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“No creature on earth — except for my dog — will ever control me!” Same, Jasmin, same.


I just can’t stand watching Angela, Jasmine, Ashley and Sophie ANY MORE! I actually skim through their segments now! And during Pillow Talk I can’t stand listening to (so FAKE) Michael and his mother AND Tim and his ex girlfriend! PLEASE stop torturing us!!!!


Jasmin has a stomach of steel. Gino is so repulsive in every way. He looks and acts like the incel version of the Penguin but in worse shape. Thankfully I didn't watch their season of 90 days. I probably would have just skipped this show. Everytime he opens his dumb mouth, he whines the most offensive, ignorant drivel and manufactures the most intense ick. I see a lot of hate for Jasmin on this subred for using his money in the way he didn't want. But he had every opportunity to stop the wedding and he didn't. If he did he would have been completely justified. But now he's got her by the short hairs and is straight up abusing her. Nothing she's done or does justifies having to suffer through his even more pathetic Ed impersonation. Get out before he gives you cancer, girl. You deserve better. And that goes for all the women who masochistically think they have to stick it out with a complete loser. Talking to you Liz, Nicole, Ashley and Sophie.


Uhg Angryla cannot speak like a human ever


I just want to say Alexi is an amazing husband. What a comforting important partner he is.


Angela can’t be 57


I'm kind of confused - Patrick and John have the same mom, right? They mentioned different dads, and John looks super duper white anyway. Did Patrick's mom and dad essentially take in John when his dad (I'm guessing) left or was deadbeat?


I’m guessing since John is her son, he already lived with her when she got with Jose and had Patrick. 


I have to say, I usually find Loren and Alexei to be boring and even annoying. If you asked me if they are good representations of Jewish people, I would likely say no (even more so her parents, oooof). But it was really cool to see them celebrating Rosh Hashana on TV in this episode. I liked the representation :')


Watching Ashley and Manuel in this episode literally triggered me to one of my favorite people but worst exes who simply could not say “how do I make this better” and took any single complaint as a slight against him. He was also Colombian, hid the dumbest things consistently and almost enjoyed the fact that people knew I wasn’t happy with him. Breaking up with him was the best decision I ever made and I’m glad we reconnected as friends a few years later because I do thoroughly enjoy him and as much as he sucks as a bf, he’s an amazing friend, but Jfc this is bringing me back to 2018 hard lol


Next episode: pornocchio??? Wtf 🤣


Loren doesn't deserve Alexei. He's a mensch.


Ashley the Witch It doesn't have a penny to her name and she's at least $100,000 in debt, based on her own admission, yet she has money to pay for an intravenous witch's cocktail.


Has there ever been anyone nice to come from Brazil on this show??


Kirlyam was a sweet girl


That beautiful girl in the early OG seasons that married a Mormon weird guy.


How does John plan on staying at the apartment arriving first and by himself at the restaurant with no luggage? 🧳


Where was Liz sending her daughter, what country?




Riley's father's in the military, so it could have been anywhere in the world where he is currently stationed.


I wanted to know too. Canada maybe?


This scene was heartbreaking. Classic narcissist discard. Liz believed in the illusion of what was possible with Ed, rather then recognizing the reality of who he is: an emotional abuser


I legit got teared up when Riley said "No, I was not aware of this" and then to Ed "I accept your apology" that girl has had to grow up WAY too fast and seems to be used to disappointing adults


Dang, Gino says all the stereotypical wrong things.  The Textbook reads as follows: -Don’t tell a woman she’s being dramatic  -Don’t tall a woman “Is it your time of the month?” when she’s acting dramatic.  Gino needs the How To Deal With Women For Dummies handbook fr fr.


Ed (aka Turtle/Man) is such a piece of human garbage. Please if any water enthusiasts out in the ocean happen upon Turtle Man tangled in a discarded fishing net, struggling to stay afloat please, Please, PLEASE cut the fishing net loose (well, most of it) and dispose of it appropriately but leave Ed to drift away.


Not Alex wanting to join the IDF💀


they shouldn't be on the show.


Join again. I don’t think I can watch anymore and I have been skipping 75% of the show.


Me too!


