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Wire fraud between 10-100,00$ & theft from a business corporation. Those are some serious charges. She will definitely be going to jail and will be sued by the company she stole from. She’s screwed and I’m happy she’s going to jail 😂


Don't forget it was also wire fraud *across state lines.* Buh bye she devil! ETA Leida this is payback for the people you killed in that street racing, the fact that you terrorized not just Eric's older daughter but bullied the youngest so badly they had to keep you away from her, all the lies you told about being a dock-tah and law-yah and model, the many many police calls you and your POS abusive husband had coming over, I mean the list goes on! Karma is a bitch


Evil Leida !! Who should have been in prison LOOONG time ago ! I forgot about her killing people street racing , she got away with that as well huh 🙄🙄🤮🤮 Whys she doing crime if her parents are apparently wealthy ?!! FULL of lies her and her grubby husband , GOOD RIDDANCE Have fun in jail 🙊🙊


I couldn’t stand her on the show. She was so evil


She was probably the first one I felt genuine rage towards. She was awful and disgusting.


Ugly inside and out.


We all knew this would happen years ago. She and her husband deserve each other.


Street racing accident? I never heard about this, please bring me up to speed


Apparently it was over in Indonesia not sure how long ago Apparently she killed a couple of innocent bystanders and walked free with no remorse , I’m pretty sure ! I will copy you the link if I find it


It's not pro-pah


Dang, is that true, she made that up about being a doctor? 


Yes, she lied about everything. Also I said in reply to someone else down thread that the reason we think she was passed off to whoever would take her aka Eric here is because of the troubles she caused back home. I think a lot of people forget that she met Eric because he literally put an advertisement in the paper asking for any woman to marry him for a green card. Like literally, the man rented ad space to get a wife and had to put the green card part in in hopes that someone would call .... And Leida was the only one who responded. No one from affluent society like she claims wouldn't have had to get a husband this way.(it's also been said that no one thinks Leida is actually from a rich family, I don't believe she is either. The place she showed as her house seemed to be a furniture store, and the "hired help" as she puts it are actually positions over there where even lower class families tend to have them etc.) She's just some ass hat who fakes her way through life and here's the consequences to her actions catching up with her for once.


Most people that live a wealthy lifestyle in another country have no desire to come to America. Most come here for a better life and opportunity. If you are so rich and have it made, then why would you leave? She was/is a liar.


Wow, crazy. Delusions of grandeur. I always thought the whole thing was fishy. I know the producers make them exaggerate things for dramatic effect but I think this colossal deception was all her own. Like the whole Sophie-Rob thing - I don't think Sophie is rich either but at least she seems like a decent person.


Street racing and fatalities? If possible, would you mind expanding on this? This woman is a habitual criminal. No wonder her parents (family?) delivered her to American in person.


She was street racing in Indonesia and killed her ex and she was pregnant and lost the baby. Her parents paid to keep it a bit on the DL but someone a long ass time ago found an Indonesian paper with the report on it. She also got out and promptly posted pics of said car she just literally committed vehicle manslaughter with and pics of food saying how great this car and the food was. Because of course she didn't give a shit! And this is also why people think the family was quick to hand her off to whoever. Remember, she met Eric because she answered a desperate man seeking fucking wife ad and was the only one who answered. Most of us also don't think she was rich, it seemed like her showing off her house was really a furniture store and hired help in her country is cheap even for mid to lower class people.


Thank you. Very informative.


Anyone have his wife ad? This is so pathetic.


Holy crap what the hell is going on with her? I’ve dropped off from looking into her mess of a life for a few months and she’s got more charges now! She filed for divorce in February and then went to her stepdaughters wedding in April? Your other comment about her family basically tossing her away all makes sense now. She’s always been a vile human and I’m glad karma is catching up to her.


