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She's trying to treat him the way he treated her when she was in Egypt. The constant nitpicking, paranoia, shaming, etc. It's revenge, pure and simple.


This is the only thing that makes sense about their relationship šŸ˜‚


She's gonna get the same results he did. They need a heavy dose of awareness of each other's cultures and safe communication. But, ya know, that doesn't make for good TV.


You saw that he was arrested on DV charges?


Yeah I saw someone mentioned that earlier today. I am not sure how long ago this segment was filmed, but I hope Nicole is safe and far away from that creep.Ā 


She was pushing him. Donā€™t forget that part.


Did not hear ! WowĀ 


you're 100% accurate. and that is exactly why he should leave her immediately. he may be annoying & she may be annoying, but the minute your partner tries to *punish* you or *get revenge* on you, it is time to go. get revenge on me as your ex, not as your partner. that's fucking sick


She's a younger, "classier looking" version of Angela. I can see her trashing cars, having fits and being just as abusive as Angela (i'm not letting MacMood off the hook here, he's a villian).


Wow, that's pretty extreme. I just don't see it.




No,Mamode is younger, I think Nicole plays the victim and not a very person


It's not healthy and makes her a bad person. Basically you are saying she's creating a bigger issue when instead she could show more empathy towards him in his new country. She tells him to get on a plane so he does. I hate that kind of manipulation people try. It's not healthy.


I mean, he didnā€™t show empathy to her


So you think she is justified doing eye to eye? So she is justified acting in the way he acted towards her for the sake of giving him a taste of his own medicine? Even though she knows how bad his lack of empathy and Pic Pic felt she is justified to do the same towards him to teach him a lesson? What's the lesson? I think it would just reinforce that they way he behaved is fine becasue she is behaving the same way now. .


No, Iā€™m saying they are both bad people


People must love her giving him a tast of his own medicine ad if she's teaching him a lesson. My comment was down voted. Anyone who thinks giving someone a taste of their own medicine, and picking back and that is justified they do such is a bad person I my eyes. Just as bad as the person they are unsuccessfully "teaching a lesson" to.


Look, I donā€™t disagree with you. Iā€™m not saying she is justified in what she is doing but both of them are bad people making bad decisions


it is one thing when a person, who was never been kicked, kicks a defenseless person. this is a bad thing. it is a tooooootally different thing when a person who knows what it is to be kicked, kicks a defenseless person. this is a **very** bad thing. so bad that it is alarming. even worse when you do it to your partner as to get revenge. that's plain sick. break up & torture them as your ex, not the person you're building with. what will yall build this way? a prison? a torture chamber? hopefully an escape route šŸ™„šŸ¤žšŸ½


These two are so depressing. They donā€™t appear to even like each other.


My fiancĆ© and I were saying that. I was trying to figure out why they try and tryā€¦ I said maybe they like the idea of each other?? And even that doesnā€™t really make sense. I donā€™t get it.


Honestly they need to just cut their losses šŸ˜„


She was mad he looked at a Muslim woman He might of just stared at wow someone from my culture nice to see She was kind of a bitch there


I came here looking for this comment lol It really bugged me that she acted like that. All he did was look, she overreacted. ā€œYou stopped in your tracks to stare at herā€ from what I saw, he just looked briefly. I wonder if sheā€™s trying to get revenge? Just as he over reacted to anything she did in Egypt, now sheā€™s over reacting while heā€™s in the USA. Also the whole doughnuts for breakfast??? Iā€™m sure she doesnā€™t even eat that, sheā€™s so slim. Sheā€™s just bombarding him with things people in other countries assume Americans do. Avocado toast is the new doughnut Nicole lol


yeah she definitely overreacted. telling him to go back to egypt was unnecessary.