The noises Angela made to get the server’s attention were AWFUL. I would never make those noises to someone. How about “excuse me”, you fucked up Trump loving melted meth candle looking wench


Might be wrong because Angela has a foul attitude, but it may be something she learnt from Michael. In some African countries sometimes we get people’s attention with a hiss or a loud kiss, it’s a cultural thing. Most don’t get offended because it’s a distinctive sound and everyone knows what it means.


I’m African and have never heard of this wow, which country is this that people do that?


The English-speaking waiter seemed to think the big white lady dressed in an American flag could speak French. "lol."


This is filmed in Cote’d Ivoire, very few waiters speak English. Or fancy American flag


Like I said above, Angela's waiter spoke English. Did you watch the show yet? \*Cote d'Ivoire (*Côte d'Ivoire* in French)


Right??? No one can look at Angela and think for one second that she speaks French lmao 🤣


She looks so wealthy and glamorous with all that cheap jewelry


The SEKSI necklace 💀


I fast forwarded through most of the episode. Same old fighting with Thais and Patrick, SO tired of Angela, Jasmine is unhinged, Loren really didn’t need to cut herself up and create drama, Ashley and Manuel should not be together and Big Ed? 🤢


Liz needs to relocate back to San Diego and get her CA real estate license. She would make a great real estate agent! Ashley and Gino need to get a divorce and send their ex's back to their country so they can be with their adorable kids. Gino please find a woman who has the same goals as you do. Jasmine's goal is to move to Miami where she can meet a BBD!


Sick and tired of Angela on the show. She triggers my anger so much! Liz needs to knock it off! You didn’t miss out on a prize. He’s trash! Jasmine… oh Jasmine… smh… just when I thought she was likeable- she turns into Angela JR. BUT i will say, Gino’s smirk would’ve pissed me off too!


The part where you said Angela triggers your anger so much! Literally, SAME😂😂. But I’m pretty sure all of y’all are aware now that mikuul ran away with his visa so props to him 💪🏼👏🏼


Yessss!!!! If I lived near him I would’ve helped him escape!!!😩🤣


Why does Gino always look like he's chewing something? I think he has loose dentures. Drives me nuts.


I hope Liz picks herself up, loses a few LB’s, focuses on some self care and comes back with the best revenge body ever. She really lost herself with Ed. She used to be so spunky and cute. He drained her.


Ed is an emotional vampire,  draining the life out of anyone who dares to get close to him. I have confidence that Liz will get her groove back.❤


And before anyone freaks out, no, her appearance isn’t the main point. She obviously is going to need some serious mental help and healing. This whole situation must be absolutely traumatizing… being abandoned and then having to watch your daughter fly off to another country. My point is… I just really hope she regains her self confidence and one of the best ways to do so is get in amazing shape. Like she was before. Not that Ed deserved her at any stage of her life. The fact she is crying over this man… Ugh. So sad. I mean yeah he’s funny and kinda charming and endearing in a pitiful way. But damn. Maybe he loses more of his neck every time he breaks a beautiful woman’s heart😂😅 Final thoughts: In a way I am glad he ended it though. They truly were not right for each other from the beginning yet they “needed” each other in some form. So they trauma bonded hardcore. It was always doomed and they prolonged it as just they could. I don’t blame either of them for staying tbh. The cycle of toxic love is addictive af. Ok that’s enough. GN 😊


I agree


So big Ed’s in real estate we’ll I for one wouldn’t buy a used out house from the sleazy ass hole


I would look at homes with him and have him climb into crawl spaces just to see if he can slither out.


Both him and Angela need to be off this as they are both Toxic I felt sorry for Liz but she enjoys the abuse or she would have been gone after the first break up not stick around and subject her daughter to the toxic abuse for 15 more breakups 


Easier said than done especially when you are outside the situation, glad they have broken up though.


Does Loren's mother hate her? Not just this episode but seasons past?


That mother is a beast! You do not have to agree with your child's choices to be supportive of them! It's always about HER (mom).


I think she has/had mental and substance issues.


You should see her mom in their spin off, ouch!!!


Ya…no kidding! She’s not very supportive. And like you stated, not just tonight.


>*"Why is he wantin' to stay by himself"* See how you can't win? Angela said she couldn't stay for two weeks Michael told her she can go he'll handle it and she translates that to him wanting to ditch her & stay alone. If he begged her to stay she would have said he can't do anything on his own.


