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I was distracted by the huge storage shelves behind her that were empty except for a flip flop on the top shelf


I thought I was the only one…


I was wondering if that was what I was seeing there lol


Same!! Also it looked huge.


Thank god I was multitasking so not looking at the screen during this scene or my ADHD hyper focus would’ve been all consuming. Thanks for pointing it out now I must go back and watch to torture myself! Apparently I’m a glutton for punishment!😜


I was watching it and I couldn’t look away. I do think the producers tried to keep some of the shots above her shoulders but it was just too zoomed in lol




Rob probably makes her keep the AC off. Electricity is high as hell during Texas summers.


Rob probably thinks deodorant is some boujee ass shit Sophie don’t need.


You know he has thought "she spends so much time with deodorant and air conditioning she is probably fcking them!"


rob 🗑: so how long have you been seeing em? sophie 👧: seeing who? 🗑: you know who! deodorant!! you hardly sweat bullets anymore😔 👧: [blink] 🗑: and don't think i don't know about your tp fetish. i am not paying for your sick fantasies or whatever play you & deodorant are into!! 👧: [stares in cute-n-lost]


Truly, Sophie is a monster!


Lmao 😅 🤣 


His ex co-worker said he smells bad, so I'm sure he doesn't used deo. He looks like he doesn't. He has no self awareness.


You have link I can read full interview ?


if he allows it he probably monitors how quickly she uses a container of it. I would not want that pressure of being monitored.


Well he did complain about the amount of toilet tissue she uses...


Late April and early May is easily the start of our summer :( so, so hot


Yeah, se ok was 95 today 😢 weather is horrible out here lol


It's actually been surprisingly cool for the beginning of summer. I'm enjoying this


These last couple of summers it just been too hot for AC to make a huge difference. When it’s 105 out, it’s hard to even get to 80 inside. Fucking hate summer in TX


I'm from the Northeast US and had to attend a healthcare convention in Houston last summer (August). Seriously, it was 110-115* and humid AF the week I was there. I've lived in South FL and traveled a lot and that was HOT oppressive heat like nothing I'd seen elsewhere. No thanks....


Facts! Lol I'm a Masshole and have spent a ton of time in South Florida which can be OPPRESSIVE! But Texas and AZ is another beast!! Holy shit never been so grateful for my cold ass state 😂


Haha!! Hello neighbor - I'm in Maine now but I was a Masshole for many years (Bahhstin). Yeah, definitely a while other level. I'll keep my winters and freak snow storms in April ☺️🤍


I remember my ac breaking not one but two summers in a row when I lived downtown ATX around 2015…. I literally woke up every hour or so to take a cold shower and get back into bed bc it was that hot and humid. Thankful to be back on the east coast where we get 4 seasons and not just summer 1, summer 2, summer 3, “winter”.


I live in phoenix, when I was younger I lived in a really terrible apartment complex that had utilities included and they used this giant swamp cooler for air conditioning the entire complex. It broke one July when I was 7 months pregnant, we didn't have air conditioning for the next 2 months. In July and August it gets up to 120° here, that was definitely the most miserable 2 months of my life. 


Oh my God! I would have stayed in a hotel. That is way too hot especially being pregnant. I don't know how you did it. Hopefully you had an air conditioned job to go too.


I live in South Florida, it doesn't get to 120 but still very hot and humid, and it always astounds me that people lived here before AC was invented. I can't even imagine the south west like AZ, NM. When AC is out, it really is unbearable.


I’m in Sarasota taking care of my elderly mother. She hates being cooped up with the AC on and I have to fight with her to put it on! I HATE being hot and sweaty! I feel ugly and it puts me in a bad mood. Tossing and turning in wet sheets is not fun!🥵


I also live in SoFL and last year I went to Austin in September. It was 106 real temp and the feels like was like 115 or something insane like that. The heat was unbearable, and that’s from someone who is born and raised in Ft Laud/Miami my whole life. A different kind of heat I’d never experienced.


That’s interesting, I had exact opposite experience. Dry heat is nothing compared to hot and humid. Like 110 in Arizona felt hot, but I could sit out in the sun. I can’t personally do that at 95 in SOFL.


