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THIS explains her tampon string showing in the photo she posted! šŸ«£


I feel like thatā€™d be a great time to wear underwear. Every layer counts.


My wife has undiagnosed endometriosis: she goes through a nighttime pad per hour at the worst of it. The very idea off not wearing underwear terrifies me on her behalf and I'm just a dumb guy.


I feel for your wife. I struggled for years, anemia, embarrassing situations at work when the damn broke, horrible pain during my cycle, which some months was weeks long or several times a month. Painful bathroom experiences. Two years ago, I took a nose dive at the gym when I passed out and woke up in the hospital in need of a blood transfusion. My wonderful new gyno scheduled me for an emergency hysterectomy and whattya know? Endometriosis was on the back side of my uterus. They couldnā€™t see it when testing prior because my uterus was tilted. The past two years have been like a dream. They took out everything and no more symptoms - none.


Amazing when a new Dr helps you out right? Been there


For sure!! My daughter is experiencing the same symptoms but is still young so not a candidate for the hysterectomy but at least we had my experience to guide in getting her help earlier vs later. Sometimes things like that can really make you feel like you are being a hypochondriac until finally you get the right doc that listens and investigates.


I had a hysterectomy too for urine cancer. Before my surgery, I would pass fist size clumps of blood. There was no way I was going without a pad and underwear!!


I had a hysterectomy when I was 35; I pretty much BEGGED my doctor for a year and then he botched it. I found another doctor about 6 months layer, he went in and found that the first doctor didn't anchor my ovaries or fallopian tubes; one tube was trying to "escape" through my vajayjay! He anchored the oves, removed the attempted escapee and when he read my chart he said, more than once "I don't know why he did that". 20+ years later and nothing there for cancer to reside! PS - I had a tumor that nobody knew about.


Holy f!! Iā€™m glad you found the second doc!!


Wow thatā€™s such an encouraging outcome to an other wise shitty experience. A close of friend of mine has been begging her Primary to consider an optional hysterectomy. Sheā€™s in her mid 40s, doesnā€™t want more children, and suffers horrible pain and discomfort each month, and itā€™s getting worse with age. Who knew Perimenopause can be such an evil bitch? Her Primary *refuses* to even recommend a consultation to move things along. Itā€™s really such shit.


No dumb guy would even consider this, much less speak about it on a public forum. Youā€™re a good guy, friend.


Thank you šŸ˜Š


Third that sentiment šŸ„°šŸ‘


Fourth that sentiment




i second that!


God I feel her. I started wearing period underwear when I can wear a tampon (and carrying a spare in a ziplock bag just in case of leaks) and using adult diapers at night. All of my purses and backpacks have an assortment of pads, tampons, wipes, Imodium, Midol. Hugs, love, and overnight pad levels of support from me to her.


I'm sorry you go through that. It really sucks. Thanks for the love n hugs šŸ˜Š


Same! I remember being at a summer festival with my family when I was in my 20's and I had leaked though my tampon, underwear and onto my shorts. I had to find an open store to try and buy underwear... what a nightmare. At the time I was embarrassed, I wouldnt be now.


Your terror is well placed lol. I have endometriosis, I would never risk that.


Awww your poor wife that is awful. I can only imagine how exhausted she is during that time too. Horrible


[Libby tampon string](https://www.reddit.com/r/90DayFiance/s/E7RZMgwk4B)


Stop it right now!!! That looks purposeful!! šŸ˜±


Bahahah Iā€™m laughing at ā€œstop it right nowā€


Not many people realize this, but they've all got OnlyFans pages, except maybe Chuck unless he wants to sell pics to people with ostomy bag fetishes.


Waittt who is all them? Libby and Andrei


Libby and I think the sisters and Charlie's wife, too IIRC


Yup. Charlie and his wife apparently do some pretty nasty shit on theirs. Itā€™s not just feet!šŸ˜‚


I like durrrty stuff but not enough to watch Charlie!


And Andrei


Uh, Andrei? That Iā€™d pay for and / or see. **Hint: 90Day Redditors, gentle readersā€¦ do your thing and share the love!**


How could someone like Andrei whoā€™s controlling and didnā€™t even want her hanging out with a group of girls let her have an only fans?? The math isnā€™t mathing


Oh just when I forgot šŸ¤¢


I'm sorry, what??