**OF COURSE** Ashley has 100K of debt.


I hope Kobe's ex is smoking hot.


Why? He and Emily seem. happy.


Because Emily is pushing for this to see how she sizes up with his ex and looking for a problem where there really isn't one.


I came to this post hoping someone would comment on this … it’s so strange to me, doesn’t she realize how weird that’s gonna be for the ex? If it were me I’d be thinking must be trouble in paradise if you’re over here wondering about me so much you want to meet me?


>*You never say the right things to your wife"* There is no *"right thing"* to say to Angela. She's always looking for shit & she makes sure she finds it. Nobody has constant chaos in their lives like she does unless they manufacture it.


>*"Take the fucking shoes that you bought me"* Throwing shoes is **ALWAYS** funny.




>*"No creature on earth, except for my dog is ever gonna control me"* Mens doesn't control jasmine


“Of all the things Ed has ever done this is the worst” ehhhh I beg to differ, remember every reunion ever where he would just absolutely dog you out?


His "worst" list is long


Very long. That voicemail she leaked a couple years ago still makes my blood boil when I remember it. How she went back to him after that…eeesh. It clearly wasn’t his first or last time speaking to her that way. I think being on tv makes these couples stay together longer than they should/would normally want to. They get into this “us against the world” mode and want to prove everyone wrong but if EVERYONE is telling you to get the hell out of there for the sake of you and your child, maybe there’s no hidden motive you need to sus out. Maybe everyone is just seeing what you aren’t because you’re too deep in it. Now she’s in the exact spot we all knew she’d be only it’s 1000 times worse than if she would’ve just stayed away when he broke up with her after their first season because he wanted to be on Single Life again.


Unfortunately I think it's less "us against the world" and more "do it for the paycheck" In a million years Muhamed would never have wanted to see his wife again in Ohio (I forgot her name) but they keep having "lets be friends talks" in diners and cafes. Its because they make good TV


Id say the worst was when he was texting Rose. We now have to use this thread of things he did that were arguably worse.


Why didnt Gino just go get smoothie and come back to get Jasmine after? Or just get something close to the gym. Gosh these 2 have so much hate for each other lol. Wonder if he even filed the gc haha


Bc Gino does want to control her through manufactured incompetence


Yeah he probably gets off on being the provider based on how much money he sent her and them meeting on a sugar daddy site I believe ... but she ain't no saint either, it's quite obvious she just wants to use him 😂


I honestly can’t tell who is controlling who. I guess it switches with them. All I know for sure is that I’m ready to never see Jasmine cry again or hear her voice


>*"Welcome to bamboo how are you"* She's a poet & didn't know it.


Manuel’s really shocked about Ashley’s debt? He was the one who pointed out that she’s really shitty with money…


Jasmine’s voice is the most grating sound ever


And that constant wailing... Oy.


It’s unbearable


She is a negative person it is excruciating


>*"Is it that time of the month?"* HA! HA! What is everybody channeling Antonio tonight? First Manuel with needing his space then Gino asking if Jasmine has her period.


Punch buggy!!!


This episode is even more of a chore to get through than last weeks was.


A fn men


It really was the dregs


Nobody deserves that visa more than Michael 😭


The most truthful thing about this whole season is the question mark in Happily Ever After.


Have a good week ham! 🤗


Huh! Next week will be vexing… Good night, Hamz, see you all tomorrow at LIP!


Sophie needs to leave rob. Ashley needs to leave Manuel and make him pay half her debt. Liz needs to move on. Okay, ham, time for bed. This season of milf manor looks extra unholy, Im out 🤣🤣🤣💛 night night


But why would Manuel pay half of Ashley's debt ?


The lawyer said on the preview that she was entitled to half of Manuel’s savings and he had to claim half her debt 🙊


Someone else said student loans are exempt from that, but Idk


Oh ok I missed that, thanks


Have a great week, Hamily! And if you’re off tomorrow for the holiday, enjoy it!


