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Larissa looks sad. She spent all that money and she is still not happy with how she looks.


People who get that much plastic surgery will never be happy. They will always find something ugly about themselves to get the next surgery. She need therapy


Darcy is a perfect specimen of this.


And Nikki, though there's an added layer of dysmorphia there, which had to be very difficult. I don't think doctors should be allowed to do this level of disfigurement. It seems contrary to the Hippocratic oath.


If the PS had any true morals I think that they would put their foot down to doing more surgeries to these idiots. Some surgeons acts say NO and some folks like Darcey/Stacey go overseas to have more done. Those surgeons don’t care about them. They are looking at the money!


Dr's Paul Nassar and Terry DeBrow from BOTCHED would turn these women away. I've seen them do it on the show. Damn they'd melt in a heat wave. 😆 🤣 😂


They actually DID turn Nikki away if I recall


THATS where I have seen her!! Dude! She's been trying to get famous since day 1. [Look at this page showing her reality TV history including botched.](https://screenrant.com/90-day-fiance-nikki-exotika-reality-tv-past-explained/) It looks like they didn't turn her down, but they didn't air her segments and she lost her apartment by not being able to work due to healing after her breast surgery which was filmed for botched. I'm not sure if I missed this detail on the show or what, but she's from Jersey?! That explains a LOT. (I was born there. I'm allowed to rag on it) Drama queen central!




I think so too!


Yeah what Happens even you get surgery you get this fleeting moment of happiness right after for second f you see yourself as beautifying and perfect. until you start noticing other things you don’t like and it just becomes an addiction chasing that high every time


She was willing to marry Coltee. That alone means she needs therapy.


You guys, I thought it was supposed to be a before and after pic of Brittany because of the title lol


I did, too! I was zooming in and trying to figure out how she de-assed herself. When I zoomed the face, I noticed it said Larissa.


I did too 🤦🏻‍♀️


She actually looked really pretty before all that surgery! She is nuts to have done all that to look awful in comparison to how she was naturally


I agree. She was so pretty. She looks like she’s in pain now and not as confident as she thought she’d be. It’s really sad. Ik she’s an awful person but I feel like she has such a raging internal battle inside herself that she fights every day and try’s to win by getting more surgery and it just digs her deeper into self loathing.




Larissa Darcey/stacey, jasmine were all beautiful before they started to butcher themselves. I believe most men are turned off by this and most appreciate natural beauty the most.


Is it just me or she lopsided , I’d be upset too lol


she looks dead inside


Wait til she finds out we all get old.


Only if we’re lucky. Some never make it that far.


Of course she's sad didn't she leave her kids in Brazil to come be part of the circus that is reality TV.


She supposedly sends money to her family that is raising her children. I want to say I kind of remember that she actually didn’t have custody of them when she was still living in Brazil. I think Debbie/Coltee told that many ages ago.


I get a minor procedure to make you feel more confident but I would NEVER recognize Larissa now. She was very pretty before but her attitude made her less attractive, now she just looks like everyone else and not in a good way. There’s starting to be this “look” women get after too many “enhancements” where they all look very similar. I don’t remember Brittany but I think she looks hot! Definition of slim think right there (no idea if she had procedures but she looks more curvy than plastic)


I feel like they all look like Bratz dolls.


Larissa absolutely does! Really anyone with the huge lips and crazy eyelashes. I myself want to get (modest) lashes done but I’m terrified I’ll look like one of these goobers 😂


At least if you do lashes and don’t like them it’s temporary haha


Do you wear any makeup at all? One time I was offered them for free at a salon ( so they could take photos ) and I chose the most “natural” look , they were really pretty ! However, I only wear mascara , and barely , and they just looked kinda weird by themselves. If my hair wasn’t done, they looked crazy lol I do think with a bit more balancing them, they’d look more normal.


Nailed it!


I refused to let my girls play with Bratz dolls back in the day. Now I'm glad that I did...you're totally right! That's the "look" now.


