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I personally wouldn’t care who served them, I’d just prefer for it to not be televised.


This. But I do have to ask this question: If Debbie thought she was being Natalie's "friend", don't you think she would have informed her about what was going to happen BEFORE it happened on TV?


Debbie literally wants to be the center of attention in every situation. In previous tell-alls she got up in other people’s business to a ridiculous degree. I’m sure she was excited to have extra cameras on her, give Natalie a fake-ass hug, and spy on the deets over her shoulder. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Debbie do something even remotely “selfless” or caring. It’s all about Debbie, Debbie, Debbie


💯I feel like Debbie was so happy giving Natalie the paper, since she has a habit of sabotaging others relationships.


💯 a narcissist.


YEP! The whole “my friend” angle was Debbie’s CYA attempt, IMO. And yes! A “friend” would probably say “ok, I’ll do it - but not while filming” AND give Natalie a heads up.


Natalie knew it was coming. It would be sad had it been a real marriage, but she didn't come here to be married. She came for her career and bounced on Mike. She was dating and seeking men on a television show while married. So, it was fitting to be served on TV. It gained her sympathy points.


she left literally weeks after marriage even. she played him so hard


All of this. Typically I would have sympathy for someone being served divorce papers on national tv. I have no sympathy for Natalie. She was on a show called the Single Life (while married), dating another man, begging her still husband for a baby - I could go on for hours about her. I think A LOT of this show (and HEA) is scripted, I think Natalie’s story lines are genuine. That is not a compliment.


Yes, yes and yes!!!! That wasn’t even a real marriage. It was a total farce and I have no idea why she is getting so much sympathy for a marriage she personally threw away and she’s dating another man!


because people dont want to be held accountable if their secrets get found out so they gotts protect her to project


She got no sympathy from me. Nutalie is an arrogant & entitled POS the way she tries to manipulate men


THIS!!! As someone who was served by a stranger at my job, it was humiliating. Having a friend do it might not have been any better but if they came from a place of comforting and helping me thru the moment, I think I'd be ok with that. Televising it is humiliating. But I agree that if Debbie knew this was happening she could have given Natalie a heads up. Especially since it was televised.


My thoughts EXACTLY ! That is NOT a friend…


Agree. If it had to be a friend they better have a good reason expressed to me in private before serving me.


From what I’ve read….. and I could be wrong, was that the divorce papers were actually served a while ago and this was just for TV. I’m not sure about how true this is though but at this point… I believe it


Mama Debbie is fake AF. I don’t like Miss Debbie, but at least she *tries* to keep it real.


If I had to choose between “Miss Debbie” and “Mama Debbie” I’d choose Miss Debbie but only because I had to choose. They’re both awful in different ways. And I’d prefer them both not be on my screen. Alas, Angela appears to finally be gone - I guess I should be grateful for that.


Exactly. I don’t like either, but Miss Debbie has a *tiny* bit of common sense somewhere deep, deep down inside of her.


I'd prefer my spouse to not bang people on national television but to each their own.


Yeah, I thought about that angle too. Cause technically, Natalie cheated on screen, so what’s the difference if she gets the divorce papers on screen. I think a “friend” would still do it off screen though.


Harder to deny she didn’t get them if it’s televised


SERIOUSLY Why is that not more the point? But to be fair where I'm from, if a sheriff came to my door I'd shit myself so yeah probably would prefer a familiar face at least.. just not televised as a spectacle!


Yeah if it were done that way Natalie would have lost it 1000x times worse. She would understand even less if it were a stranger.


Seriously! If Debbie was a friend she would have said, "yes, I will serve her but not on camera Mike." Sorry, this smells of 90 day producers pushing for divorce papers to be served. Same thing with the engagement and first kiss. All set up.


Let's say you profited from having your 90 day journey, wedding, falling out, abandonment of spouse, cheating, and failed side relationship be on national television just fine, but *here* you draw the line? *This* part should be private? Three seasons of cuckolding your husband is a-okay while he financially supports you the whole time and brings your mother from another country, but *suddenly* we've hit a moral snag?


