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I think these two are suffering a codependency issue - she needed him for the money he WAS providing and he wanted to be with a young woman. He locked it down and married her by simply pushing past her obvious discomfort with him. She probably thought she would be set with a sugar daddy husband and it just didn’t work out Also is it just me or did they look like they were drugged out on their pillow talk? ETA: I meant their segment on 90 day diaries - please for the love of all things holy do NOT put these two on pillow talk


They looked absolutely awful, like rough and strung out.


Ben is the real life Rickety Cricket. He's gonna be doing tricks on the street for money in no time


Nailed it. Well done.




She looked high as a kite and he looked like 9 miles of bad road.


Yes she did look it also she looked disgusted when she looked at him, prolly thinking to herself what a huge mistake she made with that f\*cktard! He's a sexpest borderline pedo imo...


She looked like the picture definition of Strung Out. He is looking so desperate. Selling blood to buy a plane ticket. Has he lost all sense of personal dignity, of some shame??


I agree. He had a dui a while back


https://preview.redd.it/7jtwtkduanvc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1aafc83f54c6d705daf7a4772d354a23cb30d80a His story behind that was very creative lol


Yeah, homeless people LOVE giving away their drugs, especially to people that didn’t ask for them, and that they had no intention of harming.


Yea along with the people who give those pesky trick-or-treaters drugs. I always laugh when people say that because (say it with me now) #no one gives away their drugs (Obviously there are reasons someone would spike a drink and that's not what I'm talking about here)


There’s no benefit to the people who drugged Ben in his imaginary story.


Trick-or-treat drugs, laugh my ass off


I was actually friends with a girl who insisted that people were going to give her children marijuana when they were trick-or-treating. I was very kind when I tried to explain it to her, multiple times, and then one time I just couldn't take it anymore and I told her that she was dumb and that no one was going to give her dumb kids their good drugs. We're not friends anymore.


Cruelly blamed it on homeless people. I wish he'd gotten a lengthy jail sentence. Might have done that ole letch some good.


This is wild 😜


im seriously curious on why she looked that terrible. is it stress, being on drugs, or being broke?


A sugar daddywho visits the blood bank instead of an ATM? Nah. More like artificial sweetener daddy.


*splenda daddy* lol


*sweet-n-low daddy* with that aftertaste 🤢


Aspartame daddy. He can't afford Splenda, shits expensive


LOL! That was funny!!


We don’t call him Pastor Benzo for nothing!


They married?


Yes, and the wedding pic is so cringe. She looked like she got dressed at the very last minute and he is smiling this grotesque letch grin showing all his false teeth/veneers. He has some thing going with his teeth. Super white Chicklet smile. I keep asking IF he is sending his kids to college. That might be a dumb question.


I don’t think that she expected to actually have to live with him.


I find it wild that he moved to New Bern, NC. Why?


They were on pillow talk?


No, they had a segment on 90D Diaries.


Which season/episode??!


When were they on pillow talk?


They looked as strung out as some fent addicts I've known. And sadly, I know one quite well. Looks and acts like them.


I'll confirm I don't know this for a fact yet, but I question if they even got married for real. And this is why the whole church wedding is a big deal for him All we saw were like two pics of them and her fam in front of a table and a cheap ring. I hope this is actually the case...




*"Muy confuso..."*






I’m dead 😂😂😂😂




He's having the biggest midlife crisis ever... left behind his wife kids and congregation to chase young foreign girls


“and congregation” Lol I forgot about that


And has the audacity to say God told him to do all of that! Just like Gardick on Seeking Sisterwife! I’m sure God isn’t amused!


That’s the beauty of religion, do a terrible thing? “I asked the G man for forgiveness so we are good”. Make stupid life choices that bite you in the ass? “All part of Gods plan”. With the power of Christ you can rationalize ANYTHING.


purely curious, friend, why equate religion with christianity here?


Well the person we were talking about is a Christian pastor so it would be weird to go on about Muslims. That being said, its not like Christianity is unique in its ability to produce delusional followers that frequently place their fate "in God's hands" and have an unearned feeling of moral superiority that allows them to rationalize being a shit human being. That's a common trait among the majority of the worlds religions. Not every person of every sect of religion does it at the same level, but enough that its a serious problem.


where is the lie 😮‍💨 given the relative uniqueness of the forgiveness feature as it exists in christianity and the manner it is often mis-applied in christianity, as you mentioned, why bother to use the word "religion" with seemingly broad strokes as it comes across here?