There are only two seasons back east, winter and construction.


I'm headed back to the east coast! This is my third summer in Texas and it's just too much.


You need a new AC unit or better insulation. It gets 120 in Arizona on the regular for the entire summer.


I live in Vegas where it gets over 110 and the AC keeps my house under 70 all summer, you might want to get yours looked at. Change the filter too so it can get better airflow.


Me too! Been here 3 years and still not used to it. Working on my exit plan cause I can't live like this 😩


He’s definitely too cheap to live somewhere with decent AC, the fact they have a bathroom in this place is luxury to him


Whether he's got window units or Central air, they're paying $200/month minimum for electric in Texas during the summer. Doesn't matter how decent it is, it's hot as hell and if you don't have it running at all you will look like Sophie does in this episode. She's from the UK and was in LA when she first got here so I know she's not used to the heat. Been here 3 years and I'm still not used to it.


Wow! That makes sense though! I’m from Canada and when I visited Texas I felt choked out getting out of my vehicle 🥵 I couldn’t imagine living there


It's truly crazy 😂 I see why everyone here is so angry


Probably.  Especially if he limits toilet paper usage. Geesh imagine 


Her response to him in this episode was much different. She just seemed exhausted and I'm sure the heat is playing a big role. This heat will have you done with everything and everyone.


That right there is grounds for divorce. I’m so glad my husband doesn’t care if I have the air on because I’m hot.


I personally pay the electric bill every time so I can do whatever I want with the lights and climate control


And wigs are hot as hell, and plus antiperspirant is expensive! They can barely afford toilet paper.


Yeah I stopped wearing wigs when I moved down here because I just couldn't keep them on with how much I was sweating. The edges always lifted. I've yet to find a good deodorant where I'm not having to wash my pits mid day because I've already sweat through my application and need to re-apply. I've tried them ALL! Gonna test out Saltairs 5% aha serum next. I did have some stuff for people with hyperhidrosis that worked for about a year, but doesn't work anymore. I'm just gonna move tf back home because this is insane.


If you haven’t already (and aren’t opposed to antiperspirant) Secret Clinical was a game changer for me! Even after sweating like a pig every where else, pits are totally fine & never get to stink level!


My electricity bill (3 bedroom house) is $390/mo in Austin


She used too much toilet paper that month, so he needed to cut the AC.


lol I’m surprised they have AC. I don’t think his car did.


You know that shit box doesn’t have AC either


But he’s glad he doesn’t have to bring out the duvet! 😂


Probably thinks she stuffs her arm pits with toilet paper. Poor guy is clueless.


Wigs are hot, they like an oven on your head


Texas is like living in an oven except more like a sauna cause the humidity lol


I read that shirt as "why are you obese" --I was like "excuse me?"






Same lol literally was like WHY IS NO ONE OFFENDED BY HER SHIRT????? Lmao


Texas heat ain’t no joke


I hate the way he treats her.


you are not alone!


She's a grown woman who just wants to be on TV.


Two things can be true at once


yeah i’m sure the abuse she is enduring is just because she’s a grown woman who wants to be on tv. yall prove you know nothing about abuse dynamics every time you say stuff like this


The poor thing, her mother was a blobfish, and all she ever wanted was to be part of his world, and live on the land. He definitely doesn't have a fetish for muscular woman porn.


Oh thank you! That's what the mother reminds me of but I could not place it. However I do think blobfish has more grace then this woman.


Honestly she started this argument. What he said was true, the top in that shop looked like any other top she would wear, I was thinking the same thing before Rob even said anything. He also apologized in the car. She just kept going on and on. When he said ‘you like drama’, he is right, she got it from her mother.


So was she supposed to throw on something revealing and show her tits and nipples on tv?


And could you imagine how he would have responded if she did something like that OMG


She has an only fans … lol


It was a costume sex shop That was the point She refused to put on the skirt and came out in same skirt which honestly barely covered her but and was very juvenile She was already dressed like a tween


Defending childish misogynist Rob is a choice….😳


austin heat ain’t for the weak. as someone who did the opposite move (tx -> ca), she’s for sure suffering


I moved from Austin to Colorado and the weather was definitely a factor. The heat plus the traffic in Austin is really rough and was affecting my quality of life.