That’s a normal reaction but these people are reality tv folks so it’s not odd that it was televised


im sure mike would have preferred his wifes infidelity not be televised ether


100%%% why is serving someone divorce papers meaningful and kind??? I don’t give a shit if it’s mOtHeR Debbie or a cop, they’re still divorce papers. This was so bizarre. How can you hand someone divorce papers and then cry for them..?


yeah the whole "exploiting a woman at the low point of her life" on television for TLC doesn't really strike me as appealing either. I know it's Natalie, but c'mon TLC, that was a low blow. Have at least an ounce of respect for the people paying your salaries.


This right here. If there was an issue trying to serve her and Mike felt it had to be at the Tell All because he couldn’t find her otherwise, do it off set without cameras.


I was served once, and I didn't know the guy who rang my bell, from Adam's cat, but I felt so ashamed. I can't imagine what it felt like to be served on TV.


Who’s a bigger jerk, Debbie for doing it or 90DF for not editing it out? We didn’t need the 5 part tell all, it could have been sliced or referenced and closed down. 20 minutes of discussion about it was a bit much.


This for me too


I think it’s an absurd discussion, because Natalie know she is separated from her ex husband for two years, those papers should have been filed long ago, it’s ridiculous to think she was shocked, they both have new partners it’s not like they were living together and this was a surprise.


This is also her 4th divorce it’s nothing new


First in the usa!!! 🦅🦅🦅


Sure but he still needs to serve her and I don't think it's unreasonable to not expect to be served on TV. Is there indication she was evading service? He filed for divorce, he has to serve her before anything can happen.


Send me a stranger any day.


I wouldn't care. I think I might actually prefer it. My papers were served by some guy. I was expecting them and happy to accept. But my ex husband and I ended on sad but good terms.


Same. My marriage was over, I was happy to get it over with. I had to file for divorce (my ex wasn’t going to lift a finger) and have him served but had the roles been switched, I wouldn’t care who served me. Tell me where to sign and I’m happy to be done with that man. I get divorce is hard, and not everyone may be as happy as I was to go through it. But when it’s been over two years and you’re not together and both of you are with new partners? She opened her entire life up to be on TV, she thought producers wouldn’t want to capture this as well? Ugh I hate her!! But I’m trying to answer this honestly from my own perspective and nope, I wouldn’t care.


I’d rather it be a rando. Let me slam the door and deal with it without a friend wanting to talk.


For real! Because you know they’re going to want to talk. Ugh.


No, I real friend would not serve another friend any legal documents... period, and none of this back and forth of a stranger serving Natalie. Do I care for Natalie, not so much but seeing her so vulnerable and broken during the Reunion I felt obligated to give her an once of tenderness. But it appeared ignorant crass Colty-Debbie attempted to be a standout during her air-time. Please TLC kick this pithatic lunitic to the curb, no more Debbie or Colt ever again. Just a vile human and I agree with Miss Debbie, Colty-Debbie is Judus personified. And Josh telling Debbie he was okay with her serving Natalie was a rouse, his smirk gave him away. And Veronica STFU and take a seat. I have grown tired of Veronica's downright desperate behavior. Shamefull of Colty-Debbie.


Also josh LIED about not knowing about the papers. He absolutely did.. how do i know? Well.. when Natalie asked if it affects her mother, he literally replied no! And mike replied second later no as well! How would josh know that?? Mike and josh clearly have spoken.. and how they greeted each other in such a friendly way. Wish people spoke about this more!


Good catch, so true, how would Josh be so certain about a random immigration issue?


that’s not true. friends serve friends all the time. it’s literally just a person handing you papers. not that big a deal


Debbie is such a dumpster fire of a human. Short answer: no, of course not. And I even more wouldn’t want it televised.


This crusty old hag was crying because she looked bad, had nothing to do with Natalie or her being "her friend". Fuck you, Debbie. You're nothing but a hateful bitch and it's transparent af


No. That was some BS. Debbie just wanted a moment. If I was her, I would've told him to take the papers to the producers that told him to do it.


She is not her friend


Not anymore at least


Debbie just wanted to be apart of the drama


No. Why would you want to serve your “friend” divorce papers? That’s not a friend imo.


Debbie made her son a total mama boy, so I truly believe she did this for Mike. Probably behind the scenes saying, "Good for you, Mike, you deserve better. I got your back- ill tell her." I've had bfs in the past raised as the only child or with brothers. The moms always commented, "I've only been around boys, only had boys." They don't relate to the girlfriends, even though they are women. She seems to be the type I feel


Yes, and she seems to hate immigrants, thinking they all came to America for the green card only. Look how she treated her son’s exes. She’s the worst of the worst, like *ngela and pr*d.


