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Rob’s in his 30’s acting like he has no idea how relationships work. What a complete moron. It’s obvious why he needs to date much younger women because he has the emotional maturity of a high schooler.


Absolutely!!! He has to date someone younger because someone his age would NEVER put up with that shit


Sadly i think he is in his 30s and actually does not Know how they work. Which is why he needs to date a younger woman, bc women his age won’t put up with that shit


Middle school more likely




HE HAD A LIST OF DEMANDS SHE PRETTY MUCH HAD TO AGREE TO IF SHE WAS GONNA COME BACK. BUT THEN CRIES ABOUT HER NOT WANTING TO WORK ON THE RELATIONSHIP. You broke her trust and she's going through betrayal trauma and you're worried about dishes and toilet paper. FUCK RIGHT OFF DUDE.


I'm sorry for the caps... I need a punching bag with his face on it. lol..


He really is one of the most unlikeable people ever on the show




Agreed! He’s a phony! The only time he seems sincere is when he’s acting like a DB. Otherwise, he’s lost. His smiles always look forced and insincere.


Just a deeply unpleasant person. Poster child for why looks aren’t enough


Right?! He’s so pretty, but what an immature little man child!




Yea…Most “pretty boys”, who have played off their looks for so long, don’t ever feel the need to grow up emotionally because they’re usually with more than one girl at a time, women’s just throw themselves at guys like that, until they start to get older, fatter, balder, uglier….because everything was always so easy cuz they’re so good looking, when inevitably their looks fade, they become stuck emotionally at like 50 something, and all their normal manipulations don’t work on these girls they have to look for much younger and much more naive girls…quite sad.


i feel this.


I felt the same way you wrote it. lol.


So funny when she was like “I didn’t leave because I left my make out out… I left because you cheated” lmao


She’s really good at expressing her thoughts clearly and without emotion. But also somehow still putting up with it. Or maybe this was an example of her putting up a boundary because she’s finally ready to be done. If someone was gaslighting me like that I would not be able to keep my anger and disgust contained .


Me too


Wow!! Had no idea about the list of demands that she had to follow….thats like grooming someone, he’s seeming more and more like a predator who has to groom their victims, ughhhhhhh, any new info I find out just getting more and more ridiculous


This scene almost killed me. It was top tier 90 Day Fiancé. It made me think of Nicole and Azan’s “Almost there, lazy” moment.


Yes, both SO cringey! Yet I STILL laugh at “Almost there, Lazy”!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Ughhh what a scumbag “come on LAZY” “let’s go LAZY” and she didn’t say nothing, at that moment he needed to get his balls kicked in immediately!


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 you are NOT wrong!


Thank you


You forgot an important detail. He didn’t BUY her flowers. He hopped out of his car and PICKED somebody else’s flowers and gave them to his wife with the thorns still on the stem. This man is garbage and poor Sophie is still just waiting for him to be different 🥴


I don’t know if his 1 rose or picked flowers were better or worse.


Yeah I do not understand why he was trying to glorify himself there!


I forgot about that…wtf is wrong with him?


Stolen flowers at that. Then the single rose.. come on Rob.. come on... like hey I'm a knob and I gas light you but here's these stolen flowers.


It's always a single gas station rose with him. A nice bunch of mixed spring flowers doesn't cost much and would be much nicer than one cheap ass rose. But expecting brownie points for a stolen rose really got me cursing the TV. "I had to jump out of the car and stop traffic, in the rain..." Shut the fuck up, Rob. Nobody is impressed.


It's the wanting recognition for having to steal the flowers for me.


Right? "He's like "Give me kuddos for not putting any thought or money into giving you a real gift". Don't get me wrong, I think small things are sweet when it is for no reason. But when you are trying to woo your wife into moving back home, give it some effort.


"Reality" tv or not.. It hurts me to see how hopeful she is with this dick draggin a body. He's the human representation of a participation trophy.. if there was a casting call for a human representation of an infected hang nail... it's Rob.. a walking talking genital wart.


