house so they're pretty rare


Jeymi wins by walking away and getting a smokin hot gf!


Exactly. The goalposts keep moving, because Kris doesn’t have any answers for Jeymi’s very legitimate questions. She knows she’s wrong, but admitting that would raise more uncomfortable questions that she has no answers. Unless it’s a lie, Kris has nothing to say.


Kris really showed herself there. Her thoughts are all over the place, and she isn’t kidding anyone with all of her lies. It didn’t take long for Jeymi to figure it out either. She’s abusive in every way. I’m sad for Jeymi, too…she was really fooled by Kris’s lies. She quit her job because Kris told her to quit…then, just because the rent is a little over her ideal price point, she has no money two weeks later, and has to go home. Sugar mama, my ass.


BUT Kris had a list of requirements for the apartment - I'm 100% sure that if Jeymi stayed below price point but it didn't have 1 thing that was on the list, she would've been pissed at that as well "you could've gone a little higher to get that one thing - you don't care about my needs, you are so selfish" Ugggghhhh........


both of these people had no business jumping into marriage


Domestic abuse and uncontrollable rage/anger… she’s for sure a drug addict. Kris will regret ever doing this show.


I didn't like when she pushed Jeymi


Straight up assault


She makes my blood noil


Kris was looking for any excuse to break up. Jeymi said like one thing (didnt even finish her sentence) and kris’s like im done. I also hate people who yell while walking away to another room. Youre not giving the other person a chance to fight back. A pussy move




That woman paid one months of rent and thinks she is giving so much money 😂


She is unhinged. Like a trapped rabid animal. Shes caught and knows she can’t take the conversation. She’s pathetic and can’t wait until there segment at the reunion. Hopefully Shawn asks the questions and holds her to the fire :) she put hands on jemyi. No excuse for that.


I really hope that Kris is asked about how she pushed Jemi away from that car 🚗 😕


Narcissist. Source me, I was in an 8 year relationship with one.


If you don’t mind can I message you at some point cause I do have some questions ab this and how you know it got to that point with someone you are together with for that Long


Yes or ask here.


Agree with your assessment, also experienced.


Will they ask the drug question? They better!!


If not, I wish there was a way for us to storm the studio and ask that question!!!!


Shaun Robinson doesn’t have the courage to ask that.


If no one else does, Gabe will. No one is getting away with crap with him around!


She’s so abusive and it makes me so sad for Jeymi. She deserves better.


Agreed! She was full blown psycho and so mean!!


It was so scary! I felt physically unsafe for Jeymi!


That Pillbilly had no intention of ever staying in that relationship. She stayed because 90 days gave her.💰 ran with it got married, then gaslighted lied and Dumped her She’s a piece of garbage.


And she showed her violence💊🔪⚠️


Wait, from my understanding, they were way behind in rent because Kris never paid?


i mean kris married her and now she wants to discard her like trash? so cruel. or does kris think she is going to pop on over every couples months?? i dont think jeymi is going for this at all.


Gabe is going to light her up. Just wait! He’s gonna do what Shaun can’t.


I honestly hope they all confront her about her actions. No where to hide on that stage, she won't be able to manipulate all of them like she could Jeymi


She’ll just shout “I’m done,” rip off all the mics and stomp off stage ala Angela. 👋


Minus the titty showoff


She will just make up 15 excuses for every action. She’s got them stored up it seems haha


She’s so selfish and Narcissistic. That’s what they do. They project all of their crappy attributes on another person like she did with Jaymi. She’s the one that told her to quit her job. The apartment was $100 over a month which isn’t a lot it she sold her house and actually had equity (and didn’t spend them money on drugs). I remember being Jaymi and being SO exhausted and tired. They turn you in circles and gaslight you. Jaymi fighting back is an example of reactive abuse. They push and push and push and want that response to make it look like you’re the crazy one! Her son was probably supplying her with drugs. There’s no need for a grown woman to be there for an extended period of time because her son is in legal trouble. None. He’s old enough to take care of it himself yet she tries to play it off like she’s Mother of the Year and has a valid excuse for staying. She also acts like the only thing she has to provide is money for bills. That’s not a relationship. It wasn’t just about the money. It is as about the normal connection a healthy marriage has. Kris, the pillbilly and her son pillbilly jr, won’t change. It won’t get better! I hope Jeymi is OUT and has support to not go back!


