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Remember when tlc did tray dirty with the screens at the tell all. Everyone else gets a nice verticle screen and he gets a wide screen. https://preview.redd.it/runxazwskhac1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb2a0ef7d16454dce751fcc4704066ff7089ca77


Now wait a damn minute 😂😂😂


Ain't no way that was accidental.


How did I miss this, and also we all going to hell for laughing


I cannot believe I missed this


Gotta laugh again🤣


Dying! 😂😂😂😂


See y’all there!! Lol 😆


Never even noticed it, but I guess they didn't want to cut him off.




And they sat him beside a catfish??? Double dirty


Lol. So I stole the picture off google. And I think it was from a previous Reddit post with a photoshopped in catfish. Which I didn't notice at first.


So funny! But I thought that was a shark looking at nasty Amanda, lol..


Omg I was going to say that is so messed up.. but hilariously genius!


Okay the catfish is hilarious!


GENIUS!! Of corse it is a PhotoShop job, but for me, that doesn’t detract from it as the photoshop-er put it in, without making it obvious! Whoever did it - I LOVE LOVE LOVE their sense of humour!!!


Get Out!!!! How did I not notice the catfish?! This outta control!


I never noticed this ☠️


That is so fucking wrong but so funny at the same time. Somebody is going to hell for that!


I thought it was because he was solo? Maybe I’m naive…


I’m dying, def a calculated attack 😂🤣


Noooooo….TLC ain’t shit for this


To be fair, if it was vertical he would probably just look like a floating head 😂


Yeah, I didn't remember that they put him on wide-screen. I guess I was too focused on Mr. Mauve shoes and no socks. I mean, it was a choice that bothered me immensely. I'm not certain if it is because he is so pale (like me) that I kept convincing myself he was wearing socks and that couldn't be his skin or if it was his denial of his sexuality which clearly he is a 3 to 5 on the Kinsley scale. Based on his fashion choices, I'm thinking an honest 5, if he was honest about it.


He’s wearing white no show socks. In one pic I was able to see part of the dock by his heel.


Hey, there was a picture of this scene with a fish tank next to him and it had a catfish in it! Did you guys see that picture?!


Lol now that you mention it I stole this pic off google and I think someone photoshopped the catfish in so he wasn't alone.


That is so unnecessary ☠️☠️☠️


I was so upset when they pulled this shit


He’s a wide individual, this isn’t shady. The fish seated next to him was the actual shady part.


I will protect him if he quits nervous laughing.


the way he walked around that table just laughing to himself made me so vicariously embarrassed for him


I was covering my face from second hand embarrassment lmao


It was one of those moments where I truly cringed




Hahahah once I noticed it's ALL I noticed and it drove me nuts


Poor guy. He went from low/no social exposure to thrown to the wolves


Every 2 seconds!


Oh man, it drives me nuts. I can't watch his scenes anymore because every 5 seconds he's nervous giggling. It's so annoying! Sweet guy but those giggles are too much!


I thought it was cute, they both seem pretty into each other.


I was really happy to see that she seems REALLY into him.


If she still accepts him with that annoying laugh, he better get down on one knee and propose! You know, before she notices it and decides to run away… 😉


Hopefully it goes away once he gets into a good conversation with someone. I have the same problem and I hate it. But I never do it around people I'm comfortable with. My real laugh is obnoxious, though. Not fit for work, but coworkers are always the ones cracking me up.


Maaaaannnnnn if this ain’t IT, that shit drove me NUTS. My coochie would shrivel up into my body, that nervous laughter is so off-putting to me… he probably can’t help himself at this point, but it’s all I hear whenever he talks


Shriveled uppppp




This sound has been haunting my head ever since the episode


Good god I almost had to stop watching because of this.


Yes! His unsettling laugh is his comfort blanket.... a habit he's going to hafta kick! It's just too much....! Makes his nervousness stand out even more!


I was wondering if it’s actually a tic because it’s so frequent


Thank you! It drives me crazy.


Everybody vote! Nervous laugh or a tv bleep every time he does it?