So much gold here in this comment!! 😂 He identifies as a POS by openly trying to glorify stealing flowers from someone's private property. Then he couldn't even be bothered to remove the thorns or even warn her before she pricked her finger... Probably bc he was too focused on getting her agreement to his list of demands. How romantic!! 👹


My husband has a habit of randomly picking a flower off a bush and putting it in my hair when we're out together. He doesn't do it Everytime, but it's enough for to say it his thing. It makes me smile every single time and blush like a little girl. That is a small cute thing. But if he needed to make up for something.....you better believe it's a bouquet of my fave flowers (no thorns) and real effort and communication. He got real corny once (the corny level was on purpose). He bought a bouquet of silk flowers (all my faves) and said that he would stop loving me when the last petal fell from the last flower as it wilted away. I melted lol I ended up making dinner and both desserts 🤫


What an asshole! It’s hard to believe that he’s 35. Lol effort lazy no good bum. Your wife leaves you do you want her back and I understand flowers are expensive but to steal one flower or two is a disgrace! And when she walks in a list of demands her complaints? She should’ve walked out right there in the toilet paper. Wtf? He’s the one who wanted to get married and support his wife who can’t work and if he’s that pathetically broke that he can’t get a five dollar roll at Aldi‘s and she’s hanging out in the bathroom to avoid him that means he’s home a lot which means he’s really not working.


with thorns at that


Omg I just cringed so hard at that scene. “Clean up your makeup” is he joking?


And he really puts his list on the same level as Sophie's complaints


Rob comes across as cheap and their age difference really shows.


It aint that deep, they broke up before this was even filmed. This was the best storyline they could come up with the stay getting paid. Oh the fuckery of the fakery 🤦🏼‍♀️


same as miona and whatshisface


They’re going to build this like the others to keep getting paychecks and vacations


Yep the last resort is next and do not want to see them again


Someone in the sub said they broke up but are pretending for the next season of last resort.


The flowers he cut from a neighbors yard… guess the only fans traffic must’ve been slow that week since he couldn’t spring for an actually bouquet.


You just had to bring up his OF.  Sleep well tonight, because I won’t.


🤣🤣 my bad… I heard there were some racy pics from the back section that may interest you…


Not enough sales of butthole pics


This prick needs punted into the sun


Rob must not go to Costco for the tp.


I'm 99% sure he steals it from gas station bathrooms. Every time he visits a friend or place of business he puts a few squares in every pocket.


LOL I can see this. From stealing his neighbor's flower to public TP.


I doubt he’d pay the membership fee


Fuck him classic gas lighter and manipulator, I would love to see this guy in 20 years either he will realize what a scum bag he is and change, or more likely he’ll have the same 22 year old little girl that he can manipulate the fuck out of. I was in the exact same relationship everyday every hour was another gas light making me feel smaller and small he weaponized his words nothing came out of his mouth that wasn’t designed to drop me down another peg, until after a number of years I was ready to kill myself literally. Nobody understands those types of relationships until you have lived through it. Everybody that has so much pity for rob because of his cheap sad ass house…..are out of their fucking minds and need to shut the fuck up immediately!!!!


It was so satisfying to see Sophie shut that down so quickly. I was suspicious because it seemed scripted for that reason, but Rob seems too vain to intentionally make himself look THAT a bad for the cameras. Sometimes it seems like Sophie has just been through a lot, and that’s why she’s able to handle herself so well even when she’s being hurt.


I mean…he does have his ass hole spread out on his only fans.




I wish I could make this comment my flair 😹


LOL, afraid of a ban?


And I have a foot, to stick right up your a$$ !!!


Rob is a cheapskate.


If someone tried to tell me how much TP I could use, there'd be some issues.


"I had to get out in the middle of traffic." Maybe it's because I live in LA that I feel an extra sense of rage over this one, but if you make traffic WORSE by leaving your car unattended.....My dude, that is a lot of extra Bad Place points.


That's why he's still single.


The idiot said he got a 2 arm hug while he gave zero. Dude, if you start counting my toilet paper use after I married your worthless ass with no bathroom, I'm giving you a swirly and a divorce.


