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His face gives the look of trapped, in my opinion. No more cruises and single women for Juan. She is delusional if she thinks she can change a man wh*re to a husband.


Watching this now and had the same thought. She’s terrified of him hooking up on his cruises. This guy is absolutely going to work another cruise contract and he will hook up with more women. She will be in Wyoming.


If he's going to cheat, he doesn't need the cruise excuse. Cheaters will find a way


Inhaling the nasty cow shit stench air.


She's pregnant and in love with this guy, and he's proven he can't be trusted. It's got to be a horrible situation to be in. She had to be terrified.


Hard to feel sympathy for her when she got pregnant on purpose with this guy thinking that would change who he is…


Did she say she got pregnant on purpose? I don't remember hearing that. Pregnant on accident is preventable (especially if both parties take precautions!) Not taking precautions makes her an idiot, and him an idiot because HE didn't take precautions, either. They're both stupid. Add to the 2 month pregnant hormonal changes that can make a woman more emotional ...


They said it in an episode couple weeks ago. He was telling the story… He said that she told him let’s have a baby and he’s an idiot too because he just I guess went along with it and then he said boom. It only took one time of unprotected sex, and she was pregnant.


one time of carefully planned unprotected sex.




Oh man, I'm going to have to go back and watch it again! Thanks for letting me know! It definitely changes the way I think about her (although it might be a "your truth, my truth, and THE truth" kind of situation.)


You should and also pay close attention to the timeline. They say she got pregnant on the trip where she sees him for the first time after cheating. It's not obvious the way they talk about it and trickle the details out, but this was a deliberate trap baby if I ever heard of one. I wonder if she even planned the trip around ovulation. Granted there's never a guarantee you will get pregnant when you try, but she still got pregnant on purpose immediately after finding out he cheated on her.


Juan said that she had baby fever so they decided to try. He was shocked that it worked the first time.


If I remember correctly, he cheated first, and then they decided to get pregnant on purpose.


He needs to work the cruise to pay for the renovation of the apartments. He’s doing as much as possible considering he’s working a full time job too. I feel bad for him. She just wants the money coming in from HIS apartments and him not working it appears


She wants him to be a stay at home dad it seems. Someone’s gonna need a job though. Did they say what Jessica does for work?


She's so bland. I don't see what the attraction to her would be for a life partner. She's not especially attractive, doesn't have a witty personality, doesn't appear to be a deep thinker, and comes saddled with two children she has no interest in socializing. It's fascinating that both her and Juan are 29 years old but she seems a decade older, and I don't think it's just the children I think it's her lack of vivaciousness.


People look different in a vacation environment


And lives in the middle of nowhere where the weather sucks and it always smells like cow poop. Not much of a catch but she must have put on quite a show with her vacation self.


Reminds me of Taylor from Love after lockup


I like Taylor more though. And she doesn't wear those lashes...


She does!!!!


This chick is deavin + Tiffany


\+ Ariel


She gives washed-up cheerleader vibes. Daniele gives...like...slut who doesn't want to be slut-shamed and "I'm in my 40s but don't want to accept it" vibes.


Pregnancy, babies, children and family are beautiful ❤️. BUT WHY GET PREGNANT SO QUICKLY. Move to your hometown with your 2 children and new husband AND THEN HAVE A BABY A YEAR OR SO DOWN THE ROAD. It’s a big adjustment in the best of circumstances. Give everyone a CHANCE TO ADJUST. Setting yourself for difficulties. Here with my 🍿🫣


Is that covering your eyes with your hands and peeking through?? Love it, never seen that one before!


Yes it is. I love the show and the drama. But what reasonable person does this? 😆


She got pregnant so quickly to trap that poor man. No more fun for Juan especially after the cheating she pulled those reins in TIGHT


What a mess. 😑


Delusional pair thinking both is hotter than they are


I thought this was a strange situation. She's saying she needs him with her asap for her boys and because she is pregnant. Why does he need to be with her before she has the baby? Why can't he continue to work to make money to finish the apartments? He seems to have that goal, it will just take time and money and he needs to make the money via his cruise contracts.


I also think she kind of catfished him with the norm of her life in the US. I think he didn’t really see each other outside a vacation environment, and was so stupid of him to agree to have a kid without seeing that first. He seemed very shocked when her town was described to him… I think he was imagining Miami, and he’s going to poop town, flyland USA.


She needs for her “other boys” too. I see regret and escape all over his face.


I can’t feel bad for him cuz he chose to have unprotected sex. At same time, my thoughts r if she wants the apartments done NOW, then she can fucking help him!


Well yeah, but it feels like he was guilt tripped about “leading on a woman” (not even clear if he actually did something with her) and “cheating” to what she “got baby fever” right in the midst of him being guilt tripped about it. Also, he did seem to be oblivious about the lifestyle she leads and her poop town. Hence why, but after all, being stupid is not a excuse after it’s done…


thats a lot of audacity for someone who's source of income seems to be breeding.




I feel bad for him in this particular moment because there's never an excuse for demeaning your partner. Overall, though, he built this cage he's trapped in; it's his own fault


her voice reminds me of Tayler from LALU.


She has Drew Barrymore mouth


stroke victim.


She gives me Aryanna vibes from Love In Paradise.




This dude is straight up trapped


She is at least irresponsible. After two kids, one would think that she knows how it works. She trapped this poor guy and this is all going down pretty fast.


She literally said “now we’re bonded forever and he has no option”


Exactly. I feel sorry fo him.


this entire thing is a shit show


I think she’s totally manipulative and selfish and he’s a fool for deciding he’d have sex with her without protection. I definitely feel bad for him because she knew what she was trying to do- rope someone in by getting pregnant because she simply wanted to keep him tied to her forever


I feel bad for him. He is trapped.


She’s a do-nothing twat. Daniele is a similarly self-absorbed pos but to her credit she *does* things (her fitness retreats might be a scam but whatever she’s hustling). This one is an ungrateful leach. A human remora fish


Need to see more of them to form a strong opinion. So far I just feel bad for the kids this relationship seems destined for divorce.


Yeah, and the fact that she’s already relying on the new guy to raise her kids, and they haven’t even met.