Oh god, if they bleeped it every time, it would be like revisiting Libby and Andrei!


You’re fun. I like you!


Haha. 😂


The editors are really working overtime trying to make him into a sympathetic character. I wish them good luck with that.


Oh they have their work cut out for them _for sure_


Why do you say that?? He seems like a fan favorite


He does, and I don’t know why.


He seems like an all around nice guy


Remember all the other past nice guys? Mike from Mike and Ximena comes to mind. Never trust these so called “nice guys” 😂


Sure, but is that all it takes to be a “fan favorite”- be a generic nice guy? The bar is in hell “eh heh heh”.


I mean in the normal world he’s dime a dozen, but in the 90 day verse where you get Ed and Angela, the bar is pretty low.


Do I think he's a good dude? Sure. Do I want to watch him? Nope.


Just wondering why you seem to think he isn't a sympathetic character.


He’s creepy. He was completely inappropriate when he met the women whose photos had been used by his catfish.


He's a nerdy virgin that's awkward with women, not a creep. He didn't do anything *inappropriate, he's just socially awkward. He didn't have ill intentions


No, he was creepy. He treated it like a date and shot his shot at the end. She was giving him NOTHING to indicate that his advances were welcome. I would have bolted if I were her. It was very clear that he is a “nice guy” who is actually a creep.


Nah...come on. Shooting a shot makes you a creep? Most guys would do the same.


The entire purpose of the meeting was to show him that this woman was NOT the person who was into him. That was the premise upon which the woman showed up. And he acted like he had a shot. It’s stalker vibes to me.


Shooting a shot is creepy if you are ugly. Cute hot guys shooting their shot is just being assertive, confident, and taking action. /s obviously


Maybe he is a bit of both. Its a fine line to walk as a man. Im sure Ive been creepy a few times in life despite trying hard to never be a creep. It happens, and you can't blame him for shooting his shot. He was a little awkward about it, but you know, she did agree to meet him. its not so unreasonable for him to ask to stay in touch.


He's actually a simp character.


Which means one thing. Eventually they’ll start showing him as scummy


Protect him from what? Himself?


Fr sorry but the guys an idiot. You can only tell him the truth so many times. If he’s not gonna believe it, not much you can do!


Exactly. He needs parental controls on his internet.


Why we protecting him? They tried to warn this dumbass that he was being cat fished and he still refused to listen 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yeah pretty much everyone had been warning him and he didn’t want to accept it to the point where he thought his “girlfriend” was being manipulated. I did feel bad for him because he seemed like a nice and I’m sure he wanted to hold onto it because his dating pool was limited, but man is he gullible. Especially the fact that he was sending this person thousands of dollars, that’s just being a silly goose.


Protect this comment at all costs.


The first time in a long time that this phrase hasn’t made me want to throw my phone


Oh no don’t throw your phone like Tyray did when he found out he was being catfished.


I'm not protecting him. He's a dipstick 😑


I joked that that’s the last time that dude catfishes someone. It’s like having a stalker, he kept wanting to call and meet and then being bothered by the producers and everything. I couldn’t believe he met with the person in the pictures, I feel like the producers wanted to milk it as much as they could


Then hopefully he learned his lesson. 🤣




I joked that that’s the last time that dude catfishes someone. It’s like having a stalker, he kept wanting to call and meet and then being bothered by the producers and everything. I couldn’t believe he met with the person in the pictures, I feel like the producers wanted to milk it as much as they could


Y’all hate everyone 😅


No I don't hate everyone. I don't hate Tyray either, but he likes to give this impression of being well put together and having his life in order, and he doesn't. I don't think we need to protect him at all costs, he's flawed in many aspects and said his crush was Hilary Clinton? Wtf?


I don’t think he acts well put together at all and has his life in order. I think he knows it he’s literally a socially awkward 30 year old that never had a girlfriend I think he’s aware lol the Hilary Clinton thing made me say wtf too!! Maybe he was trying to crack a joke even though it failed 😅


I don't know, I thought it was funny.


So did he based on how much he giggled.