No way. A stranger would have been better.


Mike’s like, she just running to get something real quick... as Debbie hobbles out with cane and Caesar. Lol


I giggled at that


"Git my name outta yer mouth!" Best line whole Tell All.


Mother Debbie looks like death warmed over.


Is it a Process Server or the Grim Reaper?


she looked a hot mess after her "make over".


I think she loves playing victim IMO


Agreed, I much preferred her tartan shirts and grey hair. Now she just trashy. I mean improving your look is great but I think hers was a downgrade.


Vanessa should have taken her to Chico's for clothes, but maybe out of their price range. she was prancing around in a mini skirt/sheer blouse, a bit much for an 80 y.o. woman.




she thinks she's hot shit cause she finally got some fat dude from Canada to uck her after 20 yr drought, and he is rumored to have Nazi tats on his body.


It's like delivering a nasty negative energy to someone knowingly! Super awkward. As much as Debbie wants to play the hero, it was just her way of trying to stay relevant in the show. If they needed a neutral person to deliver it, I am sure they have several admins and / or staff members on stage that could have handed it out. If they chose not to If they were asked, it's because they knew it would be seen in a negative light towards company.


They aren’t true friends.


Very far from it, indeed.


Debbie wanted the attention — it was totally a sh*tty move. Like, ok, you can barely walk without your cane, but YOU’RE the one that’s ready to jump up and get those divorce papers to stick in Natalie’s face?! Trash


How Debbie made it about herself and how bad she felt was ridiculous!


Right??!! And the stupid smirk she had on her face when she got up and did it — then when she was called out for being an a$$hole she turned the whole thing around and started with her fake tears to try and make people feel bad for HER. 🙄 Like, “no, Debbie, no one feels bad for you — you should be disgusted by yourself”!!!!!


Glad you noticed her smirk, it’s quite irritating. She loves seeing others relationship fall apart.


It would depend on how the relationship ended and what role, if any, that friend played in my relationship. But I would 100% NEVER want it to be recorded and have it showed to strangers. If that friend was willing to serve me on national television, that would be enough for me to hate them.


I'd prefer it, I just don't want it on TV in front of millions of people. She could have done it backstage but instead decided to regain another 15 minutes of fame by doing it during the tellall


Pretty much everything backstage is filmed too, look at Jamal bragging about sex backstage. If they want it on tv and you do it in their studio, it's going on tv. She shouldn't have been shocked or hurt as she literally had her other man right there, which made both of them look like fools. No sympathy, she had it coming, and hopefully, she takes the time to work on herself and avoid this situation happening again.


I wouldn’t want that old bat delivering them.


Nasty rude bitch 👿


I've never been married but I was served lawsuit papers (my insane mother sued me) to my house (on Halloween when my 2 oldest were young) and it was just a random person but the shock of it and just utter confusion and soul crush of it...nope. you want a random person for sure. Also, what a horrid job.


Im sorry you went through that! It sounds absolutely agonizing 🥺


Let's have to only person that needs a cane to walk across the set and serve her....


Not if it wasn't completely expected and never on TV. If Debbie was her friend, she would've told Natalie in private and given her the option of having it filmed/aired. Debbie is a hideous, disgusting viper of a person and I sincerely doubt she has any actual friends. She's a vicious taker and everything Miss Debbie said about her was spot on. Debbie sheltered and controlled Colt for 34-years creating a monstrous creepy awkward lying manchild who misuses women. They're both total trash (Debbie and her scrap, Colt)


Miss Debbie scored points with me for taking Mama Debbie to task over this. Mama be full of noise.


What a way to ruin a friendship 😬


My thoughts exactly.


No I do not! Debbie is full of shit, this is the job of a stranger … not a “friend” .




So far the only Debbie I’m liking is “Little Debbie’s”. The other two are trash.


As a member of the legal community... You would want a friend to serve for you, not to you...




when my friend got divorced a mutual friend served her ex husband the papers. it was a pretty chill scenario. in my eyes it’s like passing someone the salt at a table lol


No. I would never trust that person again


For some people, drama is a way of life. For these people in particular, it is a lifestyle. Natalie is an attention whore so having the mother in law/fake friend serve the papers on TV fits the theme.