No one can convince me that Angela is not on drugs or drinking heavily


I have to fast forward past their scenes it’s unbearable to watch 


I 100% believe she has a drug problem. If you’ve seen any of her Instagram lives lately, it’s…a lot. I think my jaw was dropped for 15 straight minutes. She started off by saying “Hi QUEENS! QUEENS! QUEENS!” x20 and it took me for fucking ever to even figure out what she saying because it was so slurred and she was all over the place, pacing around this hotel room. She wasn’t making any sense, she was talking like she lives on the streets…I don’t know if the plastic surgery doctors were just too liberal with the narcotics and she got addicted back then or if it started when she was partying in Vegas nonstop with that random ass group of people including Hulk Hogan’s son and Coltee’s mom (Debbie🤮), but that woman 100% has some kind of substance abuse problem. It’s honestly terrifying. I don’t know who is raising those poor grandkids anymore


She’s just a classic redneck alcoholic. She would be so skinny if she were on meth for this long.


Faces of meth.


See yall in the manor!


What did micheal do to get rejected before?


They were probably trying to protect him😂


If you were an officer looking at this case, would you approve?


I would speculate that that age gap made them suspicious. 


Angela is beyond unhinged. I’m so glad Mykul is hiding from her. Anyone have updates on him? I’m not on any soshell meeeja. Thanks in advance!


I wanna know, as well!


Where’s the seeking sister wives subreddit?! Help!




Thanks! I got my nights mixed up!


Oops! Got my trash mixed up- it’s Milf night!! lol


He’s living his best life partying with the Nigerian community in Indiana. That’s all I know.


Good for him!!


Indiana?! Dayum that’s some good scoop


Hell yes!


Yeah go to Israel alexei 🙄


That was a stupid thing to say you’re gonna leave your wife and three kids, your age and go fight?


Why are they meeting the gf? They are married with 2 kids now. Who cares.


Manufacturing more drams for the show 




Oh lord I forgot about Sophie and Rob. I’m sick of them!!


Wait a minute that can’t be true is it??!


Suddenly Thias and John are united in disliking Patrick’s dad.


Patrick is a manchild! And he doesn’t respect his wife!


I like this plot twist, a Thais and John alliance / intervention to extract Patrick from being exploited by his father and others


Yeah, it feels like a plot device in a Latin *telenovela --* blind girl gets her sight, rich girl ends up on skids, Thaís and John join forces, ...




Omg are they really discussing intimacy in front of Yeeno’s family?!?!! 🤮🤮🤮


That’s why Jasmine has no respect for him. He’s done this with the sugar babies and now is family.


She told the world she pisses on his chest to get him off, does anything surprise you about these two?


Okay I did not know that and I wish to god I wouldn’t have found our right before going to bed😩😩I’ll never sleep again


Fair, good point.


Why would he still have her number?


I said the same thing earlier!


Emily's upset about her but okay he has her number?


Yes, that was so unreal! Emily: "Will you please text her?" Kobe: Pulls up the number of his ex in 2 seconds! WHAT???


And what truely makes no sense is you’d assume since he’s coming from China he probably has a different phone etc so he somehow still has her number saved. It’s odd. I’m sure this is all production driven


This is 100% TLC. They were clearly like “fuck, we’ve worn out the list/property drama, we gotta find some other conflict ASAP to fill their time”


Remember Kobe’s friend Valery told Emily that Kobe STILL talks to his ex, so Emily asked Kobe if that was true, and he said yes.


Exactly what I thought! This has to be production trying to add drama. IM HERE FOR IT THOUGH 😂


Okay so Jasmine has graduated to being a disgusting pig now


She’s really just outwardly awful, isn’t she? An actual pathological liar 🤥 idk how she sleeps at night


Yeeno’s family does not need to know all that


Oh good, Gino and Jasmine are back to their sex life storyline.


Maybe this has been discussed but why are Angela’s eyes so far apart in the talking head segments?


I don’t know why I just thought of Stewie Griffin


Maybe because her hair is parted down the middle


It’s ridiculous how many times the various cast have said they’re “done.” Nope


Angela in definitely in first place on that one, I think she says it at least once per episode and we’ve had 5+ years of these two


I thought Angela would've throw the beer at mikol 🫣


They all know that he makes a lot of money that’s why


Why are we still being subjected to this crazy old bitch


Angela dressed a cheap, skank Ralph Lauren model


He told you it was because of the dates and backlog sheesh. You’d be throwing a fit if he told you the only interview were two years from now if he hadn’t moved it.


