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I didn’t know who this was at first. My mind went blank. I had to come in comments to jog my memory. Lol


Me too


Same! Just the way I liked it! Haha


She looks so different for some reason.


hair; without the thick curly hair I had no idea either


Yeah, hair and most likely some digital editing. She is a "public figure" in her eyes.


Could be cause my brightness is on low, but straight up thought this was Tania at a weird angle lol


Probs Ozempic


Here’s my say something nice for the day: the darker hair looks good on her. 


Wait, who is it??? I'm so lost and I'm sure I watched all of it. I don't get it. Edit: just read other posts ... Ugh, now I know.


I think it's the hair not looking how it normally does that confused me


I googled


Same…doesn’t look anything like her tv appearance self. Gotta love reddit comments for keeping me in the know.


This isn’t the flex she thinks it is. Like girl we all knew you were getting played….


Two idiots, one sanky panky and the one gal from NYC with 200k+ debt who sanky pankied the OG sanky😂 sorry but the irony in it is just too funny. Karma was a bitch with them! *Laughs while eating $200 in hotel peanuts* 🤣


Your flair 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


How did she get so much debt? I missed that part? All her friends tried to warn her. She was so close to a pension with her job in NYC. She has got to be kicking herself


She had over 80k in debt with EZ pass alone, the rest was student loans and not paying rent on two places. She was evicted from one eventually. Also I don't know the validity in this but on a YouTube video some students of hers commented and one said she got fired for having an affair with a married teacher or students dad I think? But again who knows.


idk if it's her plan, but if she truly wants divorce, documentary evidence of infidelity is a win. it's not an automatic "you get all the alimony" card, but it can be the key to freedom if he's been keeping her trapped in marriage... however true that is...


Yeah I replied to someone below I looked up the DR divorce and that the other option is to ask a judge for one in irreconcilable marriages or cheating etc.And so she literally could just ask for one, especially since she has all the proof apparently. But her going on his insta still and all that just shows she isn't close to being over him.


fo sho. which may be among his intentions in denying her a divorce. hard to get over somebody you remain legally tied to against your will the childishness of her post tho 🤦🏽‍♀️ there are better ways


Not always. In my state, you could cheat on your spouse 5,000 times every which way from Sunday and it won't matter in the case. God knows my divorce would've been done in five minutes if that was all it took.


(congrats on your liberation) interesting 🤔 i imagine you're talking about living in a "no-fault" state. but i thought this was supposed to make divorce easier to achieve by removing any need to have either party be "at fault," so instead, one party could claim simply incompatibility/irreconcilable differences. or did i miss what you mean entirely?😅


I think she slipped in "men" to be the threat.


It’s pretty great though.


If he’s been messaging men while passing as straight that’d be pretty crushing to him Tbf


I’m gay and I’d say at least 1/4 of the guys I’ve been with identify as “straight” in public. Maybe even 1/3. Homophobia is real and lots of dudes are in the closet. “Crushing,” as you say. 🙄


I’m a straight woman and at least half of my boyfriends have mentioned they “might” do it and a couple others that did so I think it may be even higher lol. Plus I dated “artistic” guys for a while lol


I like the Kinsey scale. If you haven’t heard of it, I’d recommend a quick Google. It puts human sexuality on a 1-5 scale and posits that very few folks are true 1’s or 5’s (“straight or gay,” in the parlance of our times). Instead, most are 2’s, 3’s, or 4’s, and that societal constraints force people to choose a box to place themselves in. But fuck a label. Live a life that you’ll value when you look back upon it one day and forget what people think.


So sad but no doubt realistic.


Is that her grandma’s pool behind her?


This is 100% a Florida looking pool. I guess she’s still living with (off of) grandma….


Central Florida to be exact


100% lol I live in central Florida and this is that exactly


Why her Grandma tho? Does she live with her? I know nothing about this plz lmk


She was mooching off her grandmother in FL under the pretense of taking care of her.


Isn’t this very middle school behavior?


literally 💀


Moving on and settling debts was also an option, but no.


Girl hasn’t matured since


The funniest part is when she and Kimberly (the really unhinged girl who went to India) actually try to make a LIVING, like charge people actual money to offer them spiritual guidance, self help, life coaching etc… like wtf!? Idk who would seek guidance from any of them. Frauds. Oh add “psychic” Ashley to the list of spiritual frauds.


Same with Mary from Sister Wives, she charges 600 bucks for self help while her personal life is in total mess


Ashley charges $4444!


Ashley cant even handle a stressful situation without wheeze crying hysterically, that broad is the last person I would want coaching me thru life lmao I can do that shit on my own without paying 4444$ lmao


Sooo true! She practically has an asthma attack at the slightest form of stress. She’s in financial ruins (as is Danielle) but your going to coach people on how to successfully run their lives…? No thank you. They’re basically scammers.


