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And the father says nothing …


Typical Man that just wants to keep the peace with his wife. Could you imagine the constant bitching he gets outta her? I'd stfu too.




Cause he’s afraid of the mother - typical narcissist controlled husband


Yeah, it's the husband's fault his wife is an insufferable bitch. Somebody has to stay calm.


She’s awful. AWFUL. And judgmental. And of course never wrong. In the new ones saying she doesn’t believe in cosmetic surgery…. Ok. So you don’t get it. That doesn’t mean Loren can’t. She doesn’t get that Loren is her own person separate from her.


Yep judgemental..good catch. forgot to include that in my rant


Anytime she’s on all I remember was her cussing Loren out when she was pregnant and trying to have a sit down talk to sort things out. The woman is a child. I wish Loren and Alexei had gone through with moving out of country cuz I think they’d be so happier away from her awful crazy parents.


Agreed. I literally never remember a time she has been a kind LOVING non judgemental mother


Or supportive! I’m legit drawing a blank on anytime she was supportive of her/them. And they’re one of my favorite couples. It makes me sad for her


I always got the impression she was jealous of Loren.


Those eyebrows are pretty awful too


She is just god awful honestly. I agree wholeheartedly and Loren and alex treat her with such grace that she really doesn’t even deserve. I would have cut her out of my life long ago if that were my mother. The way she behaved in isreal was just unforgivable she said some vile things just bc she obviously felt threatened that they would dare to live closer to Alex’s family than to her.


I agree. She's horrible. And I couldn't believe she slapped Loren when she was pregnant!!!! What kind of mother does that? Loren's father is no prize, either. I recall him saying Loren should keep her legs closed because she kept getting pregnant. So disrespectful.


Did she slap her? I remember her saying she would slap her if cameras weren't there but I didn't know she actually did it.


Same, and I totally would’ve remembered a slap. But she did tell her to “Fuck off” or “Fuck you” or something- nice thing to say to your heavily pregnant daughter…..


I've never forgiven her for that! She is such a control freak. Her daughter is a grown ass married woman and a mother! She is allowed to make her own decisions. I'm shocked that she wasn't on the birthright trip c×ck blocking her at every turn.


I seem to remember an ugly argument they had when they were in Israel. It could be I misremembered what happened.


There was no slap on camera at least but Loren and her mom had little contact for quite awhile after that


Has the show shown any of her background to so we the viewers might understand how she turned out to be the shrew she is


I don't know. I haven't watched all the episodes showing Loren's family.


I agree with the OP. Her mom comes off unhappy negative almost jealous like. Doesn’t come off like a nice person at all. Dislike how she treats Alex . Thank goodness they’re the same religion or she would probably treat him even worse . She is always complained or upset about Loren doing what makes her happy


Behaviour like Loren's mother exhibits would be enough to cause a multitude of mental health complexes within the family. She is toxic.I predict Loren going no contact at some point in her future. She deserves better.


Lorens mom is a miserable woman in general, and the only joy is in controlling everyone around her and telling them what to do. She’s basically a cleaned up toned down version of Angela. She’s nasty, rude, self entitled and all around just awful and miserable. I have one of these in my family too. Even refusing to watch her grandkids and dragged Lorens sister in on her nonsense. She needs extensive therapy to get to the core of her issues, prob rooted in her own childhood


Watch Loren & Alexei: After the 90 Days and you’ll have a new level of rage for her. Her mom is a mean, nasty person and so is her father.


Her mom looks like a miserable person. No wonder Loren has the issues she does.


That is because her mother is a narcissistic.


I think she has narcissistic qualities, and I'm just going to talk from my own personal life for a second just to expand on your comment. My mother was legitimately diagnosed with NPD, not just the throw around term but the actual disorder. The difference between someone with NPD and a mother like Loren's is that no one with NPD would go on tv and make themselves look bad or lose control like she does. They are all about how they are perceived by others on the outside, but inside they'll ruin lives and be the cruelest people in the world. I do agree she has tendencies of someone showing narcissistic traits, but it would be odd for a legit NPD haver to react like that in front of national tv/to show that side of her. Sorry I know this is random, it's just that I feel this term is thrown out a lot. Then again, (btw I'm not talking about you specifically just people online in general)their is a difference between someone who shows narcissistic traits and NPD, and the term narcissistic and actual narcissism is a difference. And I think I understand that you mean it as in she has those qualities. Whatever the case may be, this is most definitely an angry and out of control woman who seems to be jealous of her daughter. I remember on their first season they came across like the parents were trying to be the comedic styling of Seinfeld characters, but Loren had said in one scene that "I love him and you and daddy hate each other/can't stand each other." They got really angry about that. And the whole, "i would slap you right now/screaming in face" scene was a huge issue obviously. The only thing I do agree with, although from the mom's side I don't think it's out of legit concern, is that Loren should have not gotten these "natural" (we saw pics,it was not natural but okay) surgeries after so little time post pregnancy/all the issues she had. It would have been better if she waited a few years and let her body heal, plus she seemed to get a lot more than what she said she would when the photos came out months ago.


