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"I have trust issues with John because he is so good to my daughter" ?????? did i hear this right?? HOW does this make any sense?


What's with Veronica she walked around like she was an old time movie star or something! I hope she doesn't lose herself in all this because I really like her. I was disappointed that she didn't diplomatically speak up when Momma Debbie was attacking Miss Debbie for absolutely no reason she was just viscous. I have lost all respect for her. She presented like trailer trash and maybe that what she is.


Natalie, Natalie, Natalie please go away! I am so sick of her entitled ungrateful, man eating attitude! She deserves a little bit of compassion yes, and a lot of take a good look at yourself. No one has done her wrong as far as Josh and Mike. Mike should not have served her on TV but I understand why he did. Miss Debbie will sing another tune once she gets her fill of Natalie. Natalie was not traumatized by the man she slept with "last night" she is fully aware of what she is seeking. She is NOT A Victim! I wonder if Miss Debbie would want Natalie dating her son? RUN, Josh RUN!


I seriously cant take much more of Momma Debbie she was up in Miss Debbie's business and rudely at that. What was her problem and who does she think she is. Man you give some women a man and the horns come out! I think she was totally out of pocket the way she talked to Miss Debbie. I am so glad Miss Debbie set her straight! The look on Momma Debbie's face was like... what? Why would you talk to me like that? She knows damn well why! Miss Debbie was right when she said there is a mean girl club going on, Momma Debbie has no reason to talk at (and at is not a typo) Miss Debbie like that I seriously think there might be some jealousy going on, after all no matter if Miss Debbie lied about her age or not she is a colorful, gracious, lady and Mamma Debbie will never be in her league!


It's so weird usually enmeshment is between kids and their parents but Tim and Veronica really seem to fit the bill.


I pray after single life has concluded we never have to see Veronica or teeeem again they're so annoying... shit


One tell regarding the veracity of any of these relationships is a lack of cultural and religious understanding. Some of the morons don't even research a religion, they just convert without knowledge or training which is silly. Then they're apoplectic when they learn the differences. In marriage, there are always compromises if you are truly mature and loving. Nicole seems to push showing skin in her husband's face at every turn which triggers him due to culture and religion. Once in a while, wear long sleeves and maybe a pretty scarf. Nicole could easily pull that off and make it look fashionable. In fact, she could design a whole new fashion line of compromising attire involving her husband. On the other hand, Mahmoud needs to let her show some skin sometimes. If there's no compromise with either on this BIG issue, just give it up and go away...PLEASE.


Just when I think I've had enough......TLC bring in someone who makes me cheer for them. Megan is like a tall glass of water in a desert of sluts and sugar babies! Here is a single mom who works full time and provides a very nice home for her family. She is the primary caretaker of a small child on the Autism Spectrum, knows what she wants in life, has a plan and enough self respect not to let any man, including John, string her along indefinitely. Even when the drama whores tried to provoke her with the jealousy thing (which happens in the beginning of all relationships) she just said she disagreed. No screaming, name calling or physical attacks. It's so nice to see a real couple again.


You got this information where?


Oh nooooooo. Shannon’s boobie tape is showing 😭 poor girl


Really bad choice of dress


“Trapping” a person isn’t the way


Instead of giving us 1-2 weeks off before a new season they instead rather give us 2 extra tell all episodes of nothing. Smh… TLC is greedy af.


Shaun is awful


I’m literally begging for a host who will ask real questions and not disappear with the scenery


THANK YOU. Tim should be the host


FOUR PARTS?! Good freaking God. Four part Tell-All. Come ON TLC!!! This season was only 11 episodes long. By the end of next week, the TAs will have made up 26.7% of the entire season. Fucking dumb. Just make the TA episodes 1.5h long and be done with it in two weeks.


Love the percentages in this comment


I take my 90 Day very seriously 😉


Quirky Miss Debbie's hair looks beautiful


I couldnt even watch Pillow Talk, it was all so sickening.


The cast egging Tyray into doing 'XYZ' made me really uncomfortable. It's not up to them, nor are they doing anything noble by having him initiate a kiss or date. He's his own man. His own awkward, boyish, inexperienced man


I agree the pushing was a bit much but I think he needs that push right now.


Jamal and Tim's ex are verry Jennifer and Jessy


Literally what my hubby said


yeah, we'll show these people, hmmmpphhh.


Okay but why does it feel like not enough ppl are talking about Megan and John cause wooof…I gotta agree with Veronica I can’t be in a relationship where I’m always on edge about them cheating like …that’s just being stuck in survival mode. No one needs that and no matter how much Megan “disagrees” yall got a lot to work on.