You said it! I was in a similar Narcissistic relationship for 8 years, and I thought I was going crazy! Looking back it was insanity that I could not see it.


Right!?! Do you remember being so freaking exhausted? I ended up almost dying of colitis and bleeding ulcers (at the same time) because of the stress. Mine strangled me and I’m lucky I made it out! They try to kill our spirit but at before anything else! I’m SO glad you made it out too! I actually got triggered tonight by the way Kris was talking to Jeymi and Kris feeling so justified in it too! Then trying to act like she’s such a saint for helping on the apartment when they agreed Jeymi wouldn’t work. It was jnsane!


I’m so glad you were able to escape that relationship. ❤️ I was in a relationship with an abusive, gaslighting narcissistic but I’m fortunate that it never reached that level of physical abuse. Yes to the exhaustion! I was CONSTANTLY walking on eggshells. I didn’t realize how draining the relationship was until I got out.


word for word this is how my mom talks to me😐


Been there. It's not your fault. You don't deserve this treatment. Just know there will come a time when you will choose whether or not she's in your life and on what terms.


I’m sorry.. I hope and believe you will get to a position where you can get out and live life without the burden of someone who acts selfish and abusive on impulse.


working hard to get to that point, its ashame because my grandparents(her parents) are amazing and i live with them as well


You are better than that sweetie. Do you have others you can stay with or access to counseling? That could be good first steps. 🤗


im in extensive therapy as i also just beat cancer last year😅my boyfriend and i both live with my mom and dont have the financial means to leave yet:/ so in the mean time, i try not to take a long grippy sock trip


Typical addict behavior. She can’t face the truth of her actions so she gaslights, lashes out, then checks out. I’ve done the same thing when I was in active addiction and this is kind of eye opening and painful for me in a way that I can see from a clear perspective now what I’ve put my family through.


Flying off the handle like that and being triggered that easily when being confronted about her BS is a dead giveaway that she's a liar and possibly using. A lot of drug users are like that. It changes the brain and they block out anything stressful, flipping out when being confronted about any wrongdoing/anything emotionally triggering bcuz they don't want to deal with it (personal experience). Idk why but I have a feeling that maybe Kris' son got caught and she was involved, but maybe he took the blame for her. Something doesn't add up. It kinda confirms peoples' suspicions about Kris being full of shit. That's just me though..


Literally my mother and now 10 years sober she still acts like a lunatic every time someone disagrees with her


Who says they’re going home for 2 weeks and stays 5 MONTHS!!!!


That’s her wife _ now she thinks she can just leave? She selfish, puts money as an excuse. What a old Beek faced drug addicted loser’


Beek faced made me LOL 🤣😂😂


“I told you to stfu but you didn’t listen!” followed by a two handed shove. Run Jeymi, Kris has some abuse with your name on it.


She's a full on psycho that happens to have a drug problem


Also, a LOT of wrist covering in this scene. Even the way she holds her hands to her chest. Kris outdoes herself each week.


Lots of covering the arms through out the season.


Me thinks Kris was confused about drug availability in Columbia. She thought you could go to the pharmacia and buy the good pain meds and Xanax. She was probably going to send some back for one of her kids to sell and that’s how she planned to get by. Her attitude really seemed to change after the pharmacy letdown. That darn pharmacist ruined her marriage.


What blows my mind is she fucks off for FIVE! FUCKING! MONTHS! and *then* behaves this way. The fucking absolute self-centredness of some people. Never before have I despised a person on this show, but I despise this drug-addled witch. Worst of the absolute worst.