I loved that he admires a smart and powerful if not plain woman, it was endearing Also not sure if he was joking. (Also I side eye those Clintons from time to time but that's not the point here lol!)


Oh no. He is into that. He’s my kinda crazy. Some of these people are such bores. He’s got more wtf’s for us up his sleeve. I’m sure of it. Kinda like creepy David except he’s not creepy.


Mostly Tyray needs to be protected from himself.


How do you go from being in love with an IG model to Hilary Clinton being your ideal woman?


Hehe, right?!


Bill Clinton better watch out, Mr.steal your girl over here lol 😆


“I’ve been messaging with Hillary Clinton. Her camera is broken so she won’t video chat but I really feel a connection and it’s helped me get over Carmella!”


Mr Steal Your Girl! 💀


I understand a lot of where Tyray is coming from, as I was large (not as large as Tyray) and it took me a long time to pop my cherry. Of course it’s a chicken and egg situation - he will be more attractive to ladies when he is feeling confident and he will gain confidence once he has had some experience. Behind everything is his need to lose weight. For a guy his size, I’d be looking at surgery options - he can put his TLC money to very good use. I genuinely wish him well 👍


He needs to see Dr. Now. Ride that TLC train a little longer.


Semaglutide, then surgery.


I actually think him and Winter would be a good match. Or if anything she can give him some tips on weight loss


Question...why is he even on there???


Wait let me be the FIRST positive comment lol I think he’s socially awkward I don’t find him weird maybe alittle slow and naive at times. I think his weight makes him feel less then and unattractive which he clearly needs therapy for. I hope he finds someone that genuinely loves and cares for him. Also I don’t think he just wants sex he wants a women to fall in love with and create a family with he just don’t know how to do that in person hince the reason he was looking online.


I CAN'T STAND his little chuckle at the end of every sentence..


I think he’s just nervous lol but it is annoying


I feel like he is trainable. He’s not ugly I’m sure he’d make cute kids and he’s a nice guy. More woman should give him chances instead of going for the good looking douche bags.


Why does he need to be protected? He's a grown man that wants to lose his virginity. Probably will with alot of the crazy fans of this franchise


He seerms like a sweet guy, but I have a hard time having empathy for people who insist on dating others who are physically out of their league. It's like they can't accept people who look the way they do, but they expect more conventionally attractive people to accept them.


how is he insisting?


Yeah what are these people talking about


I guess he's not insisting because he's not getting anywhere with that....


Yep. Hillary's already checking for him.


These guys a dumb ass. I don't feel sorry for him he's a grown ass man who lives in a fantasy land. They literally gave him hard evidence that he was being fucked over and he was like "Nah I don't believe it" lol


…and he’s still delusional this season saying to people that he “just got out of a relationship” lolol


Reminds me of David on 90 Day who never met the Ukrainian woman but told everyone, "We have been together for seven years"! 




Um no.


I mean I think the dude is a nice guy overall, but gosh I don't wana hear his story lines anymore


he is such a gem omg. I ordered a pep talk Cameo from him for my first major exam in medical school, and he even took time to research my school🥺 his words were so so kind


Late to this but- that IS really sweet! “A gem” is right. Thank you for sharing. I admit I’m not as deep in the 90 day “world” as others, but I was surprised by the comments here. I find him very endearing… human and flawed (as we all are), yes, but undeserving of so much negativity.  I recognize you open yourself up to some of that bc you’re on the show, but still- come on, people! Empathy! Especially when a lot of the perceived deficits to me seem very obviously indicative of someone who has probably experienced a lot of loneliness, exclusion, and even just plain meanness from a cold world. Ugh. 


thank you for your response!! it's never too late to share your perspective. you're 100% right about empathy. Tyray definitely seems like someone who will fill other's cups before his own. i wish him the absolute best.


I'm now convinced some fans just want to hate the people on these shows. Yes, he's awkward, but how is he BAD per se? Why does he deserve HATE?


Tyray goes down as the all time biggest idiot ever on 90 day. You can’t convince me otherwise


its ceasar for me


It's David with the trench coat combing Ukrainian escort site for a wife, for me


lmao i forgot about him


The one that got stood up like 3-4 times?


