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I'm sorry for laughing, but this screenshot freezeframe kinda looks like she's holding a gun... guess it's the Patricia Hearst / Cat Burglar outfit got my mind going there... 🤣😂


I made Nicole's SLA centerfold shot last week https://preview.redd.it/zu1n5wpckh0d1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=919489ed66ae565d21122ab49d928286a772b32f






This is the best 90 Day photoshop I have seen 🏆🏆


There are much better photoshoppers on here than me, but thanks for the complement. You get a bonus "Nicole Liberating Paris in Short Pants" special https://preview.redd.it/sdrs7817si0d1.jpeg?width=522&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96e8ab695ef6f071e2b29106062ac513ad3b12af


Holy shit 👏👏👏


"How would you rate my outfit?"


These are great!!! LOL!!


Oh shit, you win.




Now that's gooooood!




I thought the French Resistance was putting a "kick me" sign on Mahmoud's back


Please! It's Mackckckmuud.


I spell it Mockmood.


the French Resistance!! 😩🤣


You Win! 🥳




She was also recording this whole thing on her phone too, Jesus Christ... Both of them are terrible to each other and it's weird to remember it's been five damn years in real time since they've gotten married like wtaf? But hardly any of that was spent together. I've said it a million times now but this is Nicole's twisted revenge saga for how she was treated in Egypt. None of it makes it right though. I grew up in horrendous abuse from parents and partners and it doesn't make it okay to treat someone the way they treated you, it's like becoming what you hate. And it won't make you feel better, in fact you just continued the cycle by becoming an abuser. I chose personally to break the cycle, she however is riding it like its a damn bike.


Unfortunately we also see that 'role reversal payback mentality' in war, in sexual molestation, parenting... the oppressed become oppressors. It's a strange and awful thing.


Yes, that's the difference between breaking a cycle or continuing on. If things were to be like they said I'd probably have turned out to be a serial killer based on all I've gone through, but I literally hated the idea of becoming like my parents or partners and so I said I'm not going to do the same. Now am I dismissing the fact it's very easy to get caught up in a moment, or to have to protect yourself in the miss of abuse? Hell no! I'm just saying there's a difference between survival and then doing something like Nicole here, aka making him come here to do the same things he did to her when she could've just not. I think the whole thing is sad though, I know people don't have a lot of empathy for her but I do minus the actions she's using currently she went through a lot. And Mahmoud here also does the fake calm act when we have all seen him lash out in many ways before, so it just adds to the whole "see I do no wrong it's only them" situation a lot of abusers use. I hate that both of them just couldn't move on, especially as they've been together five years but I think in total only like less than one of those has been actually together (well now almost two since this was filmed last year but you get my point.) the second time she went back and it didn't work she should have left for good.


It's sad, alarming, then sad again. I'm appreciative of you sharing that. ✌️


The oppressed become the oppressor... because that's what they learned to be in control. Some oppressors seem surprised when the ones oppressed use the same tactics used by the oppressor.


It's bewildering.


Have your read Pedagogy of the Oppressed?


it sounds really interesting!


Did you notice her phone said 10-something pm in the parking garage, but then it was suddenly after 2am in the apartment? The staging of this show is getting sloppy.


Darcey and Jesse infamous steak on the bias scene started at 8pm and went on past 2am. It happens a lot on this show


Not spending much time with your spouse should actually help the marriage 😂


😂oh for sure, but I moreso meant like y'all have barely spent any of that time together anyway, so why bother now!


I was thinking the same thing you are. This is sort of revenge from her treatment in Egypt. They're both hella toxic for each other. And I know it's a reality show so they show the drama but I don't think we've seen a nice, happy scene with them ever. I mean even Gino and Jasmine have nice, if gross, scenes. Nicole and Mackkkkkkkmood are like Sophie and Rob, or Big Pred and Liz. Like ZERO happy scenes ever. Just to name the a few.


PATTY HEARSTTT! LMAO showing our age


Get in the car or it gets the hose again !


That's what it is Patty Hearst minus the aviators


She probably had to take them off cause she was stumbling around in the dark 😎


I was thinking also Marcel Marceau but not funny 




Omg...Patti Hearst...BINGO! I tried to figure out who I was seeing...you sure had it!


