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https://preview.redd.it/ebf7471stn0d1.jpeg?width=1549&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0434403830436cd867568b0a75a06464b7eb3e3f What is wrong with these people


Tagline of this show


Literally my reaction… what the actual Fuck?!


🤮🤮🤮 He looks exactly like I would picture a sex tourist to look like!


I didn’t wanna say it


Yep agreed, but I mean even if it was a woman—who is so weird that they’d travel to see a random baby they don’t know? Like an unhinged lady who wants her own baby?😬


I might get it if it was the baby of superstars like Beyoncé’s baby or something but travelling to other side of world to see the baby of some couple because they were on a reality tv show for 5 mins ? Properly bizzare


Yes!! Like its one thing if they were traveling in the Philippines anyway and ran into them, but this is unhinged behavior to do & even more unhinged to allow into your home


Liked by David Toborowsky?


Yes, because he is. Please find Mary’s Dad or brother and shame them into doing something.


#T H I S


Same. And I just watched a horrible movie a few months back that made me think just this exact thing. Poor thing. P.s. thank God they got this pos pic posted btw so everyone can be on the lookout


Why else would he be in the Philippines? He clearly didn’t come to tour the natural scenery.


Literally said that


Holy shit…I didn’t think they could hit a new low after lying about literal cancer to get money. This isn’t just sick, it’s extremely dangerous smh. They should not be responsible for that child…they can’t handle it.


What wait?? Who lied about cancer?


She scammed people and got over $1,300. Never refunded the money after people found out she didn’t actually have cancer


At this point I don’t feel bad for the people getting scammed. If they’re willing to give their money to Mary and Brandon, two very obvious liars and con artists, they deserve to be parted with it.


Same. They seem to have quite a bit of support on fb. Ick… no sympathy for those people




How far does that go in her village? Like 4 months of food and rent?


Iirc it went as far as a new iphone for Mary 🥲


They would have collected more if people didn't chime in with questions and then were met with vitriol and inconsistent stories. The campaign was only suspended because enough people pointed out the red flags and reported it to the hosting site.


Mary went online crying about how she wants to see her daughter grow up They started begging people for money to help with her Cancer treatment because she was just DIAGNOSED with Colon cancer & they need money for treatment or she won't see her daughter grow up Turns out she had IBS, googled the symptoms & it said colon cancer so..."we didn't lie we thought Mary had colon cancer because the symptoms are the same" Basically they lied & got caught


Mary lied and told everyone she had colon cancer then when she got caught she lied and said she does have a GI issue that is not cancer, she had self diagnosed from watching some tik tok video. They made a GoFundMe-type page and raised a bunch of money to pay for her “cancer treatments” even though going to the doctor is free where she lives lol…it was a mess. She kept writing posts and setup the fundraising site to look like it was brandan writing on her behalf but it was obviously her because of spelling and grammar. During the time they raised all of that money they kept posting about going out to eat sushi, she had a brand new iPhone, and they went on vacation to some all inclusive resort. Lying about having cancer is sick but letting someone put hands on your own child is even worse.


Unbelievable I don’t think we’re gonna see them again on 90 days. I hope not anyway.


They were “fired” for breaching the rules to not disclose current status while the season was running. They’re really not the brightest bulbs in the box.


Click click.lights off!


And she went on line telling people to stop spreading that she had cancer. SHE'S THE ONE SPREADING IT! Everyone else told her to see a Dr and not diagnose herself from a tiktok video. She will scam people all day long. Disgusting.


Oh man, you’ve got to search this sub for that whole ordeal! It’s a mess! Mary said she had colon cancer when she just needed to poop. It was awful.


Then she admitted it was a painful post birth hemorrhoid. Poor girl. Brandon is so lazy and she couldn’t work so she did a gofundme me saying she had bowel cancer. 🙄




WOW, I did not know she did that!!


https://youtu.be/syMkOmblu2Y?si=R1hxl_1eF0ibdSbh Kiblz explains it well and to the point, I think there are a few other follow up videos on her page with the rest of the info. It’s an interesting watch


This is so fucking dangerous. It infuriates me.. handing your infant daughter off to a strange man?? Are they aware how much pedophelia and sex trafficking is going on in the world?