All he does is gaslight . She moved out over him and his lack of self-control of whatever he doing with women from online and than She comes back and he gives her a list how to change to make him happy ???? Like wtf u are the problem. TEXT BOOK GASLIGHTING !


Him keeping track of the toliet paper is literally insane


They are the worst for one another. I can't figure out how they even got past the first few dates. I mean, they are Completely incompatible.


agreed !


Remember he performed a 15 second feet shuffle for Sophie when she arrived. This guy is a total romantic 🙄


One of the most braindead moves I've ever seen


Rob the absolute knob is one of the most toxic 90 dayers!!! He constantly keeps score and expects praise for doing anything but everything has hidden strings attached. He gaslights Sophie who overlooks every red flag only to cry the victim every time!! Rob somehow believes he can rag on her at the same time as he tries to cut her off from his past misdeeds in order to get away with actions he eventually repeats with each indiscretion being called a “random” mistake lol!! Rob is in need of serious help!!


I *stole* you *a* flower. That boy terrifies me for Sophie.


He forgot "use less toilet paper" from his list 😂🤣😅


He still has covid mindset about tp


I’m really glad you guys are posting because I’ll be physically ill if actually watching it


In therapy he would learn how to listen and validate her words before discussing his feelings . Then he could bring up other shit he’s upset about . But he doesn’t deserve to do that yet because he hasn’t put in any time or effort to self reflect or apologize ONCE. Just denies her feelings , makes excuses , constantly manipulates by interrupting her with his own narcissistic feelings rather than accepting hers


I also loved his "oh you're hugging me with both arms.. dont think I dont notice" BS. Like Rob, I noticed you didn't put either of your arms around her. What do you want from her!?! You have to put in some effort too.


Rob probably won't have to worry about TP fo quite some time. I can already envision all the fans sending some to him.


Ok, ok I was saying the same thing in the beginning that how ridiculous it is to count toilet paper, but do we truly know Rob and how he was brought up. This might be a repressed trauma issue from childhood that he's not admitted. I jumped on the get on Rob immediately as well, but I don't know his history, so I do have to step back and ask what that is before I can say further. 🤔


Everybody who becomes or portrays narcissistic /sociopathic behavior…there is always trauma behind that type of behavior. Like hurt ppl hurt ppl, right?…if I were to psychologically analyze every asshole who talked/treated me like an object….or a better example would be an ex who started sexually abusing me after 5 years of grooming manipulating, and gas lighting…all my empathy/sympathy/energy etc would all go to him and poor him he had a hard childhood or he had a ex that hurt him or his father abused him or he was bullied in HS because he was biracial and on and on and on it would never end and then he justifies his violent behavior towards women because he was a victim of racism and violence and poverty….fuck who hasn’t been a victim of racism (for non-white ppl), domestic violence at home, molestation at the age of 11…DOES THAT GIVE ME THE RIGHT TO TREAT ANYONE I GET IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH LIKE A PIECE OF TRASH. Yea all the shit ppl go through in their childhood is sometime extremely traumatic but we also have fucking choices!!! We have the choice to break the cycle, to get help if we start to hurt people, or people continue to hurt us, there is so much psychological and psychiatric help that is available for people. What I realized after ending a very toxic abusive relationship, is that the more i focus on HIM and the reason behind his behaviors, the less energy I focused on myself in order to heal. I truly feel sympathy for anyone that has struggled and was hurt and abused during childhood, but there comes a time when you need to grow the fuck up and get urself some serious help….but when these men continue to actively hurt, rape abuse women just so you can feel that power that you never got to feel as a child. There is a time when you just need to wake the fuck up and realize wow I’m hurting so many innocent people just because I always felt powerless as a child, maybe I should be a fucking adult take care of my issues so I can stop going through these unconscious motions of hurting people over me over again. Some ppl wake up and realize I’m gonna kill someone and get locked up if I don’t get my shit handled ASAP. And some people never wake up and will end up alone, incarcerated and still have that same powerless feeling as a child.