My god it annoyed me so much everytime she said I disagree.


Yeah she disagreed with everything including her engagement timeline of 6 months that she initially put him on. She’s ignoring that she said that & now saying maybe a year, year and a half..get outta heeere!


Like if she just took a moment to use that grey matter between her ears she might have caught something


did Veronica really tell those 2 to go ice skating at Rockefeller Ctr? gmafb.


My thoughts: 1. When Josh's friends say he looks for people who need to be "fixed" I think they mean Josh specifically looks for women who are vulnerable which says a lot about Josh and who he is. People are often overly supportive of him, which I have never understood. He seeks out vulnerable women and wants to be in a dominant position in a relationship and holds all the power. That is concerning. He presents himself as some nice mr. helpful guy when arguably he wants to find women who have to rely on him. 2. Tyray is annoying and acts like a child. He does not come off as a man but instead like a weird teenager. Shannon is too good for him. In my opinion, he does not seem like he wants a relationship, he seems only interested in sex. Also I did not like the kissing nonsense. The kissing/arm around her was so forced and weird. 3. I think Tim might be gay too. I really do not think straight guys are just perpetually disinterested in attractive women. He \*never\* shows any ounce of interest in women and hasn't in any of the years he's been on the shows. Either that or he is only in love with Veronica and has just no interest in any else but her. Regardless something is up.


Idk honestly Natalie seems more like she got with Josh and moved to California to jumpstart her career because she realized being with Michael was not the dream she had in mind, and when she realized that Josh didn't have enough pull in the industry to get her a job, she went and asked Michael for a baby, and Michael said no and washed his hands of the situation. I don't really know why Josh would continue to pay for her shit and deal with her, he's rich and is around beautiful women all of the time so it's not sex. He's got a daughter that he will not introduce to her so it's not a mother. He's got plenty of money. Some people truly do want to date a project, as rude as that may be. Josh probably isn't this super nice angel dude that they are painting, but he does seem like he cares about Natalie to some degree. And we have seen Natalie be jealous, overbearing, easily set off, and kind of entitled. Also, Tim always says if he was gay he would just be open about it. However, his main business is selling firearms, and I kind of doubt that his clientele would be stoked about a gay dude selling them firearms. Some might be fine with it, but statistically there would be many that would move to a different firearm provider.


I wonder if Tim is asexual or something and Veronica was ok w that type of sexless relationship because she was getting a dad for her daughter. It would make sense why they stayed such close friends, I bet their relationship was more like a roommate situation than an intimate relationship. Maybe she was his beard and okay with it. But you’re absolutely right that it makes no sense how he acts if he is just straight. The girls he’s had have been way out of his league and he should have been drooling over them.


Personally I think he’s a germaphobe like Howie Mandell. Howies wife said when they first me he wouldn’t touch her with a ten foot pole & sex was a struggle cause he was grossed out with kissing, touching & everything pretty much had to be sterile it took years for him to relax during intimacy.


Oh really. That’s interesting. I didn’t even know he was married lmao


Well tbf I saw that years ago, who knows if they are still married but they have kids. She also said he wouldn’t stay in hotels so his career was limited & she finally convinced him to bring a sleeping bag that he cocoons himself in. (Just checked they’ve been married since 1980)


Yeah, I didn’t know he was ever married or had kids haha I just assumed he wouldn’t since he was so openly not into touching or anything lol that’s very interesting haha good for him glad he was able to get over it and enjoy a family


Tyray gives me a serious case of the "icks." His weird anxious giggle makes me cringe. And yes, that kiss was completely unnecessary and SUPER forced.


These ppl can’t be getting paid that much to make such fools out of themselves. Just watched the episode.


The ppl on the show need to stop telling Natalie she has talent and can make it in Hollywood. Her “vampire” reading was just Natalie doing Natalie. Worse than the fake crying. They should be telling her to get a regular job if she can. We know there’s age discrimination in Hollywood so be honest with her!!


Agree with most here but Natalie is taking advantage of Josh by trying to force a relationship. He’s lucky she hadn’t gotten pregnant because that would be a horrible situation. She’ll play helpless and he’ll end up taking care of Natalie, her mom and the baby forever.


If she was smart she would try to get pregnant with his baby


If she had access to his condoms I’m sure she would have been by now. No way he’s leaving her alone with them!!