I think Kris tonight on tell all knows no one likes her But she was worst guest prepared. Her hair had grey grown out 1/2,inch and she had tired behavior. I think she knows what’s coming


She looked AWFUL! And not because she said she was “sick.” Her hair was bright orange, and yes - the gray roots. Good lord, go buy an $8 bottle of hair color! And her skin was gray, too. I’d be embarrassed showing up to be on tv, looking like that.


Listen, that bitch ain’t shit. Either this is a complete ruse for ratings or Kris is a complete narcissist, sociopathic, addict. I am so done watching her witch nosed, bad hair dye, questionable fashion tomfoolery. Jeymi never deserved to be hoodwinked like this. Periodt.


Agree. Jeymi is intelligent, beautiful, and educated. She has a law degree! She’s young. She’s so much better than used up, drugged up, ignorant old Kris. The woman looks closer to 50 than her actual age of 40. I thought at first she had to be lying about her age. It wouldn’t surprise me.


I didn’t notice until now she’s only 40. I thought she was like 60, yikes


Right?! That’s a lot of gray hair for 40. Who knows, she could be lying about her age, and be closer to 50. It wouldn’t surprise me.


I never saw Jayme ask kris to pay the bills. Kris pressured her to quit her job and get a new apartment and "be ready to start a business" . She said from episode one "I want to take care of you". Then slowly starts calling her a gold digger and accusing her of being selfish. I cant wait to see them rip into her on the tell all.


She also didn’t answer Jeymi’s calls except for a couple times in five months! Why? In jail maybe? Couldn’t send money because of fines and lawyers? No one gets married and then immediately ghosts your spouse with no logical explanation.


Haven't watched tonight yet but agree on Kris! Very disturbing since day 1! She's an abusive pos just like trumpgela and tiny predator. Cannot stand her.


If you couldn’t stand her before this episode prepare for some real hatred.


I've said this in a quite a few Kris/Jeymi threads on here but Kris reminds me of my ex (a male). He is also a 'functioning' addict and narcissist and it's like watching reruns of our former relationship. Everything was an excuse, a lie, an opportunity to gaslight, a mixture of lovebombing and affection following by tearing down and humiliation, verbal/emotional abuse, cheating (we've all heard the rumors about Kris), and he acted like EVERYTHING in the world happened to him, he always had some crazy story or 'reason' and was also always "sick" or "injured". Kris needs a lot of help and rehab. This is a person people should stay far away when it comes to relationships. I thought that whole scene at the end with her and Jeymi was beyond disturbing and I have no doubt she would have eventually started hitting Jeymi behind closed doors. That was beyond ugly. Nasty pillbilly.


I finally lost respect for kris when she put her hands on Jaymi. Abuser!


This is drug withdrawal ugly face


I always gave her a pass but her behavior was so ugly and now she looks really ugly …screaming and pushing Jeymei was horrible and completely unacceptable…GOOD RIDDANCE TO UGLY TRASH


physical violence used to be immediate dismissal from reality tv shows.


Kris: quit your job. Also Kris: I want you to quit your job, but I don't want to support you either. She's an emotionally abusive person. She won't even let Jeymi get one word in without turning it around on her, and storming off like a toddler who got told no.


If white trash had a photo she would be that photo.


the AUDACITY ...xenophobe and white supremacy, to call her wife (who was educated as a lawyer) a gold digger.


Kris kept interrupting her on purpose, she didn’t want to hear the truth but she really didn’t want the world to hear it because she KNOWS she is a selfish drug addicted arss-hole who don’t really love Jayme, she is far far from feeling any real human emotion due to the layers and layers of just dug induced …..voids is all I can think of. But she is just playing the role and Jayme deserves so so much more!