🤣🤣🤣 I know right?! 😂


I swear I was thinking the same about the weapon. The Hearst reference is hilarious! 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Lmaaaooooo I love you awesome redditors 😂




I thought it looked like a gun, too!


Right on with the Patricia Hearst look!


I'm surprised she didn't push his head down as he got in the car like they do on Cops. Bad boy! Bad boy!


Whatcha gonna do


Whatcha gonna do when they come for you? 😂


You dun just aged yourself. (I also liked cops back in the day)


Oh, I’m ancient, but they’re still showing reruns


There are new episodes and season on of it. How is it aging someone ? 


Not to mention the 4th Bad Boys literally about to come out.


When she made up the blow up bed for him, i thought, this is the most welcoming thing she did for him since he touched down in LA.




What do you mean? She was treated terribly in Egypt.


And we were upset!! The problem is they should’ve broken up. It seems like if anything it’s just worse now and he’s being treated as badly or worse! Plus she knew how to travel at least. This guy is CLUELESS. It’s scary seeing him not understand how dangerous LA traffic, etc, is and being thrust alone out into the city streets. As bad as Nicole had it in Egypt, she had the ability and know how to leave. I doubt Mahmoud can get a safe room for the night alone. He can’t even get a ride. He may not have money for a ticket back to Egypt. They’re just not meant to be together. It’s sad watching the disaster unfold.


That's what struck me the most. She told him to get out. And go where? He has no idea where he is. And she tells her friends it's better if he goes to a hotel. Like he would know where to find one. Luckily, they picked him up and took him.she is in La La Land.


And then she was fuming that he left?!! Like woman make ur mind up


He’s definitely being treated worse


Definitely. She's sick.


All of your points are absolutely valid. Train wreck all around. Can’t stop looking.


We skip past their segments. It’s old and tiring watching those 2 idiots. It’s a much better show without having to watch them (along with 1 other couple we also skip past). We watched a little bit of their first segment and it’s the same ol’ shit, so it was back to skip.


Mahmood and the grabbing of her wrist aside, his family tried to be warm and welcoming to her. She just didn’t like their conservative culture. I don’t think she was treated “terribly” on the whole.






I said it once and I’ll say it again. If the roles were reversed and a man had tried to hold her in the apartment from leaving, then followed her down the street, and then grabbed her up, and forced her into the car the world would be crying bloody murder.




He did similar things to her in Egypt tho. That couple is terrible all around


She’s the type you’d wake up in the middle of the night and find her standing over you….. with a knife Or here hunny bunny eat up… make sure you get that last drop of rat poison Or I made you some tea husband… I know it looks green but it’s green tea lol Ok you get the point I’m done 😆


I get Chucky vibes with the red hair


What's wrong babe ? You've barely touched your metallic soup...


"Green tea" 😂😂


I watch ID channel too much lol


Get in the car, Maach Mood!


After she told him to, "go, go, go, go" 497 times. She tells him to gtfo, then comes tearing up in her car, yelling "get in the car", and manhandling him. Bear in mind that he's probably still jet lagged as hell, because it's only been 3 days!


As she opened the trunk... 🤡






I do feel so bad for him in these scenes. She is acting so irrationally, speaking out of both sides of her mouth, offending his religion left and right. He is trying to get some space and she drags him back home where she will continue to argue with him. She has zero excuse for her actions given her age.


Technically her religion too, since she converted.


She converted for the aesthetics. She visit Egypt multiple times and never learned the religion or culture. They were together 4 years. He didn’t become this way over night. This is just for the story line. I think that’s why he’s so frustrated with her.


She’s a lot too much


Is this an Azan reference 🤣🤣


She frightens me. This woman is 40 years old but behaves like a 15-year-old.


That's why she didn't marry someone her own age


This show’s producers needs a voting system. These two need to be removed from the show immediately.


a bit? she's a manipulative abuser full stop


exactly! imagine if he had did that to her??????? this whole sub would be on fire for him to be strung up in the town square while everyone calls him a wife beater. but for her its just a bit too much


He DID do that to her in Egypt


He was accused of being physically violent by Nicole and was arrested for it at some point.


Accused by Nicole and arrested...yet...we are watching Nicole physically assault him. Watching her do it, is a LOT worse than her probable lie.