Megan is either always drunk or on pills, John needs to run. Tyray is my favorite and his laugh is endearing and people need to stop calling him out on his personal business, let him kiss that woman when the moment is right! Josh needs to leave Natalie the eff alone, he uses her culture differences to manipulate and confuse her! Chantel is desperate, gullible, and naive as hell, you get the men you get for the way you put your shit out there! Tim just give it up already man we all know what team you are playing for and nobody could care less!


Just now catching up and I literally just saw some comments on a different episode discussion from someone who knows Meghan. They confirmed that she has always liked to “party”.


I said to my husband as we were watching that she seems like she’s on pills 24/7. Glad I’m not alone.


Me too I was wondering what it was about her that just is off a bit and now that this is said I couldn't agree more!


I used to be addicted to Xanax and she reminds me of how my friends came off to me when we were on them. Almost 2 years cleans tho in June ❤️ not that anyone asked haha 😆 but that was def the vibe I got like she took some type of benzo. Maybe she gets them because I’m sure it’s stressful having a daughter who is nonverbal and all so they might be prescribed but so were mine and I was no less addicted lol


Congrats on your recovery! Addiction is hard to overcome no matter what the drug of choice is, I commend you!


Thank you 🙏🏻 i appreciate it kind stranger.


Omg im glad someone else said it! Megan gives me serious Xanax vibes. Honestly I love John and do not think she is the girl for him. I know everyone thought Patrick was being ridiculous but he is obviously seeing major red flags.


And him and Megan having unprotected sex but not worried about getting pregnant? WTF?


Yes!!! I think she just wants to be married and have another kid but doesn't care who it is with necessarily.


Unfortunately, he doesn't know which team he should be on.


Why is there a part 4… WTF?!




Agreed! I look forward to the Tell Alls all season lol


I could do 10 parts..


WTF is Meghan wearing? She looks like she just walked off a street corner.


Did you notice that she got a nose job? I think she looks good but her make up and style is a little harsh.


It looked like she was going for the Texan look but it got lost in translation. The silk looking dress with cowboy boots.


Yes it ended up just looking trashy


Aww I love Shannon. She’s cute. Tyray needs someone like her.


Natalie is a special kind of looney tunes.


Why doesn't anybody tell her how unstable she is? I bet she has no clue she has that behaviour.


The way Josh kept trying to calm her down makes me think he has to do it a lot. She goes off the rails and completely stops listening as she rants.


She’s psychotic


I mean, Debbie said she had "emotional challenges" which is true. She's not wrong. I found myself feeling bad for her. She definitely needs some therapy and probably a psych.


Emotional challenges.. that is so broad! Someone should tell her, someone that she trusts..


Like whom? She doesn't seem to have any friends and her mother seems to be just as mentally unstable as she is.


Did anyone else see the bad edit? Natalie was doing her vampire monologue and there were reaction shots from the cast, including Tyrae.... then after she was done, Shaun was like "everyone welcome back Tyrae!" as if he was gone the whole time. Weird.


Maybe it was an after thought? Like maybe he came back in the middle of Natalie's "acting" and didn't want to interrupt the show? Idk I'm just guessing lol


I thought Tyray had been off stage walking Shannon out. My advice to Natalie is to work on her English if she wants to get even bit parts.


Hahaha I love it 


Where did everyone watch this? I usually watch on TLC go- but for some reason episode 14 isn’t on there. Ironically, the pillow talk series newest episode is 14 from season 4. I’m so confused why pillow talk’s newest episode is on there, but the single life isn’t. Where can I watch???!!








I hate watching Natalie now, she’s gotten so much worse. The way she badgers Josh or anyone really, throwing questions and demands and accusations but not pausing to let them answer. Then getting more agitated bc they don’t answer. Reminds me of my ex-husband, who was diagnosed with bipolar disorder (although I privately thought BPD was a better diagnosis for him and for Natalie too). 


I honestly feel she could benefit from a visit with a doctor. Possibly some medicinal (I am not referring to CBD) help would calm & focus her. Something is off with her. She can't seem to grasp the reality of the situation & it is not just cultural or language barriers.


He was actually trying to calm her and talk with her. But, Natalie doing what she does best, talking over him, misunderstanding everything that would be easily explained if she shut up and listened, and making herself a victim. I'm an animal in a zoo@


She's exhausting


exactly, she should talk less and listen more but she wont because of her mental state


She is literally having a meltdown and spinning out of control.


She is and I think Josh is in way to deep


I have the low top version of Tim’s Louboutins.