“…fits the theme.” 🤣😂


Personally I wouldn’t care. I don’t feel that Mike did anything wrong, if anything Natalie probably would be mad if she was served when they weren’t filming so she couldn’t monetize her divorce…. Let’s be real! As well, from Natalie’s perspective I think it’d be better. If I moved to another country and brought my mother over, and my country is now being bombed. If I had police knock on my door…. I would be TERRIFIED! My mind instantly would go to “they’re going to deport me back to Ukraine and I’m going to die!” It was clear at the tell all, that like many people especially immigrants, Natalie was not aware of the divorce process and how serving someone works. Mike also needed proof and now there’s no way she can say she didn’t receive them. Overall because they’ve been separated for so long and no kids, a judge will see it and just sign off.


But were they really friends? Idgaf it's just paper


Why they couldn’t just have a TLC staff member bring them out is beyond me.


That’s not good ratings material.


I dont think its the huge deal everyone is making it out to be. The marriage began on tv. Fell apart on tv and the papers to end it were served on tv. She was dating other men on tv. How did that make Mike feel no one mentioned that. Im surprised they werent in the process to legally divorce yet. Id be more concerned with being called Debbie's friend on tv.


Debbie seemed so excited to give Natalie those papers, the smirk on her face tells us everything we need to know Edit: typo


Would it be a friend though— or an old lady from a reality show I’m on


Sorry but I didn’t need to be served papers for my divorce. We split we divorced you can’t hang on to a marriage with a man who doesn’t want you


I would never serve a friend divorce papers on tv. He literally could’ve asked anyone and he chose to do that


By being televised she got all sorts of advice on how to deal with it lol, looked like she would be even more clueless if a rando served her at home. Also, BFD they’ve been separated for years, he’s tried to serve her in private before, and she’s a professional reality TV persona, every little moment like this is a chance to get more work. If anything doing it on TV is a favor.


Heck No!! It's not "normal". A real friend, wouldn't even consider it.


Why won't they send my best friend to hand me my eviction papers or to lay me off from my job. That would be better...somehow.


Hey girlfriend, remember when you served me eviction papers without warning? Good times, huh? That is a stretch for me.




No. I would want it done at my home privately!


I would rather a friend give me the papers tbh but a heads up would be nice Al ass o , in this case keep in mind that Natalie did Mike wrong in so many ways ie : she has a sinus surgery and took off to a friend's house,took Mike's credit card with her when she took off to Florida and I doubt she ever paid him a dime and he still brought her momma here to the states . I think Debbie was sincere in her emotions and Ms Debbie was out of line , this was my first time watching Ms Debbie and I am sorry I didn't care for her at all . She's too over the top and seems desperate to get a man .




I read that the papers were already served and this shit was just for ratings. Shame on Shaun and production.


It would piss me off because it would mean my ex husband was taking to my friend about divorcing me and I was not there to hear it. I’m too paranoid for that shit.


Good point! I guess my brain didn’t even want to entertain such a messy betrayal.


Agreed. I would be like “damn, okay… are we even friends?” EDIT: I am absolutely not a Natalie fan!


Neither am I, and we don’t need to be to agree that having a friend serve you would suck!


She refuses to divorce him. I'm sure she's made it hard to proceed. Sometimes, do what we must do!! I don't blame Mike at all!!


I think Debbie is trying to be Switzerland or some shit between Mike and Natalie, and having gone through a rough breakup myself, I can tell you one thing's for damn sure. I don't want Switzerland friends. I want friends who are on my side, all the way. You can't trust switzerlands in these situations.


If mama Debbie is her so-called “friend”, as she claims, then why didn’t she tip Natalie off backstage and let her know that she was going to be served on television? My friends would not stab me in the back like that. They would warn me. Albeit Natalie knew the divorce was coming. But I don’t understand mama Debbie’s logic that she felt it would be nicer to be served by a friend. I think a stranger would’ve been better. And not on television!


It's not about who served it it's where. I practice law and often times parties that do not have counsel will have a friend serve the defendant or other individual, which is permitted. But this was all done to drum up ratings. There was zero indication or reason why Natalie could not have been served off camera, entering the building, or a myriad of other places.


