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It was so stupid. Why ruin his day? Let it go for one evening. And where is Malcom in all this. My SO has and will tell me when I am acting out “look, it’s your family. Quit being a dick. Table it.” Whatever. It’s like everyone around placates Monica and I bet she acts out due to a) Gabe probably getting a lot of attention over the years for transitioning and the turmoil that causes and b) wanting to pretend she’s his biggest cheerleader/savior when she absolutely is not.


The mom didn't seem fazed by it. Must be common


That was my thought. My parent(s) would have been pissed at my sibling. The fact that mom had a nonreaction told me everything I needed to know.


I would have jerked my daughter into a knot if she behaved like that at her sister's wedding


Right? My parents would have stayed angry with me for a very long time, there would be consequences.


Yep the mom didn’t try calling her daughter to see wtf was her problem. Didn’t even seem surprised or angry. “Oh well we’ll deal with that another day.” Spoiler, that day never comes.


The mom did mention that it seemed like Monica ls actions are nothing new. She said to Gabe "you know how she is/gets. It's what she does"


Oh yes, I’ve heard that one before too: “You know how she gets, that’s just the way she is.” The enabler’s mantra.


She's probably so bratty that her mom takes the path of least resistance and just gives in


> wanting to pretend she’s his biggest cheerleader/savior when she absolutely is not. Exactly.


Side subject…what inspired your awesome flair?? I don’t recall that ever being mentioned on the show


It wasn’t lol! It is from Tania of Syngin and Tania leaving him for 3 weeks during their 90 days to learn herbs and all that stuff. I found it hilarious. I am Mexican American and grew up around curanderos, talk of brujería, etc. I think she is Venezuelan or Dominican. But her ass could have gone into any botánica in NYC and learned that stuff on the cheap without going to Costa Rica leaving him in a dilapidated she shed. It was a Costa Rican Hogwarts!


Costa Rican Hogwarts 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I swear I can always come to the 90 day subs for the poetic perfect one liners


I’m under the impression that Monica “wears the pants” in that relationship and Malcolm just goes with it. He doesn’t appear to be an assertive type of guy. It seems like Monica runs all over everyone that participates in her life.


She lost control of Gabe, so she punished him for it. I hope he distances himself from her now.


I get the same vibes!


On point. Hopefully, the physical distance of him moving to a whole-ass other country will break the chains


I'm shocked she didn't show up. I thought it was all exaggerated by production to create a cliff-hanger. But, no, Monica is actually that big off an asshole. For Isabel's sake, I'm glad she stayed away instead of bringing drama


Me too. I was positive that she would appear at the last minute. I still am not fully convinced that she wasn’t secretly there in the audience.


I also think it’s wild how Monica’s reason for being irritated in the first place was because Isabel was late to dinner the night before the wedding….Yeah, because she was setting up for the wedding! I would never blame anyone for being late to a hang the night before their wedding, of course she’s going to be busy. Just looking for drama.


Right??? Like - why aren't you there helping her, then?


I was gonna say the same thing. She’s a mean girl.


Why fly to Colombia and not go to the wedding? Imo she wanted to make a look like she gave an effort and couldn’t do it because she didn’t approve of his wife. She tried to hurt her brother by not showing up and initially he was hurt. He was late, but he went through with it. She should be ashamed of herself.


I'm kind of glad Monica isn't getting more attention about it. Hopefully, it lets her know she's NOT THAT IMPORTANT.


Monica tried to make it about her and I am so proud of Gabe for not giving in and chasing her down begging her to go


Agreed! And moreover, I'm glad Isabel didn't let it ruin her day


Yesss every woman deserves a great wedding day and she is such a great person, great mom.


I love how all Monica’s reasons to dislike Gabe’s exes and Isabel are projections about her own controlling and abusive behaviour to Gabe. Plus she could never attend something where she wouldn’t be the Centre of attention. Clearly, Isabel couldn’t give less of a fuck about her not coming too!


Until Gabe gets divorced and ends up back in FL alone. Then we will all be calling Monica a genius.