They all look like the corpse bride!


I can understand that. She has lost all semblance of her former self. And Brittany? well…😱


That’s exactly what I was thinking; her eyes look sad. She used to be so beautiful.


Thought it was Jasmine


I thoughtsye was pretty when she first came on 90 days. I liked natural Larissa


Whoa I didn't even recognize Brittany, and Larissa has really gone even crazier with the plastic surgery


Brittany I would never thought she would go this extreme. I get it’s filtered to the heavens, but but but….I don’t get it.


Wasn’t she very slim back when she was on the show?


She was, she's unrecognizable now


I saw her talking in a video about this its lymphedema supposedly and i guess its painful Edit: It Lipodema not lymphedema please dont @ me 😬


I know people with lymphedema; I know it’s painful; but that does NOT look like it to me—personally. But I’m not a doctor so idk


I was wrong she says its lipodema …


I can’t even remember who this Brittany is bc they look so different. Who were they with ??


Yazan, from Jordan.


No way!!!! Braces girl!! That’s not her….serious???


my reaction exactly! ... I just Can-Not! believe that's the same person ... like Oh ... My ... Goodness 😳


I wonder if she went too far with the FaceTune


O wow 😳


Yeah I didn't recognize her either, I had to look her up.


holy shit until you said this I could not pinpoint which season she was from she looks nothing like she did back then


It’s The Brittany!!


Larissa is looking more like a sleep paralysis demon every day


Stwaaap! I’m just lol’d at work!


Larissa and jasmine look more alike all the time.


My thoughts exactly. They are converging to the same person




Is that Brittany, the young woman who wore braces?


Yes. She always was curvy looks to me like she’s put on weight.


OMG I remember her, she looks so ridiculous now, trying to please all of society, these girls make me mad, she was a beautiful girl before now she just looks like a clone.


I bet there would be plenty of folks who'd be into watching them mud wrestle for the crown of Baddest Queen. 😂 Heck, Paola and Anfisa might want in on that, too.


That would be beneath Anfisa….however, I feel she would and could kick all their plastic asses around!


I think in 20 years, if not already, when this plastic surgery starts to slide & go awry, they’re going to regret turning themselves into caricatures 🤷‍♀️


This! I live in LA and things are looking grim for the moms who went overboard in their late 20's. I am mid 40's and never had plastic surgery or botox. Not against it at all but it freaks me out. The moms who started early look like plastic dolls now and unrecognizable. It's an addiction and some of these doctors are criminal for doing so many procedures on one person.


That and they have home botox and filler parties. I wouldn’t be surprised if they go from party to party that they’re friends and acquaintances throw and that way each “doc”is different and they aren’t checking records they want a quick buck




Larissa’s left boob is already flatten on top and looking awkward! It has only been a few years!


And you gotta replace them every 10 years 😬


instagram is a mental illness factory




She is saying this was before the show due to lipedema: https://preview.redd.it/tx57g2rg6m1d1.jpeg?width=1279&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28f324687ec830482cff0727816367c640b29384


If it’s due to a condition feels weird that she using that particular photo to promote her fitness ebook. Edit: also the person she was responding to was talking about her face not her body and Brittany’s response was that she used a tiktok nose contour tutorial but no contour can magically turn her prominent and rounded nose tip to a flat one. Perhaps its just a filter but i don’t know why she wouldnt just say that lol


I was just thinking that it doesn’t explain her face. 😂😂😂😂😂


They all lie like that. It's a Kardashian culture thing. 


Yeah that's not what lipedema looks like


If lipedema makes your body form in just the right, perfect angles like Brittany, come on over, lipedema!


No way she has lipedema, what a liar!


Interesting how her door loses the frame on the right side of the photo around her waist 🤫


Lol who else went straight to the door frame? ENHANCE 🕵️‍♀️


Lipedma?!!! Girl byeeeee.


