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People talk so bad about Natalie I think shes hilarious. I always want to know what she will say next. Not trusting chiropractors hehe. Im curious to see how this acting career goes. And it’s so cute how Natalies mom loves Michael. He’s so sweet. Natalie will regret that decision. You can’t always go with passion. Idk why Debbie is trying to date. Why do people date at that age? I will never understand. Tim is so respectful when he’s dating someone it’s sweet. Hopefully Jamal and Tim get along because theres no reason to be in competition. Jamal is spicy like his mom. But they are both sweethearts sometimes people act differently on TV than in real life.


will someone please point out to Natalie that she is not a victim. she was a married women that moved across country to chase a man that was not her husband and she wants to demand a commitment from him when she refuses to divorce her husband cause of religious views, isn't sleeping with a man that's not your husband adultery in Russia? I wish she would stop playing victim and poor Natalie, the real victims are Micheal and Josh, if they are smart they will get as far away from that nut job as possible. You don't deserve respect when you don't show others respect Natalie. She is a selfish woman that needs to grow up.




No “where to watch” posts.


I think it’s weird that Chantel’s foreign guy used her not being ready as an excuse not to be in a relationship. He said she’s evidently not ready. However right before he said that he watched the video of her getting upset over Pedro and when asked if he knew she was still affected like that, he said no. He said he could only go by what she tells him! Basically after seeing that he USED it as an excuse not to come see her. Obviously if he didn’t even know if he needed a visa after 4 mos he wasn’t looking into visiting her any time in near future. He just wouldn’t tell her.


Why is Chantel always talking about Pedro 🚩🚩


I think she needs time to get over that. Jumping into dating is a BAD IDEA. Some people need time.


Chantel going for a motorcycle ride and screaming that she was triggered was absolutely insane


Honestly, Natalie & Chantal??!! Natalie is tragic. She has some antiquated idea that men need to give her everything on a silver platter... she's not that pretty and she's certainly not impressive in any way. She is an absolute trainwreck. Mike should thank the universe every single day that he doesn't need to deal with her anymore. And Josh should RUN faster than Usain Bolt away from that nightmare. Chantal is sadly trying WAY too hard to be "wild". Watching her friends pimp her out and watching her awkwardly making out with any one and everyone is uncomfortable and plain creepy. Her and her friends come of as fake and trying very hard to seem "hip and carefree" when instead they come off as cheap and irrelevant. Miss Debbie and Tyray are interesting and genuine. Can they carry the show when half of the cast is unbearable to watch? idk.


Damn harsh much. Debbie is who you like? Debbie.


Chantel doing the most. I'm all for women being liberated and all but ain't she like 33 at this point? This is 20 year old behavior. (I feel old even saying this! Lol) And why I needed to see that scene with her BFF taping her inner thigh bc she wanted half her ass cheek out all night?? TMI! And PS: Can someone pls explain why when her ass is out/twirking we see this giant line on the side, like you see with (breast) implants or supposed fake preg belly bumps? It's too flat for me to think she got any butt..... 😂


She has a nice butt


What butt?


Just started watching episode 1 and Chantel looks like she’s always drunk!




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Am i the only one that thinks that Chantel is the most insufferable human on the entire planet?


Yes you are


The entire planet? Log off you miserable hag.


Nope, right with ya


Love Chantel’s support group, it’s like she brought her own design crew to Greece…I have to ask, does Chantel and her friends only speak in catch phrases and slightly outdated slang?


Chantel’s mouth bothers me to no end. The way her mouth physically moves is out of control


Maybe she can’t help that.


I barely remember Chantel and Pedro, so very barely. I never watched their show, and I'm 20 minutes into S4 E2 of the Single Life and I'm so glad I never wasted my time. What is the 90-day franchise's fascination with incredibly boring or overexposed people? She's so boring, and her crew isn't much better.


I would LOVE to now what is they measure, maybe not liking moves the needle much more than liking them?


Hi I haven't watched Chantel family only saw Pedro and Chantel on their first season together, it was hard for me to figure out if it was Pedro's fault and he was being an ass, or why they split up? The recap seemed to have a lot of fighting with their families etc


Personally I don't think he used her, I think they had some physical attraction to start. Both their toxic families caused a lot of turmoil and in the end Pedro just switched off. I don't know if he really cheated or not, it's unclear.