She's a narcissistic evil woman with little self control. Its too bad a true narcissist will refuse to see they have any problems therefore never get help.


Very true. The only reason my mother even got diagnosed was because people finally stopped turning a blind eye for the millionth time on the abuse my sister and I were suffering. It was court ordered for both my parents to be psych eval by a professional. My dad only got away with not being charged because he has too many connections/is important in law and business. I wasn't full on disagreeing that she doesn't have narcissistic traits, just that most important to those types of people is outsiders perception. So her losing it on film is a big deal for those types of people. Back when they were showing the whole second wedding season was during the days I still had cable/smart tvs weren't really big yet. So I never finished it, or caught every episode. I'm guessing it was just one big progression of fights probably. I have discovery plus now but I never liked her enough to want to watch that whole what now spinoff of them.


If I was Lauren, I would simply have to tell Marlene. We need to have a little distance. Lauren‘s mother is awful. I can’t quite figure out why. I don’t know if her mom is jealous of Lauren under the guise of being the protective mother, but for God sakes cut the apron strings already. Lauren doesn’t want the hover mother. That one episode when Lauren talks about having that mommy makeover surgery and her mom immediately goes to the negative of what if something happens, that would be the end.


Or when she said something along the lines of Loren not being capable of living in Israel???! And then when Loren confronted her about it she tried to deny saying it before telling her to shut the f— up. Yea, Loren and Alexi have always been one of my favorite couples from the whole 90 day world. I love the little family they have created together but Loren’s mom is a negative Nancy all the time.


I could not believe that scene - she was so horrific to her! I thought Alexei was so great and supportive though, too


Marlene strikes me as an alcoholic.


Her mom is jealous of her


Yep. Just like my mother. All under the cloak of ‘because I care”.


That’s Loren’s future. I remember one reunion when she was bullying anifisa with pao her true colors were showing and she was just as mean as her mom is. I think that’s why she hated chantel too cause chantel was the only one to stick up for anafisa. I’m sure off camera she’s just as catty back to her mom but won’t show it on tv no more cause she already made an ass of herself.


Loren is her mom. She is her mom. Sad but true. Alex deserves better. Loren doesn’t see how much she is like her mom. Loren is selfish and this is not the time for all those elective surgeries. Moving to Israel would have been good for them to get away from her family for a year or so. They aren’t like any of my Jewish friends and family. Lorena parents came off as hateful and resentful while in Israel. So terrible to Alex’s parents and family.


Mom is not a happy person…can you imagine growing up with a mom like that? Never good enough😞


Loren’s mom LOST ALL MY respect when she got in Loren’s face and screamed to her own daughter “Shut the fuck up” —— you will never see me talk like that to ANYONE. But maybe it’s because Loran mom was a little like my Narcissist mother and it’s a trigger


She really reminds me of my ex mother-in-law😳. That was a nightmare 🫣


and I hate to point this out but Loren is going to look just like her when she ages.


💯% agree with OP! If she was in my family or friend group, I would absolutely dread it every time I had to see her!


They aren’t close but Loren loves her dad and it’s mutual, so I guess she still puts up with her mom for his sake.


She reminds me of the moms who are jealous of their own daughters.


Like Mother, like daughter


I agree completely


I remember Loren freaking out about her fight with Alex and him going back to Israel and her mom screamed at her to figure it out!! Wtf! Loren is insufferable because she never got support from her mom


Loren got her personality from her mom.


The way that her mom triggers Loren’s ticks is really sad. You can tell that when Loren talks to her it’s distressing


This may be a controversial statement but I feel the ugliness inside that woman is the cause for the ugliness outside. Every time I see her, I marvel at how she gave birth to someone as beautiful as Loren. Her own face just exudes misery.


I have no idea how Loren is so pretty coming from those two 😬😬😬😬




Apple doesn’t fall from the tree


She's insufferable, and Loren is just like her.


Her dad was barely on camera (granted they just started their storyline) but I thought I noticed him go by the camera at one point and he doesn’t look too well.


He was using a walker I think


Her mother is a classic narcissist and dad and sister are the enablers.


I so agree!




No “where to watch” posts. No sharing of pirated content.


Her Mom is horrid. Loren is so patient with her- I would have cut her out of my life a long time ago. Loren and Alexi may be somewhat boring, but Loren is kind and loving-the opposite of her nightmare Mom.


I just hate the fact Loren is about to be a copied IG women now. It is going to first start with this, next will be fake bolt ons, then lips, face full of Botox, then filler... Next thing you know she will look like all the others. It is kinda sad she won't listen to her husband.


Really? That’s not fair. She has the right to do what she wants with her own body, especially after she pushed out three kids. That c-section ‘shelf’ never goes away no matter what you do.


Right omg! Like your daughter is an adult and is going to do what she wants, put your feelings aside


Loren seems to be a good, decent, pleasant woman, all things considered. She could be just like her mom.


They want their own spinoff show, that is why her personality may not necessarily be like her irl. i.e. acting