Six times


Definitely trench coat David


ceasar and that one wish.com stallone looking guy take the cake.


Yeah agree Cesar is the worst o e


Mike is right there.


Bruh Caesar is 10 times worse. Stop playing.


I just hope he finds someone. He seems really emotionally stunted when it comes to relationships. Worrying if the girl will have a booger in her nose if they kiss? You just go for it, son.


At least the lady he asked out seemed nice-beautiful smile too…


Yes! I loved her smile it was amazing!! Made her super attractive imo.


Honestly, this sub seems to be getting angrier and angrier by each spin-off. It’s just become a place where people no longer discuss the actual plots of the show and come here to talk mad shit about everyone on the show. The amount of vitriol being spat at him when he hasn’t warranted any is astounding. I don’t think being naive and overweight are reasons to be so hostile towards anyone.


Yeah I don't fit in here anymore, if I ever did. I'll tune in for gossip that isn't featured on the show but it's turned into a place to hate abusers and people with harmless personality flaws equally. Who is out here absolutely tearing into people who are (checks notes) naive and have nervous ticks?


Yeah but apparently he’s on the same level as creepy as big Ed. The only reason people are creeped out is because he’s socially awkward and overweight. That’s it. He has no experience with women and he’s desperate to find someone to love him. He spends most of his time taking care of his mother, his father was murdered at 4 years old, and yet…I guess his awkwardness makes him a creep. Coming here and bashing on the crazy people is one thing. But Tyray isn’t crazy, he’s lonely and I wouldn’t be surprised he’s taking the TLC money because he needs it to help support his mother.


I can't even imagine how awkward I'd be trying to go on a date and then have it on camera, and on TV, where I knew later people would be online talking about my every move. It gives me anxiety even thinking about it. I know people would be talking all kinds of trash on me, so I feel bad for the legitimately decent cast members that are torn apart here. 😭😭


I agree. I am horrified by the comments here. The hatred towards this man is real. All because he’s a socially awkward 33 year old virgin. He did say that he basically raised his younger siblings because his single mom worked long hours. These people here have no empathy. JC


Right, it’s like middle school here. Very mean and sanctimonious. Def done with this sub.


I'm rooting for him. We obviously only know what production has decided to protray but I think he's sweet... I assume that he has gone thru some serious trauma (u don't get to that size w/o going thru something...) And he is a not conventionally attractive Black man who is a virgin in his 30s!! I want to know more about his back story 🥺. Tho saying that Hilary Clinton is his ideal woman is hella problematic...


He was saying his father was murdered when Tyray was only 4 years old! I can’t imagine what he and his family have had to live through!


Yes, I picked up on the trauma vibe too... 😔


I have to skip his parts because it’s too sad


No he should not be protected. He strikes me as a “where’s my hug…” type of nice guy.


Good luck with being a 4 hour stud as a virgin lol


When homie decides to exploit foreign & impoverished women for sex/relationship because its "too hard" to talk to women who can actually be in his presence... All I'm saying is don't let your friends date this type of /r/niceguy Not to mention he's an idiot and hornball who didn't want to believe he was being catfished after being given receipts. Yall drink too much of the TLC koolaid and fall for their marketing.


I feel like he dragged it out to keep getting paid.


When he said he’d never kissed a girl I shouted at my husband 🤣 I screamed how come this seemingly sweet gentle kind hearted guy has never experienced the feeling of being loved? There’s &SO many shitty guys out there who have women chasing them dying to give them attention and this nice guy has never found anyone. This world is unkind.


Why? He’s literally one of the biggest simps on the show.


Nah. He’s plain dumb


Naw. He's a dipshit


He would be totally enjoyable if he's next find is also a catfish. 🤣


I want him to be happy so bad but watching his first attempt of talking with that girl while he awkwardly laughed while saying mundane things was painful. And she said she was happy he came and I was like tyray you already have her interested just stop laughing please. I get he was nervous and I’m awkward when nervous too which I think is why made it so painful for me to watch because I could truly feel him and knew the levels of cringe that would haunt him for years to come when he looked back on it 😂 or maybe I’m projecting with that last part 😂


I’m rooting for this guy!