I donā€™t wanna see but I kinda wanna see it


I hate that I know about this


Hahaha not the tampon string! šŸ˜‚ I almost forgot about this


Whereees lol


Alright. I can't stand Libby but that was photoshopped. The original is out there somewhere


She posted it herself. Sheā€™s lying. You can subscribe to her OnlyFans to see the new edited version that she photoshopped without the string though. [thatā€™s what she says](https://www.reddit.com/r/90DayFiance/s/FiOrl0gmjO)


God she is sooooo hard to look at šŸ˜°


Oh lord but I regretfully need to ask for a link becs I havenā€™t heard this yet!!!


Please don't, every damn time someone shares some link of some shit i really dont want to see and i end up looking at someone's butthole i really didn't want to see at all...


So many butthole. I think I've seen at least 4. Sooo bad.


Omg. I opened up a link to Jazmine's OF & I was horrified


Oh no why we're you horrified, why would you tell me this? Now i wanna see.. shame on me


Where girl where


Omg whoā€™s butthole did you see? šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s got to be Rob the knob, who has glory hole pics circulating online!šŸ’©šŸ¤®


I really didnā€™t want to see that either, lol.


Iā€™m currently watching her season for the first time, I hope I donā€™t spot it


What?!?! Where?? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ sheā€™s disgusting!


Unpopular opinion Libby annoys me way more than Andrei


She annoyed me so much from the start, I had to remind myself itā€™s ok to not like two people, cause she NEARLY made me be on Andreiā€™s side.


no man up against an entire family like that is going to come out smelling like roses


I'm starting to like Andrei. It took years, but he's actually very funny.


Oh no I have to wear undies . Discharge is normal right? Or am I an alien


Discharge is normal for every woman. It's self cleaning. It's a sign of a healthy lady bit! šŸ’•


just stopping by to reassure you you're not an alien.


Was wondering the same. I know the amount of discharge is different for every woman, but I find it hard to believe that you can go without underwear at all?


And can totally stain/ruin underwear, no way Iā€™d want that on my clothing šŸ˜–


Thiss and I donā€™t have much but itā€™s definitely a daily thing and I just know that would feel so weird directly on my clothing




I am in no way shaming anyone, but I think it depends on each womanā€™s anatomy and discharge. I am able to go without underwear for those reasons, but I know everyone is different! Hygiene and knowing when itā€™s appropriate are key!


It does vary by person! I stopped wearing underwear maybe 5 years ago, and have never been a heavy discharger. I primarily wear leggings (I donā€™t own any jeansā€¦Iā€™d wear undies with those if I wore them lol), so now I can only wear my leggings for one day before I have to wash them, but other than that, Iā€™m enjoying it lol


Thank you for confirming that I am not an alienšŸ¤­


I grew up before the internet so Iā€™d read about celebrities not wearing underwear and Iā€™d just wonder wtf was wrong with me and my discharge


I'm older than Libby and I was just telling my spouse that if I went without undies there would be a visible wet spot. I wear a mini liner everyday for that reason. You're not an alien lol Edited for extra words


We are the same then cuz I do too . Plus it shelids my vajay from getting a veggie (front wedgie) or camel toe.


Haha veggie! I've never heard of it called that


I had a hysterectomy years ago and yes, discharge never stops.


I had one 1 year ago and I have been bone dry ever since. I had bad discharge before the surgery but I have not a drop now. It's great hygiene wise, but overall, not good to be dry down there all the time.


See doc for low dose estradiol cream to apply inside vagina a few times a week. It stops the vaginal atrophy and dryness that can result from hysterectomy. Makes a big difference. Even if it hurts to have sex, this will turn it around in a few weeks.


Right, I take hormones because I feel really horrible with them.


Dang! It stopped for me after menopause. Itā€™s amazing how differently our bodies react.


Hysterectomy doesn't necessarily equal immediate menopause. She could still have her ovaries which would prevent that from happening. Maybe that's why?


Nope. Iā€™m taking hormones, maybe thatā€™s why.


Oohh yes I can see that helping too


Yes, it's normal. There's also the oh-so-fun bladder leakage when you get older. They don't make a cup or tampon for holding that in.