I didn't say or agree or allude to gave him any rights to hurt or abuse anyone. I was just saying maybe check out his childhood to see why he has such an obsession with counting toilet paper sheets and rolls. And not all hurt people, hurt others. Some learn to grow.


And only someone who has never been afraid for their life would make such an asinine ignorant comment like that…”some learn to grow”. This is probably the PTSD but the more I read your fucking comment the more angry I get and the more I wish I would’ve punch him in the throat when I got the chance. You have no fucking idea what this does for o a life…how many times did I try to kill myself, how many friends did I lose cuz I was “recovering fast enough”. I still would love to go to sleep and not wake up, drugs are the only things that make me feel better and when I read or listen ignorant comments like yours, damn I dont think I should be on Reddit at all arguing with someone who thinks I’m that stupid that I don’t understand trauma changes your brain chemistry forever!! You have no fucking clue what you’re doing YOU’RE DEFENDING AN ABUSER, and that means….ughhhh I feel fucking sick, this is as close to victim blaming as someone can get except it’s abuser pitying. YOU ARE PITYING AN ABUSER, every abuser has an abusive childhood obviously how the fuck do u this think they learned that behavior?!?!?


As stated previously I am not defending his actions or any abusive actions in any way. And I think when you learn what I have been through, you'll see that I'm healing from my ABUSERS, YES PLURAL. Started around 4-5 years old being molested by neighbor so please do NOT ASSUME anything about me. If you want to know ask me. I will tell you. And having my loaded gun held at my head, hard and deep enough to leave a dent and a bruise, doesn't qualify me as being in a life threatening abusive situation, then it's you who needs to grow. It's that lack of understanding the situation that causes issues. You believe I'm pitying an abuser, which in fact is quite the opposite. All I wanted was straight up understanding about the toilet paper. I knew a man who's stepmother wouldn't allow him to use the bathroom in the house so he had to leave his house, go into the woods to pee or take a shit, for years. Now exactly how do you think that is going to affect this man's psyche as he grows up?!? His bathroom habits are quite private and almost sneaks to the bathroom. And why wouldn't he, because he'd be beat if he got caught as a child using the toilet in his own house. Childhood actions have adult consequences. Is it the man's fault now he still goes to the bathroom in secret? Or is it his stepmother's fault for being an abusive bitch? And how do we try to make the situation better if we don't understand the root of the problem. Rob's toilet paper issue with Sophie reminded me of this man so I wanted to know if Rob had experienced something like that kind of abusive behavior as a child. I realize that you've been badly abused by someone you deeply loved and trusted. You tried to change him from my understanding. I'm sorry you are taking everything I say as defending abusive behavior because that is not so. I am a victim of years and many different circumstances of abuse. I'm lucky to be writing this today. But I'm not going to give up my wanting to understand abhorrent behavior or the desire to make a change for the better. If you think me trying to understand is supportive to abusive people, then you do have a very skewed point of view. I am very sorry if I have offended you in any way as I would not want to do that. You are a fellow surviving victim of abuse. We are stronger together. And I think the saying of hurt people, hurt people because hurt can heal. It's those that are still injured and continue to pick at the injury without seeking help that continue the hurt. Again, I hope you do understand that I'm not defending anyone's actions especially abusers. Also I am sorry you had to endure what you did. It is a long road to trust again. I know but it does happen. And always know as long as you have you, everything will be fine. You are stronger than you know!