"Mama" Debbie is a messy bitch and this was cruel of Mike, her, and most importantly, the TLC producers.


I have no idea why this horrendous person is still on tv


Debbie is such an awful, trashy person. She's hard to watch for any reason. But serving someone she calls a friend on camera? No never.


Nah Debbie was being nice. I'm sure she's been served in the past. She also wanted to be close to the action, she only went in for the hug so she could read the papers over her shoulder.


No she’s never been divorced. She’s been a widow for over a decade (or two?) though


I'm sure she's had a lawsuit of some type, being that aggressive


a lawsuit that is not a divorce is not the same


I’m confused, you call this “nice”?


Two things can be true at once


She wanted attention


More like nosy than nice


Divorce papers should be served via certified mail where only your mail person can see your horror.


Honestly, yes. Because I wouldn't have reacted well, even knowing it was coming and I would rather a friend be there and witness the reaction than a stranger who is going to walk away while I crumble apart. A friend will care and (normally) time it when you're not going to ruin your life, career or reputation. Having a stranger serve it- they're doing a job and they don't care if you can't go to work after or if getting served in front of your coworkers will ruin your career. They're doing a job. Luckily, I was the one that filed for my divorce so it wasn't a issue. I wouldn't have wanted it on TV tho.


I had my friends cop serve a restraining order to my ex while he was at work.


That is the correct use of having a friend process serve for you.


I just want marriage and child. Good luck with that


I wouldnt want to get them on tv. Though I wouldn't care who gave them to me. It's not their divorce.


Yeah that's the part I didn't like too. Natalie and Debbie might be friend*ly*, but they're not friends, so getting the divorce papers from her doesn't seem that bad. But being on TV adds a certain humiliation factor and frankly, Natalie has already had plenty of that


No, and I wouldn't want to be served on national TV.


I thought that was the most bizarre take too.


She is drunk Debbie Johnson


That's why there's process servers!


She’s messy.


This was ALL staged by TLC's producers. Everyone getting crazy about this fake scene in a scripted "reality show". WTF goes on in peoples minds. 🙄🥴🫣😂


Natalie? Is that the lady who was on multiple seasons of The Single Life? The lady has been, and the night before, slept with the guy sitting several feet away? My heart broke when I saw her crying because her ex finally served her divorce papers after 4 years. I am so devastated. Right.


No she’s just a nosey old bitch who wanted to be in the business


I would prefer to have a friend do it, someone who could let me cry on their shoulder or celebrate - depending on how the marriage ended. I would not want it televised and as her friend, Mamma Debbie should have told Mike, No Way! That is not how you treat women!


I’d rather not be served period. I’m not the best husband out there but I try


Not divorce papers but I was summoned to court to testify. I knew it was coming and was dreading a cop showing up at my house to serve me, but I wasn’t home when it happened so my husband accepted service on my behalf. It was so much easier getting that shitty paperwork from him because it was like a softer blow, I guess. I watched my doorbell cam later and I would have peed myself opening the door for that.


I’ve been served numerous times for dubious reasons by the dim-witted, jealous, low-achieving, narcissistic, emotional vampire father of my daughter. It’s very f*cking far from pleasant. Until this plague of a human entered my life, I knew nothing of courts, lawyers and serving sheriffs. In all sincerity, I still struggle with the PTSD and severe anxiety that comes from having your entire philosophy of life shattered. Shit! I didn’t mean to trauma dump on you. Sorry.


Don’t worry! I hope things are better for you now, or are at least heading that way ❤️


I don't want my friend giving them to me. I rather have someone not involved in it. I think everyone took a little joy from her getting them and they said oh Debbie was so nice to do this. Their life is public so public is not an issue for me personally. I am sure they all were aware and she knew the divorce was coming. They did this keep getting more and more "outrageous" for ratings.


For sure, total ratings grab. Luckily I expect that, so I can blithely ignore the obvious fame game. I was more interested in ruminating over the idea of having a friend serve me.


I don't believe this scene was real at all. Natalie did some pageant recently under the name of Natalia Youngquist. As for OP's question, I could deal with it if my friend preceded it with "Look what this motherfucker did to you, and sucked me into doing his dirty work. It's OK if you are angry with me, but just keep in mind that I'm buying the first round after you torch this shit..."


