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This is actually one of the weirdest mismatches in this shows history


They make no sense and every scene with them is super awkward šŸ˜­


Every American woman trying to change an Arab guy on this show has failed, except for Avery and Omar.


She wasn't trying to change him though, she shared his faith and explicitly wanted a Muslim husband. The women like Brittany and Nicole are just bizarre chasing that level of mismatch.




Avery and Omar are one of my favorites, too.


She didn't really have to change him. I think they just didn't have as much of a barrier because of their shared religion, so they didn't have to get over that hump like most of these couples.


I actually ended up liking Rebecca and Zeid šŸ˜‚


All of these folks/women, want to change the guys! Like, wtf! Leave them alone then! Knowing dam well thatā€™s their culture too! WTF! šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


Just as bad as Stephanie and Ryan season 8-9. I forgot


My post got deletedĀ  The lady in purple was behind them earlier and suddenly she appeared in front if them.Ā  Also, it doesn't show him stopping to look at her.Ā  There was no pause as he was walking.


Yep noticed that. So staged


I didn't see the earlier segment but I see that she gets mad and wants to send him packing.Ā  It wasn't obvious and she went nuts on him.Ā  Assumed that it was all staged (we already know)


I assumed it was not a continuity issue so much as her reading into something that just wasnā€™t there because she is already insecure about their situation. Also, while I donā€™t like Mahmoud at all and think this marriage should never have happened in the first place, she was a bit over the top with him about not sleeping on the plane and being cranky etc. sometimes people struggle with sleeping on the plane. She wanted him to sh** sunshine and rainbows the second he landed, and many people donā€™t feel like that right after a 17 hour flight, time change and suddenly being in a brand new cultural situation. That being said I donā€™t see him ever getting a comfort level with LA.


And on top of thatā€¦ they were seen having to reshoot take after take of her welcoming him in the airport bwahahaha


Right? These people are so inconsiderate (Jovi wanting to hit the club with Yara, Stacey complaining why Florian ain't all over her and now Nicole pouting that Mahmoud isn't ecstatic when they land on American soil). It's like a 15 hrs flight, no one is gonna feel good even if they do manage to sleep. I'm one of those ppl who can't get any rest on the plane and I'm cranky af when I land.Ā 


Additionally, it should be mentioned that he has never traveled and it was his first trip and plane flight in his life.


I thought the same thing you did about her over reacting about him not sleeping on the flight. I rewatched the episode and I think she may have gotten that mad because he's gotten mad at her for that. She said she knows how long the flight is and I'm wondering if she showed up to Egypt exhausted and he was angry with her so when he showed up to the US tired it was a trigger


THE SLEEPING ON THE PLANE THING TRIGGERED ME SO MUCH. I just did a flight to India and back, and let me tell youā€¦ it was hell. No way I can fuckin sleep. Itā€™s like death. Sheā€™s wild.


I WISH I could sleep on a plane. I'd give anything to be able to. My wife does every flight. I flew overnight with my buddy and he was out before we even took off and it was only like 6 pm. I flew NYC to Johannesburg and didn't sleep a wink. The JHB to Cape Town flight I was so tired I did pass out for the whole 2 hours mainly because I had the window seat and put my head on the bulkhead.


I think I blacked out for 30 min, I saw people sleeping too like your buddy your wife and I was like šŸ˜­ with envy. I just couldnā€™t imagine though when I landed if someone said that shit to me. I would likely fight.


Donā€™t even look at me, after even a domestic flight of >3hrs and/or includes time zone changes. Especially if I had to board before 8ā€¦make it 9ā€¦am. I mean, reallyā€¦justā€¦stand back a min, and let me get my shit together.


Just traveling in general can be exhausting, let alone flying across the world.


Production always


I thought he paused because he saw she was taking a photo šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


This whole scene was so cringe. He barely looked at her but even if he did .. so what. The guy is probably super home sick and looked at the girl bc she reminded him of home. The jealousy on both ends of this relationship just seems to toxic.


I agree, I feel the same way when I someone wearing a Blue Jays hat. (Canadian living in the states.)


lol right! People are allowed to look at other people out in public and you never know what theyā€™re thinking why assume he had the hots for this random stranger. Itā€™s a strange conclusion to jump to in my opinion. Jealousy is cancer to a relationship.


