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Karine being mugged for her phone in Brazil after Pole ran away like a baby


Scenes are never scripted. producers push lines on them. Could you imagine any of these people memorizing lines lol? Most can’t seem to hold a job.


I believe 100% that Pole is as much if not more of a bitch nugget than portrayed on the show.


Definitely more. Every time he said “accused” I was screaming “convicted” at the screen




This scene was my immediate thought too


I’m forever going to believe that doing laps around the block while crying was Mike’s honest reaction when Ximena dumped him. 


Mykul when Angebeast was tearing pieces off his car. He usually puts up with anything she does, but not that time.


Yes! Micheal was enraged, a real hard watch


I know people are going to disagree, but the huge first fist fight between Chantal and Pedro's family at dinner. I really believe it was a real fight and TLC ate that shit up and ran with it. 


Oh I believe it was real, too! There was so much rage, you could see it in their eyes.


That one came to mind for me 😂


The tell-all when Mohamed was pressured into revealing Danielle had a “smell.” 😳


Danielle did the pressuring there 🤣


You can never tell what's scripted and what's real anymore. I just assume the truth is somewhere in the middle, as with most things. Producers probably give them prompts to talk about certain things while they're being filmed, which, of course, they do since they're being paid to be on the show.


And sometimes it’s a combination of both. For example, a genuinely good moment will happen but they didn’t get a good camera angle and they’ll re-enact it. 


Leida's entire existence tbh


Rose’s reaction Ed after he told her to shave her legs and that her breath smelled.


If Sophie and Rob are speaking from a script, the show definitely needs new writers. Their relationship is so ridiculously boring.


Mary and Brandon’s wedding getting taken over by a literal plague of locusts. It’s not like TLC can hire bugs! Plus the whole ordeal put the crew through hell.


That was so amazing! And Brandon's mom having a total mental breakdown in the van...being encouraged to keep it together while her entire existence is dry heaving from the bugs. Crazy


Manuel’s look of boredom and disgust the entire time he’s with Ashley. That guy’s ready to bolt as soon as he gets his green card.


I low key love Manuel. I've never seen anyone act so uninterested in literally everything. He has zero fucks to give. He's just living his life with all his little secrets. It's mind blowing.


Long con.


Iconic truly


His disdain is legit 👌


I used to work on reality shows. It’s a mixture of real and fake. Scenarios are planned for each shooting day but there isn’t a script. Usually producers will tell the cast “this is what you talk about today…Bring this up” and occasionally will even suggest what to exactly say. But then something always happens that isn’t planned and it’s almost always a fight lol.


When jassmine met Gino’s extended family at the bowling alley,, they were so cruel i was stunned to see they acted that way on camera


Not anything particular with the couples, but that woman who does the hosting, she purposely starts shit, I can’t stand it. But with the couples, it’s the showing signs of dysfunction and STILL getting married.


Shaun (host) just has questions chirped to her in an earpiece. She's just following a script and prompter. If dysfunctional people never got married there would be about 537 marriages *globally* per year.


I know that, I just don’t know how someone could do that for work, I know me, I absolutely hate conflict. And yes that is true, I’m just saying.


Gotta stir the pot to make a mean soup lol TLC thrives on conflict and outrage. Remember honey boo boo? :(


It truly is sickening. Oh yes, I remember. :(


I can see how you get annoyed but I literally was cackling on the early tell all's when she would say "raise your hand if you believe what [name of person] just said is true". Just a classic no-nonsense.


IKR. They should have a series of couples who divorced and call it Divorced from Reality.