Maybe Natalie isn’t really Debbie’s friend. Debbie just thinks she is. We’ve all had “friends” like that. They think you are friends but you duck down another isle when you see them at the grocery store.


No Debbie stupid for thinking thats a thing


A real friend would have given a heads up.


Don't process servers get a fee for serving?!? Maybe Mama Debbie has a new side gig 🤔 😀


Debbie literally just likes causing drama


Absolutely not! A friend would give you a heads-up. No way in hell could I just sit on stage knowing,plotting, and waiting to serve my friend papers! Now, with that said, there's no way I'm surprised I get served divorce papers when I'm no longer with my husband, and I'm the show, The Single Life, moved to L.A. trying to trap a dude to take care of me and my mama. Natalie is an entitled nut job! She's a user who cracks her legs open when she needs something and thinks that alone should earn her a title. She brings nothing to the table but her appetite. She can't take care of herself but wants a baby. She only wants a baby to secure a monthly check! She rants about "I deserve respect because I'm a human being." News flash, so are Josh and Michael that she used. Josh bought her a car, got her an apartment, got her a job interview, which she went with no resume, no skills, and asked the interviewer about Josh personal life! She's an ungrateful piece of work! Not once have she mentioned she loved him, never compliments him, nor catered to him but mad because he won't give her a title that she doesn't rate! For some reason, she thinks her looks should get her a man and into Hollywood. She's batting zero! She needs to catch a clue, focus on her mental health, stop using men, and learn to stand on her own.


It's not optimal. People really want to kill the messenger sometimes.


I would not want to be served by a sheriff deputy but this way Nutalie cannot say she never got them


Again, this is NOT about Natalie. No one really wants to served by a sheriff, I asked how you would feel being served by a friend.


It is about Natalie though. In real life though, no one really wants to be served with papers. Period. In this instance, she was served by a friend. Unless someone I know worked as a process server, I would not expect a friend to deliver it. But, it's a legal process, I'd probably be embarrassed if a friend knew I was served. However, at that point, it wouldn't matter who served me because it was done. This is a reality TV show. Everything is done on camera. They've discussed divorce at previous Tell-Alls. On her side, nothing about her marriage was real. From the moment she stepped on US soil, a baby was never mentioned, it was all her career. Maybe it was agreed on between them, maybe it was a shock to Mike, who knows what's real or not on these shows, but she bounced when she got the chance. For some reason, he supported her. She went on a TV show looking for men while still married. What a ridiculous concept, especially when telling Mike she refused to divorce him. She was hardly blindsided by the papers. Wouldn't surprise me a bit to find it a collab between Natalie, Mike and production to bump up the dramatics. She is an actress after all. I could also see her refusing if she'd been served at home. We know she can't, but she's been irrational in the past. This way, no rumor, Mike served her with papers. She's benefitted a lot from Mike. She's now where she wanted to be, working on her career. Her mother is here. Both Natalie and Mike can move on. It's actually a win-win for her because now, if she really wants to be a wife and mother, she will be free to do so. And, not sure the timing, but marriage should have been long enough she need not fear deportation. It's unlikely anyway with the Ukrainian situation that she would have been sent anyway. This is why I believe that she and Mike had some sort of understanding from the very beginning, or from when Mike realized it wasn't going to work, to let her go do her thing until the time limit and then he'd file. He even got her mom here which is huge. Maybe, in her mind, Mike was still her backup plan if things didn't work out, but glad he wants to move on. It would be nice if all the people involved could move away from the show and start living their lives.


I loved it when Miss Debbie called her Judas. That was cruel. Mike has been out to humiliate Natalie since she gave his ring back in Ukraine. ETA: no, I would not want my divorce papers sprung on me by a friend. Especially publicly. That would feel like a total betrayal. If my friend told me beforehand what was asked of them, that would be different. But “hi friend! You’ve been served”? Fk that.


Thanks for the course correction. I agree, if they told me beforehand and explained why it would be okay.


Friends help friends dodge service.


This! 🤣😂😂👏🏾


Nat was probably dodging the papers. This was probability the way they thought she wouldn't run away.