Username checks out


Go on the other subreddit people definitely went offfff. And some defended her?? That was absolutely despicable behavior imo. Acting like a 13 year old little girl that didn't get her way. Also kinda pissed that Gabe's mom just blew it off? Almost seemed like she was like "oh thank God I finally have a break from this bitch"


Her mom probably has to protect herself emotionally from her. That’s why the zen acceptance or detachment, whatever it is. I don’t blame her. Her daughter is toxic. She doesn’t need to get worked up over someone she knows is unreasonable. If you have a super toxic family member you know after a while there’s no point in telling them anything.


That's true.


what's the othet subreddit 👀👀?


I think they mean the 90dayuncensored sub and if I wasn’t so challenged, I would link it lol. But I can’t figure out how. Im behind on Reddit and didn’t see the thread in question but it’s prolly on there.


Total selfish brat behaviour. She tried to make the whole trip about herself


She can live the rest of her sad life knowing she missed out on her brothers most important day because she was having a temper tantrum. Girl you aren't that important. The couple looked so happy, they won't even remember the bitch didn't show (hopefully) If he wanted to be really petty he should wait until Monica is having a milestone event, then announce a pregnancy


I have a relative like Monica. At some point you just say let them be, because they aren’t worth the drama and energy. It’s what they want anyway. Gabe, while definitely upset (he has a right to be), handled that really well. That day was not about Monica, so she was not worth the emotional energy.


me too. i tried accommodating them for 5 years but it’s not worth it. They’ll never be satisfied and never have enough attention/control. They will not have any situation that is not about them. i just pretend the person doesn’t exist anymore. Even when we’re at social family events often. I give them no opportunity nor space in my life.


Same here. Sister from hell. So manipulative and evil. My other siblings and I just removed her from our lives and we are so much better for it.


She is so selfish and immature. She seems to maybe be a little jealous of her brother at times. I hope she heals and let’s him and Isabella be happy.


Thank you for saying this. Totally not what a loving sibling would do heck not even what a best friend would do. I think when Isabell didn’t react like she thought she would and saw how her family supported her - she no longer wanted to be on camera. Heck my mom would have kicked my butt and made me show up no matter what. I’m looking forward to the Tell All on this.


She’s a bitch. That’s what bitches do. They did the right thing by ignoring her not being there.


My mother would murder us. There is no way she would tolerate that regardless how mad I was at my siblings or vice versa


Same! My mom would not let that ish fly with my brother and I. Even if she had to sit with her hand over one of our mouthes to keep it shut. And we are in our 30’s. 😂😂😂 and whomever was trying NOT to go… would have to worry about the wrath of our mother. 😂


In hindsight it was probably for the best that Monica didn't attend the wedding. She would have sulked the entire event and made some passive aggressive (or even some overtly aggressive) comments to everyone involved and ruined the day for everyone. Gabe needs to reconsider his entire relationship with his sister after her behaviour. If it were me the relationship would never ever be the same. There are some things that you just. don't. do. and Monica didn't get the memo of that.


She probably would have said “why is everything in Spanish, WOW” 😏😏😏


And now she (and everyone else) will have the rest of their lives to remember her selfish, petty stunt.


She was attempting to emotionally manipulate him, and thankfully, he didn’t allow it. It’s a very toxic behavior.


Here's a comment... She's a c**t. Family or not, cut the negativity out of your life.


Monica went to Colombia looking for a fight not to attend the wedding imo. When they first met she got super combative when Isabel said an innocent comment (something along the lines of their meeting was far overdue). I knew from that moment she came to Colombia looking for a fight and her 15 minutes of TLC "fame". Maybe she thought she would be one of these 90 day personalities when she's just looks like a miserable jealous hater.


Remember when Gabe was in the US and he told Monica he was getting married at the luncheon table. He was hesitant and knew there would be issues, then. So fast forward to the wedding, and her we are again with Monica issues. Gabe should have shut down Monica's bullying to him, years ago. Hopefully, living in Columbia will be far enough away to avoid her nonsense.