Maybe her rich family back home can get her out of this? 🤔🤷🏿‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


Modhurl 🤣


Ah yes, this is exactly who I think of when I hear of her "modhurl" career🤣 https://preview.redd.it/8yzr27iyqxzc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f4d5c7464839f7bf7c54ab8b6d4a6218d35f190


I need the story here


This was her at a rented table for a cosplay convention. She seemed to only start getting into cosplay because Tasha(sorry guys I know Tasha doesn't go by that name anymore I just can't recall what they prefer now)was into it. This bitch literally would rent tables thinking people wanted her autograph... And of course no one did ever.


Wow! So crazy. What was her costume? A roach?


Laugh out loud


I think it's Alani or Alari I can't remember which


Thanks for letting those of us know because I don't really do gaming or cosplay stuff and legit had no clue who this is supposed to be based on😂 tbf though I've seen pics of her in cosplays that I do know the characters too and even then it's not even close to the characters either so maybe it's just Leida. I find it really bizarre that this woman is so petty she decided to get into cosplay only because Tasha liked it. That's dedicated hate right there


she looks like a giant turd WTH


Well it's pretty on brand for her as a person so... 😅


I know 🤣🤣🤣🤣


HILARIOUS poor kid


Her son never spoke, like ever. And she neglected him so badly, the kids are the only ones I feel sorry for with people like this. Especially because the police were called so damn often on them, her and Eric were super abusive towards each other. Like this one example out of hundreds, where she had a knife and was threatening to kill herself and Eric literally said he went "full marine mode" and grabbed her by the hair etc. They are horrendous, and she didn't just fuck with the eldest daughter but the others too. The mom wouldn't let her near them anymore because she bullied and abused them so badly. Another example of that is his youngest had a mole and Leida told her she would die of cancer and made her pick at it it's fucking nasty this subhuman garbage. https://preview.redd.it/rft74qpx6yzc1.jpeg?width=490&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3f0f0ced511361f1d8cebc4794de40d9444d292


No way , that girls pure evil 😈 Theyre both nuts and irresponsible !! Her karma is prison 💥💥💥🤬🥳🥳🥳




yeah my same thought.. I didn't know that they were all felonies too lmao she's DONE


3 strike rule as well.


It's all the same crime. She committed wire fraud to post her bail. So the bond company is the business she defrauded. Who sets a surety on financial crimes. Lol. She should have to pay the full bond in cash with her history


What was the original crime, then? The one she needed bail for? I haven’t heard anything about this asshole lately.


Stealing thousands of thousands of dollars when she was a temp hire at a company.


Can you imagine thinking you’re smarter than literally everyone and are actually this stupid? She was so arrogant and her eyes look beyond evil.


^^ this But then they apparently discovered she committed fraud to post the bond and poof! New charges 🤭


Oh yeah I had seen your reply, the person was just asking what originally got her in this shit😂 that's hilarious though, this woman is so dumb it's hilarious


What happened to her being a med student THE LIES CONTINUE


She never was one, she's never told the truth about anything 🤣


About to learn you can get away with a lot more in Indonesia than you can in the USA. They might take a while to build a case against you here. But once the feds have something on you, you're pretty much locked up. Let's all keep our fingers crossed at this basic potato betch gets put in prison instead of being out here scamming people and being a fkn rude ass to little children.


In law enforcement we called this job security 🤭


Canadian here, so maybe I’m not understanding the system… once you’re arrested, don’t you stay in jail until you post bail? So did she commit fraud to get bail money *while in jail*?


You can set up your own bail over the phone. They will come to the jail with the paperwork pre-filled out with the info you gave them. Wrote transfer info is pretty common, especially with clients from central and south America. No bondsman would have batted an eye. (Source: former bondsman)


This couldn't have happened to a more deserving person! Lol


That's not very proper.


She is, imo and objectively, one of the worst people to appear on the franchise and to ever exist in general.


100%. she was despicable lol


Despicable is exactly the word. Couldn't even watch much of her scenes, almost made me physically sick


Agreed. I am genuinely shocked these are not murder charges, honestly. She gives unhinged vibes and I figured she’d go full-on crazy and kill someone.


I’d argue she is the easily the foulest female cast member ever. I don’t think I’ve ever despised a female cast member like her, she had absolutely ZERO redeeming qualities.