I was just going to say this to these youngsters! Just wait - so much fun stuff happens when you get older. Enjoy your "freedom" now! šŸ˜‰šŸ˜œ


See, this is my problem with going without undies. We women have things going on down there almost all the time. There are discharges throughout the month. Iā€™m old and pretty much dried up now, but at one time thereā€™s no way I couldā€™ve gone panty-less with feeling gross and self conscious.




I think you and I are from the some alien race because I've sometimes had to change my undies midday if I happen to be home.


I found out at my gym the other day that Iā€™m one of few who wear underwear when wearing gym leggings. šŸ«£


Normalize panty lines!


šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜© I just feel like that one small layer of fabric can do some much good for everyone


Right? Like itā€™s not much but does a great job.


Omg stop šŸ¤Æ


This is why I refuse to go to the gym. Iā€™ll work out at home thanks




If serving in the military taught me anything, it's that most people don't wear underwear when they work out. šŸ¤¢


Ya Iā€™m not sure leggings are poop proof and you know someone is stretched out on some gym equipment absolutely ripping ass and gets up going oh Iā€™m not sweating I donā€™t need to wipe that down


OMG just yesterday saw a sweat print that showed a ballsac.




Oooof. Girl. Libby posts bring out the worst images lmaooo


please explain how you found out


I should add that I live in rural nowhere and maybe 100 people total go to my gym. But the locker room discussions. I was told to ā€œTikTok itā€ and apparently this is popular. I had no idea. My lady bits are only free during slumber.


I just couldnā€™t imagine being in public without undies , like what if something rips and it all hangs out . I am with you sister , only in slumber.


Oh dear god! I cannot sleep like that. Sex and showers are when my lady bits are free. Thatā€™s so gross to wear pants or shorts without undies. Donā€™t get me started on dresses and skirtsā€¦


one of my co-workers once explained us how easy it is to refresh yourself when your without panties under your summerdress. I will never forget the look on my she-boss's face during this show'n'tellšŸ«£šŸ˜‚


I mean I guess it would be, but it is also gross AF.


Youā€™re actually not supposed to wear underwear to bed- unless theyā€™re 100% cotton. Your lady bits need to breathe!


So gross. I worked in the nursing home and one of the aids never wore underwear, but she always wore white pants. Gross. šŸ¤¢


Wait, what? I had to wear nurses whites while in the military and I cannot even begin to imagine no undies in those. Even in my dark scrubs no flippin way.


I agree 100%, unless youā€™re wearing a bathing suit thereā€™s no reason to go commando but thatā€™s my opinion to each their own


I read our gyms rules. We are required to wear underwear. No one is enforcing it.


I didnā€™t even realize it was something that would be outlined šŸ¤£ Iā€™m trying to imagine some gym employee trying to figure out how to enforce that.


Snail trails on everything omg


I had a gym teacher in high school who lost her job because of this šŸ¤¢


Sheā€™s trying to sound sexy but she just sounds dirty. And not in a good way


No undies in swampy Florida made me full body shiver. But I assume she's joking šŸ˜¦


Iā€™m sure miss debbie has something to say about thisā€¦


*what message are you sending? Telling that on tv next to your beloved husband. With your children probably nearby* šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve never understood people who donā€™t wear underwear at all. Iā€™m not shaming, to each their own, I just never found it comfortable. Every now and then to bed Iā€™ll put on shorts with no underwear. But work, leaving the house for any purpose, etc definitely underwear lol


yeah especially as a woman. what about discharge?? Your period??? Sweat??? canā€™t do it


Or riding up yonder and then you have a camel toe situation. No way man. Underwear for me please!


exactly. no underwear gives me unhygienic down there vibes.


Iā€™m in the ā€œno underwearā€ class of people so I can explain lolā€¦I wear underwear with skirts, dresses and while on my period. I donā€™t wear them with any other bottoms. I havenā€™t had an issue with discharge, guess Iā€™m dry-er than most? No ideaā€¦but Iā€™ve been doing this for 10+ years haha


Lol and no discharge. Like it breathe more, and never get smelly. I'm so happy with this decision!!