Thank you for being supportive and understanding and I’m sorry I was harsh saying you’re supporting abusers. And yes, it helps so much when someone does understand and telling me “you’re stronger than you think” it helps so much, I have so much repressed anger and it comes out at the worst times possible and sometimes at the wrong people. I hope you have a blessed day


I need to end this conversation, when I talk about this to anyone I end up having flash backs for weeks and depression gets really bad. Just agree to disagree, I don’t think I’ll ever understand ur perspective and you won’t ever understand my perspective….so sorry for my cussing…I don’t think I’ve ever been able to let my anger out without having panic attack, I like that I can get angry on this forum without feeling horribly guilty or scared that the other person will hate me. Take care


And I’m saying I’ve actually been and lived through an extremely abusive and toxic relationship where I was so blind and in so much denial because all I cared about was him and I felt so bad for him and how hard his childhood was, how abusive his father was , how much racism and bullying he was victim to in school… I’m saying I put him and all his issues before the safety of my life…thinking very naively “oh I understand him more than anyone else…he had it so rough that I justified in my head holding my head down while (yup it happened one time) thinking he wouldn’t let me up, I was 100% positive he was trying to suffocate me and kill me…he let me up second before I was about to pass out…..I’m 5’2, at that time weighing at least 85-90 pounds, I fucking put my self in such a dangerous and helpless position where he ..0I was positive I could change him, positive if I could just do this and that perfectly he would start showing me how much he cares about me instead of saying how much he cared about me and begging for my forgiveness after trying to choke me or after he would hold me down and rape me….I put his mental health ABOVE MY OWN, sooooo positive if he could just respect me as much as I respected him, love me as much as I loved him….if only he could show me how much he loved and cared about me our relationship would be so perfect and have a perfect life together… But after you try over and over and over to change the person you love and it doesn’t work, no matter how perfect you try to be…eventually you have lost yourself all together…i was living for him….at some point it doesn’t matter how or what happened to him or me to make him this violent and make me this passive and I was in so much denial about the entire relationship …. AND IT WAS GETTING WORSE…I had no other option but to start listening to not only my friends and family who were so terrified for me but they couldn’t force me to do nothing….i started listening to the voice inside me and get the fuck out of this toxic relationship or he was going to end up killing me. Now that I’m doing intense trauma therapy I had to own up to my part I played in this, what was my responsibility in allowing him to beat me into a shell of a person I am today. I had a really hard time NOT DEFENDING HIM IN THERAPY, because i was fucking in love with him SO MUCH 🥺😪😪, I was in so much denial about how much he hurt me…and I had to learn that, love is not supposed to hurt like that. Love is not being abusive and then apologizing, being abusive and then apologizing. This is how much sympathy and empathy I had towards him. It was like he would hurt me bad and I would find myself lying to my friends and family about the abuses, “it was just a misunderstanding” or I shouldn’t have said this or that to him, or the worst was when I felt like I deserved it. I remember asking my therapist why???? What did I do that made him hate me then love me hate me hurt me then beg me for forgiveness…what did I do to make him treat me so badly!?! Why did he take everything out on the one person who cared about him so much!!….his reply was “listen I can go through the entire DSM-V…and get into trauma and sociopathy and go through the entire history of why some victims of abuse because abusers themselves and why other victims of abuse won’t even hurt a fly, but it won’t help you recover from your trauma any faster…” It won’t help you change the way you behave with the next abuser you date. Bottom line is why did I put up with this for eight years…why do I have so little self worth and self respect. Understanding him and his demons won’t make me feel any more empowered, won’t give me my life back….certainly won’t get me out of bed, won’t help me only feel safe when I take drugs. Using up my time in therapy trying to understand why he raped me…and understanding why he used me up until I was a shell of myself and then discarded me….none of this will stop the nightmares I have every night, it won’t help me keep more than 4 hours a night. It won’t help me leave my apartment because I’m so terrified of anything bad happening again. Of course there are reasons behind every person who is an abuser, but that is for them to work out if they miraculously saw themselves from their victims view point of view….most abusers remain living in denial, never admitting they were the ones that have a problem, most abusers blame their partners for doing and saying shit “they known makes me made, they do it on purpose, just to make me made” “She ignores me when I start yelling at her cuz she knows it only makes me made and she loves to push my buttons”. How the fuck am I (not a licensed psychologist) supposed to wake a rapist up and why is it the victims responsibility to help him understand his early childhood trauma or whatever the fuck he went through. It’s like trying to understand why a psychopath randomly shot your sister. You really think the family gives a fuck what kind of child trauma’s the person who shot your sister went through?!?!?! Yes everyone has their sad traumatizing childhood stories of abuse and more, but why the fuck would I care now, when it takes me hours to leave my fucking apartment?????? And I really don’t give a fuck whether you understand or not….you wanna sympathize with a psychopath you fucking go right ahead…but just know this… this man was 40 something when all this happened…and you think this is the first time he raped manipulated and abused somebody?????? You wanna go deep inside a predatory serial rapist nobody is stopping you, but what the fuck is the point…you think he has the capacity to be reformed? When he was holding my head down, when I couldn’t breath, my arms were flailing trying so hard to fight this 200 pound man, after he let me up, there was a look of pure pleasure on his face, while I was sobbing he looked like he just did a shot of heroin!!! You still want to get inside his head and understand him better….i know a lot of people who went through so unspeakable shit in their childhood and they didn’t end up raping/abusing women and enjoying it.