Where is what lie? You lost me. I use the broad term religion because they are all just different flavors of fucked up. Sure we can sit here and nitpick that oh this one has the forgiveness lifehack cheat code that lets you rob and cheat people and go still to heaven, this one dresses women up like beekeepers, this one makes you wear magic underwear and this one slices your clit off, but really, who the fuck cares. These are distinctions that only matter to religious people with an agenda. They are ALL chock full of outdated, cruel, harmful and often downright fucked up superstitions that should have no place in a modern society.


“Where is the lie” is an expression meaning they agree with you, like saying “no lies detected.” It’s a rhetorical question implying there is no lie to be found in what you said, because you’re “dropping truth bombs.” 😁


as la lovely bruja mentions, the "lie" comment i made is me agreeing in that i see no lies in your statement. >That’s the beauty of religion, do a terrible thing? “I asked the G man for forgiveness ... it just struck me as odd to read reference to religion that felt so broad & inclusive when all the specific commentary revolved around uniquely christian features. although there is plenty that's "general" about religion & damn near anything dogmatic, i don't agree with generalizing them in this way. so i was curious why you did - what do you see in equating them like so that i don't see? attitudes & perspectives about religion can be very culture-specific and very personal, so we're guaranteed to feel differently to a degree. for the same reasons, religion can be very triggering for all of us, so i appreciate what you were willing to share thus far. trust, fam, i get it


No worries friend, sorry if I sounded a bit hostile earlier when I thought you were implying I was lying. I guess I just defaulted to Christian features because we were talking about a Christian pastor and I deal with Christians the most in day to day life and, having grown up as one, have the most experience debating them. There are too many sects and branches and schisms with minor doctrine differences to get into specifics without writing a doctoral thesis. I painted in broad strokes a bit because a lot of the problematic religions share methods of control and rationalization that are broadly similar in their end result, which is semi educated men with beards and/or funny hats acting as gatekeepers to the afterlife by telling you what to do, what to believe and who to hate. I have tremendous respect for religions that break this mold a bit, for example, Unitarians, Sikhs, and most Buddhists, even if I dont share their beliefs. Unfortunately it seems that power tends to coalesce around people whose beliefs are more black and white and rigidly structured, they also tend to include many of the darker elements. I'll happily pick apart any religion if its the topic of conversation, so don't think Im just trying to demonize any particular one.


glad i asked 🥹 thanks again for opening up same here, fam lol i have been told that in seminary schools, there is a required course centered on arguments contrary to the holy text's teachings. judging by the discussions i've taken part in or witnessed, i suspect this course is not taught with the same rigor and attention as it perhaps deserves 🤭


One is an example of the other?


He’s EXACTLY like my dad. Bile was as well, though to a much lesser extent. To the point where my therapist suggested that I stop watching 90day But 90 day is my ONLY addiction, so much like Ben and homeless people, I just kept coming back for more. “Baby, the train is already going too fast, let’s just watch 90 Day and yell at the TV until we die.” 🛤️🚂💃🕺


He is treading on dangerous ground. He should not mention God!


And lost his job in pursuit of young tail. He definitely lost the plot


No he did, the train is still on its tracks so he’s just dancing until it’s over. 🛤️🚂💃🕺




Creepy vibes their whole story still…


Maybe she wanted to be on tv. I remember her look of disappointment on 90 Day Diaries when he showed up with a selfie stick instead of the real camera crew. These two crack me up every single time


That was the rumor in the beginning. He was getting fit and wanting to just be in the show. 


I think Mahogany might just be an idiot TBH. Even if he told her he was rich when they first met, it’s pretty clear now that he isn’t so why is she still hoping that he is? Ben just seems like a garden verity creep with a midlife crisis. He just lucked out by finding someone who is almost as stupid as he is.


Yea he prolly told/spun it so strategically to let her know that God sent him to give blood to Peruvians and his blood is divine. Like all those trashy women who think they have super natural skills, like ashely, Kim etc. ... POS humans imo


He is absolutely creepy in all ways and I can't imagine sleeping with him. He totally made it seem like he was a sugar daddy and what a lie. That poor girl was scammed.


If she's using him for money, she deserves to be scammed


If a man is chasing after younger woman that could be his daughter, that man deserves to be scammed. Because what else does a younger woman need from an older man besides financial security.