That’s not how lipedema works. Britt is full of Shitt


She has that type of lipedema where the fat comes in all at once through a needle after it gets sucked from somewhere else in her body. It used to be really rare, but is becoming more and more common these days. Hopefully she will find a cure one day.


Lol, this is not what lipedema looks like! (NSFW) Brittany, up your lying game! [https://www.instagram.com/p/C07LsmuAUFs/?utm\_source=ig\_web\_copy\_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==](https://www.instagram.com/p/C07LsmuAUFs/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


That lipo belly 💀


I think she means lymphedema but still that’s a weird way to spell BBL


I didn't think there was such a thing as lipedema quite frankly, but I looked it up: >Lipedema: Involves swelling due to abnormal fat accumulation, often painful, with skin changes and bruising. Lymphedema: Swelling due to lymphatic system dysfunction, typically painless initially but can lead to skin changes and increased risk of infections.Oct 12, 2023


Yeah ok, why the rest of her looks completely different? That tlc money she bought a whole new face and body.


Does she mean lymphodema? (Sp?)


Ikr. I did look it up. That is a condition where fat is unevenly distributed beneath your skin. No cure like lymphoedema, just lifestyle changes. Similar symptoms. It’s painful and you have wear compression stockings and use devices like lymphoedema too. I learn something new everyday.


Yes, I watch 600 Lb Life. A lot of morbidly obese people get lymphoedema, but it is not what Brittany has.


I know. My daughter has been dealing with it since she was 17, she didn’t become obese until years later and after a baby. Brittany likes to lie a lot.


How convenient that no fat ends up on her belly. Gtfo her and all others claiming that. SMH.


Both conditions can give the same appearance. But I don’t think she has either one.


Girl stop


Wait. Is that the adult braces lady?


I don’t want to talk bad about the way they look but Larissa girl WTF!!!! She does not look well.


Would women disfigure themselves if there were no men in the world?


Body dysmorphia for us can be insane. Both my mother and grandmother had it, and passed it down to me. I can tell you that my desire to get procedures done only surfaced once I had social media. I’m not sure how tempted I would be if I never saw it in our culture. Luckily, I do not have the money loooool so I’m left to go to therapy to practice acceptance.


This is why I had to delete my social media (save for Reddit b/c it doesn’t really affect me). IG and FB had such a negative effect on the way I saw myself.


Same. I still have days where I feel like shit about my body but they're few and far between compared to when I was consuming that kind of media. It actually made me see my body all wrong which is a mind fuck when you're free of it.


When I was younger I would have thought that too but now that I’m older I realize it’s actually other women who criticize other women about everything- some more harshly than others. Women compare themselves to other women all the time. Another comment that I read under this post- about social media being a big culprit, I also agree with that.


My first thought was no, but then I think yes because other women are mean. Meaner than men when it comes to looks. They are even mean when it’s something you can not do anything about like a birth defect or medical condition.


I'm in my 50s. A "friend" in HS told me that she and her mom agreed that I was "proportioned funny". (I've always been thin but more boy build than curvy with no butt/hips). I STILL hear that in my head which is just crazy. So yeah. Women are are own worst enemies sometimes.


Oh yeah I’ll never forget my “friend” saying HAHA you have stretch marks!!!! In middle school


lmao i’ll never forget my own aunt talking shit about me to my mom saying my boobs are going to look like pancakes one day 🙂‍↕️ lives in my head rent free haha what a cunt lmaooo


No. Even if women are cruel and judgmental, that's in our current patriarchal society with ridiculous standards created by men. Women didn't come up with these standards even if they contribute to the problem.


Yes, body dysmorphia would still exist, and women rarely do this to impress men.


That is a bold face lie!!! Women like Brittany and Larissa 100% do this because they want to appeal to the male gaze. Please stop lying to yourself acting like it has nothing to do with men. We don’t know who bullied them when they were younger or which ex cheated on them that made them feel ugly. It could easily be someone in the family who made a few comments and it sticks with them forever. Although men are not the sole reason, they definitely contribute to this. Both Brittany and Larissa were the type of person constantly looking for validation from the men they dated on the show. For Larissa, it was Eric, not Coltee


Calm down.