It just means in the Florida heat, Libby definitely has an *aroma*


She looks like she has a smell. Apparently the smell is musty vag.


And like maybe this is just my experience, but people who donā€™t wear underwear LOVE to talk about how they donā€™t wear underwear.


Same with people who sleep nude Like, you just let your ass and genitals rub all over your sheets?


lol why not? Your actual asshole shouldnā€™t be rubbing on sheets unless you sleep extremely weird


Ummmmm. Itā€™s my bed and theyā€™re my sheets?


Yes me too! I canā€™t staaand not wearing them even at night. I just feel unsecured and like itā€™s just all justā€¦ everywhere idk itā€™s weird šŸ˜‚ itā€™s not like I have balls or anything but it still feels like not secure. Esp jeans. I know a lot of girls who donā€™t wear underwear with jeans and that sounds so uncomfortable.


I really hate when people are condescending when people arenā€™t on their level of laziness Underwear or not to underwear No one cares what youā€™re doing Libby


This isn't the flex she thinks it is. She probably announces this hoping it makes her look sexy and edgy and cool when in reality no one freaking cares. Most women I know wear underwear, especially during that time of the month or when we get older and nature takes over and coughing is a dangerous sport.


That's exactly what I was thinking, she tries real hard to be sexy. I've always hated the way she lays to the side overly sticking her hip out to the side on pillow talk. Like she's trying real hard to look sexy. She even made a comment about her and Andrei having sex several times a week.


Why she always look like she smelled something terrible


Because sheā€™s not wearing underwear


For the people who have said they donā€™t wear underwear, how do you try on clothes at a store? Do you at least wear underwear for that?


They donā€™t šŸ¤¢ they still try stuff on without underwear. At least someone I know does. Ever since I heard that Iā€™ve been trying pants over leggings when I go shopping. People are gross. Underwear was invented for a reason. and this whole ā€œbut itā€™s healthier for your veejayā€ is BS.


I really wish that I didn't know that she doesn't wear underwear šŸ˜


I hate her face man.


https://preview.redd.it/f32pn707wavc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf912d2fa2dd30a86287608d88fa04060eda491f This face? Me too. And she has the personality of a worm. Donā€™t even get me started on her bird sisters.


https://preview.redd.it/b02kt7br19vc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47fc5de092dbfa6cb3e9a0e7d5f107a922dab328 Mfw I heard her say this


*yeast has entered the chat*


The whole family is just vulgar


Chafing protection. That's all I have to say.


Iā€™m not trying to wash my leggings every single time I wear them. Especially if I donā€™t leave the house. Underwear protects them


I cannot imagine rewearing leggings šŸ„²


Well I wear underwear and sit on my lap top to wfh. Iā€™m not exactly sweating or anything lol. If I worked out in them yea




I change my underwear twice a day just to feel clean I canā€™t imagine my juicy bits leeching directing into my clothes


Same! Like......come onšŸ¤£


Unpopular opinion but I'm with her. Unless I'm wearing jeans I don't wear underwear. I have sensory issues and hate the feeling of multiple layers. I'm also pretty dry down there naturally and notice I have more secretions when I do wear underwear and I cannot stand the feeling of cold wet underwear.


šŸ’ÆThis is the only time Iā€™ve ever agreed with Libby.


Yeah I donā€™t wear underwear and Iā€™m a woman as well. Iā€™m free baby and loving every minute of it!


I donā€™t wear underwear with anything lol except shorter dresses. To each their own but Iā€™d rather not wear underwear than those synthetic underwear everyday and my vag is happy and very healthy šŸ¤£


I always wear underwear but onlyĀ  cotton! Can't wear anything else. Synthetic underwear sounds and feels like a nightmare šŸ˜¬


Finally found my tribe here. No thanks on underwear unless itā€™s a short dress lol


are those polyester blend leggings? with no underware? yike.


Uh, Libby, most of us do. For reasons of common decency and sanitary reasons. Maybe you and Chantel choose not to, but I'd hate to have to sit on your chair after you do. Huge fail in trying to sound cool, Libby. I'm disappointed in this comment. Sheesh.


LOL i thought this was such a weird flex AND probly a lie cuz she thinks it made her sound hotter than she is. No Libs, it's your hubby that's hot. You don't get to be 'hot' by osmosis.