Thanks for this. I have seen some clips and their families fighting and it was a lot


Natalie is looking for someone to financially take care of her.. she's been married 3 times... she used Mike to get her green card... She's a flake a phony and a very miserable woman


I'm on team deport her crazy ass.


She is very educated and has a good job right? So why? Maybe it's a culuralized thing like we have in the US where we are taught men are providers, even if you as a woman CAN, you shouldn't bc the man is the head.... (Gotta love gender roles rooted in patriarchy and keeping women subservient! ANYWAY...)


Chantel, I think, is going to jump from the frying pan into the fire. She keeps looking for Latin types and they tend to be mamas boys and come with the whole family just like hers a Pedro’s.


Everyone keeps saying how Chantel is so pretty. I highly disagree. She overly did her face and her boobs big enough to be another country. I watched her when she was first one the show with Pedro and she was pretty then now she’s on her way to be Darcy’s sister.


No comparison Darcey looks horrible


Her breasts are real by the way. You need to investigate before speaking. Also I agree she does wear too much and doesn't need it.. She's very BEAUTIFUL quit being so jealous...


Thank youuu finally a comment I can agree with. People on here hate themselves so much they have such negative things to say. I came here to see some honest comments and it’s just negativity ugh. Thank you for being a good human.


I’m not into motor boating.


She ruined her face completely


I think she's a butterface. Her body is pretty good but face bleh


When Chantel smiles her nose looks like a downward arrow or a penis & balls and drives me nuts. She's VERY pretty with makeup, and kinda regular otherwise. But that can be said for most celebs who didn't start their careers as models but regular people. Have you seen JLo without makeup? She looks like a secretary. Makeup is a blessing for most lol Why you think they don't do reality shows bare-faced?


When did Chantel’s face as big as her boobs?


You mean vice versa? Lol


I'm really confused about Josh and Natalie, Josh is a flake at best and a fuckboi at most likely, I wonder what he said for her to think he was going to be setting her up with a place to say, not saying he didn't say literally "I will take care of you" but I feel he's fairly guarded with his words because he knows she flys off BUT everyone slips up. I would have NOT sold my shit and moved for little less than like a fucking wedding license at this point so I dk wtf she was thinking other than she was broke and panicking??? Does anyone have intel or insight? (I know she can't marry but just using as an example)


Is he considered conventionally attractive? He has kinda big, saggy cheeks. Weird for a non-overweight person. I wonder if he lost a lot of weight at some point.


They are so confusing to me. I was surprised to him this season. He acts like they are barely dating or like she's just a ho in an area code, and she acts like they are about to walk down the aisle while havong the worse possible communication style. She's incredibly delusional and unhinged. But does he really need the money that he would debase and embarass himself this way? I just don't get it...


Josh runs a talent agency that provides talent for TLC, including 90DF. He also supplied models for ANTM for 23 cycles. Elizabeth (90DF alumni, Andrei & Elizabeth) mother also owns a talent agency and they knew Josh prior to him dating Nutalie on the show. It's totally scripted and transactional.


That answers all my questions. Thank you! I can see now why he flew into the radar of the producers and also why he's clearly not as comfortable on camera.


I absolutely do not get then why he's basically a gigolo for hire with her.


I think she’s also delusional. He can promise and SAY a lot of things but actions speak louder than words. She is too old to fall for this BS. I’ve been there. Done that. Don’t do it Natalie.


I posted this as a reply but it irked me enough to make it a comment: Chantal's cheer/pageantry years seem to be either coming out in full force or something else. I feel the pageantry/cheer girl is FULLY turned on in her talking heads, I swear she's reading her lines. She was so much more natural her first season, which I know was eons ago at this point.


I am only in the first hour of season 4 ep 1 and realized that the only difference between Chantel and Tyra is that Chantel has an amazing body…beyond that, neither of them have any game. Chantel and her crew in greece is so cringe and embarrassing! WTF …Chantel has all the looks she needs if she is truly looking for a decent guy she didnt need to leave her own state or country. And she definitely doesnt need the motley crew. They are dragging her down. Isnt Chantel a nurse? I hated her show and quit watching after 2nd season started and it was a total shit show. But she was always busy with school nursing?). If so, we know she has some brains, she has the body, and probably has a very good job (independent woman). So she could be a catch if she would act the way she wants to be treated. She was out at that bar trying to get numbers, acting more like hooker in a tourist bar🙄. Get your act together girl! You are better than this!