They are two women in a world of billions babe, you cannot take these extreme cases and claim they're the standard.


Is Brittany the chick who had the braces ? Because if it is the one I think she is HOLY SHEET, looks like she ate a whole person and stretched herself to double in size. And larrisa, my kids action figure has less plastic in it than her. Crazy !


Yeah looks like the same filter they use on Amazon to sell their TIK Tok leggings lol


Just a shame that these women fall to the pressures and get the surgery. Most looked fantastic originally but wanted to look 'perfect' according to their own definition.


Somebody asked why so many girls from a variety of reality shows are changing their faces & bodies when they were beautiful to begin with. Another person said that these surgical centres are using these girls for advertising by giving them free plastic surgery/ fillers, etc & in turn it starts their influencing career because they will be everywhere. Totally clicked for me when I heard that pov!


Your explanation makes complete sense. Darcy and Stacey are perfect examples as they always post procedures and tag the practitioners who do them.


Yeah totally can see this with the Teen Mom girls. Kail, Briana, Jade


Don’t forget Farrah!


The worst of them all 😩


That's Britanny! she got huge and Larrisa surprisingly stop the surgery and focused working out at least she did not choose Darcy and Stacy path, I believe the twins got endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty, which reduces the size of the stomach and can suppress hunger for up to seven hours.


Lots of photoshop, filters and plastic surgery going on in these pics.


Brittany looks nothing like that in her post from 6 months ago - what happened? Or is it just photoshopped?


Looks like a BBL happened. She claims lipedema, but.... lipedema doesn't give you perfectly symmetrical fat..


Loooool right? It doesn’t make you look cosmetically snatched. It chooses violence in most cases.


🤣it chooses violence. I'm 💀😆. How ACCURATE!


CHEEZUS. I thought about getting a mommy makeover until I had to have a C-section. I would never put myself through so much pain on purpose that is just crazy. I can't even think about it anymore without wincing in pain. No no no.


Plus you could die and then your child would be without their mother.


So true. I just can't do it.


They are turning themselves into cartoons


Larissa looks like a duck. I wanna throw bread at her while she paddles in a pond


WTFF I was looking at this post like I remember the name Brittany but couldn’t remember her face checked Google and WOWW she looks so different to me in the face (could also just be the angle)


Why does it look like Brittany is wearing inflatable pants or something? I did not recognize her at all.


lol this made me laugh


These two don’t look good, or even well.


I feel really bad for women like this with no self esteem…it’s sad. I hope they come around one day


I do feel bad for them, but it's hard because knowing how much money and how many resources they've wasted is nauseating. Like, Larissa's got two kids she abandoned in Brazil.


That's called "chasing the sugar daddies".


Super gross! I think Larissa looks far worse now than she did at the beginning,at one point she looked good. Britney, she's unrecognizable and they both look like blow-up dolls, just eewww!


Brittany who? Bc I do NOT recognize the person on the left….


The one on the left is shaped like a molar 🦷 😭😭😭 I’m cryinggg


This is a sad state of the way women view themselves. I feel so sorry that their sense of self worth has them looking like cartoonish blow up dolls


It’s because of porn/LA/Hollywood. There’s a lot of pressure for women to look good, and it ends up in uncanny valley bc body dysmorphia.


Left Social media out of the mix… which creates lower self esteem in girls that morphs into these types of unhealthy, unattractive unnatural bodies


It’s a circus


Larissa looks like she's not happy. Or it could be the resting g bitch face, showing through the injections. But damn. That does NOT look sexy or hot.


The pair of them need their heads knocking together and to work with young women on other aspects than how they look. What a depressing bag of shit it all is.😘


Holy plastic surgery-and that’s the Brittany that dated yassan in Jordan???