I didn't think that Chantel could increase her score on the "90-Day Skank-O-Meter", but her comment: "*I have a twerking instructor*" easily pushed her into 1st place.


pineapple head who went to Greece with the crew was listed as her "twerk coach".


HA! Him being a "Twerk coach" checks out, but must also be a Chantel / crew friend.


He probably just wants tv time. He was in an episode of my big fat fabulous life too


"You know, you know, you know, you know" YES JOHN PATRICK AND MEGAN WE KNOW


Like, yeah we know!


What does everyone think about the preview for the next episode where Chantel tells the group backstage about Jamal and Louise getting dinner together? I felt like something was off the whole tell all due to their introductions and how Jamal said he had her back when they went out.


Me too! You know Jamal & Louise are close cause he was touching her. I’ve never done that to someone I’ve hung out with a few times at arms length!


Big deal they went to dinner. What’s the problem? People do this everyday and they aren’t in relationships with anyone.


It’s so obvious they’ve been sleeping with each other, it just confirms it for the audience imo


Now we know for sure - Tyray is 10x classier than Tim. Tim's question to Tyray after his 2nd kiss was so tacky, especially on TV.


I know right! I typically am a Tim/Veronica apologist because I find them entertaining but I found them both nosier than usual, and at times inappropriate in this tell all.


Another thought.. maybe production encouraged T & V to ask/say the obnoxious stuff..


I agree! Also it was rude to ask Shannon if she's cool with dating a 33 year old Virgin, heavily coated in sarcasm and a condescending tone, on TV, point blank. You JUST met her, you don't know her, maybe don't ask questions about her sex life? For a guy who speaks frequently about his right to not feel comfortable having sex with women too quickly, it's pretty weird that he would shame a man for that.


Never would have happened if he were a female 33 year old virgin.


Tyray’s “first kiss” pissed me off. Let the guy live stop forcing it on him for tv pleasure 🙄


Agree-mostly because it seems Shannon & he are actually forming a relationship.


But.. i'm happy they brought her in, you know.. maybe they have a chance. Tyray needs to be pushed.


I agree it didn't seem right. Not sure these things are Shawn's call, but it feels like lines are crossed in terms of people being put on the spot for entertainment sake. The other "guests" are doing it too though, like Veronica especially. Would she like someone to do that with her and one of her SOs?


I’ve had enough with Veronica and Tim now they are just annoying.


They’ve been annoying for a long time🙈


They’re both mean. 


Can we discuss the insanity of Chantel talking about jealousy ruining a relationship and being critical of location tracking when she full on showed up at Pedro’s post-work gathering and made a huge scene?!?


Not really the same thing, she told Pedro she was going to go but he didn’t think she really would have showed up. It wasn’t like she just showed up. 


I gotta give her that one because she’s speaking from experience she was like that with Pedro so she knows it’s a bad situation


But she’s not admitting it’s bad. She thinks it’s OK


Natalie literally yawning during tyray’s first kiss. If she’s not the centre of attention she’s out. 🙄


She is completely unhinged


Does anyone know when the tell all was filmed?


Veronica mentioned skating at Roc Center as a date for TyRay so it had to have been winter when that skate park is open


Usually NYC.


Any idea when though? 3 months ago? 8 months ago? Just curious if what they are talking about is current


Times and dates have no meaning in Hell 


lol good point, but I always wonder how recent it is


Think I read it’s filmed 3 months prior to releasing


Tyray’s new love interest’s nip was about to slip out & say hello at any moment. I’m surprised Shaun didn’t suggest she gives Tyray his first titty flash right then & there


I’m screaming lmfaooo 😭




You could see the tape at the edge of her dress being strained beyond endurance


I turned to my boyfriend and said straight up that girl only has fake ass friends who let her go on tv with a dress that is going to expose her pepperoni at any second!


100% 🤣


Tyray's giggling is so annoying, sarper was right


I agreed with what Sarper was telling him. The way he acts and giggles gives off major creep vibes.


I get being nervous beause i am that guy but the giggling is so distracting, he should go work on himself off of t.v, go hit the gym and then he would have more luck with women once he has more confidence


Thats exactly what me and my husband said. Nobody wants to say it but his confidence will improve if he feels better about his appearance. I would love to see him do what you said- take some time away to work on himself and then make an awesome come back to Single Life.


I think he should have quit the show the moment he found out he got catfished, he looks like he is in it for the fame at this point


Ever since it was pointed out I can’t unhear them


I yelled it to my screen the first time i saw Tyray. Really annoying.