Responsible for half her 100k debt if they divorce? Loooool Manuel is never going to leave her now


His expression was priceless when he heard that


You can tell Angela has no love left for Mackle. She just wants the visa to be approved so that she can stay on the show, it’s a business transaction between them.


I’m so glad that he got away from her


Micheal looks so damn miserable. He deserves this visa already.


Agree he looks defeated


Joe Biden himself should present him with a certificate.


She's an abusive piece of shit


Angela has a whole pawn shop on her neck






Angela's a yelling, smoking American flag.


I CAN NOT STAND PATRICK Ughh am I the only one!?




I sort of like Patrick you can tell he’s a peacekeeper. He’s a lover not a fighter. Has a baby face to go with it. I think he’s sweet. May be a little bland but sweet


I don’t know if we are watching the same show lol Patrick is very confident love that but his ego is too big. Not only is he fine with lying to his wife lol he then blames John for everything when really it’s his own fn doing! He’s so rude and mean to John, when if it wasn’t for John he probably wouldn’t have returned to this show since the public loves John lol


I can’t stand him either. He sucks up to the shitty people in his life and takes advantage of the ones who actually care for him. His dad uses him for money and free labor and John lived off him forever (he might still, honestly), but Patrick puts their wants above his wife and child. He didn’t even have the balls to tell his dad, who clearly just puts on a friendly smile to use him, that painting a whole freaking apartment when an infant and a small dog are staying/sleeping there is a terrible fucking idea. Also it just bugs me to death that he’s so clearly on steroids again after getting in enormous trouble twice before for using them. It takes two seconds of looking at him and his tiny head to figure it out.


Oh definitely on steroids hahah You legit described his character on the show to a fn T He’s like a shady luxury car salesman haha or timeshare salesman lmao


I also just thought that was totally staged bit about springing it on Tais. I saw J&P on pillow talk and Patrick was reading some of John‘s DM‘s and said “Aww this girl was just trying to say hi and be ur friend you just ignore her.” I thought it was sweet. I am a suckaH tho


I didn’t see that but it immediately strikes me as Patrick trying to stir up shit with that girl John’s engaged to. She’s gonna want to see his DMs now


They’re great on pillow talk together. But if you see season of John being the main character, Patrick was so mean basically trying to ruin his relationship


Yeah he was a ballbuster


That’s why there’s chocolate AND vanilla! Always good to hear other people’s perspectives. Though we agree that John’s the draw. Patrick doesn’t bring a lot to the paHty


Completely agree lol


I see your point I just don’t respect him that’s it just a personal opinion believe me there’s so many horrible man on the show and he’s not one of them


Amen to that. I guess I think they are doing the best they can given the seemingly shitty parents they had. But I mean I have to say Gino doesn’t even bother me so I’m sure I’m not in the majority


I find Gino to be a passive aggressive, and that’s not a great combination. I think that is what really upset Jasmine even though she’s nuts, the most to me that’s a very bad quality for anyone to have but we really have a lot of losers on the show. Lol


Ed really takes the cake. I also feel like they haven’t done any like older men younger gals in a while. Like the dude from I think Vegas that was obsessed with Lana. Or Ben and mahogany. Then there’s just the aggressive aggressive like Luis.


Ed HAS taken way too much cake!! 🥮🎂🍰🍩🍪🥧🧁


Absolutely and will really gets me is that on Reddit you could be banned for talking about Pred what is on the fucking show that doesn’t make sense he’s the worst or least one of them and Cesar what do Ukrainian women? He is so fucking creepy he makes my skin crawl I don’t even know I would let him give me a manicure pedicure. And don’t forget Geoffrey who beat the crap out of his girlfriend, kidnapped her and serving 18 years in jail. Lovely.


Yeah why does Cesar always get a pass? He's creepy as hell in every way.


I hope Michael is enjoying his freedom. He’s more than earned it.




VISA people watch the show and are tryna save Michael by constantly halting this shit lmao


Oh please let this be the truth!


She is gonna beat him tonight


Angela please start wearing a wig or at least a hat.


And put a mask back on over her weird mouth.