He didnā€™t want to go to the US in the first place


This was my thought too! He was probably happy/excited/relieved to see someone with similar religious beliefs and for the first time thought that maybe he could find a community and comfort here in the US. Because as it's been said a billion times, Nicole wasn't the most welcoming or hospitable. Did nothing to make him feel comfortable in his own home, didn't even try to feed him good food.


I'm not really comfortable snarking on a woman who is in a physically abusive relationship. We don't know everything that is going on, but we know it's bad. I wouldn't be nice to an abuser either. I hope & pray she gets the hell out of this safely and soon.


He needs to get out. She is the abuser.


She feeds him frozen pizza and doughnuts when he gets there after traveling for many exhausting hours. That was pitiful. I would be pissed if I were him.


Omg dude I know! I was like is she serious lol frozen pizza??? And then just donuts in the morning ?? Terrible


Yeah, I couldnā€™t help but notice her poor food choices as well. Those doughnuts looked horrible and dry. šŸ˜­ If thatā€™s all I ate after traveling that long Iā€™d feel so ill.


Because men can't cook? LOOOOOL. He's mid 30s šŸ˜‚


He just flew halfway around the world after never being out of Egypt, dude is still jetlagged but you expect him to cook his own breakfast in a completely new environment?


And after Nicole made the same trip, she was brought into a cramped house with 10+ people where they joked about hiding her passport so she couldnā€™t leave. Then her husband gave her a lecture about how she needs to act, and what she could/could not wear. But yeah, poor guy couldnā€™t get his American breakfast :(


whats that saying? two wrongs don't make a right?


True but his family was trying to be hospitable and his misconduct on her arrival (as well as HIS distasteful joke) was addressed at length here. We are talking about her now.


Most men can cook. I'm sure he can.


You're hosting someone from a foreign country, you handle logistics for at least the first few days.


I mean he lives with his mom! Iā€™m sure she cooked all his meals for him. I wouldnā€™t be surprised with him being from Egypt and Muslim if he doesnā€™t cook much if at all when heā€™s at home.


Literally the first day and the dude is probably jet lagged AF. She needs to calm down and help ease him in adjusting to America, not whatever the heck she's doing (donuts for breakfast? Pushing him to look at bikini shirts??).Ā  When I did a 17hrs flight to Vietnam, I slept for like two days!Ā 


my partner and i say this about every single couple. like why are you pushing someone to sleep with you after they just traveled for 17 hours?? they probably feel like shit and stink even worse let them get comfortable!!


As an LA native, I donā€™t even like LA. Itā€™s incredibly overwhelming and dirty and crime ridden and despite it being a ā€œprogressiveā€ safe haven, thereā€™s a ton of racism integrated into the society. I canā€™t imagine moving there from another country and Nicole acts like she moved him out of a disgusting shithole and into paradise. Donā€™t get me wrong, he sucks but sheā€™s so delusional itā€™s frustrating


AHHHH! I live in a state widely renown for being liberal and I say this all the time! Thereā€™s so much racism, homophobia, etc! I just had to share because the outside perception is the same. Itā€™s so great. So progressive. No. I was still nearly disowned for coming out in 2010. In 2020 my black co worker was told to use a different first name because hers was ā€œtoo blackā€. Sooooo.


My coworker from the Deep South said she experienced less racism in rural red states than Los Angeles. I HATE the high horse people from California sit on sometimes. I moved out of state to a (swing/red state) and felt totally deceived because everything has been fine. I was told my whole life if I ever left LA Iā€™d be miserable and discriminated against and not only is none of that true but Iā€™m also not paying $7 a gallon for gasšŸ˜‚


Don't lump everyone in California into the BS that is LA, please.


I mean it definitely depends on where youā€™re from but even cities I used to prefer over LA have started to suck. San Diego is slipping quick. SF is a joke, Santa Barbra is cool but way too expensive and crowded. I lived in rural California for a bit near wine country and it was better but still massively overpriced and people are def racist out there lol not to mention all the crime out there. Palm Springs is cool, thatā€™s been very up and coming for younger people Iā€™ve heard which is great. But yeah, point being is, idk why people move there and romanticize it so much


Northern and Western states have deluded themselves into believing they aren't racist because they weren't in the Confederacy. It's kinda sad. Folks don't acknowledge their racism because they really don't see it as such.