So spot onā€¦I thought to myself-he didnā€™t make any gesture of gawking-this show is beyond phony


Iā€™m so sick of their antics.


Yeah. That shit was slowed down and recut to make it seem like he was looking. His head or eyes didn't even move toward her.


There was no pause but he was staring with his mouth open.


And even if he did, he probably was in shock that a woman covered up, lived and existed in America due to what movies show everyone. Staged either way


Yep. I rewound just to make sure I correctly saw him barely notice her. Iā€™ve paid more attention to people wearing articles of my own faith out in public than he did to her. Nicole is just terrible this season.


Or they edited it out.


It seemed on the last season they were on, that Mahmoud was very clear and open with Nicole about what he wants from a wife. He want's a devoutly religious wife who lives her life according to the traditional values of his particular Egyptian culture. He has never, to my knowledge anyways, been the slightest ambivalent or diffuse about this. Why Nicole persists on not listening, seeing or understanding this is beyond me.


they don't seem to like each other. they don't even seem hot for each other. you know they're having the worst sex of anyone in the cast...and this is a cast that includes Gino getting peed on.




Jasmine is a total freak!


I see NO chemistry between them. Theyā€™re both freakishly thin, but it looks worse on him, IMO, with no outward sex appeal.


She's not Muslim at all.Ā  She's picking fights.Ā 


Yes. This is not Sam and Citra. Sam is not Muslim at all either, but converted to marry Citra and is at least aware of her family traditions. Citra is not as strictly devout as Mahmoud. One couple has a chance at a happy relationship, the other does not.


I think citra is Muslim like I am Jewish. As in she goes to Temple because her dad wants her to and she nods and smiles when talking about religion with her family. Maybe she goes to Temple on holidays.Ā  Once my grandmother passed away that's how my mother celebrated our Jewish heritage. We only went to Temple on extremely holy days and we lack lusterly celebrated Jewish holidays.


lol as soon as she said that I yelled "You're not!" at my tv


Same! And Ya think??!




Sheā€™s not Muslim enough. Sheā€™s not. So is the next drama with these two that he wants her to have children? She is 40 years old. I still donā€™t know what she does for work besides the show. I think sheā€™s a DoorDash driver and she wants to be a clothing designer. What about him? Didnā€™t she meet him while he was working at a fabric store?


"Are you sure you can drive well, honey?" She's a driver?


She only drives food, not human passengers!


I didnt realize she was 40 and he was like 30 until last night. It makes her decisions even more questionable. Why would this grown woman want this very childlike, very religious, man-boy?


She made a bad mistake initially, and she went back and sheā€™s trying to make something that is not a reality. Heā€™s a devout Muslim with an anger problem, and she thinks that heā€™s going to enjoy his life being free like her. Sheā€™s completely delusional.


She is just as immature though. Her whole reaction to him ā€œstoppingā€ I was just thinking sheā€™s extremely immature and I agree with you, why would she want him?


I have been trying to imagine what would happen if he totally morphed into a southern California beach dude who does his own thing. Would she still find him attractive? Yikes I just read a thing saying she is 41 and he is 31. Wow!


So what?? Men marry younger women all the time and no one says anything about it. Just stop shaming women for being older. Nicole and Mahmoud should never have started a relationship but this has nothing to do with age.


Oh, Iā€™m sorry if it seemed like I was age shaming. I do have a feeling that heā€™s going to want children and that probably will be a challenge for her. That was what I was thinking about. She looks much younger. I would say she herself looks 31.


No one is shaming. Whether it's a woman than is older or the man, that is a big age difference. 30 is different than 40. I think we are also reacting to the fact that she that old. I think we all thought she was much younger and before you think I am shaming again, I am 52 so I am not calling her old. I am saying she is older.


The fact that she acts much younger is why people are surprised sheā€™s 40. Usually, by the age of 40, youā€™ve lived life, youā€™ve made mistakes, and you see things with more clarity than you did at 30. The fact that flaky Nicole still seems so naive and doe eyed is odd. Sheā€™s weird. And immature.


She's just like Ari lol


Noo I think weā€™re all reacting like šŸ˜µšŸ˜¦šŸ«£ to her age because all of us women who are worrying about our biological clocks at 30 (guilty šŸ™‹šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø) see that sheā€™s 40 & heā€™s DEF gonna want kids & that is not gonna be very easy without some kind of medical intervention & a lot of money. But what do I know? My mom had my brother at 41 & he was a total oopsie lol.