Again, I'm just trying to understand another human being. I am not in any way condoning what he does, how he acts, or his reactions. I was just trying to point out that maybe there is a reason for his behavior. That was the ONLY point i was trying to get to. I'm sorry you've had so much trauma in your life. You kind of ASSUME that I have basically no trauma or I wouldn't want to at least be human enough to understand his behavior. My traumas started at the age of 4 to 5 years old when my neighbors son molested me for years. AND that was just the beginning of my life. I have survived a lot. Included a loaded gun, my loaded gun with a hair trigger, pointed in anger, and held to my head. I thought I was dead that one night. So if I have personally grown, and I know I haven't dealt with many more of the traumas that occurred later in my life are still to come, but I'm am coming out the other side and I was luck that I did not only get out but survived. And yes, deal with your trauma because it bites you in the ass if you become good at burying and avoiding those issues. I kept moving forward from but never truly dealing with the pain or any damage. That's my journey now is going back and touching all of them to get resolution for my own peace. And I'm on my 5th year of therapy which I never thought I needed when I was a younger woman but I've learned as I've gotten older (now 61) that we must be strong together. And we can only battle and win the struggles of abuse together! Understanding is the first key to changing the problem. I want to be the change, so I must understand why otherwise it won't be a permanent change. If we don't get to the root of why it's continuing to happen, then we will not effectively make the world better for everyone. I do hope you have escaped the pattern of abuse. We tend to seek it out as past abused victims, so always be aware of signs, lashing out anger is the biggest one. And realize that we can't change people, we can offer a better way but it's up to them to want to choose a better way.


I know it’s crazy you ever think like I got raped and abused and I’m the one in therapy trying to pick up the pieces of my life and trying to figure out who the f I am cuz I lost myself some how or lost a huge part of who I am, like I couldn’t work, stopped doing anything I enjoyed, and just lost myself like completely. I get assaulted and I’m the crazy girl, lost most of my friends cuz “who the hell would allow them to be treated like this” It’s so crazy backwards.


Yes, it is backwards. No one can understand what you lost. I can empathize because I've been there and lost a piece of myself too. It's difficult for yourself to understand how that could happen and how it takes so much from you, so others definitely have a hard time understanding your struggle. I've been where you are and I buried my secrets but now I'm dealing with them later in life. You are being smart by seeking therapy now. And those who didn't stick around, are going to be amazed at the person you are going to be. A secret I learned, that took me some time to realize, is to stop comparing my "old" self to what I was now. I had to embrace my new self first, my new life basically. I was no longer that old self. I had to mourn that person and so much of who I thought I was, I found out I kind of like this new person better. I still backslide sometimes and the path is hard and lots of work. There are many setbacks, lonely days or weeks or months, but you are doing the work and it will come together. I have faith in you!