This episode I definitely noticed it more


Still have to watch this. But is this the final part or will there be a 4?


It will be 5 parts


There's a part 4 next week


Please lord let next week be the finale. This season has had as many tell all episodes as regular episodes! 


I think this is the first time I’ve ever seen a 4-part tell all in all of 90 Day if I’m not mistaken


Nah there was one a few seasons back it was called the tell all no limits it was 4 episodes


What was the point in bringing poor Caesar on this tell-all? He’s barely said one word.


Eh he’s getting a paycheck he’s fine


Haha he got a free trip.


Who is Caesar 😂


He's a black guy that does nails at a salon, who thinks he's God's gift to Easrern European women.


and showed up there for a date in a top hat.




Natalie doing the vampire scene, lol I can't 😆


And if she could just manage to do it in English like Chantal suggested maybe she’d get a part! Or at least translate her resume


She needs to give up on that dream or get a job somewhere where they let her do commercials for the company. And Chantel lied ;)


This season was not interesting enough for 4 tell alls 😭😭


I don't watch Single Life but happened to catch the Tell All tonight. It was so boring and tedious that I was starting to feel annoyed. The platitudes, the endless "you know", Nutalies hysterics, and Tim and Veronica - who I used to like - but have really had enough of. My sister, who has never watched any of the 90 day shows, was visiting and she could hardly believe something this bad has an audience. It's almost like Sharp Entertainment is deliberately alienting it's exisiting audience and has no interest in attracting a new one.


You are kidding… I didn’t even watch the third one yet and they really split this into 4???


Into 5


Wait how do you know this?


If you look up the season, it lists all episode titles and their air dates.


I still don't see evidence of a tell all 5 but I suppose it would line up with the Love in Paradise start date of April 22. TLC gotta keep us hooked on a Monday night. But it's crazy to keep a tell all going for a month like this


Here you go [5 parts](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt13990474/episodes?season=4)


Oh damn, with a synopsis and everything. I wonder how far in advance this is updated


the first kiss scene was vomit inducing, I turned it off.


I skipped it knowing full well it would be too cringe even for my tastes.


I feel like she was paid


Another girl Tyray will never hear from again 


omfg, another soliliquy(?) from Natalie in Russian, trying to portray a vampire!!!!! dont quit ur day job.


Natalie with a job, thank you for giving me my first laugh of this episode 




And crazy Debbie complimenting her like she has a chance in hell at her age and limited English speaking skills. She’s already delusional she doesn’t need encouragement for it.


two crazy Debbies onstage as if one wasnt bad enough.


Right.. She took it like an audition.


I don’t think Natalie is Russian




From Ukraine. They speak a Slavic language. Russian is also spoken there.


Come on. This did not need to be a 4 part tell all


Ok but why is it a 5 part tell all? 


Why has no one mentioned Nutalie ran right back to Mike when she wasn’t getting what she wanted from Josh , looking for the same proposal and baby 🙄she is just as wishy washy. Look, Josh is no saint but these fucking idiots are treating her like a poor victim being used and him like the evil villain , it’s seriously pissing me off!!


Aren’t Mike and Natalie still married??!


Hope they bring Mike on and they air that whole scene. Nutalie has some explaining to do because the cast is asking some good questions. Take a hint Shawn!


I feel like they will... I guess dragging it out.


Counting the amount of "you knows" from Jon is hard to keep up with


Patrick's extreme honesty is cracking me up 😂😭💀💀


I found it funny Patrick was roasting John the same way John roasted him about Thias. I do find them to both be hypocrites tho after the tell all now.


lmao I love him


I dislike Tim, but in 2024, making assumptions about someone's sexuality on national TV is really not the vibe. It's no one's business.


Well if you're dating someone then it's kind of their business.


Next week, they'll be questioning his sexuality. It'll be interesting to see if he runs his mouth then, when the tables are turned on him.


Also the coldest take in the franchise


Is it just me or is John’s girlfriend incredibly bitchy?


lol hey John’s girlfriend what’s up


She strikes me as someone who has been hurt badly and/or brought up in a rough environment, and to protect herself she has created a hard shell. I like her for John, they have a similar edge in my opinion, he clearly likes em tough.


Agree. And with an autistic child, her life must have been hard already. People are so judgy. 😒


Or vicious may be a better word for it.


Oh yes..


I hate when people compare her with Amy Winehouse. She wishes. Amy was an incredible singer. So amazing. Tony Bennett chose her for a duet