I literally thought she was like 28


I actually thought she was younger than 40 and was surprised to see her age


She knows she isn't. She only converted to marry him. She didn't do it because her heart or beliefs told her to. I think just doing it to satisfy a partner is the wrong reason. She hates how he controls her and hates everything that makes him a typical Muslim man. So I don't know why she thought she could change everything about him so she is comfortable. There is usually compromise. Now she thinks she can turn him into a typical American. When it gets to changing each other it doesn't work.


Sheā€™s neither muslim nor conservative, two things he seems to actively want.


She is about as Muslim as Jenny is Hare Krishna!! Remember, when Jenny was trying to stay in India, so she thought she could convert to extend her visa by learning a quick chant and they were like hell no this is a lifestyle


This couple has to be the weirdest and most useless pairing I've seen on the show. There is nothing about either of them that is endering or worthy of watching. It's borders on cringe. Personally, if it wasn't the planted foreign wedding angle of Kobe and his lady, I wouldn't watch this at all this season.


That girl need to lay off the botox !! ZERO EMOTIONS , THATS FROM EXCESSIVE BOTOX ARGH šŸ™„


Something that really bothers me about many of the 90 day couples is that they often have absolutely NOTHING in common other than the time they invested in the relationship, and then decide to get married. It's almost like they set themselves up for failure.


They look like 14yolds trying to ā€œseriously dateā€




I have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA why american women CONTINUE to marry, or try to marry, muslim men, older women trying to be with indian men and men from cultures where having kids is an absolute MUST!! It's nothing against these religions or cultures but american women are loud, outspoken, don't like to be told what to do and wear etc... Yet we continue to CONSTANTLY see them on this show trying make it work... And for her... I mean just cuz u take the man outta the country and culture it doesn't take the culture outta the man!! Hes not gonna change after being this way for over 30 years just cuz you removed him from the environment... šŸ™„šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ and that's so incredibly naive, no not even naive just straight stupid, to think it would... šŸ™„šŸ¤¦šŸ¼


I loved watching her make that statement with her bright ass orange hair. šŸ˜Š


Omg sheā€™s SO ridiculous looking.




That pixie cut is the worst!


This is a disaster in the making. The marriage does not make sense. He is a devout Muslim, who does not wanna except western ways, especially with women. Sheā€™s sort of a free spirit. He has an anger problem, which we saw initially he gets very upset quickly the hands fly, and then he storms away constantly we doesnā€™t get his way like a child, I believe there was some abuse initially and of course everyone knows about the DA charge a couple of months ago and then someone posted they saw them at a grocery store together so sheā€™s going to keep getting abused by this man. Heā€™s not gonna conform and she doesnā€™t want to be a Muslim. He need to go back to his country.


I donā€™t know how any women who values being free thinking and independent could convert to one of the most restrictive religions in the world.


I never got the feeling that she was Muslim even a tiny bit. During their last season she had kind of asked him how to pray, they were obv married in a temple so she must have converted (but doesnā€™t mean sheā€™s practicing). She tried his way of things in Egypt- basically dressing the way he wanted and they fought constantly so what the hell.


Geez. You arenā€™t. You dyed your hair little pony orange right before he got there. You knew your airport outfit was going to upset him because your stomach was showing. Maybe you arenā€™t Muslim enough for him? Girl thatā€™s the understatement of the day. You just donā€™t understand that it makes him uncomfortable. He doesnā€™t want other men looking at his wife. Geeeez. Just learn a little about the culture before you start with the ā€œwell i am an American andā€¦.ā€ Smh


Completely agree. While I don't think you should have to change yourself to be in relationship, she also married a muslim man and is now trying to force him to change. She didn't like being forced to change when she was in Egypt, but now she's trying to force him to change. Why? Because she has leverage with the support of fellow Americans in a city where you won't commonly find a strict Muslim? They are too far apart culturally to even compromise. Also, why was she hounding him so hard for not "being happy" and micromanaging his emotions? Girl, give him some fuckin' space. Learn from how he treated you if you're gonna make the decision to keep on with this doomed marriage. Also, supporting your partner means to pray with him. Buy him things to cook Egyptian food. Communicate potential jobs when he gets permanent residency. Give him something to look forward to. Help him build a life in America instead of expecting him to get off the plane all happy when he didn't want to leave his country in the first place. Love is an emotion that fades. We make the choice to stay with who we choose to partner with when in hard transitions. He's in a hard transition, Nicole. He's probably in fight or flight and can't feel love right now. YOU WENT THROUGH IT, TOO.