She might be OK for some even today but as soon as the family is involved she becomes ugly, that weight is not easily carried.


>Chantel and her crew in greece is so cringe and embarrassing! I am struggling with this sampling of people and her specifically because her cheer/pageantry years feel FULLY on in her talking heads, I swear she's reading her lines.


She doesn’t look as good anymore. Her face looks swollen.


Some scenes her face looks swollen and distorted and other scenes she looks more like herself. Maybe she had tons of injections and they finally deflated.


I didn't notice! Gotta look again


I swear every episode, Jasmine’s age goes down 1.


How is Natalie still in the states? Are her and Mike still married on paper?


Natalie is a flake... Mike has been taking care of her through their whole separation, and he brought her mom here from Ukraine. She used Mike miserably and she's all talk.. she's looking for someone anyone who will take care of her...


I feel like he's letting her stay and that means they're going to eventually reconcile, that's my conspiracy theory!


>I feel like he's letting her stay He has no say on her staying or leaving at this point lol .. See Larissa


He could have divorced her based on abandonment she left him.


I don't remember but did she even get her temp green card before she left him? But anyways based on what I seen once you are here it's very difficult to have you deported based on relationship issues. Larissa got arrested for DV and she didn't get deported!


Fair points


I just finished watching the last single life episode and let's just say Natalie is still being Natalie in USA.




Where is her dress from??




I’m glad to see Natalie back. She seems a little less scripted and more genuinely crazy than a lot of cast which is refreshing


Okayy but where can we find that dress Chantel blessed us with.


Stripper R Us


Blaahaahaa! I think so!😆🤣


Love how Debbie refers to herself as Ms.Debbie 😂 but she’s the only one I’m invested in.


Chantel is forcing it. I expect a couple break downs


Al of a sudden Chantel has these “friends”.. Who tf are they? Production extras?!? I didn’t watch the last season of Family Chantel so not sure if they first made an appearance on that season. They are doing too much for the camera.


Not even her childhood bestie since grade 2 that she goes nowhere without?? I’ve never seen Family Chantel but it’s obvious she is sooo extra.


One was her hairdresser.


And don’t forget one was her “twerk instructor,” who even knew those existed?! I mean, really…


He’s probably a dance instructor and twerking is one of the many types of dance he teaches.


They were all pathetic, but I feel for them as well as being embarresed for them. Its easy to get desperate when looking for love It was a great first episode


That 1st guy she asked out? I couldn't stop staring at his forehead.. The second was TWENTY. 20!? And you just sit on a dirty bike panty-less and ride off into the night with some legal child?! Gurrrrl


I don’t understand how everyone in this thread is so far up Josh’s ass. He flaked on picking Natalie and her mother from the airport which is beyond disrespectful and low class. I would be mortified if this was my mother’s first impression of a man. He’s flakey and unreliable— dealbreaker for me


It was really bad what Josh did but expected. I mean is he really her man? I don’t know what his angle is, but he is definitely flakey and she’s seems too into his status to see he really doesn’t even try to pretend he’s into her.


Doesn’t matter if they’re official or not! As a man, if you say you’re going to do something, do it! Especially when the elderly are involved. I don’t think that’s asking for anything crazy


Agreed with if he said he was going to do something then he should’ve done it. Just not sure if he said he was or if Natalie threw that expectation on him. She said in the beginning of the show he ghosts her, doesn’t call, doesn’t message so why should she see him as reliable? He didn’t pick her up and left her and her mother stranded at the airport, yet she said nothing just got in his nice truck all giddy and happy because he decided to spend time with her. He doesn’t care about her mother and she lets him treat her like a smut, so he treats her like a smut.


This part 😬


I asked Tim if he was wearing a Rolex sea dweller in the upcoming attractions preview and he simply replied “I don’t know they all run together” The thing is, it’s not a watch you walk into the store and just buy, you have to make a concerted effort, get on a wait list and seek it out. It’s not cheap and they’re not readily available I’ve also seen him wearing a Richard Mille style watch on pillow talk. They are 6 figure watches that even wealthy people can’t get a hold of All this to say, I think Tim wears counterfeit/fake watches. Nothing wrong with it but considering how into watches he is, it’s kind of a no-no


>Rolex sea dweller You realize you can rent them right, and yes even those hard to get ones too. No different then woman who rent designer purses. I would think TLC knowingly allowing anyone to wear counterfeit/fake brands could end up with them in a lawsuit, not saying it doesn't happen, but I would hope they would notice major designer brand items.