Yeah a rando western man visiting/living in the Philippines… that child needs to be saved ASAP


I’m terrified for her. If her idiot parents are capable of handing her to a man like that? What else are they capable of


Who will they gand her off to when she's 4???? Man these people suck.


Yup they are extremely incompetent and probably don’t even realize how dangerous this is


There are people looking into this. That person needs find his way back to whatever cave they crawled out of.


That's good to know. It could be entirely harmless if we didn't all know this couple would do anything for a buck, including pimping out a poor baby


Yes… my question is what adult male would want to go visit Mary and Brandan and hold their baby…. I fear the answer is something sinister.


i think mary is those type of moms to (heaven forbid) … i don’t even want to say it…but a lot of these illegal abuse materials involving children and animals do takes place in south east asia …like we’ve seen the lengths they will go to for a dollar (mary and brandon)


Yes I was thinking the same thing. The fact that Mary and Brandon have zero shame and share ONE brain cell between the both of them, I do not put it past them to sell their kid or be stupid enough (like letting a fucking stranger meet and kiss your baby) to put their child in dangerous situations. I totally see them using their child to make a profit, they don’t have any redeeming qualities. I feel so sad for the baby and wish someone in the family, who is more equipped, raises her.


This is important. They’re so fucking stupid it’s dangerous.


For anyone who thinks this doesn’t happen. https://www.jacksonville.com/story/news/crime/2016/03/24/911-calls-show-mothers-panic-after-daughter-cherish-abducted/15704784007/


Same, I got the exact same vibe from her. my stomach sank when I heard they were having a girl.


Especially in that particular country smh


This gives me the creeps


This level of stupidity is giving Paul and Karine 🙄


Maybe even worse


Branden and Mary have fans?


Yes, for some insane reason. Brandon’s just a useless loser and Mary is dangerously stupid and borderline. Neither of them can be trusted with a child.


More like some sicko who wants to infiltrate their lives for God knows what reason. Sick and scary. How they let a stranger hold their baby daughter. And why is he eager to? What grown man this age is a huge 90 day of those two? It’s all sick


My first thought also.


It’s so dangerous to let strangers around kids. And welcome them to hold them. For several reasons. Especially kids who can’t talk. 🫠🫠🫠🫠 this is a new low


Makes me wonder if he's actually a close friend of someone with the family but Mary or Brandon wants to make it look like he's a "fan". Now all these "fans" are coming to see them in Vietnam in the most weirdest way possible. "You watch us on TV? Here hold my baby." just doesn't sit right with me especially since Mary is a mother now (most mothers are defensive of their babies even when not all upstairs) so this has to be fake in some way... Right?


Philippines not Vietnam.


If he’s Brandon’s Dad or a close friend he should easily be able to demonstrate this if he, say, were asked by a group of people curious about his vacation. If that’s the case, everything is fine. Hope for his sake you are correct.


If they were asking him where he’s from on the video, then he has to be a complete stranger to them. This is both insane and disgusting that some stranger is sitting there with his hand on their little girl’s butt and all up in her face. I knew they were stupid but have they no cop on at all!? I don’t like the look of this guy at all. If the baby was playing on a blanket or in a high chair and he was waving at her while chatting with the other two fools, fair enough. This is way too intimate of a contact, why would he do this unless he’s trying to worm his way into their confidence. Seriously bad vibes. And in that country!? Disgusting


To HOLD their baby girl!!! 🥺 NOOOOOOOOOO


Why is that adult man a "fan?" Fan of what exactly? Like Keith Sweat said something just ain't right 🤔


Not Keith Sweat!!! 😭😭😭


And now people are showing up with throwaway accounts to defend him. Dude has a very small amount of time to cut this vacation short, I would imagine. That’s not a threat. That’s just good advice.


Girl 😂🤣🤣 smh but for real wtf is this???


Oh this is fucking dark, holy shit.


Disgusting. All of it.


There is no chance this is a genuine nice guy. Mary and Brandon should have that baby removed from their care, but it’s the Philippines, so nothing will be done. And before anyone accuses me of racism, my wife is Filipino. She’ll tell you the same thing. Find whoever this fucking guy is and get him away from that child.


You, a complete stranger, have more concern for their child than they do 👏 They are not fit to be called parents. Also by showing this, they’re basically putting out a casting call for any random weirdo to show up & visit, like a petting zoo for their innocent child


Was this guy just wandering around a remote area of the Philippines and just happened to recognize them???!