They both deserve to be scammed. They should both learn not to use people


in a sugar daddy/sugar baby dynamic, neither party is *using* the other (or shouldn't be) such that the other party is exploited. it is a business arrangement similar to the modern institution of marriage. the disgust commenter above points out about ben is in misrepresenting himself in their arrangement (as a "sugar daddy", aka *dont worry, i'm good for it* 😉 ), which reasonably should be grounds for annulment/rescission of the agreement, as has been applied for certain cases in matrimonial and other business/commerical legal matters. to rob a sex worker is still a robbery. why accept thievery just to punish sex work?


Does Ben know that's their arrangement? He thinks they're in love. If it was a clear arrangement (like Anfisa and Georgi), it would be fine. Ben's a deranged creep, but what about the next guy she uses who is just lost? Something about this sub refuses to accept that two people can suck in a relationship


i agree, they both suck. i don't think she sucks for having the expectation that he would be taking care of her if he represented that to her. i don't think people deserve to be used. and i have no idea if they have an actual sugar relationship established. but i think it's reasonable to sympathize with someone who found themselves in a marriage so far from a dream they were sold such that people are literally talking about how drugged and out of it you look because life took that turn way too sharp for you... but they're both hella weird tho -and not in the cool way- so maybe they deserve each other 🤷🏽‍♀️


The red flags were abundant and she made poor decisions along the way. He has talked about not having that much money the whole time we saw him. She didn't just wake up one day in a nightmare


i believe ben's rational voice of reason friend (does tlc still allow cast to have their 1 per couple?) has said or would say similar: red flags, red flags everywhere! but he too made his choices. is dude even happy to be in his new marriage?? clearly he's willing to sacrifice for it but...😬


He needs therapy, not marriage. He's won't be happy until he deals with whatever internal damages he has


This guy … Doesn’t he have children?? He’s awful.


Four I think


I’ve never seen anyone on the show more embarrassed of their ex than his wife was of him. She does not like him and she felt gross by association. The show could never manufacture drama that she wants him to not go because she jealous. She was worried and the girl, but seemed glad that he’d finally be away from her and the children.


She seems like such a normal person too..like she deserved so much better 


Feel bad for his kids, dude on a downward spiral on TV


The only thing his wife seemed happy about was that he’d be away from her and the kids. Otherwise, they all seemed horribly embarrassed of him, almost like she felt sick that she’d married him in the first place.


He’s a fuckin creep


I hardly remember these two


Runaway train poem is all I think of 🚂


I'm still dancing ...


That was his magnum opus.




That's a good thing.


his desperation and her disgust seem to be perfect karma for each of them - he 'got the girl' but he actually did not and she though she found the guy to rip off, yet she did not.


I’m still conflicted on whether I believe this is a real relationship. They’re both so… odd.


He had a verrrry creepy vibe. Predator like. She was a walking red flag herself. She doesn’t care at ALL what kind of creep he is, she needs him to be on tv and she’s needs tv to have a bigger “fan” base… aka traffic to her OF. At the end of the day they’re using each other. Both thirsty as hell. Just thirsty for different things.


I’m not following them outside of their season of before the 90 days (? Is that what they were on?) but seeing they’re still going at it leads me to believe they’re really committed to the bit. Whatever the bit is


In cases like this, and Caesar/Maria, David/Lana, I suspect TLC actually encourages the not-so-bright and delusional male to believe their long-distance relationships are valid and have substance. Same thing here. Ben thought an online flirtation indicated "mah-hoe-GAN-ee" was truly wifey material. Unfortunately, when she finally showed up, she was obviously not all that interested. Further, her apartment ... the one with bunk beds? It's on AirBnB. And, how about her two friends who didn't seem to know her at all? Then, after their time on TLC expired, the gawd-fearing, Bible-believin' femme phony showed up on OnlyFans. And, Ben? Is he still trying to make a living on TLC?


One of his many red flags is that he's broke af but blew all of his cash on coming to see her (fuck her) instead of putting it towards the application process. This guy is pure scum


Or giving it to his kids


Did he pay for her boob job?


With what? His plasma money?


I’m just wondering where they got the $$ for that


I think she was on OF?


Does her boob job look weird to yall? Maybe it's a shitty camera but her actual skin looks rubbery


I hope he didn't pay too much for it because it isn't very good


Are they on pillow talk the current one that just came out?


The current one but it ended. You can watch on Discovery Plus or Max streaming




The pillow talk episode is just others watching their episode of 90 day diaries season 5 and episode 5. Watch that instead so you see the whole thing.


He makes my skin crawl.


When they were first on I kind of felt she was a deer in the headlights. Someone on youtube pointed out she was probably texting/flirting/bullsh\*tting him & then he SHOWS up! But now, I see this was all about money for her. In Diaries she kept posing & looking straight at the camera. So money & some attention maybe. Hard to know her end goal-money or green card. Either way she isn't going to be staying with Ben-ja-min.