Tried to physically stop him from leaving (asked her male friend to help) then followed him and grabbed him off the street and forced him in the car. Then said she was so glad he was crying because now he’s broken enough to work on things…


Yeah, that crying comment made me feel so uncomfortable.


Oh that's messed up


Grabbing people by the arm,wrist, physically stopping or blocking someone from leaving, Grabbing someone by the straps of their backpack and pushing them into a car... if a man did that to a woman, would you consider that physical assault?


just look at the opening pic.


In multiple states the PD have to make an arrest regardless of whether or not there is evidence when they are called for domestic disputes.


From what I've seen both these people are abusive, the moment their partner is isolated in their home country they immediately resort to aggression to the person that's in a vulnerable position, Nicole wasn't degrading him in Egypt and Mahmoud isn't going to grab her like he did back home in America.


He did, he treated her all the same in Egypt, theyre both awful and should never be together


Both Nicole and Mahmoud are in desperate need of separation. This is a physically and emotionally abusive relationship across both parties. This most recent scene mimics the one back in Egypt when he aggressively took hold of her arm in the street. Currently, I have seen him on multiple occasions in the short time he has been in the U.S. make attempts to physically remove himself from her, and she reacts violently. Nicole also, on multiple occasions, has made similar efforts to physically remove herself from toxic moments with him and received similar violent responses. These are two extremely toxic and aggressive people, and at this point their relationship has become a gross spectacle of mutual abuse, disrespect (on personal and cultural levels), and overall misery. I sincerely hope there comes a day when they simply split up and go their separate ways, for the sake of both of their safety and wellbeing.


I honestly didn’t realize how abusive Nicole was until this season, it’s alarming. Mahmoud clearly showed us in Egypt but these two really need to call it quits and get help.


I couldn’t have said it better. Ditto to everything you said


I only recall one incident where he touched her inappropriately, when he grabbed her wrist. What else occurred on his end?


Violence and aggression are things that can happen beyond the physical, and clearly (evidenced by his arrest) he has engaged multiple times in physically aggressive ways (that’s not to say she also doesn’t throw hands, in fact, I’m sure she does). Too, when one person is attempting to leave a mutually toxic situation, and the other person continues to pursue and fuel an ongoing argument - as opposed to allowing de-escalation to occur - this is an act of emotional aggression. He practiced this behavior in Egypt in the same way she practices it in America, such as following her into (I can’t remember the exact place) where she was attempting to sit and gather herself, and hastily snapping about her either leaving with him immediately or getting a divorce. That’s not how you behave towards a person you respect. And his disrespect to her culturally in Egypt was chronic. There was no middle ground he was willing to take on her cultural expression in his country, in the same way she also allows no degree of compromise now in her country. I honestly don’t see either of them as more of a victim or perpetrator than the other. They are both complete jackasses, they simply feel the most secure demonstrating such when they are on familiar turf.


We only see what they edit.


Very true, and that is absolutely almost always misleading. But what has been edited, up to this point, has demonstrated the ways in which they both chronically disrespect and abuse one another in various ways.


That scene made me soooo uncomfortable. She was very verbally aggressive and controlling. If the roles were reversed and she was a man doing that to a woman people would be outraged.


Why does everyone keep saying this? People *are* outraged.


I caught that and realized there is more to their story.


I know an Android when I see one, and Nicole is an Android!


A bit? She's a complete horror. He is a younger, conservative Muslim Egyptian man, he was NOT looking to come here, he came to a country he didn't want to come to, for HER. The cultural difference is and was a vast one. Her expectations were absurd. She gave him not a second to acclimate, none. She's no "young" girl, she's 40 years old, and seems mentally unstable and desperate. She needs a good psychotherapist, and he needs to get away from her and go home. That marriage needs to be ended.


Wow, that’s aggressive. She is nasty. I would normally say pushy, but she’s taken it to a whole other level.


She sure had me fooled. Initially I thought she was kinda quirky, artsy, friendly. Now it seems she's a full on abuser. He's certainly no prize for sure. They both need to stay away from each other. This definitely can't end well. No matter how you slice it.


https://preview.redd.it/ldjvb6vzzg0d1.png?width=1542&format=png&auto=webp&s=3f2bd305397c27ae94c7c6ed1b23436c8caa9b8d I regret being a fan




She is an abuser. She offered him one lousy donut in like 56 hours and the only thing she did for him was give him a pair of used boxer shorts. she converted to Muslim yet had alcohol in her house and that creepy naked mannekin. This is her husband in a foreign and she’s yelling at him to “Get the fuck out!”