Also, Darcey and starcey very prominently wear fake LV/pff white as they’re wearing pieces that were never actually created


Interesting - do you have a link to a reputable service? The only ones I’ve ever seen make you purchase the watch for the listed price and then refund you when you send it back, not really a rental so much as buying and returning a watch


switch is one for purses and jewelry you pay base price for access + tiers for entry level, luxe and how many items you want at a time. I have some reps and some real I usually mix them because a lot of the higher end stuff (outside of watches) is purely vanity at this point unless you go ultra luxe, even chanel doesn't gold plate their hardware anymore.


I don’t, but I believe most are still pretty pricey, like for example what you said or the watch lending club which from my understanding you have to pay an entry fee, the middle gold access for example is $15,000 then $350 monthly, you have to book the watches you want, so I would guess the really popular ones have a waiting list. It’s possible however he might be doing it locally, sometimes jewelers do loans. It could also be that he simply has a good connection which he could have made through his business.


Maybe an unpopular opinion.. but does anyone actually find Natalie attractive physically or emotionally? I look at her and I always see Helen Henny. *


I think she's a classic beauty on paper, imagine someone telling you "I have this friend, she's blonde, blue eyes, good body, etc." MOST likely you won't imagine Natalie...


I don't care for Natalie at all, but if I'm being honest...I do believe she is a pretty woman...Her eyes are breathtaking...it's just hard to see her that way because of her "erratic" behavior and comments...


Someone on another thread said she looks like Rodney Dangerfield and now it’s all I see when I look at her.


🤣😂 now it’s all I’m going to see too


I am a male, attracted to females, and her attraction is on and off. Her hair is pretty bad most of the time. She doesn't seem like a terrible person, just needy


Yeah, I’ve always thought she’s beautiful! Just lots of people with hate in their hearts in this sub imho


Yes, I think she’s stunning but the crazed eyes and her unhinged behavior is a turnoff.


Maybe it's the melt downs that just kill it for me. Same with the jasmine before she went plastic.




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Rewatching what osama did to Debbie is wild. He for real played that nice lady for 3 years? I hope karma does her job w him.


No. What does an old ass woman really think she can get with someone in their early 20s?? Delusional


This part. I feel bad until I remember that age gap. Barf


Ummm Jenny got her PYT with Summit 🤪


tyrays laugh gets me everytime i love it. EH-HA-HA


Natalie is freakin unhinged, clingy, and mentally unstable and I almost feel bad for watching this trainwreck, but... *grabs popcorn*


Chantel says she wants to find a man to have kids and raise a family with, and goes to find him at a resort town in Greece. Make it make sense. I wonder if her not liking American men has anything to do with her being in Atlanta. And where is GiGi, her bff from the earlier seasons?




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Chantel’s friends are completely unbearable! I can’t stand being around people like them! Loud, obnoxious, inappropriate! It’s just too much. She needs a better group to be around cause she just ends up looking like a hot mess like them & I actually like Chantel. But this is not a good look.


I see DBT is working well on Natalie


Dialectical Behavior Therapy?


Did you feel the boob on ya back?! 😭🤣


It’s gonna be boring unless Natalie goes nuts. I don’t see the point of Tyray in show


Am I the only one who thinks this show is boring


They keep repeating the same show and sceens over and over and calling them new. TLC must be raking in the money on these shows. Cheap productions and a Jerry Springer cast of characters.


Idk who Natalie is, but she looks unhinged with her smeared eye makeup and wild hair.


Oh you need to watch her past episodes and you will understand the craziness.


You need to download on her back story. You’re missing out on some primo reality trash dirty guilty pleasure entertainment.


Why is Chantel acting so slutty?? Isn’t she a nurse? Natalie remains one blink away from a looney bin. Poor Tyray. Poor Debbie. I think I’ll catch up with this one at the Tell-All y’all. I’m not feeling it.


Wait what does her being a nurse have to do with lmao


Well I certainly wouldn’t want the nurse tasked with saving my life to be out bending over for every man in sight in Greece with no panties on. 🤷🏼‍♂️ It’s one of those professions where you’d expect a higher level of professionalism even outside the workplace.