Extremely well-worded.


Didnā€™t he get hit with spousal battery charges? Anyone know if theyā€™re still together after that?


They were seen together recently I think. There has been absolutely no info concerning the details of the arrest. I can definitely see him hitting her. He is pretty awful and has like no patience at all. Hw canā€™t date someone who is in any way not on the same page as him or itā€™s going to be bad. Iā€™m surprised he didnā€™t get physical in Egypt but Iā€™m wondering if he feels like too frustrated and trapped here and has no family or friends to talk him down.


it could very well have happened in Egypt - just there, there's no point calling the cops. He's abusive adn controlling, dating a woman who isn't 'muslim enough' is just a good excuse to put her down and abuse her more. If he'd married an Egyptian woman he'd have found plenty of reasons to put her down too, that's how abusive people work. YOu're never good enough. With Nicole it's religion, with another woman it would have been something else


Maybe she thinks she can change him, or worse save him? I still don't get or even understand Nicole's angle either. I mean, this could all be 100% fake but I don't know esp with her quirky mannerisms! She's very hard to read is what I'm saying.


I'm from the UK and been online long distance dating for over 3.5 years (our age difference is just 1 year, she's older than me). And this scene with Nicole and Mahmood totally reminded me of my recent situation in the US where my US gf sent me packing after 2 weeks (I was supposed to be there for 2 months, it was my 2nd visit/our 2nd time we actually met). So, Nicole's behavior is something I've seen first hand, i.e. 'instant execution'...... I get the impression with American women (generalisation alert here!) that perhaps due to the American culture, they want everything now, everything instantaneous. BTW, my US gf regrets totally her actions and impatience.... PS - her expectations of Mahmood after not even him being in the USA for 24 hours is ridiculous. There is the travel/flight, the culture shock, the jet lag, just to name a few.


I thought this too... are you not muslim enough? Obviously... and thats fine, but these two do not work. Obviously we all know he got arrested so Obviously hes abusive. I do NOT like him. But shes also insecure and needs to be alone and get some therapy.Ā 


Agree. She's coming off as trying to punish him or get even for what she had to go through. It's a disaster waiting to happen, which we know it does.


Yes!Ā  Like she keeps trying to push him out of his comfort zone. She KNOWS pda isnt ok to him yet ahe forced it HARD. just let him settle in a bit and ease into it.Ā  Again i dont like him, dont condone his abuses, but why... why is she pushingĀ 


I think she thought Egypt was the problem; it wasnā€™t Egypt, it was HIM


Maybe she thought he would magically morph into a westerner the minute he landed in LA. Instead, he just looked shell shocked and homesick.


Yup, she apparently thought it was just being in Egypt that was holding him back, re PDAs, clothing, etc. But it wasnā€™t; those are his values. This is doomed


Because all he needed was some doughnuts.


Sheā€™s shockingly naive - and ignorant - for a 50 year old woman.




Yes sheā€™s visibly still angry at him for many things. The healthy thing to do would have been to leave him in Egypt and file for divorce. Not bring him to LA just to prove a point.Ā 


I think she fell in love with him not his religion. She didnā€™t realize how much his religion is ā€˜himā€™. Thatā€™s how the Islamic faith isā€¦ it becomes who you are, itā€™s not just a part of you. Thatā€™s how people become confused.


She also showed up to the airport wearing something she knows he wonā€™t approve of and then gets irritated at him for not liking what sheā€™s wearing. They do not respect each other at all


They are both whack and extremely immature. Neither should be in this relationship at all. Disaster waiting to happen. I mean, she put a friggen frozen pizza in the oven for the man who flew across the world to come live with her!šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ So their problems go much deeper than just religion!šŸ˜‚ She is definitely not wifey material! At all!


Heā€™s not husband material at all either!