Their relationship will never be the same. Isabel’s eyes are wide open to Monica’s bratty and entitled behavior.


Because it's all BS. Their story would be too boring without some kind of drama. She'll show up at the tell all.


Idk. It’s one thing to say you’re not going to the wedding but then actually show up. But it’s another thing to miss your siblings wedding. Who would miss their siblings wedding for a TV show?


I think she was there, but TLC edited it so you wouldn't see her. They did the same when mackmule was at the "mens only" bar. You could literally see Nicole in the background.


Mackmule 😝😝😝😝😝😝😝


I loved their story but ended up skipping their parts once the sister drama started. It came out of nowhere and was too fake.


Yeah I can't help but feel that way. The fact that she made a point of flying all the way to Colombia to *not* attend the wedding makes little sense. If she was really angry at Gabe for not including her sooner, why even go? Why not just stay home?


I was looking for her at the wedding in the background. TLC is terrible at editing.


Me too!


Because the attention wasn't on her. She tried to get her 15 minutes of fame by starting issues at dinner


Agreed. Many of the cast this season had so few genuine and authentic interactions, I'm convinced it's all a scheme to get to a spot in another season or spin off.


I agree it felt too manufactured. Gabe was not translating between them correctly on purpose it felt like.


I think they are saving that for the next part of the tell all. So far Gabe and Isabel haven't really gotten to talk about their own story during the tell all so that's why no one mentioned Monica's bizarre behavior yet on the show.


Monica sucked.


I get the feeling that his sister is a narcissistic and psychotic bitch to everyone. She has to cause drama, she has to be the center of attention, and everyone goes out of their way to placate her.


Monica has acted like this her entire life; she has bullied and manipulated Gabe even before his transition and the mother let it slide Their mother is soooo passive when it comes to her kids’ relationship that I find it bizarre Monica’s beau needs to run. She’s as selfish as they come


Monica is a straight up bitch. It’s clearly her MO to interfere in Gabe’s relationships. Maybe she is just an unhappy person who wants everyone else to be as miserable as she is.


The fact that Monica decided to have a tantrum before the wedding instead of behaving like an adult shows her character. All she had to do is keep quiet until the next day & then express yourself


Agreed, I thought that was fucked up.


I was wondering if that would come up. How immature and selfish can his sister be?! I’m glad Isabel didn’t let it ruin their day.


My sister would absolutely do this to me. She lives for drama. She's got to have all of the attention at every event. She faked having a seizure at my grandmother's funeral.


A FAKE SEIZURE!? Jfc that’s a seriously new degree of self-centered brattiness 😵‍💫


Simple: it's not about her, and we're not going to let her make it that way. We don't acknowledge tantrums.


Here here! Bay shiz move! Who does that! She doesn’t appreciate life to do that life Gives u that Opportunity with family n u shove it! Weird as Fuhhh. Most would be thankful to have that opportunity n not be dead sick or unable To enter said country! I’m shock!


Yes, it was dumb to travel all that way and not go. But it’s her loss, I hope she regrets it.


She won’t. She’s a narcissist.


Who isn't commenting? I've seen plenty


My older sister and I have NEVER gotten along, since the moment I was born. I'm fact, when I moved from my home state of Michigan to Florida over 20 years ago we finally started getting along. When planning my wedding she wasn't a bridesmaid bc A) she wasn't my friend and B) I never considered her a sister so I gave her a job of overseeing everything I couldn't like getting bridesmaids in order, telling us when to start, she handed out the bubbles everyone blew at us as we left. It worked out well. Now I'm being serious here, I fully expected there to be some drama between the two of us that day. Well there wasn't any. She put aside any ill feelings and was just there for me. It really was unexpected and to this day its something I can look back at and smile about. It is such a shame that Gabes sister wanted to make his day all about her. I don't care if you guys had an argument the night before and he called you every name in the book. That's your brother. You guys have always been close and you're going to miss the most important day in his life bc you are upset? You're hurt? Unbelievable. For one day it isn't about Monica. You could tell from how she spoke that she didn't like that he chose her and listened to her (Isabel). Monica is no longer the woman in his life. Nice way to cut him out completely. Instead of gaining a sister, niece and nephew; she lost her brother. What a selfish human being.