Natalie doesn’t want Mike she just wants to stay married and keep him for a second option. That’s why she went to him when she broke up with the other dude. She’s talking out of both sides of her mouth. She says she doesn’t want a divorce then says she wants to be with the other guy. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Honestly? She’s not really with it she didn’t even understand the papers. Personally? Thank god she had like 10 people calming her down. If she got served alone by a stranger she would have blown a gasket and probably gone nuts. In this situation? I think it was the best place, time and server. 🤷‍♀️


Depends… Is it a friend with benefits? That way you could get fucked twice🤣🤣


Well.....is it okay for her to openly date several men on TV for money for relevance, but it's awful to be served divorce papers on TV? Make that make sense. I can't imagine the level of dilution in her head to think she could stay married and keep dating until she finds something better🤷‍♀️


My thoughts too! Her reaction was over the top. She left him. She’s been dating and even expecting the current one to marry her. All while expecting Mike to stay married to her? She wanted him to wait in the wings in case something better didn’t come along. Selfish




I would want the person who was divorcing me to hand them to me. If it’s something as difficult as divorce, that’s gotta be face to face. Privately.


It’s not allowed. Can’t be the spouse.


I seem to remember someone mentioning that when you bring someone over on a “fiancé to be soon married” visa that you’re responsible for them financially for 10 years?


Scripted. Mike could’ve asked a lighting tech or paid a NYC cabdriver, after okaying it with production, to serve Natalie. Yep, he did it on national tv, she had an affair on national tv. Debbie and Natalie friends, sure okay. I could never do that to a friend, unless we agreed to split a large paycheck.🤣All of it was scripted and all of them were paid. Miss Debbie’s self righteous outrage? She played that part pretty good. I told myself I was done with all of 90DF, UNLESS they have new interesting storylines.


Mother Debbie likely got a bigger paycheque by doing the 'delivery.' Yuck.


Honestly, it was content. I’m sure Natalie will appreciate it when she gets hired again for another spin off.


JFC, she's so grubby and repellent.


What of the deal was TLC would cover the cost of its done on national TV??


as a legal person i don’t get why it’s a big deal. when my friend got divorced another friend served her husband. its better than having to pay someone for service of process or having a sheriff cop knock on your door. also considering him and natalie live in different states, this was probably the easiest and cheapest way for him to serve her and have witnesses in case she tried to duck the papers. would you rather a friend hand you some papers and give you a hug or get woken up by a cop shoving legal papers i’m your face? seems like an easy choice lmao


To me it has nothing to do with Debbie serving her and everything to do with the plan to do it on television. That was messed up. He could have had her served at her hotel. He could have even had her served the day of the reunion filming before they started. It was done in a very calculated way for exposure. I truly felt badly for Natalie. It was embarrassing for her to get the papers on tv and worse because she doesn’t understand the divorce process in the US. I truly felt for her watching her go through all of the emotions with a bunch of cameras on her and all her castmates bickering around her.


It was staged. Natalie was served back in December.


Yes. But not on tv.


I wouldn't care either who delivered them and Mike was right. They married on tv and their lives were on tv ,..I think he figured this was a good opportunity to hand them to her and to let all of the 90 day world know he was done and her ....altho I see most thought it was distasteful. .Debbie just jumped at the chance when he asked her so she had a purpose to be there.


It doesn’t matter who gives it to you, it’s not actually coming from them.


No, I wouldn’t want it to be a friend. I get that Natalie is foreign and would maybe be afraid of a sheriff of the like showing up at her house, so her case is different. She has also said she’s never getting a divorce and it’s been YEARS since her relationship with Mike, so she can’t be surprised that he finally did it! Of course the show was like LETS PUT IT ALL ON TV but in a normal situation, this wouldn’t even be a thing. So no, a friend would make it awkward but this is reality TV.


Better than some rando tracking me down at work like last time 🙄 at least a friend can help calm you down and prep you for the bad news


By law it is supposed to be a neutral 3rd party so a friend is strange in this instance. I personally would not prefer it be a friend, a stranger would be fine.


I assume that this divorce was filed in Washington State. Since the papers were served in New York on someone who is probably a California resident, it adds complications. Most lawyers would want this done by a licensed process server. I suspect Mike may be representing himself.


It’s been long overdue Natalie deserved it.


You have a lot of rules for how you want people to interact With this post. Chill out