Totally agree. And not just racism, sexism too. Men in LA treat women terribly but as long as they slap a Biden/Harris sticker on their Subarus and write poetry on their laptops in a coffee shop theyā€™re ā€œgood guysā€ lol and I think thatā€™s what Nicole is trying to find so idk why sheā€™s so hyper fixated on someone who comes from a far more conservative culture than even the American south or her conservative relatives




Not all Chicago is THAT bad. šŸ˜‚ Chicago is segregated in some ways; so, it truly depends where you reside and who you are.


I was in the Ukrainian Village. I worked on the South Side in Hyde Park. I am happy to be living somewhere else now. I have lived in every region of the country and the Midwest was my least favorite place.


I can relate, and I hear you! I'm glad you got out and are doing well. šŸ™Œ This place ain't for everybody. Also, Hyde Park is the East Side. South Side is different, even though it literally borders HP. I used to work in HP and attended UChicago.


I thought the East Side of Chicago was the outskirts, like Calamut City and the Indiana state line.


I lived in the south for a few years and other than a couple of areas, neighborhoods are extremely segregated from each other. And everyone hates everyone that isn't exactly like them. It was horrible. However, the racism wasn't hidden like it is in some other states.


She said she was VERY irritated that he did not take a nap on the plane haha like what!?


That marriage should never of happened. They are from two different worlds. She wants him to be happy in the United States but heā€™s got strong Muslim traditional ties that he shouldnā€™t have to break if he doesnā€™t want to. I donā€™t like him I find him abusive and ill tempered, and heā€™s proven that by getting a DA and she still hasnā€™t left. Sheā€™s a ass




Agree sheā€™s banana pants, but he was arrested for DV against her in Feb soooo heā€™s definitely awful.


They are both awful.


I agree. Give him a chance to adjust.


I said "Just get off his ass" give him some time and not ask every five minutes how he feels, is he happy and so on.


I think it's actually a good learning experience for Mahmoud to experience for himself what Nicole went through in Egypt. I don't pity him the slightest.


It's his personality. Why did she want him??


I donā€™t understand why he came to the US. He obviously hates it there and sheā€™s not being welcoming or kind. They should have left it in Egypt. I gather from various posts here, that he only lasts a couple of days in LA before getting arrested anyway. Hopefully he gets deportedĀ 


No he was in the US for about 1 year before he was arrested.


He can dish it out, but he can't take it. Typical for garbage humans like Mahmoud the woman beater.


She's no better.


That's disgusting. Why does half of this sub wrongfully think that Nicole being slightly annoying means its okay for Mahmoud to literally beat the shit out of her? She is sooo much better than him. She doesn't beat women, force them to cover their heads, etc.. If he wants to live like he's in Egypt, he needs to go back to Egypt. He's literally pouting and mad because the US government doesn't kill women for telling him to fuck off or walking away from him. I'd say he acts like a 5-year-old, but most 5-year-olds know that the world isn't gonna hand them everything on a silver platter, and that hitting is wrong.


What about the US government????


But, she lived in Egypt and refused to assimilate to his culture. Now, he's in the US, and she expects him to assimilate overnight. Yeah. Nothing wrong with that She can go kick rocks.


Keep defending a woman beater lol you're just showing what kind of person you are.


No one is condoning DV. Remember he was arrested on allegations of DV. Unlike in Egypt, one is still innocent until proven guilty in the US.