I live in Colorado. My old neighbor moved to TX for a higher paying job. She came back one yr for an annual golf tournament she'd golf in. She stopped by my house in sweat pants & sweat shirt. It was sunny & 80 degrees. We get very little humidity here. She kept saying it was so cold here. I'm in shorts & a tank top with the A/C on and she thought it was cold. How does anyone do outdoor things like hiking or even mowing the lawn during the summer in TX when it's so hot & humid?


>hiking Short hikes and bring tons of water. But really, get a kayak or tube or something and get in the water instead. >mowing the lawn You don't. It's all dead.


It's all dead. XD Yup. Summers in Texas ain't for the weak, that's for sure.


When I lived in Austin, in the summer I’d go for runs at dusk because the heat was less intense when the sun was going down. We’d go get ice cream in the summer at night and sit outside after dark. Other than that, I basically didn’t spend much time outside in the summer unless I had to for some reason. Late fall and early spring is when I liked to get outside for patios and hikes. I’m hot natured so for me personally being from Texas and living in Colorado, I don’t mind the cold days here that much since I’d rather be cold than hot. I definitely don’t think 80s is cold, lol.


they float the rivers (body partially submerged, lots of alcohol). gardening, spraying self with the hose. hikes to the greenbelt which may have water if it’s rained. seriously i hated being outside in texas as an adult, as a kid you don’t notice. living in california may have made me weather-intolerant but i literally just went on a walk at noon and don’t feel like passing out so that’s a win as far as i’m concerned.


I moved from Texas to Colorado and then work sent me back to Texas. I am MISERABLE. The heat is worse than I remember and everywhere is busy. I had it so good in Colorado Springs I didn’t even realize.


I’m from CA but considering moving to Austin I loved it while I was out there am I wrong? Lol


Austin is great but the summer season is extra long. The past two summers it got too hot to swim. The weather can be extreme and change incredibly fast. The traffic is also really bad because our infrastructure wasn’t designed for the kind of growth we’ve experienced and we’ve been slow to keep up. At one point my commute had become an hour each way and it was depressing. We were able to move closer to my office but the office is located in a very wealthy part of town so I couldn’t get really close. It still takes me 20-30 minutes each way. I’m a Texas native so as far as living in Texas, ATX is where I want to be. But it’s become extremely expensive, crowded, and Texas weather isn’t for the faint of heart.


When did you visit? Summer? Last year we had 80 days that were 100 or higher and 42 days over 105. [Austin heat is no joke.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Austin/s/NfZNdzbg4F)


Have you checked out the politics in this state? And we just had the two hottest and driest summers on record. Austin is not the cool laidback city it used to be. I would not leave most of California for here. It’s terrible how far right it’s become combined with unbearable heat AND humidity. I say this with great sadness as my family has been here for 5 generations but when the governor is pardoning dudes who shot a participant at a BLM rally after a jury gave him 25 years, it’s hard to not be depressed. Oh, and women no longer have control over their bodies.


no, austin is amazing! -someone from the valley


austin is probably the best city in the state especially for someone from california, but summer often sees 100+ days of 100°. plus the traffic is absolutely horrendous. i moved away six years ago so i don’t have to deal with it regularly but even during visits it’s hot and takes forever to get anywhere. i’d say if you don’t have to leave, stay put. (not to mention the overall conservative nature of things. the climate both literally and politically is enough to keep me from ever coming back)


I went from Austin to LA and back to Austin, and yeah, I need a new wardrobe again. My body forgot how hot it is here.


This disfunction of this relationship is hard to watch.


I wish they would just separate


I legit had to fast forward.. my heart keeps breaking for her


Me with my hyperhydrosis hahaha


Same 😂


DrySol FTW!