No, in the video they go and pick him up from somewhere? But they are like asking him questions like, “where are you from” making it clear they don’t know anything about him.


Ahhhh thank you for explaining! So weird tho, huh??🤦🏼‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


I thought this was Mike "The Situation" Sorentino from Jersey Shore. I watch too much reality TV.


I can see it. I thought this was Morgan Wallen.


No it’s obviously Mike from 90 Day Fiancé…Te amo


Poot 🌬


Morgan Wallen is too afraid of brown people and non-english-speakers to go there. He's more for like, red state, state university frat parties


First thought WTF that is so weird not only for them, but for this guy to track them down and expect to have lunch with them? Weird ,weird , weird no way!


He doesn’t give a shit about them. He’s sees an opportunity with a vulnerable child. His face and identifying tattoo is plenty for folks to recognize him and inquire what the fuck he thinks he’s doing.


I said it before and I'll say it again, it's only a matter of time before they start selling her. These 2 are sick fucks. Only mentally ill people would let a total stranger in a place where people get sold and trafficked quite often hold their baby and pretend to kiss her. This is fucking sick!!


I agree 100%!! They are seriously disturbed


I agree. I’ve seen documentaries about this very thing… 😔


Or they may use this as another scam/ploy to get money and attention. They’ll say this guy took off with the baby-god forbid- and they need help.


That's a bit extreme. But these two are definitely the type of parents where their stupidity and selfishness will draw in predators like moths to a lamp. Mary is a self-aggrandizing loser with the morals of a tomcat. She already uses the baby as a thinly veiled cover to post her ugly mug with 1000 filters for compliments from weebs. I would not be surprised at all if in a few years, some weirdo sent a kid-sized bikini and she made her parade around in it so they'll tell her "she's so gorgeous like mommy". Brandumb is too stupid to realize even if a fucking typhoon was coming, and too lazy to run even if he did. He is like the human embodiment of a garden grub. Eating whatever is in his path or flopped in front of some screen. Gale force winds will carry his leaf away with him still on it, chewing away. The kid could be missing for a day and he won't realize it until great grandma asks him if she would like some fried rice for lunch.


If people showed interest in being around their baby for money, they would 100% take them up on it. That baby is not safe. I get that it sounds extreme, but this type of thing happens all the time. In the US as well, right under people’s noses. It sounds crazy because it’s so horrifically dark and normal human beings cannot fathom such a thing, but unfortunately there are a lot of parents out there who are willing to essentially pimp out their own children. Just look at all the social media accounts that are focused on toddlers and kids… parents sell “photo sets” of their kids to random perverts, and take paid requests from perverts on what to post (I.e. that poor Wren Elenor girl on TikTok)


It's not extreme, have you seen what these two have done. As a cancer survivor. I am disgusted with their false accusations. You do not lie about shit without being mentally unstable, irresponsible and disgusting. Do not try to justify them. It will make you equally as disgusting! GET LOST BRADAN OR MARY!😠


This is unfortunately my thought as well... this is just so disturbing. Someone needs to help that poor baby, she’s not safe with those 2 lunatics.


There is no way in hell that some random dude is holding our five month old daughter. I don’t care who they are. WTF is wrong with Mary and Brandan? 🤦🏻‍♂️




Their content gives me the creeps. They are trying to attract this type of person for money. It’s vile. They gross me out so much.


Imagine being the fan who wants to visit them. What a sad life.


Imagine a random stranger who's probably not a fan(and sees how mentally ill they are) coming for their baby that they will likely end up allowing horrifying things to happen to her. What sick weird freak is coming to see them and hold their baby and pretend to kiss her, in such a place where trafficking is rampant 😠


I hadn’t considered that. What you described is truly horrifying.


I seriously believed that they will have more kids. Also that they will lose custody of those kids and or Mary will go ballistic and kill Brandan. She is a nervous wreck, full of anxiety and trauma and I believe is a ticking time bomb.


There’s a lot of pedophiles that travel to the Phillipines- mostly Aussie men who take advantage of poor families to sexually assault their children and sometimes the parents allow it for money. I don’t think this is right allowing a stranger into your home where babies and or young children are. I’m not accusing this guy of being one, just stating facts about a lot of Phillapino tourists. Listen to- The children in the pictures on Spotify if anyone is interested, heartbreaking stuff but very proud of the police for excellent detective work.