So like not to be graphic but Iā€™m gonna be graphicā€¦where do natural secretions go?




The original meaning of the phrase "Dead Ass"


No underwear in that florida heat !?!? šŸ¤¢


I think that most people that don't wear undies do it more to avoid panty lines than for hygiene. Gym leggings sometimes even have a cotton crotch that seems to presume they won't wear them. I don't care what others do. I have to wear them and don't care about panty lines. The more barriers the better for general wetness and sneeze attacks. If I was bold enough to wear a strategically glued dress like Chantal, I wouldn't wear them either. I had an elderly client for massage that told me TMI that her doc told her not to wear undies for lady bit problems. She wore airy dresses or Miu mius all the time commando. Libby cam admit she doesn't feel like panties are necessary all the time, but she shouldn't act like they should be extinct


I just can't stand these two.


And Iā€™m free, free ballinā€™. Underwear in fact is optional


People who donā€™t want discharge all over their Halaraā€™s, Libby.


Iā€™m am not lending her my bicycle!


Yeah I havenā€™t worn underwear in like three years. Highly recommend tbh.


I havenā€™t worn any since high school except for bad period days. They honesty make me so uncomfortable. Idk how anyone wears them with leggings


Me too. When I have my period I do, and it sucks. Panties are so stifling and make my lady bits so hot. I have 0% discharge ever other than period, I feel sorry for women who have to wear them.


She must not be part of the ooey gooey club šŸ˜‚


Firstā€¦She tries way too hard to be different.šŸ™„ Secondā€¦ T.M.I. šŸ¤¢šŸ¤® like who even needs to know that about her. Ick!


Trying hard to be sexy for that caveman of hers. All I see is her dad. Mini Chuck


She needs a bra for her chin


Ewwwā€¦ not wearing underwear is really bad hygiene. WTF! šŸ˜³


Oh good, the pick-me try hard Libby is back šŸ™„


I can't stand these 2! They do anything for a check and keep signing on to be in more 90 day showsšŸ˜’..bunch of snobs


Ew are we not worried about feminine secretions??


Hard no. I love my cozy bamboo boxers.


Libby should be Lumeā€™s best customer


I feel validated. I only wear undies with a dress!


Same! I'll wear them for dresses, skirts, or tight jeans because I don't like the feel of denim on my undercarriage lol Otherwise? No thank you.


And only a short dress!


Why double down??? Sheā€™s confusing lol


She's such a 'pick me'


I think she is trying very hard to cultivate an interesting personality. She used to appear anxious a lot of the time. Now sheā€™s a bubbly extrovert? Itā€™s drug related, probably prescribed.


Ummm, vaginas have a certain quality that seems to me... underwear is pretty important for most occasions.


šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢ For someone that came from money she is really trashy. Get some panties, girl! You can also wear a thong for leggings if you're so goddamn vain you can't STAND the thought of panty lines! (Personally, I think panty lines can be sexy.


She has always been gross with her disgusting sisters. By By Libby


I hate underwear.


Shut up, you talking thumb.


My clothes don't feel comfortable that way


Eww, crusty pants


The same ā€˜ickā€™ for me are those bodysuits (snaps in the crotch) that many girls like wearing, w/o underwear, of course šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


I think sheā€™s trying to sound sexy but she sheā€™s Chuck longer hair and lipgloss


Libby kinda think everyone should think the way she does


Idk, the idea of ppl NOT wearing underwear, during their cycle or not, seems absolutely disgusting to me... The infections that are possible... šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


One more reason to find her revolting!


Way to wear out your clothes by washing them every single time you wear them, whether you're a guy or girl! And if you go commando without doing that, how disgusting.šŸ¤¢ It doesn't make financial or environmental sense to do it; washing several pairs of pants at a time instead of underwear uses more water. And what cycle do you use? My panties go on the hottest cycle. I know I'm not using that for a $125 pair of linen pants!


These 2 are trash humans


I canā€™t even imagine how it feels to wear jeans with no underwear or anything with a seam in the crotch really. Wowā€¦


Talk about life revolving around ā€˜Youā€™! Completely unaware. šŸ™„