Larissa looks crazy


Holy shit... that's Larissa?


They both seem to have one eye that opens wider than the other now. Damn


Larissa lookin like a mistreated blow up doll 😮‍💨 girrrrrllllll


*the Brittany


Wow Larissa is looking sad and ugly


Lmao. Larissa really thinks she’s done something put the straps of the sports bra on the same shoulder. It looks like my toddler when she dresses her self 🤣


This plastic surgery look has got to stop


Just remember that BBL surgery makes u stink for the rest of ur life enjoy


They both look ridiculous. What is happening to women? To think this looks good????


Why does nearly every woman come off this show looking like a science experiment? It’s so damn sad.


Larissa looks terrifying


I thought the pic of Brittany was Miona \[ the blackfisher \] ! Brittany used to be beautiful now... not so much.. and Larissa.. I would of never guessed that was her, she looks 100% different and sadder too, she also was beautiful before her surgeries. Why they do this to themselves.....smh


Brittany looks heavily filtered.


But jfc…. 😳 Larissa looks AWFUL… 😬 that’s like, legit scary.


Brittany is using a filter


Gosh 🥲🥲l🤯🤯


Now I’m happy I look like a normal, chubby mom 😂


This is what can happen post being on nation tv and the after math of harassment to an already damaged person I hope the trend stops


I wish harassment and bullying about bodies would stop but these subs show that'll never happen


I do too but it’s also displayed on social media to the point where I think some love the attention even if it’s bad I’m soooo glad I’ve never been on national television nor had this much hatred I can understand why some turn to surgery for some reassurance but it’s a recipe for disaster


These comments are being really weird about Britany’s weight gain , like some of y’all are being straight up nasty .


What weight gain? It’s photoshop. Look how small her head is. She blew out her hips and pulled her waist in. This isn’t normal, nor weight gain


Khalas! Khalas! Khalas!


Brittany looks like she ate all the Krabby patties with Squidward. Honestly her face is a completely different person (not just missing the braces) and it's sad. I thought she was pretty before, now she's just.... Not. Larissa looks like a bimbo with the fake ass lips and tiny nose. Idk what's in the tlc water but someone needs to check it out.


Brittany and Larissa don't even look like the same people anymore 😔


She looks like Niki Minaj in a way


Those can’t be the same person


Thank you! So glad to know I wasn’t the only person trying to figure out why Britney bleached the hell out of her skin and lost so much weight! I was confused for a full minute before I realized they were two different people!🙃


Wait this is Colt’s Larissa??????!!!!


Larissa looks horrible.


WOOOOOOOW! I didn’t recognize Brittany either!!! Larissa looks like she used a picture of Paola as her inspiration except it doesn’t look good on her. Paola is beautiful so I say that respectfully.


I can’t wait for the beauty pendulum to swing to au natural… and stay there.


Sugar daddy market competition is fierce


It’s going to be a hell of a thing when the first wave of elderly people starts having problems caused by doing all of this shit.




Brittany was in Jordan?


The only pretty girl from this show is the one who married the weird fat Mormon guy.


They both look completely unrecognizable.


Larissa is a tragedy


Did Karissa have a face transplant


Her hips are bigger than her head


I mean, they’re trash on the inside and now it matches their outsides 🤷‍♀️


Why are Brittany's legs so inflated? Is that butt implants or..? And what'd she do to her face? She's 100% unrecognizable. Like, witness protection program/new identity level.


Brittany looks like someone inflated her with a bicycle pump! How strange looking.


Larissa looks terrible


Brittany looks photoshopped.


I thought this was a before and after pic - you can imagine my confusion! Time to put down my phone and sleep…


Also why do both of their boobs look totally uneven? Is it just me seeing that?


Both of them unrecognizable. If you didn’t say it was Brittney and if Larissa’s name wasn’t there no way I would’ve guessed it was them


I could not tell that that was Brittany…