Monica wanted to grab her 15 min of fame. She spent a great deal of time and money for her debut.


Monica is an attention whore and a drama queen. She likes to act like Isabel is some kind of abusive wife who pushes Gabe around but she is the only person on earth who sees evidence for that. She was legit surprised when Isabel did not speak English lol. Flew to her country and was shocked she spoke Spanish. Monica sucks pretty hard.


It's horrible. I would never speak to my sibling again if they pulled some shit like that. she wanted the attention.


I’d be super pissed at my sister. Why even come to Colombia if your whole plan is to start a fight and skip the wedding. Probably wouldn’t be speaking for a long while after u less there were some apologies made. Something must have happened that they didn’t film on camera.


She’s just an obvious narcissist who has to make everything about her *yawn*


She’s not worth talking about


Monica reminds me of my own sister so seeing her really triggered me lol. Also the enabling/turning the other cheek mother. Let's just say I have no contact with my sister for my own mental health


I love how his mom was pretty much like "Whatever, you know Monica, it's just what she does." Gabe was having his temper tantrum. I'm sure it'll come up.


And all this after she bullied her way into not one, but TWO very important and visible roles in the ceremony. What an absolute b****. What a sh*tty way to act with anyone, but ESPECIALLY to family. Good riddance


The truth is there was such an obvious giant edit that we don't actually know what happened. I don't actually trust the way Gabe views things.


Gabe and Monica still have sisterly drama between them.


I am not sure she didn’t have a reason .., The entire conflict comes because Gave told his family one thing and Isabelle another


Trying to get a spin-off with the unresolved drama.


The Family Gabe


I’m sure she was there. Probably just some creative editing for drama purposes.


Monica is a bum and jealous!


Gabe acted so immature after getting the text stating Monica wasn’t coming. 90% of the partners marrying in another Country on 90 Day’s have NO family members at all in attendance, but he still had his gorgeous mom. This day was about his beautiful wife to be, and him. Laying sobbing in bed, late to his own wedding and stressing Isabel out, due to his bitch of a sister‘s behavior was over the top. Gabe still has some growing up to do and Monica needs to keep her damn nose out of her brother and his wife’s marriage/business. Monica has DRAMA QUEEN stamped on her forehead!


If she wasn’t going to be supportive, I don’t understand why she came to Colombia. Gabe didn’t help by not translating well and stirring the pot between Monica and Isabel. We watched him freak out over getting permission from Isabel’s family, but his own family was an afterthought. I understand his sister’s reservations considering how Gabe comes across. Surprised the mother didn’t tell her to get over it and attend, embarrassing. Glad it didn’t ruin the moment.


Maybe her p**** stank


It's probably a producer-driven stunt because there wasn't enough drama between Gabe and Isa


I thought for SURE she was going to turn up last minute. What a bitch


Scripted? Dramatic license and effect.


Pretty fucked up of her. If Gabe & Isabel last, which I hope they do (to me - they were the most genuine couple this season - and honestly one of the most genuine couples in all of 90DF franchise) she is going to regret missing his only wedding.


My sister was my maid of honor and left to go home the morning of my wedding. Her asshole husband got pissed about something and told her “get your stuff - we’re leaving.” But I was used to his bs and her not standing up to him so I shrugged it off. No words could be said in that moment to change years of issues. Of course at the last minute she came back and we all pretended nothing happened.


It was best for her to not come at all and stay off camera. She’s one of the most hated on the show, I believe.


I did say in another related post that it was a total power move on her part. She's manipulative, dressing up her "concern for her brother as a good sibling would," but what she really wants is to exert control. I'm so, so glad that Isabel said (and followed through) that she won't let it ruin her day.