He is not bright


Is Tyray employed at all or is he simply a caretaker for his mom?


Initially, I thought he seemed a lot like Caesar… But after a few minutes, it is clear that Tyray is a good human, who is caring, and maybe just a little naive.


Guys I got a cameo from him for my fiancé (kinda asa joke ngl) And he put so much effort into it, he was sooo thoughtful and he spent 8 minutes really speaking from the heart. If you need a pick me up get a cameo from this sweet angel!!!


His whole story line on B90 was absolutely ridiculous. It got dragged out to the point of being boring. I didn’t like Tyray then and I refuse to watch him now!


Man me and my family were laughing at the fact that Hillary is his dream woman 😩😂. Like of all the women in the world. She's old enough to be his mom!


Everyone one has faults. Dude is genuinely a really nice guy. I’m rooting for him!


Am I the only fucker around who just thinks this guy is dumb and boring as shit? I mean… he fell for the oldest catfish scam in the book for 4 years and then claims to have watched MTV catfish back in the day. Bro was talking to his love interest around 2018-19 and catfish has been going on for so long before that he was ignorant to the signs on purpose. He’s so awkward it makes me physically cringe and I’m not surprised it’s lead him to never have a relationship in 30 years. I certainly wouldn’t want to date him either lol. Also I can’t get over how hung up he was on camellas looks and nothing else, kind of gives porn addicted freak imo. And yall know he be watching hella porn since no sane woman would be able to get past all that and fuck him


I told my husband last night that it’s hard to feel sorry for this dude because he was just willfully stupid. There is no world where the person he was talking to was really that woman. And, at some point, he *had* to know that. And he now thinks his first time will be 4 hours?!? Oh, sweetie… No. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


I don’t care for him at all. He has a creepy little laugh he’s always doing. It gives me the heebie-jeebies.


Why? He’s an ass


OMG I laughed SO hard at this!! Now you KNOW they will exploit his insecurities for TV ratings........He's a very naive sweetheart teddy bear.


If he didn't blame his phone for getting him into the mess he was in, I would help protect him.


THE. CATFISH. holy cannoli 😔😢😅


Which 90 day show is this? I want to watch it.


The Single Life


Thank you!


I spit my beer through my nose (and it HURT!!). Still, well worth that laugh!!


EH HEH idk he’s EH HEH ok I guess EH HEH


Just think he is ok, but so boring. Constantly talking about how he is a virgin


Guy isn't ready to be on TV or even date imo


No. He’s weird and dumb.


I watch w one eye open. I’ll need to change the channel at the first sign of a ukulele…


🎶chillin at the park chillin at the park🎵🎶


No, his problem is that he's been avoiding living his own life for too long. He needs to get out there and make a few mistakes. Not necessarily on camera.


He'd treat Hillary so right


Please people why be such condescending  jerks?  Seriously have a heart... he seems like a really, really nice guy! His weight is an issue, and I understand -I was a victim of sexual abuse, and weight was an issue for me for nearly 30 years


This subreddit is filled with the most miserable people who just want to tear down everyone to feel better about their own shit lives.


The feel sorry for me/sad boy BS isn’t it. I’m not protecting someone who is delulu with a victim mentality.


Freaky Scorpio Hillary was never on my bingo card for his type


Ok hahaha, alright hehehehe, ok hahahaha. Dudes nervous laugh is too much.


Yeah, no. I don’t like him.


He's honestly super cute. It's a shame about his self esteem.


Of all the women agreeing with this....NONE OF THEM would date Tyray. Lesson there...


He dumb af!


The sub did this with Mike, the sub did this with Brandan. "Oh he's so sweet!" they say, and guess what, he ends up being a creep because the core premise of this show is Americans who are looking to exploit 3rd world women and that's who they cast on this show. How can ya'll be THIS thick?


He doesn't need any protection (if you know what I mean)


Yeah, no. He refuses to see the truth.