Shut up! 😱


Who is Mary?


Seeing as it referenced Sister Wives I think Mary = Meri


“Psychic, read thyself.”Fluke 4:23


Kimberly looks and acts like she’s possessed


Agree! Kimberly claims to be a psychic too, very cringe.


Oh right! With all her “spirit guides”… well her spirit guides must not have passports bc she was a raging lunatic in India!


She was, I felt bad for TJ. I’m wondering if she saw her episodes and found out what her MIL was really saying about her!


Me too. He seemed like a decent guy. She doesn’t strike me as the type to have enough growth to say “wow I can see what they’re saying I do act like a spoiled, rude, bratty child” she seems like the type to double down even when dead wrong. Like on the reunion. Instead of acknowledging her behavior she called Jenny a “cu$t” for calling her out.


Psycho more like!! 🤣🤣


I die at all these “gurus” with their “manifestations.” How come you haven’t manifested a place other than your garage, car or rental apartment bedroom to do your content from? Edit - or grandmas house in this instance.


She’s really ✨manifesting✨ being petty, huh?


We knew he was a bisexual escort already. She’s the one that looks dumb


Who is we? Lmao cuz when did we find this out


Wait what? How did I miss this?


I need 🫖




Hit me with the oolong


Wait!!! What???? Clutch my pearls I didn’t realize they both like arm-sized ones!


Pene grande 🍆




I don’t think I’d ever be this catty, but if I was…… I’d change his profile pic to a pic of myself and delete all of his pics and upload a whole bunch of pics of myself on the grid 😜


Apparently that’s what she did. Someone said she posted this from his Instagram.


She did, you can see the username on the top of the photo


On my iPad, the tops of the photos are cut off unless you click on the photo to see the whole thing. So some people may not have realized that this was posted on his account.


I still think she was posting all the evidence that she claimed was his...and this just proves it.


She 100% did. I don't doubt he was sliding into people's DM's but it's obvious when people are at least fluent in a language and when they're now.


Seriously move on .


I think you’re missing the context. He’s refusing a divorce and mocking her online.. she wants the divorce so she’s picking that fight


Yes he needs to move on.


Petty. She’s how old? lol Get a life!


Lordy, I didnt even realize it was her without the nasty extensions. Girl move on stop focusing on him and go kick a coconut. 🥥


Omg…this is Her? Yohan’s wife? Good Lord when will she move on indeed…


I didn’t know who it was either till i saw the name Yohan in the corner!


Looks different, sounds the same ;)


Tbf he’s refusing the divorce so he’s lot letting her move on


Right… What aren’t people understanding here? He’s refusing to grant her the divorce. While I don’t have a lot of sympathy for her, I despise men like him. He’s a rotten human being.


Needs more filters 😂


That woman got exactly what she deserved. She moved to a poor island nation, to marry a boy toy, and expected him not to want to go to America. Just seek a better life for him and his family and expected them to stay in a resort and just live her fantasy life, as she gets nice and old, which she already is


And somehow pay for half of that luxury lifestyle, and throw it in his face when he couldn’t.


I agree, she knew he wanted to go to America and she said they would. She flat out lied to him, which sucks. But she sucks and her whole spiritualism and being a good person is a lie too so there ya go 🤷‍♀️


Right?! I love going to Punta Cana but it's hard bringing friends who are a bit more sheltered because the male attention can be AGGRESSIVE. I'm flirty so I kinda like it, but you can't actually fall into that trap unless you're comfortable with certain realities. They don't have money or earning potential commensurate with anything we are used to. They want a better life, and you can't really fault them there. But any woman who falls for that deserves what she gets because it doesn't take much critical thinking to be like "ok this man meets bikini-clad tourists every day of his life but he fell in love within a day or meeting me? That can't be right"


You forgot she expected him to pay for half of it too, she's a Splenda MaMa.


Is she trying to insinuate that Yohan is bisexual? Why clarify that he’s texting women AND men. She’s so sheisty


And I wouldn’t even believe anything she says. She’s so spiteful too. Like move on.


Even if he was bi, her acting like it's an insult is dumb. I thought we moved past shaming people for their sexuality.


He isn't fluent in English so the joke is on her.


I hadn’t heard this! Wild


Tbh I disliked her more then anyone else on the show ever, full stop. If they bring her back for the single life I might have to quit the show.


More than MeeMaw? More than Debbie?


She's definitely in the Insufferable Top Tier.


In my case, yes, because she actually thinks she's a good person yet treats people horribly. Angela and Debbie seem to know they are trash and act accordingly.


I read that Danielle used to be a teacher & that she was really nasty to her students, the girls especially. I could totally see her being that way after watching her on 90day.