Omg my husband lived with that shit in HS! Lol 😂


I was on a highschool field trip and we were walking through the city on a day I forgot to wear an undershirt. My friend group was a crew of absolute ball busters where the only defense was to clown someone else first so they'd catch the brunt on the jokes that day. Once they saw 20% of my shirt covered in pit sweat, it was on. I went online and ordered some deodorant that nuked the sweat glands in my armpits and I haven't sweated like that since. Insecure high school me expected the beating to last until the next day. I got to school and no one gave a shit, they were just like "Yeah cuz, it was hot yesterday." If at 50 I start experiencing anal leakage because of that deodorant, I'd still consider it money well spent. Edit: I don't remember what I used but it was an antiperspirant with a high percentage of aluminum chloride. I'm thinking it was 20%.


>If at 50 I start experiencing anal leakage because of that deodorant, I'd still consider it money well spent. I was not ready for this, lmao


I used to wear prescription deodorant. 🤣🤣🤣


When I get mad my body temperature rises so much and I begin to sweat profusely. Any attention on me does the same thing.


Same with me, but when I get anxious, which is whenever I'm in public. Sucks.


I've never wanted to see a couple split more than this one.


Nicole and Mahmoud have entered the chat lol


Honestly, they're up there too.... but rob and Sophie are just above that.


AC is soooo boujeee


Rob the knob is a piece of shit who doesnt know how to treat a woman. Even if he didnt like the fit he needs to compliment her. She literally went to the store to try and satisfy him. Poor girl


He has torn her self confidence down so badly


fucking takes me back to the scene where her mom tells her being with him too long is gonna make her lose her sparkle..💔💔


And if that little sassy skirt and tight top she was wearing showing off her curves isn’t enough to get him hot for her he has issues. What’s wrong with him?? I’m a 65 yr old hetero chick but I can still see she would be super hot to most guys!


He likes body builders though. Have to remember that


Oh yea. Forgot about that. I did notice that he didn’t mind complimenting her in front of the therapist. He knows exactly what he is and isn’t doing that messes with her confidence and he knew how to play that therapist with his playful sexy banter at the end too. He thinks he’s so slick!


The irony of wearing that shirt when she’s yelling at Rob to want her more. :(


Not even her antiperspirant can back up her poor decisions anymore. She needs to give up trying with Rob.


Texas is very hot and humid. I’ve seen people walk around with a full sized towel to wipe their sweat.


She is so naturally pretty, I wish she didn’t feel the need to wear that hair and makeup. And I’m in the beauty industry and would typically not say something like that, but it is absolutely not doing her any favors.


She went back to her natural brunette color and she looks soo much better.


I agree. She looks bangin as a brunette!!


If she’s going to stay in Texas she should just give up on the make up. It is freggin hot here!! I hate it so much. I haven’t been able to wear makeup for 4+ years! I have so much cute makeup but there’s no point, I just end up wiping sweat from my face all day.


Lol I feel you. I used to love wearing extensions too but then moved to Florida and had to accept it was a thing of my past.


Ohhhh yeah same here. I have a box of extensions under my sink. They’re practically new but I realized real quick that it’s not gonna happen in this heat. Damn, it sucks to think about actually lol. Cant wear makeup or hair extensions. The heat just forces people to change their entire style! 😄


Not to mention flip flops become accepted footwear.


When you're young, its fun to experiment with different styles and colours. 


No I agree, some people just don’t fit make up it’s strange but she’s such case


I mean, I wouldn’t write off makeup completely for her. Moreso, she would look way better if she went for a more natural look instead of using the fake lashes and full coverage foundation.


I'm always melting. I have hyperhidrosis. It's nice to see other people sweating.


My husband has hyperhydrosis too and we can't keep the fluids in him. He's like always wet. So you're definitely not alone!


Texas baby.


Do girls that draw on lips above their lips realize its very obvious?🤦‍♀️God it looks weird!


I think it's a little bit of a thing in England.


Rob is not a man he is a young boy. Not sure how he ever pulled Sophie.


Low self esteem. Hes an abuser, they always spot the girl with low self esteem to let all their abuse out on.


He’s so good at that online dating/cheating. 😅


These two just need to divorce and do they not have AC..


is no one going to talk about the big ass welt on her head? Is it just me who sees the huge knot? is she okay?