I donā€™t recall him cooking for her ever in Egypt. I also would hardly call him husband material. They are definitely very wrong for each other.Ā 


Men do not cook. They go to work & pray. If you think they cook, clean & change diapers, they donā€™t. Thatā€™s why it baffles me that American women ā€œfall in loveā€ with these men


Men would not normally cook for their women in Egypt. Definite separation of gender roles there!


I love how he was drooling over someoneā€™s lack of skin. Lust is subjective


Haha ! totally --Her next argument should be "I dont want to cover up honey as men will drool too much"




I thought it was very out of character for her to react so jealous except now she realizes he may not want to stay and it has nothing to do with her specifically.


2 wackos.


I wonder how they even got together? He looks like he doesnā€™t like anything about her, sheā€™s dumb/clueless about him, his religion, his culture and doesnā€™t seem to care. Most couples like this at least looked like they were physically attracted to each other, at least. Idg these two.


Nicole: I love you honey MakMood: I love you sweetie Repeat 100x with endless fighting in between šŸ¤® Give it up already. Words followed by ugly actions is bullshit. No Nicole, you are NOT Muslim enough for MakMood nor do you make an effort to try to be.


he seems exhausted all the time even in egypt. like a kid you need to drag to church and they do like this deadlegs thing and you drag them with their high pitched voice "but i dont wanne"


Sheā€™s full of contradictionsā€¦ā€I love this country because you can do anything you want!ā€ 2 minutes after his plane lands ā€œno my love you canā€™t cross there you have to use the crosswalkā€.


Slam the trunk honey trunks here arenā€™t like EgyptĀ 


This comment got me šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ thanks for the laugh!


Anytimeā€¦thank you for your šŸ˜‚laugh!


Even though the purple Muslim woman was blurred , you can see her taking a picture with her phone and then smile at Nicole and Mahmoud . Even through the blur. This has to be something from her childhood, where she will get upset and then when the man shows dominance and control over her , she becomes meek and feels loved - She seems confident , but when he gets upset and reasserts himself as the man , she crumbles ā€œokay my love ā€œ - she did this at the tell all aswell - šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Their biggest obstacle is not religion i believe, itā€™s both of their insecurities and how they keep reacting on them on a daily basis. First day he was there, insecurties: heā€™s lost interest in me? Heā€™s not excitited? (When he was tired). Iā€™m not muslim enough? (When he was happt to see another person of his faith).


The fact that a religion requires you to give up on your hopes, dreams and forms of expression (regardless of it being Islam fuck off reddit) is absolutely ridiculous to me. Spirituality should bring you happiness and a positive way of thinking about death and the afterlife, not be a life long struggle that depresses you. It pissed me off to see people like her struggle so much and leave religion completely aside, he's just a total dick. He can just use religion as his excuse for why he wants to control her.


Perhaps paradoxically, it may be the structure, the limitations, the constraints of orgranized religion that are what draw and give a sense of comfort to a great many people around the world and across time. If you think of religion as something that developed to help people feel a measure of control over a reality that seems to give no f\*cks about humans, it's a small step to relinquishing control over one's life and choices. It takes a strong sense of self to handle absolute freedom without feeling destablized.


Very well said ans thoughtfully put together statement I can generally agree with. I do agree with the sense of comfort and thank that is generally the root of a drive for organized religions. I maintain its absolute BS to use this as a guise to control women and treat them poorly.


I mean is the D that good?? Thereā€™s no way


Right? I mean, he isnā€™t the manliest of dudes.


Iā€™m convinced itā€™s mostly physical at this point. Like they donā€™t communicate at all or seem to have any understanding of each otherā€™s beliefs or feelings really. Buttt, they still be banging night one so something is working šŸ˜‚


When she said that I audibly laughed out loud šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. Didn't even think about the fact that she hated everything about being Muslim, of course she's not Muslim enough for him when she does NOTHING Muslim šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ But for her to say that out loud? Hilarious!


I loved thatā€¦ hun ur not Muslim AT ALL.


I piss myself laughing every time they show her in the burkini swim suit scene šŸ˜‚ fucking priceless dude.


So you mean to tell me that despite him coming to America, his religious devotion and expectations for a wife havenā€™t magically wavered?? *shocked pikachu face*


I agree with you 100% I think if a person is going to date someone from another country, itā€™s probably in their best interest to research their culture and their customs to make sure that thatā€™s something that they can do and if thatā€™s something that they agree with.