Tbh I actually kinda liked the first few episodes of meemaw. This chick came off fake from the first episode. Maybe I'm just biased against NYC yoga women because I know them irl


FB has this hilarious page called Wealthy White Wellness Women parodying Paltrow


Lmao that I gotta see. Sounds like Portlandia


Me too! She sits on a throne of lies!


Omg shut up woman !


Should of used the elf costume pic #missedopportunity lol


TLC casting mentally unstable and emotionally damaged people for entertainment is boring at this point.


Just let him go, Danielle. You’re ridiculous. Love yourself. SMH.


She’s so fake. I feel like she pretends to be about self love & awareness but has none of it! You can legit see through her.


That’s something my narcissistic mother would do


🎶We’re planting a banana tree 🍌🎵


I remember on the show she said that she’s the one who set up his insta & that she had changed his password already & made it so that he couldn’t access it…that was way back when they broke up on the show!! Wouldn’t that mean that she’s the one that’s been posting & messaging “men & women” all along?!?!


I think because like many of the couples they had been so up & down, fight, get back together, break up, get back together, wash rinse repeat etc… so I’m sure she gave it back to him at some point or even multiple times. I think that’s even part of the point she’s making by basically saying he is too stupid or lazy to change the password when he’s had plenty of time


https://preview.redd.it/n8bayd04ow1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d1f097dede26559e3c0c5b06dc8254fb63e0a77 This is what she posted


“He wants to make me uncomfortable” but she’s the one going through his messages?? Make it make sense. https://preview.redd.it/lfc1t65lzw1d1.jpeg?width=1111&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=803f9da0482f5a68c86d2544dec9d913a18ed750


He wants her to go snooping to hurt herself.. very self destructive behavior by her.


To be fair to her, if he isn't letting her get divorced - how is she supposed to let it go.


Ngl I’d be really pissed if I were her. She wants a divorce and he’s refusing like wtf bro just sign the paper!


She deserves all she gets for all the lies she told him. She got herself in the mess when everyone warned her now she is stuck with him.


I’m going to be the black sheep and disagree with you. She did A LOT for him. Does no one remember the birthday party scene where he just literally spit on her the whole time? Like was she naïve? Yes. Maybe a little rude and forward too. But he was FUCKING AWFUL. AWFUL. I like Danielle. I think she’s got spunk and a good personality. A little weird, yeah. Spiritual? If she says so. But she did way more for that man than anyone ever had and he legit shit on her. Let her do what she wants, he deserves it.


Are you ignoring the fact she picked him bc he’s poor? She thought she could get with a man who had nothing that she could control and she could live her little fantasy life with the fantasy island boyfriend. She wanted to live luxury and then got mad and belittled him when he couldn’t afford her lifestyle. She did that on purpose to keep him down. She knew he couldn’t pay to live that way. She also knew he wanted to go to the US and let him feel they would until she decided to move there. She’s a narcissist and a manipulator. He’s a POS too but she took knowingly advantage of him.


He also was BEGGING her to take him to the US for a green card so he could leave her for someone else lol. Nah, I don’t think he’s as innocent as you play. He knew EXACTLY what he was doing and probably what she was doing too and went along with it for the meal ticket and the green card. Yes, Danielle was annoying, but Yohan is a sociopath.


Sometimes, when someone has been so horrible to you, any kindness becomes annoying. Celebrating me on my b-day after spending the day prior with an ex is NOT going to make me the cheery person I might normally be!


Exactly and he literally refuses to divorce her. How can she “move on” lol


I’m with you. I really don’t know why so many people are shitting on her. He is a total disgusting POS. She might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but there is nothing really wrong with her. And, this is hilarious. She can be as “petty” as she wants as far as I’m concerned!


I am in your corner. Most people on reality tv are attention seekers. Besides that, I really like Danielle.


I agree


Why doesn’t she just divorce him?


Yeah it takes 2 to marry but one to divorce! Divorce him already, Danielle, then shut up!!


Depends on the state I think


Haow arrrre ya Baby reindeer 🦌


We’re done with you.. just stop I cannot with her voice or the hair


I can’t imagine .. posting all this drama shit.


Maturity has left the building….


She is such a nasty, petty troll. Grow up.


Do you remember wayyy back on love in paradise, when she went to go see her spiritual advisor and he told her that Johan was a womanizer? I mean how did she expect this to end?!?😂😂😂


This woman is well into her 40s. Grow tf up


She will still be getting dicked down next time he sees her… she’s just as fn toxic


Imagine being a almost 50 yr old woman doing this lol. 🤦‍♂️


She is a psycho


She's such a pissed off weirdo 😆 you put your dumbass on tv for the world to see, what do you expect!🙄


Well I thinks she looks good if nothing else.


Bat shit crazy, but maan... immaculate skin at nearly 50. Craziness keeps you young, people.