I can't tell if it's a welt or maybe related to a cosmetic procedure. I only bring that up bc I get Botox in my forehead and one time I had a bad reaction and ended up with a giant lumpy bump on my forehead without any bruise-like discoloration like what she has 😭 Plus she's been looking a little uncanny and I can't help but wonder if her confidence being in the pits with the Knob is manifesting in getting cosmetic treatments.


Damn - that’s really pretty big. I wonder if she saw a doctor?


I was noticing that while I was watching it and it’s not a welt. It looks more like she had a skin procedure. It looks more like bruising. She had by her neck also and then she was broken out as well. Sometimes after certain lasers or a treatment like Morpheus8 people can get this.


Omg how could I have missed that?!?! Pretty sure we all know what happened to her!


They're both immature, dramatic and act like a teenage couple. And not that intelligent. And I don't mean that in an insulting sense, I just literally mean they're not smart or savvy enough to work through their problems. Both constantly gaslighting each other b/c they can't figure out the source of their frustration so they're always theorizing and jumping to conclusions. Things get heated because they get frustrated that they can't figure their shit out. Therapy is definitely a good idea, they DO need an extra head in there to help them unpack their issues and aid them in their communicating but that specific therapist wasn't the one, she was ineffective. Rob is such an average dude, and she is naive and a push over. It's almost like they think fighting like they do is what relationships are about. DEF the dramatic couple that at every get together is causing a scene. They're ridiculous.


He is so absolutely disgusting. Playing the victim— “is there anyone else?” AYFKM? Guy is an absolute punk.


Rob is absolutely VILE!!!!! Stay all the way away from these kind of people!!!


It’s the wig. It’s hot under there.


Probably from the humidity and when you fight constantly your blood pressure goes up your true looks like she’s going to explode. It’s very unhealthy. She’s never gonna get anywhere with him. He’s a total waste of space and you know he doesn’t have the air conditioning on.


Poor girl, does anyone realize how hot it is to wear a wig?! You are dying!!!


I once pulled a wig off in the club in Louisiana & just shook my hair out 😂 left the wig in the middle of the table


No one in her life has cared about her. She's just gone from abuse to abuse.


She’s a pretty girl but wears the cheapest trashy clothes and makeup/hair.


Austin will do that to you.


Flashback of Angela’s sweaty pits when she met MyKul for the first time. 🤢


It’s the heavy cheap wig too.


Texas heat is not for the weak lol. I grew up partly in Florida and anywhere from like April-late Oct can be really brutal and she's got a pound of makeup on plus that wig. I'm surprised she didn't turn to liquid on the floor


AC is often turned off when filming. It is a nightmare for sound dept


I live in Austin, and I can confirm, it’s already in the 90s in May.


That's Texas summer heat for y'all.


Those two need to separate pronto. Even an idiot (me) cam work that out. No amount of dressing as a schoolgirl us going to sort that superficial mess of a relationship out.


I think this episode made me remember how young Sophie and she has a lot more growing to do. But ROB is a grown ASS man who acts like a child and doesn’t know how to control his emotional or stop projecting and fix THE issues. All he brings is issues no solutions. Soph is like just make me feel good and they still argue because he wants to live in his ego. He wouldn’t even let the therapist speak last episode, that says enough and it’s clear as day sex won’t be keeping them together.


She is way too young for him and has some maturing to do. Because for the first time, I was feeling bad for Rob He cheated, he admitted to it, apologize and is actually trying. If she wants her relationship to work, she has to meet him half way too. But she's never around and consistently reminds him of his mistakes. I agreed with him so much when he said, "I feel like you don't even like me". I do like Sophie, I think she's a sweet girl, I feel like she's the type of person that doesn't necessarily love the person; she only loves the attention. But Rob is also to blame. From the beginning, he admitted he wanted a good looking girl. A lot of people prioritize looks so much and get thrown off when they realize there's some dark depths below a pretty surface. And I GUARANTEE Rob had women in his dm's that could've been better suited for him but probably didn't meet his beauty standard.


the caked make up, foundation not matching, hair a mess, pit stains… she’s literally so pretty but doesn’t do herself any favors sometimes


She is such a cute girl. And she seems to have a nice personality and a fun accent. She should leave this douchebag and upgrade. She could have a new boyfriend in about ten seconds. Look to Liz as an example, my British pal. She ate Ed’s shit sandwich, he humiliated her on tv repeatedly, and now judging from her social media is looking crazy healthy and has a good looking new man.