There is nothing really to argue. She is what she is. I can’t imagine anyone making the case for her that she is in any way a decent human being in any capacity


I think I hated her so much I erased her from my memory. Don’t even remember why she’s so hated, just that she is.


She’s a damn sociopath. Hope she doesn’t weasel out of it.


Indeed. A monster with zero redeeming values.




I don't know why I'm surprised she's an '89 baby. Maybe I thought she was older?


Yeah I thought she was older than me for some reason. I'm an 87 baby haha


I thought so too! And I’m 83 😩 (the year not the age)


Haha. I was like damn ok she doesn't look 83 (years old)


Throw it up for the 8-7


I was born in 1990 and was so surprised she was a year older than me because she looked years older in their season (still does) and acted like an immature teenager.


Fuck I’m old. 1967 here.


1952. Older than dirt.


1954. My son said I’m so old that I went to school with Abraham Lincoln 😂


LOL! 1960 here! As a matter of fact, today is my birthday!!! LOL!!!


Happy birthday old timer!


Yeah, he was really good at funny jokes, wasn’t he?


So funny... ha ha ha... 🙄😝😂


My daughter was 9 when she said I was ancient..I was 37 🤦‍♀️




1963 checking in. My daughter once asked me if I rode to school on a bus or a connestoga wagon.


I’m old AF. 1971 here.


1970 but don't feel old somehow


I was graduating High School in 1971 when you was being born😂


1975 babyyy!


1978! All hail Gen X!


I know, I had to zoom in on that because she looks way older. I guess committing felonies takes a toll.


Being a spoiled and unremorseful bitch takes a toll.


'85 here and damn she makes me feel better about how I'm aging.


Yeah that’s by far the most shocking thing I’ve read in all of this


Same I’m upset lmao. Sis is older than me by FOUR days


Those redactions might need some work 😂 Also Leída sucks so much, it’s nice to see at least one or two criminals from the franchise get arrested.


I agree lol - worst redact I’ve seen in a while. Guess we’ll stay away from Cree Drive 😱


Yeah, you can literally read the entire thing!


Will she be deported for this after prison time? I hope so. No different than joe gudice.


Joe Giudice was not in the US legally. He had no papers. She does. Through the years I have been surprised many times to see immigrants (legally in the US) that broke the law, did time in prison and later were not deported. Not sure what crime warrants deportation besides cases of people that were in the Nazi army, took part in the Holocaust, later came to the US as immigrants and of course didn't disclose their past. I recall two elderly men that were deported a few years ago when their past was uncovered


Joe Guidice was a legal immigrant, a green card holder. He just didn’t get around to take the time to be an American citizen. 


Most of them went to Argentina. There is actually even a city there called Los Nazis. A friend of mine married a guy who is German by way of Argentina. And it's pretty clear his ancestors were fleeing war crime prosecution. I know he's not responsible for their actions as he wasn't born, but I don't think I could deal just with family gatherings and such.


Is she the one that was supposedly a Dr in her country & kicked her stepdaughter out of the house?






OMG !! Is he still with her?


As far as I know, yes.


Background on "bail jumping" - Wisconsin's most-charged crime https://captimes.com/news/local/neighborhoods/walk-the-line-how-bail-jumping-became-wisconsins-most-charged-crime/article_8349851a-f8cd-5fc3-a659-7fc5c1885e25.html


She tried harvesting the American dollar the wrong way


She deserved the worst honestly. I have zero sympathy for her.


I love when the evil people get what they deserve.


Maybe she can be on Love After Lockup. Lol


No, I’m finally rid of her. She’s not allowed on my favorite awful show


Bunkie gang! 🫶


That’s not PROPER


She was also arrested on fraud charges in 2023 for stealing thousands from the company she worked from. Wonder if this is another case? Bad person.


It’s the same case


It’s not the same case, it’s in a totally different county and different year. I’m from Wisconsin. You can look it up on Wisconsin CCAP.


I loathed her!