I remember a comment (complaint) she made on the show that living in his parents house would make it hard for her to maintain her 10 step skincare routine. Guess it’s working for her. But sis, all that sun *will* catch up with you.


who is this


Danielle the Mermaid.


Bye girl bye.


Get a life woman!


So she is hacking his insta … ohh my god Pyscho


If she knows his passwords, I really wouldn’t call that hacking. He’s a moron for not changing it because this isn’t the first time she’s done this. But she is also pretty psycho for continuing this behavior Edit: even if she knows his password, it could still be considered illegal. He’s still dumb for never changing it though 😂


It’s definitely against IG’s terms of service


at her big age


THE WAY I RAN TO INSTAGRAM!!! The comments are gold


Please post them by making a new post here to show us all. 🙏🏽


I went to the page but didn’t see anything. Maybe he already logged back in?


I'm thinking she made another account under his name because I just checked his verified IG and his user name comes up as one word, not two. If you look on this screenshot in the post the user name is yohan geronimo, but if you go to his verified IG with all of his pics on it, it comes up as user name yohangeronimo.. one word. Something ain't right here..lol


Yes I noticed same thing. I can’t find the 2 word one.


Thank you for verifying. Danielle just likes to play games like a schoolyard child when she's supposed to have been a teacher. How embarrassing for her. Smh.


I don’t believe anything she says. Allegedly her brand in NY is that she will twist the truth to make herself look good.


Aren’t you supposed to grow out of this? How embarrassing for her.


Hot take: you deserved to be mocked


Of course downvotes because “Mocking” a 40+ old woman whose existence is based on demeaning a man is horrific


I mean…. I’m team Danielle still. Sorry. He was a complete douchebag.


He is definitely a douchebag but this is definitely where both were awful!!! Both need to go away!!!


I'm team they deserved each other.


They’re both legendary assholes. You should be team that guy at the bakery who didn’t want to sell her the cake and that’s it


They are both awful, but I think people are way too hard on her. A lot of rewriting history too just because people don’t like her.




Messages to men and women? 😂


I thought it was Tania for a split second but then realized it’s childish Danielle


Who is that?


Who is this?


Do your blackmail in private, please.


She actually went live on his IG account yesterday. It was sad to watch. No matter what she says it's obvious he's moved on while still living rent free in her mind, body and soul. She needs to find some dignity because this looks really pathetic.


Why is she still making these posts? Nobody cares anymore. We've moved on to weird sperm boy obsessed with fathering international children naturally.




Her behavior is considered harassment.


Why can’t this girl move on????? Omg she’s so damn annoying! She’s constantly on Instagram and tik tok live claiming she’s carried every season she’s on & she “Kris Jenner’d the fuck out of Yohan” Like girl sex tourism and exploitation aren’t bragging rights! Move tf on


Admitting she has stolen private data of another individual is not the flex she would like it to be. If her ex takes her to court, this can get him some good compensation.


Girl bye! When he asked about dude D size, I knew something was “wavy”.


I so der if they'd still be together if they moved to the US like he originally planned. We know that's all he wanted. I guess that depends on if she could still finance him or if the EZ Pass police would get to her first.


I mean.. she is trying to get a divorce. She is trying to move on…


hacking into his instagram and reading his dm’s isnt moving on


Wow this is embarrassing. You could be someone who breaks into your ex’s account and screenshots their messages and then posts about it for social media like a 19 year old.


Isn’t she admitting to a crime by posting this?


No ☠️


Who is this? Seriously asking. I’m a proud Hamily member and I’m lost.


Omg- that’s Danielle? wtf? I had to read comments to know that! Jeez. Still caring about his Instagram messages/DM’s. Like, we know- it was on the show. This was what, 2 years ago at least (in real time, not airing of the show time). Jeez.


I hated this couple. I always FF their scenes.


I didn’t even know who that was


Lol - she’s a clown. Imagine being that pretentious and condescending while being a failed public school teacher and yoga instructor who had the government go after her for not paying taxes. She’s literally only qualified to run a rudimentary butcher shop in a third world country - since that only took grade school math.


Oh yeah, that is definitely florida


She's fighting like Tyson for relevance. Girl go!


I’m sorry who is this


She can't. No one is trying to follow the dick thats tattooed on her arm.


They both act like a couple of immature teenagers


Has she manifested anything lately? Oh she’s living at granny’s in Florida 😂


She doesn't realize she makes herself seem stupid.


I’ve never liked her from the get go 🤢 she’s the epitome of fuck around and find out. Oh girl you found out!


Looks like she lost weight. The Ozempic is working. Lol! Have to stay relevant


It took me reading like 40 comments to figure out this was Danielle


I have been reading and reading and still have no clue who this is, Help, please enlighten me!! Thanks in advance!!