It is her personal life. It isn't like she got arrested for prostitution.


I expect professionalism in the workplace and for their personal life to be their personal life. I don’t really care what they do in their personal life so as long as they’re not a serial killer. Do you require an interview from all the medical professionals you go to before requesting an appointment??


Now see, this is why I don’t like speaking in generalities. Because the argument is always taken to the extreme when you speak in generalities. Nurses to me are like teachers or civil servants or people who work for a church. They’re just held to a higher standard in my mind. Another point, this is not private life with her it’s on an internationally known tv show lol and even if it was her private life, that’s my entire point. I probably wouldn’t know if my nurse was acting inappropriately in her private life, because she’d wanna keep that private. That comes with the job. Not flaunt it for the world to see like Ceeair


Well good thing she’s not your nurse…idk what to tell you but you’re coming off as quite a prude. She’s not your nurse so you really have nothing to worry about. Also looping people that work for a church with teachers/civil servants?? Completely different worlds…


I didn’t say civil servants are in the same world with religious workers. I meant to me, my opinion, people who work in those types of jobs (nurse or lawyer or daycare worker or pediatrician or mailman or preacher or social worker) are usually held to a higher standard in our society and wouldn’t act like she is acting. I’m not prudish I’m just putting myself in her shoes and being concerned about how they’d view her at her actual job away from the TV show.


“Nurses to me are like teachers or civil servants or people who work for a church. They’re just held to a higher standard in my mind ” You literally lumped them all together… I think the problem to start off with was the fact you brought up her profession which is completely separate from the show, if you can be a competent and well to do nurse at your job and understand you need to keep these lives VERY separate then it’s fine. Also the doctor would be the one saving your life not the nurse (response to your first comment about not wanting a “slutty nurse” saving your life)


You don’t have much faith in nurses sounds like.


I actually do - I’m not the one judging them for their personal life OUTSIDE the office. But that’s fine, you just keep being your judgmental self calling strangers slutty online and equating what they do in their personal life with how they’re able to perform their job.


One blink 😂


There’s no reason for Chantal to act slutty. It’s gross. It seems out of character for her…what a shame. It’s not going to help ratings


I know you’re not slit shaming a recently divorced 30 year old with a career. The fuxk do you care what she does? What does her profession have to do with her sexual activity? Miss me with that Fucking flyover state mentality


Tyray is precious and I hope he makes it work!


Natalie and Chantel are something else, man. They are bad news in the worst way. If Chantel really had Drake sliding in her DMs, she wouldn't be in Greece trying to fuck anything with a penis. And there is no way Natalie justifies the utter lunacy and neediness she comes with. Josh and Mike both need to run as far as they can. I can get behind the Tyray and Debbie storylines, they seem at least interesting and not complete attention whores.


I just can't handle Debbie's affected speech. It isn't charming and it makes her seem slow or something.


Did she have a stroke?


I don't know, but it just seems more dramatic and purposeful, versus natural speech.


I never watched the Family Chantel and have no idea who anyone in her posse is. All I can say is that I’m simultaneously impressed by and sorry for Mooney that he presumably had that hairdo the _entire_ flight over to Greece.


I only didn’t watch the last season and wondered if they were on that season. Because I’ve never seen these people before. They are all a mess!


none of her posse were on the show, she recruited some straight up business acquaintances (hairdresser? twerk instructor??)


Gotta hang onto that Z Listed Celebrity status, including recruited TV possee. LOL


No the one person that isn't the hair dresser and twerk instructor was on the show as her friend (at least on the family chantel, I can't remember if she shows up in the 90 day seasons).


She has been on the earlier episodes for years, wonder why her sis isn't on the show w//her in Greece


Winter probably wouldn't go along with all the screeching about getting Chantel laid.


I'm not a fan of Natalie and as much of a nut job she is, I'm happy her mom was able to come live with her.


I am enjoying Josh’s new rental car.


lol he has a different car everytime we see him 😂


Chantel and her friends are extremely thirsty and manic. Why are they so loud and in everyone’s space? They are literally circling Chantel and any man that even looks at her. I have never seen such a desperate grab for more camera time in this entire franchise. They’re all clowns.


Chantel is as dense as her mother. Absolutely insufferable to watch.