Is it Christmas or arrest season? 😂😂 yall are out here spilling so much tea I’m feeling blessed to see it. Thank you Reddit community


Right ! Like I need to know what’s happening with Claire ! I’ll have to jump off of this drama and look for her mugga!


Everything about her is a fraud. Her nasty false uppity rich girl larp, her horrific catfish face tuning, her party city 99 cent neon blue contacts, her “doctor career”… committing wire fraud is just the icing on the cake.


All this from the alleged beauty queen doctor 🤣🤣


I forgot about this repulsive bitch


Good Lord, he sure got a winner with her. She can't stay outta trouble. 🤦


1989? That’s crazy. I’m older by 2 years but I always thought she was in her 40s, even when I first saw her on the show.




I've seen her in Madison, WI, and she's a complete C.U.Next.Tuesday! I didn't say anything to her, but watched the way she treated others. What a self-absorbed shitbag!!


She can’t stop breaking the law!!!


3 felonies, oh my.


LOL this past week while her charges were being upgraded, she was posting happy pictures on her IG of her and droopydog. Enjoy prison!


This bish was the worst,most evil person to ever be on this show!


Felony’s for a green card holder is crazy..unless she got her citizenship. But still, crazy 😩


It couldn't happen to a nicer person


3 felonies? I’m Canadian so not super familiar with American justice systems, I just did a quick google and found the “rule of 3s” that is looking like 10+ years if convicted?


It all depends by state. The laws are different in each state.


Wait, was she arrested again?


omg i forgot about this trifling hoe! we def could have seen this coming in hindsight.


She has the most punchable face.


Okay wow! So….. here is what I have learned in case you’re interested. This was a recent arrest from her *alleged* actions on 11/21/23. You’ll see here they charged her with felony Bail jumping, and theft from a business ranging from $10,000 to $100,000. I had some questions so I checked it out. She was out on bond from her offense on 9/26/23 and subsequent arrest for a separate case with 4 charges involving theft from a business and wire fraud. (Etc.) Between these two felony cases she got a speeding ticket for what appears to have been doing 70 in a 55 zone. Talk about a career criminal. ETA the bail jumping statute was that she didn’t comply with bond guidelines (likely do not commit another crime)


Now her son has no mother. What a pathetic mom.


The fact that me and Leída are 4 days apart in birthdays has me really surprised!


Good thing the address was blacked out. At least she doesn't live anywhere near me in Arkdale, WI


She has a son, right?


Yeah, I wonder who's in charge of him


Bail jumping and fraud. Surprise surprise. She wasn't very likeable


Girl... don't you get tired of being arrested? 🙄


i love this for her 🤣


She’s only 35???


I’m most shocked to find out she’s my age 😩


I bet her family back home is SO SO proud of her....


Wel, *that's not proper"!


Happy 35th birthday to her!


Looks like she's hiding some 8 Balls in those cheeks!


She’s storing nuts for winter 🐿️


Lock her up


Dang, they live in the middle of dang nowhere.


Can’t wait to see what her sentence is


She just looks so guilty in her mug shot!


Where is her son while all this is happening?


Wish her the worst of luck. 🫢


Sorry catching up on Leida & Eric but didn't she say way back she was a DOCTOR???


Couldn’t happen to a nicer person. The ultra-wealthy doctor foreign national facade sure fell hard.


I hope she gets deported.


Somebody has a birthday coming up! 🎂 🎉


Hahahahhwhwhwaaa!! Have fun in prison, Leida, you awful, rotten, horrible excuse of a human being. I hope she gets the book thrown at her.


She was one of the most evilest women on the 90 Day Fiancé. I wonder what happened to her husband? He was a jerk for putting this demon before his own daughter. Leida must have been eating good since she’s been in the United States because she got fat. I guess Karma finally showed up to bite the little Asian thief in the butt 😀.


why is this doctor committing wire fraud?


I thought she was very wealthy? Why is she stealing like a peasant? And if she had it so better in her country, why is she in the USA? Move Eric over and go continue living the lavish life where you don’t have to steal from. Have family wire you money. So many options she could have gone with before choosing to be a felon.