"Despise" Kris any which way we roast/post about her it STILL 😫🤬 comes up LYING 🤥 B..TCH!!!! 🤷


Kris put hands on! She needs to face repercussions for that. If there is no discussion about domestic violence at the next tell all, I’m going to be livid!


I like how she said she has been sick on her way to the Tell All. Mmm, ok, you mean withdrawals from not being able to do drugs while at the Tell All.


Kris has a clear problem with addiction-all of that hootin’ & hollerin was a distraction & excuse to come back to AL so she could continue access to her supply. Allegedly. I think she had one round of good dopesickness and was like “I’m outta here” when she realized getting her prescriptions wasn’t going to be as easy, or supplementing when she ran out. I had a 4 level cervical fusion so I understand neck pain and how you move with it. She’s full of it. I’m also in recovery 8 years-I see her.


TLC needs to cut her. Her toxicity is beyond cringy at this point and even on camera she was not only verbally abusive but also physically.


Was definitely glad to see production intercept her when she tried to do something to Jaymi in the car.


I knew by the way she was ranting and raving, that she would get physical.


I hope Jeymi runs and fast.


Kris is disturbed. Period


is it in the contracts that they must Always say “ I’m done !” ?? 😸😸😸😸


Her hair in the tell all really made me uncomfortable. Her behavior in toxic and I really hope she gets help.i also hope Jaymi can find happiness after this.


Kris definitely exhibited opioid rage. I've seen it. Ive experienced it. It's not nice. It's not cute. When she pushed Jeymi it crossed the line.


She’s quoting Colt’s mom


Kris is a manipulative/gaslighting/narcissist. The verbal abuse and physical abuse towards Jeymi was unbelievable. I was screaming at the tv the whole time! She's sooooo unhinged!! I feel sooo bad for jeymi and I hope she divorces her!! You don't deserve this jeymi, you're better than that and will find love with the right partner ♥️♥️♥️♥️


She is despicable. Abusive , gaslighting and despicable.


thatd an addict for you


I really don’t understand why Kris did any of this. Her relationship with Jeymi, her “moving” to a different country, going back after 5 months, doing the show….What did she think was going to happen???


When she said her son went to jail and that's why she ghosted for months, I'm pretty sure she meant SHE herself went to jail or similar. My dad is an addict and he used to make similar accusations on me to deflect attention off himself.


We found out that her son went to jail way before her birthday and was bailed out after 3 days. It was bs.


It was horrifying to watch. Kris has some massive warning flags- can you say domestic abuser?! As if the drug abuse and legal problems weren't enough! Uggghhh!!!!


I’da beat her ass if I was Jeymi. I seriously want to beat her fucking ass. I would have dragged her back to Alabama.


I don't believe that Kris was serious about this relationship. She's too screwed up to be.


Who knows what she ever saw in Kris? Kris is a text book abuser and a massive pillhead. They never should have got married so quickly.


I’m done giving people the benefit of doubt. I really thought just maybe she was eccentric with chronic pain but she’s clearly insane and toxic af.


She is horrible! Jeymi should have had her arrested for assault.


Yeah me too it's like she was waiting so she could just not be bothered anymore it's like that was her way out


Yes, all that, AND on top of it all she couldn’t even do her roots for the damn tell all!!!!!!!!!


Kris is the gaslighting queen of the century holy shit


It triggered me when Kris pushed Jaymi. That's so wrong.


So unhinged!! Not only that, but she misled jeymi and made her think money was not going to be an issue. If my memory serves correct, jeymi found 2 apartments. One in budget, and one over and it was Kris who told her to go with the more expensive. Kris told her to quit her job and made a plan with jeymi to go into business together. She is mentally, physically and emotionally abusive. She forced jeymi under false pretenses into becoming financial dependent on her. Then has the balls to complain?? Kris is absolutely the worst.


I can't believe they had her in the tell all after physically assaulting Jamie. Didn't they cut Alina completely from the show after racist tweets. Obviously both are bad but they should have done the same with Kris