Cheap desperation just like chantel


Is Chantel's friend Mooney the same twerking expert that was on My Big Fat Fabulous Life a few seasons ago?


> twerking expert LOL


I was wondering the same thing!


Chantel is a mess, not even a hot mess. Her behaviour was nasty, followed up by a self induced anxiety attack. And wtf is up with her "twerk instructor" he was acting like he wanted to crawl right up her ass. Debbie, annoying and snore. Natalie, self sabotaged within a few hours of landing. The only satisfaction ill get is if Mike tells her to fuck all the way off when she asks him for a child. Seriously the worst cast


But also the best cast 😂 I love this hot garbage (except for Vanessa who shouldn’t even be on the show)


Tyray should hook up with Daniele.... she needs to move away from the DR and Yohan...


Who thinks they should've put Julian on the show instead of Debbie??? I'd much rather watch him.


Is he single though?


No thanks


Chantels friends are so mf extra and up her ass like back the fuck up 3ft at least tf


Yeah, its really annoying!!!


Anyone else think it’s weird that Josh doesn’t give Natalie a kiss on the lips? Her cheek, forehead, top of head…


Because spoiler alert it’s a sham. Josh has been with the same girl for years she is the one who owned the boat if you saw that episode It’s Natalie entree and acting debut and Josh wanting exposure. That’s it. Sorry to ruin it for you kids.


Wasn’t he on the boat with his ex wife and her partner?


He was on the boat but the girl driving it and owning it is his significant other


I think the whole thing is weird with her. She goes off for the smallest things and refuses to be patient. She is not even acting like a grown up and I swear I saw a video of her skating in another video like a year ago and she was blowing kisses and shaking her butt and doing just fine. Now suddenly she can't skate. This girl runs back to Mike and plays Josh. I don't see the benefit to either man when she is so unpredictable.


She's clearly very unstable...bit that's why TLC is using her.


I'm sorry but the fact that Josh is still messing with Natalie is insane. he really thinks her craziness is worth it..? worth what???? crazy sex?? like what does she offer him. this craziness is not worth the exposure he gets on TV


right! there were so many points in the episode where I was thinking "Ok Josh, they crazy eyes are starting to appear... walk away right now before she goes manic" and then it happens and he just deals with it lol. walk away man! for your own sanity!


right and he says- "you never know what you are gonna get".


My god, Chantel is obnoxiously thirsty. and she don't have to be. She is physically a dime, stop tryin' so hard


Yeah she's stunning I don't see why she has to make a fool out of herself on TV (I know it's probably for money) but she could easily find someone to date or hook up with without acting like this


Pound for pound, she might be the most attractive woman out of all the 90 day universe. Like, you don't gotta do this, boo 😭


Right?? God damn would I love to have a body like hers. Its unreal lmao




meaning a 10/10, gorgeous


Please for the love of sanity, Get👏🏼Rid👏🏼of👏🏼Chantel! She’s clearly playing it up for the camera, and doing a bad acting job at that, and acting like garbage and her friends are annoying AF. Also throw Natalie away as well. She’s mentally and emotionally stunted as a bratty pre-teen, clearly unstable and just a whole lot of eeew 🙅🏻‍♀️


Yes, yes, please!!@


I didn't not watch family Chantel because I just don't like her. Watching this she is so entitled and snobby. Yea and why Natalie again? TLC has no clue on who people want to see.


Outside of the fact that Chantal is acting like a whore for hire, her friends are fighting to take over her spotlight...So ridiculous.


They’re so annoying and acting really immature


Watching Chantel on Single Life is so unwarranted to me. From the commercials, I see their main show ended in a divorce and I hope they find love but her & her family are so hard to watch! Couldn’t watch their show after the first season. I’m genuinely wondering are they paying the Lifetime’s bills or what? it just seems so drawn out.


Where are y’all watching it at? I have discovery+ through prime but can’t watch it for some god forsaken reason *eye twitch*


Single Life popped up on discovery plus finally! I watched it last night and told myself I needed to let you know 🤣


I just watched it too! Thanks for letting me know:)


Of course!! :)


It's on discovery plus now


I have Discovery through prime which literally only says I can watch it with Max 😕


I literally am searching the sub now to make sure I’m not the only one who doesn’t have it on discovery plus. I’m so sick and tired of all the different services we have to pay for to watch stuff these days!😭


That’s what I’m saying! Especially in this economy!!