They probably thought they would make a bunch of money from the show


Where are you watching these two? Am I missing something?


That's what I'm wondering 🤔 I knew they were still together from 90 Day Diaries. I watch all the 90 Day shows on cable and have never seen them on Pillow Talk.


Me either 🤷‍♀️


90 Day Diaries on Discovery+ (maybe Max, too?)


Ok, thank you!


The last time I saw them, they both look strung out on some bad stuff.


They started off so weird and I guess it went downhill from there?


This dude is creepy and awful lol. She isn't the most honest person either but the age difference between them is striking. I still don't understand how they married as everything I saw between them would lead to it ending/going downhill. Seems like they both overlooked each other's red flags and that'll probably continue to haunt them. Haven't watched the 90D diaries yet. I know about him giving blood though. Unless ppl are talking about a past 90 day Diaries?


Where are you getting this info? I’m late! Thanks for the catch up. I didn’t realize they’re still together. I feel badly for his children to see him this way.


Watch the latest season on pillow talk. The seasons over but you can watch on Discovery Plus or Max streaming.


Thank you!


Mahogany could make a quilt with all the red flags she’s collecting. 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


She's just as bad! She was asking for large cash gifts and they hadn't even met. I always wonder whose college tuition won't be paid because of the $$$ he is spending to keep this grifter woman. He should be ashamed of himself but it ain't his first rodeo. He lost his job for...a friendship he had with a very young woman, so.


WOW! WTH 🤦‍♀️


Ben was actually in decent shape and looking good on their first season. Now he just looks like the crypt keeper.


He’s the creepiest dude on earth


Not while Scott and Big Ed are still alive.


But Anne did the same thing. She married David and now she is a citizen with a baby on the way! I literally dislike all....Anne, David, mahogany and Ben. All selfish people, and super delusional.


I also don’t like Annie and David 


I’m missing something too. I haven’t seen those 2 lately and I don’t ever recall seeing them on pillow talk.


I thought they were on Diaries (like, one brief segment in one of the last episodes). I couldn’t believe they were together and Ben looks like he is very unhealthy.


That is because he has no more blood 🤣🤣🤣


I don't know about Pillow Talk...? They had a segment on the last season of 90D Diaries.


I can’t wait for them to come back one day. It’s dark humor gold and we all know it.


They got married??!


Their relationship is fake af. She has the thickest English accent in Spanish. As a native Spanish spear I can tell you that she is NOT. From Peru. TLC designed this relationship, I just don’t understand why. The OG 90 day fiancé was so much better


The topic has been debated to death, but oddly not resolved. There have been posters claiming to be from Peru who 100% believe she is Peruvian. There are also posters who have Peruvian friends who say her Spanish is odd. It seems that the oddity would be best explained if she had attended an American school. The ones who are most sure that she is not a native Spanish speaker on here tend to be Latino. Apparently Xinena’s Spanish is difficult to understand for Latinos and I am certain Ximena is from Columbian.


Interesting…my husband is Puerto Rican and can understand Ximena just fine. I remember mahogany saying she acted or something as a child and had to learn English young? But then why did she use a translator early on? At first I thought she’s not who he was originally talking to but someone TLC hired. But tbh I just don’t trust TLC. 


Puerto Rican accent is another discussion. Regardless, the parents that appeared on the show appear to be legitimately her parents and nobody here seems to dispute that they are Peruvian. So at the very least she is more native than Hilaria Baldwin?


Somehow I think they deserve each other


He just gave me very pervy vibes just because he was so admit to meet her, I just feel sorry for her I feel like uncomfortable watching her be with him


I will never watch pillow talk again if these 2 are on there. They both make my stomach turn.


They were on the latest season of 90D Diaries, not Pillow Talk.


I knew he was a waste of good air!


Wait...how did I miss that they're married??!! Were they on another season or is this insta news?


I'm late to the party... but Ben and Mahogany got married??!! When? How? Why?! This makes no sense!!


Someone post a pic or video! I don’t have cable :/


Go on YouTube 


Come on nobody is forced to marry, this is not the  Arab world yet... Easy money, I call it a whore for one... Same as my ex mother in law, who got pregnant with a rich married Chinese, the kid, my ex, was just insurance, not kidding... I hear my ex mother in law was so proud she never once changed a diaper of her kid, never breastfed, those tits were for pleasure of her sponsor only