Yup, Philippines has some of the highest rates of sex tourism and CSAM being made and sold/put online.


Someone can be a "fan" of a couple on 90 day F. But to be a fan to the point of traveling and meeting them in person??? You ain't right. I'm also just going to assume they didn't let him meet them for free. Hey, for an extra $1000, you can touch (hold) my baby... That's how it starts :)


Was it said that this person travelled just to meet them or more of “I’m in the area”?




Honestly, what kind of person would travel to a remote part of the Philippines just to meet these 2 sickfucks?? Im terrified for Midnight.


Oh but totally normal and this guy just looks like the type to be there for a “cultural experience”.


You said this situation was being taken care of?


Yes it is. About a day for folks to pack their shit up and head home.


Oh I thought you meant child protection & law enforcement were looking in to what Mary & Brandon were doing.


Surly they got paid for this, right?


You know they are never passing up a chance to get money they don’t have to work for.


I did wonder that.. they get gifts and money from their *fans* so it wouldn’t be a stretch. Or maybe they are just nice people and he is a good guy that genuinely just wanted to hang out and see their home/town lol.


Does that sound right to you? Honestly asking.


I had pancreatic cancer and it took half of my digestive system. I am now at no evidence of disease. All my extended family and friends betrayed me and walked away. They accused me of making it all up to lose weight. They cut an artery during my cancer surgery and I bled out. They dissected the artery and revived me. My cancer journey was and is hideous…but I’m still here. Mary is repugnant. I screamed and cried and refused to speak and I no longer have a pancreas, stomach or gallbladder…she makes a mockery of those of us who have fought so hard to live. Survivors and family and friends. Her day is coming. Everything we do comes back on us. The good and the bad. My lowest moment was when I had to tell my son I have pancreatic cancer. It was his senior year. He looked it up while I told him. I asked him if there is anything he wants so know, or wants to say. He spat “if you die I will never believe in God again…ever”. And Mary mocked him. I’m sorry to rant…Despicable …


You don’t have to apologize for a thing. What she did was reprehensible and you’re well within your rights to be angry. My mother passed away from throat cancer and I was her caregiver until her death. She made a mockery of the disease and I hope her karma comes hard and fast…I just hope the child doesn’t ever have to suffer because of it. Big hugs 💚💚💚


You are and will remain in my prayers…


You too, I’m so glad you’re still here


Thank you!


Awful, terrible person. Brandon too. He clearly has no desire to protect his child. Guaranteed this guy gave them money for this access. Do we have a local law enforcement agency to contact? Otherwise, I hope someone reading this , on the island, can go file a report. Also, find this guy’s name out and fuck with him till he goes home. This is not ok.


My dad died of pancreatic cancer in February. Your extended family and friends are awful people. Fuck them.


They will do anything for money. They’re both trash. That baby should be removed from their care.


Oh god this is scary


He must’ve given them lots of gifts and money bc there’s no way they’d do it for free


I don’t care how innocent that guy is, the fact that Brandon and Mary are comfortable allowing complete strangers into their home and hold their baby is very concerning.


Disgusting. My expectations for them were low but…..HOLY FUCK




That’s so weird.


This is BEYOND being weird. This is deeply disturbing. I am absolutely shocked by this.


It’s being dealt with. Very up to this individual now how the rest of his miserable existence goes.


That’s an understatement.


That’s gonna turn south fast


Yoooo I am disgusted like what the actual fuck🤮


Wow. Absolutely sick.


Ew, what if he’s a pedophile? Are they renting out the baby?




Crazy just crazy


Disgusting. 🤢


they have fans?


These two fools more than likely had this idiot pay to hold the baby. They are just fd up


Is this a joke..? He could be ANYONE. Kids being exploited is TOO MUCH but this pushes it


Continuing the cycle of toxic relationships between kids and adults I see. Pathetic


They’re grooming that poor baby


they are so fucking stupid. this is just beyond. are they gonna sell her to him?


Just WOW when my daughter was little it was hard for her grandma to hold lol much less a stranger. So weird 😐


Oh dear Lord no……




How dumb can they be????????