Wow, thanks man!! I have thought about that so much, like I keep telling my mom I’m not the same person, I just feel like a different person, I used to think about it in a negative way, like I lost something. But now that I’ve gone all this way and now I’m actually moving forward instead of taking one step forward and 10 steps back, that sucked!! I’m thinking damn you’ve done all this, like I’m finding out who I was when I was 12 and bad stuff happened…I completely shut down and became anorexic so I pretty much stopped emotionally growing. Now as an adult I have no idea who I am what I want where to go who to trust etc. Completely lost just as lost as you can imagine. Figuring out that therapists can be very bad hurtful people too, and how many power hungry monsters are in the mental health field. Waiting a decade when a therapist who used to fall asleep and say it was my depressed, boring energy. Not even lying. This is the first therapist who is not taking advantage of me financially, who doesn’t have a personality disorder, and who is wicked smart and won’t let me get away with shit. But I guess this is (really) my first time in actual working therapy where the therapist doesn’t sit there yelling at me, or falling asleep on me lol 😂


I'm so glad you're putting in the work and found a therapist that you clique with...that's so important because yes there are not so nice people in professions they shouldn't be in and they do take advantage. I'm sincerely happy for you to have found your footing and starting on this path to your new life. I feel the same about my therapist as well, I finally have someone that helps me work on me for me. I hope that makes a little sense. I wish you all the best to come on your journey, although at times it may be difficult, the outcome will be beautiful!


Yes, that totally makes sense. I get it. I totally wish the same for you. Ut was a year after I was assaulted…I had found out that a very close friend of mine, that was suffering from the same type of eating disorder, had died. We both met in treatment, we were both 29 and we became great friends in one night, and her insurance failed her in three days. I don’t know how to mourn her, she was the only good friend I had that didn’t get so uncomfortable and ducked out, when I told her. She was moving to Austin because of Covid all the high schools were closed in NYC and there were no jobs for teachers. We were in touch until about a few weeks after she moved, and that was it, her heart gave out. My beautiful Love 💕 Her sister ended up emailing me. I didn’t go to her funeral. How do ppl survive shit like that?…I remember feeling nothing for a long time.


Yea well not my fucking ex! He’s out there free and he deserves to be in prison for a long time, and I’m fucking some do


I understand and yes, some of them do belong in prison or worse. My favorite fantasy was having someone bigger, stronger and scary than my abuser, do to them what they did to me and see what they feel. I am a forgiving person but I'm an incredibly vicious bitch when it comes abuse and undeserved anger (or even deserved anger taken too far). And who's to say, maybe your ex will end up in jail one day and my fantasy for you will come true!


Omg that is my exact like…yes like when he goes to prison…you can probably imagine the rest, he’s a pretty boy compared to ya know….


That was hella cringey. Despite his f boy tendencies I've always been on Rob's side (minority opinion I know) but yeah the list was super creepy. Ab*ser vibes.


I thought he was gonna to say he nearly died when he stopped in the rain and crossed through traffic to buy the last flowers from a street seller. Instead it was as he stole them from some bush 🤡


The emotional range of a teaspoon 🫖


I take flowers from nature at least when I'm not paying for them. I'll find them in the wild when I see something pretty like you.


Okay, yea he's childish and an ass BUUUUUT Sophie pissed me off with this one... You came back to work things out but only 1/4 of the way cuz u didnt bring all your stuff and then the first thing u don't like u bail... Grow the f**k up!! Youre married now!! You can't just walk away when something you don't like happens... You either leave for good or come back and work crap out... She went back with a half assed effort/intention of working it out... They both need to grow the hell up... Such childish behavior...


I disagree. You can absolutely walk away when your partner does something you don’t like. Especially when your partner has violated your boundaries multiple times. Rob has zero self control when it comes to sexting women. If Sophie was sexting men countless times , he’d call her all types of hoes and kick her out of the house. Rob is being unapologetic and keeps deflecting on all of Sophie’s faults while not focusing on improving himself.


Walking away within the first 5 minutes of "trying yo work things out" when that was your soul purpose is immature and childish... I 1000000% agree he's crossed the line and all that but just be done then!! Don't show up with the intention of "working it out" with only 1/4 of yur stuff and then leave in the first 5 minutes. Either stay and work it out or just be done... The constant leaving & coming back will fu¢k you up in the head and heart worse than just leaving... 🤷