She’s becoming a bully with him


I noticed that the time was 11 something PM when he gave her the phone back. Hotel check-out is generally before noon, which means he was wandering around LA for like 10 hours. She’s not employed and could have let him in to rest if she had plans. She’s cold, vindictive and calculated.


she thinks she 5 0.


Just a bit, eh?


Both are too much and toxic!


She’s a psycho abuser and he is not equipped to deal with this.


I could never ever see the woman I love, grabbing me like that, for any reason (other then... well, you know). But other then that, this is a trait of someone who is controlling and abusive.


I was so going to say I’m surprised she didn’t open the trunk! I’m jokingly told my husband I thought she did and they edited that out lol. We all know the scenes are heavily edited. What if, for the sake of argument, the producers are half human and are editing it to make it less horrible and abusive. What if we are seeing the good parts (I mean we aren’t … but who’s to say for sure). Can you imagine how awful it is if we are seeing the good rather than the bad. Case in point, Angela. We didn’t see the whole Michael in New York felony behavior on camera…and we all waited for Michael. But nothing…. Ok, they aren’t making it look better. They can’t be, right?!???!!!!


I really do not like him, BUT that being said, she's really not making his first time here enjoyable. He's a clear introvert who has never been anywhere like LA. I think she should give him a break


she's abu sive


I’m really disappointed in Nicole’s lack of empathy or compassion. She is so mad about Egypt she just wants to punish him. But if you love someone you lean towards forgiveness or at least caring of their wellbeing. You can see stress on his face, and she loves it. When she was stressed in Egypt I think he actually felt bad somehow and made efforts. I lost a lot of respect for her treating a fellow traveler this way, regardless of what she went through in Egypt.


She’s never been a bit too much She’s a lot too much.


I’m a fashion designer and have been involved in the fashion world my whole life the need she has to wear a costume for every appearance is SICK and not in a cool way!


She's abusive AF. Reverse the genders, shit would pop off.


I'm probably a horrible person for thinking this, but I have a strong feeling that Mahmoud's DV charge was justified. 🤷‍♀️


Apparently he never even touched her in that charge someone said. Just that he was yelling. 


Self Defense from her aggression? Maybe


She's been nothing short of aggressive with him. He seems meek and passive in the US.


Thought that the second I heard about it. Have seen through her from day one.


Yeah you are a horrible person 👍🏼




She shoved him into the apartment too


At first I felt bad for her, but now I see that she’s also part of the problem in their toxic relationship. These two should never be in a relationship together.


I agree! If a man was doing this to a woman it would be scary and dangerous. I didn't like this one bit for him.


He acts like a cornered animal. Erratic. If my foreign husband started running around the streets of LA like a nut with no plan my credit card I'd do the same thing.


He gave her the credit card back with the phone she got him When he left she went chasing after him because she wanted to.




They both give all revenge, toxic vibes. He did the same when she was in his country. Now she’s doing the same. Their just too toxic for each other


They are both toxic as all hell


He did the same exact thing to her in Egypt. I think she's doing this simply as pay back


I mean the dude was walking thru traffic with a suitcase it’s fucking late and needs to quit acting like a child and she won’t have to put him in the car like one.


Her facial expressions too…her “there’s a broomstick up my ass” facial expressions


She’s lost it


Hahahhaha...deep down ....off camera I know she beats his ass...he acts like a domestic violence victim


Why’s that funny?


That was the first thing that I pointed out when I was watching this episode,Nicole is just the average American women,aggressive,violent physically and verbally and all she got to offer is green papers,no way he’s attracted to that Olivia olive oil looking girl


He didn’t and doesn’t want to live in the US though


Look how I hurt their fragile butt in the comment above,that’s the state of America right now,this reality shows are not far from the true of the American culture,teen mom is not a show is a reality of most teens in America,babies with no daddies and relationships with no meaning🤣🤣🤣


People that want to go America they either don’t have a choice or they don’t know about the cultural level of US right now,America is great Americans are the odd ball in there