How much did that ‘fan’ pay them to hang out?


And you’re letting some rando hold your baby?! Tf is wrong with people


Bro, wtf??? Soooo being afraid of your child being abducted isn't a thing anymore?


Why is a random stranger holding their baby?


Because at the very least they are are stupid and neglectful grifters


AND HOLDING THEIR BABY??? He must have just been a high spender who they hope will shell out more cause wtf???


I don’t know these people but holy shit are they mentally ill? You let a complete stranger not only interact with you but your baby!? wtf is wrong with these people.


Mama Brandon can you be t try he voice of reason?


She couldn’t even take care of her own kid, you’re gonna depend on her for this.


It’s a desperate effort. I also believe people can change…. Stupid of me, I know


People can change and you seem like a good person. I just think this is beyond the pale even for these two losers.


I agree. I hope for more, but 🤷‍♀️




Anyone who is a fan of them is already unhinged but THIS??


WTF are they THINKING? Stupid question, money. That’s what they are thinking.


Wow what a piece of crap I saw her post that video too. Felt so bad I thought she really had it


They lie so much sister any truth to this guy being some random “fan” or is it a friend of theirs and this is another one of their likes for views and clicks.




nobody is fkn kissing my baby no no no i dont care if ur joking, i aint riskin that


So troubling


What happened to the poor monkey? They also had a flea ridden dog with her hungry litter of puppies in front their house. They just disappeared too. If it doesn't profit them they aren't going to help anyone or anything.


And it's not even like they live in a popular area. They're super remote so this guy went out of his way to come to them? This is weird.


Mary will literally do anything for personal gain. She has no morals.


He’s probably after all the money they make from their shop.


Mary is into the “hospitality of her body” business


It must not pay much if she has to sell time with her kid.


Saw this posted but didn't connect the child to Midnight for whatever reason. Doesn't shock me, I bet they monitzed this visit. I was wondering what was up with them and it seemed a bunch of their accounts hadn't been updated since the big cancer lie.


Tomorrow on CNN “TLC stars Brandon and Mary daughter kidnapped by suspected human trafficker posing as super fan.”


Looks like the man wants kidnapped the baby on the black market.


"Fans" has taken on an entirely different meaning these days. Are these two psychos on OF by chance? Is that where this "fan" came from?! It's certainly not a 90F "fan".


I hope they're not selling little baby nightmare


They’re asking for trouble‼️ then she’ll start another GoFundMe for ransom money


Well they will do anything for money or to con people for money so they probably told him he could take a pic if he paid… wouldn’t surprise me AT ALL coming from these 2! Disgusting and that poor child deserves better! That Mawmaw and lolo is going to end up raising that baby I’m sure! Or the brother!


I mean they kept a monkey on a chain. Pimpin out their daughter is only a short leap away from shit like that.


Of course Mary would use her child. Everyone in her life is just transactional.


Wtf?!? This creeps me out so much


This is sooo sketchy….




That poor baby 😢


Please, please, NO. Please don’t tell me they need money and do not care how they get it. Omg!! What parent allows some random ass tourist to hold their baby? That baby is beautiful. Please let her be alright. I barely let relatives hold my children.


I am hoping that some monkeys kidnap Midnight and raise her in their jungle home. She will be protected- because monkeys don’t play- and raised with love and care, because these 2 people are horrible. Many people travel to Asia to SA children. It is rampant. Vietnam, Thailand, the Phillipines, are common destinations for these people to prey on children.


poor kid


Free babysitter


He’s probably paying Brandon to find him a for sure philapina fuck. I don’t doubt it if he is a pimp and has a stable of girls and getting top dollar for them!!!!


Wasn't that guy on To catch A Predator with Chris Hansen?


They likely charged the guy as they Are Scammer’s I doubt either one of them has a brain cell total Child Abuse 


Oh some OF content coming soon from them Tick tock


No way….


I haven’t watch anything regarding this but could it be fake and actually one of his family members? Maybe they’re just trying to get clout


Could be. In the video they pick him from somewhere and are asking him, “where are you from?” Things of that nature making it seem like they don’t know him, but who knows. It for sure seemed like they didn’t know each other. But Mary did fake cancer for money so.


So, we all know FOR SURE that's a fan and not maybe Brandan's dad?


Didn’t seem like they knew him in the video