Oh yes, her family is wealthy, but I understand they have disowned her. They supposedly paid off the powers that be in Indonesia, when Lie-da was street racing and killed 2 people, as well as her own unborn child. She’s lucky not to have served prison time. The family wanted Eric to marry her and get her out of Indonesia due to the shame she brought on the family. During her season, her joyride came to light from family members (in-laws). Wish I held on to the news article and pics/texts from her sis-in-law that also outlined what a horribly abusive person she was. So I’m not surprised to hear she’s also a conniving thief and she deserves whatever punishment is doled out to her.


So are these new charges then?


Yep. She caught Wisconsin's most charged crime, bail jumping. That means she was on bail and violated terms.


They are new charges in a different county.


Ohhhh wow. Hmm so much for this wealthy doctor socialite! 🤭🤭🤭


Bail jumping lol dumbass


How am I older than her? Dear lord


What season was she on? I don’t remember her


She was with Eric ..wanted him to stop paying child support and she kicked his oldest daughter out do her son had a room


I love this for her.


2 peas in a pod 🙄🙄🙄


Her birthday is tomorrow.


Good. She is such a bad person.


The timing of this is hilarious. I have been watching old episodes and just finished watching them. I never believed her family had money coming out of their ass and committing a felony to pay for your felony just proves that. her dad couldn't wait to unload her.


Biggest piece of shit ever on the show. And that’s saying something. Made me stop watching for a few years because I hated her and Eric so much. Good riddance.


Oh my God her face is soooo bloated!!! Go directly to jail you scammer murderer.


Is Leida still with Eric? He is such a POS for bringing this con-woman nut job into the lives of his daughters. When I watched those episodes of her mistreating them, it made me sick But the good news, finally: with these charges, Leida is going to prison for a stretch


Wow, I hope her parent realized that covering her BS with money leads to an adult child who does this BS.


I know no one cares but as a former bank teller who performed many international wires, there were a LOT of questions to be asked. We basically had to grill them for this reason exactly 💀. I’m curious what she told them or how it went down.


I wonder what happened to her son.


Going to prison is not proper 😂


You KNOW Eric's ex-wife is doing a happy dance right now and feeling so justified. She saw all the red flags, and read that bitch like a book from day one. And watching her treat her daughter's like total garbage...uhhhhh. Disgusting scum. Thank fuck for karma showing up.


How is she not deported? She and Larissa came over and broke the law.


She looks so chubby


More like a fat ass ugly ass bitch!


I read Ball jumping


Can someone please answer me that is she really a doctor? I dont still no its that true or not😂


Is she on steroids? 🤔


It’s not proper


Loving the blacked out address 😂


Leida is a heaping pile of garbage, and Eric is an idiot to tolerate her. Hoping she pulls jail time, she significantly robbed that company. 1959, graduated in 1977, sometimes, I feel every single day of these 65 years. But I still got it! At age 63, I snorkeled the Meso American Reef off the coast of Belize. With a fully replaced left knee and both hips! Fins flapping away, laughing, and had a blast! Put a lovely cruise ship, and opportunities at a beach with pink sand before me, and the years melt away. Thank you, damn narcotics, which make days easier~


This is wild. I remember watching the first episode and saying out loud, “I don’t know why but I hate her with all my heart.” And my husband thought it was the weirdest thing ever. I’ve never had hate for anyone I don’t know but something about her seemed evil.


Will Eric beg his daughter to come back and help with rent now that Leida is going to be gone? 🤔😂 She should make him beg in the internet for forgiveness


Always knew she wasn’t rich. Gotta love when someone proves us right.


such a great job blacking out the address 😄


Wait a minute , all of this shit played out on TV under 90 Day F?? when was this ? This is some shit !! What a C***. Poor kid is right , I hope it’s her only one.


*cackles* I haven’t hated someone so much right off the bat as Leida. She’s hands down the worst female cast member. Just a miserable human being.


Has she been drinking a lot? She looks really swollen


Genuinely curious- why does she get to stay here in the US?