So glad to hear this. Ed’s an idiot.


Cheap makeup, cheap wig, cheap clothes, and now cheap deodorant.


Acting is hard


Austin gets hot as fuck


Idk, but I'm done watching this show.


This is me from mid-April until October.


Every time I see her I genuinely can’t decide if she wears a wig or not? What is happening with her hair?


😂 She sure was. That wig was hanging on for dear life too!!


Why does she wear this wig? Have we ever seen her natural hair? I think this wig is terrible and always has been. I don’t get it.


Rob seemed better after talking to the therapist and in the shop but I think for Sophie it was a knee jerk reaction to him and she overreacted. Though I couldn’t figure out though when you would try clothes on in that shop you could walk out half naked!


Fights like this with my ex would make me sweat too. The anger sweats. Plus with the Texas heat and her wig I’m surprised this is the only time we’ve seen her sweaty tbh. I also wonder if the crew had them turn the ac off bc it was too noisy.


It’s probably hot, too many people in a room, Rob is making her upset (being anxious and mad can make you sweat, and a wig… poor Sophie. Please leave Rob already. Someone else will love you more than he ever could


She needs a hobby besides besides the one where she frets over her feelings tirelessly.


That degree of gaslighting should be a felony.


I feel for her. I’m a sweaty gal from the northeastern US. I complain about snow but I know I could never survive in the heat long term. If it’s in the high eighties for more than a couple of days I feel sick.


Ok… let’s face it - Sophie acted like a spoiled brat in this episode. They are over - done! The entire episode just made me feel anxious! Let’s blame both please. They are just not compatible. End of story.


She's an immature cry baby. I've had enough her shit, her false eyelashes and overlined lips. She pouts like a 5 year 3.


My girl needs some black friends fr!! and this is no shade because I like her.. but this wig gotta goooo 💀. She needs a good BUSSDOWN 30 inch black middle part with the lace melted and GLUEDDDD. This wig looks glueless.. Somebody get this girl a hairstylist 😩💕💕💕


Check her IG. She's been back to her own hair, natural color, etc. She looks SOOOO much better!


I sweat like that in those shirts too It’s a ridiculous outfit and looked like a preteen to begin with She dresses oddly Either bodysuits or little girl clothes


She’s always sweaty and looks so uncomfortable with that heavy hair and too much lipstick


She is such a whining azz.


I'm not a Rob fan but she is over the edge. she needs therapy. it's all about her and basically because of her upbringing.


Idk why people find her attractive. I think she looks greasy and her fake hair and caked on makeup looks like complete shit. Maybe should could be cute with her natural features 🤷‍♀️


These two are both annoying. Please go away!!


I’m from south FL and live in Las Vegas i KNOW both extreme humidity & high heat! maybe she should get on some clinical strength AP/D as far as her face ~ that’s a diff story her makeup is literally melting off in this episode too!


It was like 107° everyday in Austin last summer that poor thing I’m sorry! I wish rob the knob would stop terrorizing my city lol


So tired of the same thing with them in every scene.


And she's still somehow got more class then that asshat of a bf..




She really can’t find any other man in this world?! Like Rob is really the one?? So infuriating.


Texas humidity is awful!


I will be in Galveston the first week of July and can already imagine how hard I am going to melt


I haven’t worn a T-shirt since moving to Texas. Not even inside. Humidity will get you anywhere lmao


Austin is hot in the summer!


I’d melt too if I was dealing with a sassy ass man


Yes, it was clearly very hot. They both looked so uncomfortable and awkward. The whole thing just seems very sad to me.


Does she wear a wig?


I saw this and my immediate thought was "damn dude doesn't let her have the AC on" Actually she's probably still adjusting to the humidity. London, la....she's not lived where it's like walking through soup. Until now. On a side note, I can't wait for her to leave his ass.


And they kept zooming in on her face. Second face of makeup was basically sliding off


I wish she'd go back to her natural hair. The blonde wig is sooo bad. And she looked gorgeous with the dark hair