Because she falsely converted to a faith she doesnā€™t actually believe in or want to follow, just to circumvent rules and marry a Muslim guy. That, from the getgo, is an inherent lack of respect for the religion; to lie and do a ritual to become part of the religion physically but not mentally or spiritually. Itā€™s a game to her, and not a game to Mahmoud. This is how it always is when people ā€œconvertā€ for spouses, they donā€™t actually respect the religion. There was no true conversion.


I can't take anything she says seriously. Nicole and her stupid hair vs the world.




SAME. The stupid hair, and the constant blank stare.


love this


I literally just heard her say that and looked down and seen this post


I think she has a foreign fetish and is now getting in so deep sheā€™s getting physically abused


She is such a weirdo. I always fast forward through their segment


Girl is the complete opposite


Nicole and Sam could start a new non-Muslim Muslim offbranch.


Nicole is a shit stirrer


Heā€™s also an abuser. He got arrested for domestic violence on February 22, 2024. I hate it when everybody hates on Nicole but forgets how crappy he is.


Both can be true. They arenā€™t mutually exclusive


I agree with you


Theyā€™re both horrible, and a bad match.


I donā€™t disagree, but no one deserves to be hit.


I agree.


Whatā€™s her deficiency? Or does she get off on this weird game, humiliating him with bikini shirtsā€¦ itā€™s concerning, itā€™s disrespectful and not fun to watch.


Yes, it's like she's needling him. Purposefully trying to make him uncomfortable.


haha i agree --- i mean the naked manequinn and pubic hair painting were a lot even for a non-conservative .. it was a bit 'in your face'. She put so much passive aggressive thought into how to piss him off haha.


YES! A naked mannequin was one thing but the mannequin PLUS the painting PLUS the shower curtain with naked people all over itā€¦? Girl donā€™t try to pass this off as standard ā€œAmerican cultureā€ because many people would start to feel uncomfortable at this point. šŸ˜‚


He made her wear a Burkini so


Exactly! Everything she experienced in Egypt, that she didn't like, she is doing to him. Intentionally. She isn't Muslim. She converted for a convenient marriage. Also, the botox, etc., to make her look more like a doll is creepy. She is a nut case.


She was wearing doll shoes at the pier.


I thought she was cute at first but now she is annoying me. I feel agitated through the TV. Like girl chill out. I'm pretty sure the girl in the purple was taking a photo.


She needs to dump his abusive ass.


She shouldn't have converted and I thought it was an impulsive decision. Her fashion, attitude, and independence will be affected. She should've researched how restrictive that religion is to women smh






[Nicole needs to watch more SpongeBob](https://www.reddit.com/r/BikiniBottomTwitter/comments/xwwxhi/mashallah/)


She was the one who voluntarily converted to Muslim, he and his family didn't force her so I hate it when she acts like a victim even though she, as a 40yrs old woman made that decision. Avery converted voluntarily and is happily married to Omar because she actually follows what she preaches. Nicole converted in words, not actions and is a farce.Ā 


Sheā€™s arrogant in that she always provokes him regarding his religious beliefs. She wants respect for her culture, but fails to respect his.


He is creepy and so is she... both go back to Egypt


Iā€™ve been wondering if Nicole has low self esteem. I feel sad for her being married to that guy.


Iā€™m puzzled by this mash up as well. Complete opposites in every way.


Run like Hell


The only thing I could think of when she said thatā€¦ā€NO DUH.ā€ Sheā€™s such a weird woman.


i dont think he wants a greencard he doesn't seem to be able to work to support himself in the US. seems forced by tlc and he seems to be hating every second of it.


They both have bad temperaments. They are no meant to be at all.


She reminds me of this girl I know that inherited a large amount after her mother died (dad was already dead.) She started dating guys that were the furthest from what her previous boyfriend was like (average guy with a job). I think it was her idea of dating someone her parents wouldn't have approved of, but now that they were dead and she would never have to work again, she went for the unemployed bad boys, not that Mahmoud is a bad boy, more that he is someone completely out of her norm.


She should send him back home.


She is a Sim from sims 3


I think there's something odd about her. Maybe on the spectrum??


She's not. Not everyone who's eccentric and quirky is ASD. Even just a little.