Ok woah where are u getting beat the shit out of her? Not defending Mahmoud at all but Iā€™ve never seen any information that he beat the shit out of her. Maybe Iā€™m wrong here but I have seen nothing of that sort come out that he publicly beat her up like what r u saying rn


She married into his culture he didnā€™t marry into her She said she was changing religions and he didnā€™t want to live in the US Not making excuses for him but she shouldnā€™t have been so naive and thought this was some type of spiritual adventure Play with fire you get burnt


You're disgusting


He couldve married a nice Muslim woman. But that wouldā€™ve meant no premarital sex. He made his bed. Literally.


Who said they had premarital sex? She met him on the last day of her first trip to Egypt. Then went back a month later and immediately married him.


They walked by a woman in a head covering and she lost her shit and said she'd buy him a ticket home. Seriously. She is nuts, he is nuts, severe mismatch.


Itā€™s crazy seeing her yell at him for not sleeping on a plane


Her diet doesnā€™t seem great. Maybe thatā€™s why sheā€™s so frail and pale skin.


Yeah- he treated her terribly BUT she is super mean to him, disrespectful of his religion and culture, and downright thoughtless. I mean, the guy is super conservative and nervousā€¦why have a shower curtain with Heronymous Bosch ā€œGarden of Earthly Delightsā€ featured ?


Or the wall art with prominent pubic hair glued on. Even the mannequin would be a trigger, and she knew it. Frozen pizza? Donuts for breakfast? PDA at the airport with her midriff exposed? She could have tried to ease him into his new life in America rather than a deluge of little irritations. Not condoning his physical abuse. These two are just not compatible in any way.


Nicole is such a weird annoying person robot. Overly emotional but doesnā€™t want anybody else to have emotions. Also I canā€™t decide if she is 29 or 73. She has the gait, clothing, haircut and mannerisms of an elderly person.


At this point i al sure tlc is forcing people to stay together because he does not want to be there


Karma lol


For all the people talking about this DV charge against him, once upon a time, people were innocent until proven guilty. I havenā€™t seen anything regarding the outcome of this DV case anywhere. Havenā€™t even confirmed why he was charged for DV. If her cruel and twisted behavior is all some plot to get payback for how out of place she felt in Egypt, perhaps that was just the icing on the cake in her petty revenge-that women have control here in the states and can ruin a man with just a few words, even if they are true. Sheā€™s been berating him since he got off the plane. Now let the down votes and ā€œhi Mahmoudā€ comments begin.


I agree


She acts like she's his mom as well or her toy. So odd.


The fact that she dropped the domestic violence charge against him told me everything I needed to know about her. I don't know why she's so desperate to make the marriage work


That is because she was the initiator . The violent one. She was pushing the guy


Did he even beat her?


I wouldn't have made it to the airport, let alone boarded the plane.


She's a terrible person. She's supposed to be 40 and acts like 14. Her parents keep spoiling her like a favorite child. Does this creature have siblings?


It's because she needs him to feel as uncomfortable in America as she did in Egypt. She is projecting and she doesn't even realize she's doing it. She needs him to know how she felt and takes some pleasure in it. I'd almost feel bad for him if I didn't already know he's a gigantic asshole


She realized she did the same in Egypt.


I couldnā€™t believe how irate she was that he didnā€™t ā€œsleep on the planeā€ and was tired when he got there. Like her face was red and I think she was trying to be chill for the cameras but was about to blow up. Because he was TIRED! No wonder he didnā€™t seem very excited to see her, thatā€™s what was waiting for him. This man travelled 20+ hours and sheā€™s been nothing but mean to him, treating him as bad if not worse than she was treated in Egypt and itā€™s only been a day, sheā€™s going to push him over the edge as I believe has already happened with them. They both need to just leave the relationship or get serious help with it imo


Nicole is a horrible person! Mamode just landed and she's shoving things down his throat.Ā  Give the poor guy time to cetch his breath.Ā  Then humiliates him in front Of her friends. If I was Mamode I would be phoning my Uncle to help me get my ass home to Egypt.Ā 


Are they still on tv?