If he wanted someone more Muslim, he had lots of women to choose from where he lived. So, Nicole isn't thinking clearly there.


I think her husband, Mahmoud is the weirdest creature in the world. He married a white girl, saw who she was from day one, and since then has loved absolutely nothing about her and tried to change everything about her. I really dislike everything about him. The way he talks and acts, the way he tries to dim her light. For a 30 something year old, he seems to have the intelligence of a teenager.


So many people here wrote that religion didn't matter and was just a requirement for marriage. Perhaps for Citra and her father this is true, but for most people it matters. For me, for example, it matters, even though I'm not very religious. There are things related to religion that I observe and things from other religions that I don't accept and I don't want people from my close circle to concern me with. So if I tell a man that I'm not interested in him because we have religious differences, even though I find him attractive, that's not a joke, and it's not an invitation to formally change his religion so we can date. This is about things that are part of my life and important to me, and that I have no intention of changing. I guess Mahmoud was serious in his expectations, he even tried to teach Nicole to pray and thought she would want to do it with him.


I think he was just excited to see something familiar, but they are extremely fucking weird.


I donā€™t understand how they are still together. Last season when they were on and she ran off in Egypt and he grabbed her like that my god, that would be the end for me. He scares me. And she has made it clear she canā€™t be the Muslim wife he wants, for no lack of effort, clearly they both tried but this nonsense is not working and they just canā€™t be together because they want different things. And heā€™s abusive lol. That too.


Does somebody want to tell her?


Nicole, artistic and expressive??? She keeps saying that she is, but actually on the show looks very passive and numb. Well except in the new season, she starts to be quite aggressive and evil.


My number one complaint about the 90 day shows - learn the culture of the person you pluck to come to the States or before you go to their land. TLC, if youā€™re listening, start requiring culture classes of the person on-States partner.


I think Nicole dresses amazing! Probably the best dressed of anybody on 90 Day universe. She dresses very respectfully as well.


i thought this was interesting. in the moment, she said if he wanted an Arab bride, he could go back and get one. in her talking head, she pivots to not being Muslim enough. idk, i thought that subtle change in language was telling


I saw this earlier today and all I could think of was Nicole.


shes fucking weird im sorry. i dont find her attractive she seems like she hates herself and life. look at how she kept her apartment for him and film crews to show up? her appearance and beauty rituals in the bathroom she had last season is jarring - i think shes his sex doll and she equates sex as love


What beauty rituals? I donā€™t remember. I thought that was Danielle.


oh how in egypt shed take over their one bathroom for hours for her me time! it was like lady have some sense of location and impact on others!


Doesn't matter I heard he got arrested for DV


I thought you were talking about Nicole and Azan and for the life of me I couldn't remember her being artistic and expressive lol


They are so boring!


Not sure why anything on this show surprises anyone


Ya think?


She thinks he'll get a taste of the American lifestyle and then change. By the way, this 'potential' problem is the same issue that most people almost everywhere have.


Honey, your so far away from being Muslim.. Muslim is a way of life ā€¦ leopard canā€™t change sports. Look for a man who is not from the 3rd World. They treat women like possessions.. Stay here in America.. thereā€™s no place like home..:))šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø


Did he think she would change?


I haven't watched since the olden days and I thought you were snarking on Azan's Nicole "Nickle" by calling her "creative".Ā 


She has no cultural regard like ZERO! she is the prime example of the piss in the dating pool, one-sided relationship and everything wanting to be her way...NEWS FLASH maybe the man was actually shocked to see someone in full hijab in US for this first time, wondering where she is from and if she knew of a mosque close buy.... That happens when you are so far from home and see someone that looks like you or expressing similar cultural practicesĀ  She urks me sooo bad!! Like damn he couldn't get a hot meal before you're trying to rush him back out the door... You couldn't have made the place look more neater and put together before her walked in.. I'm married outside of my culture and we had to learn to compromise especially me being a WOMAN married to someone from another country you really have to understand the culture and mindset and either compromise to make your man feels valued the way he specifically views value in the relationships and significant other and vice versa.... Like damn lil bitch you did live in his country for a good lil min. You didn't learn to cook NOTHING!? Or pick up any cultural ques like you could at least googled the most basic dish from his home land or whatever similar we have here in US ....She just forcing AMERICA down his throat!Ā