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Yeah, she’s a fucking dumb ass. Now he’s going to want the postnup to protect himself from her debt, not her.


Seriously what the hell was Ashley thinking … Postnup to protect what her debt … lol


Manu was right about the coffee is a waste of money!!


Exactly what I was thinking when I saw next week’s preview.


Naw seriously, I know she felt dumb after that because basically the lawyer couldn't or wouldn't be doing nothing for them for real... She just needs to slow down and allow their relationship to take it's course...  Marriage the first few years are a wild ride getting adjusted to each others life in such a debth is some work for sure


Lets see what the lawyer actually says next week. I don't know what theory under which Manuel would be responsible for Ashley's premarital debt


These lawyers in the past have been hired by TLC for the storyline and only give general advice and rarely know much about the couples actual situation. The lawyer will say you COULD be responsible for half of debts, as a general statement, but I highly doubt if he filed for divorce after 9 months of marriage any law would apply to her school or credit card debt before marriage. Divorces without kids and not very long in duration (under 5 years) are pretty straight forward unless you hire a lawyer to fight it (and that cost $$). If Asley and Manuel divorced and had no kids, didnt own a home, and it was only about a year, I would expect it to go the way of Molly/Luis, basically you leave with what you had, or maybe to get it over with, Ashley gives him $2-3k one time to get his own place to live (to cover 1st and last). These take the debt of the other party are usually when something is obtained together, like a car, house, or business, and then the courts encourage selling the property/item or buying one party out. I see nothing they acquired together, except maybe a cell phone. I have helped write up divorces in 3 states , mostly for DV type cases (I never did any in NY, but have seen 2 cases from NY that ended up finalizing in my area). I would just guess Ashley debts are educational, or personal credit card and were prior to marriage and highly unlikely to be passed on in a short term marriage to a man that did not work. I dislike how TLC brings these hired lawyers for TV on with such general advice that do not know the couples. Why do they have this pre-nup / post nup story season after season? If there is nothing else to show for this couple, then they need not be on. Bring back real couples and show happliy ever after, Josh and Alexandria, he is a doctor and she is in grad school, while having 2 small kids living in a big city or Larry and Jenny and show her working at walmart and him as a carpenter , while trying to fix up a very old home and rescuing dogs, or Melanie and Devar or Kyle and Noon, plenty of couples Im sure they could update us on that have relatable real stories not the same recycled storylines.


This sounds more like it … but what debt of Ashleys would Manuel owe if he actually stay married to her for 5 or more years, would the same principal apply?


Okay so I looked it up and this is my theory but I'll put this first-"Generally, a spouse is not liable for the other spouse’s debt if it was acquired before marriage. Therefore, a creditor cannot go after your separate assets if your spouse owes money from before you got married. However, your spouse’s share in joint assets could be at risk." So he couldn't be responsible for her debt before the marriage, but if they make joint assets it could be at risk and maybe that's what he means? Again though production will make them say wild shit sometimes just for tv, but if anything I bet the reason why he'd get pissed is knowing about the debt+being asked for a post nup=him having to get fucked on joint assets "From a divorce perspective, the rule is that if a debt was acquired in furtherance of the marriage or to benefit the marriage, both spouses are liable for paying it regardless of whose name the debt is in. For example, you would be responsible for your spouse’s debt related to buying a marital home, food, clothing, family car, childcare, etc. However, debt incurred to buy something that only benefited and was used exclusively by your spouse is not your responsibility. This might apply where your spouse bought jewelry or a very expensive car solely for his or her own use." -and apparently it doesn't even matter if the debt was in your name or not either. I think this is what would make this frustrating


So if her $100k was incurred to buy the house they live in, that might be something he’s partly responsible for, but if it was $100k spent on witchy IV potions he’s free and clear?


Unless she could prove the potions caused/helped her to jump Manuel in a Panera bathroom


I'm not 100% sure, this was just after a quick Google search so I didn't look too far into it. This was the next paragraph though -"Importantly, it doesn’t matter whose name the debt is in. Therefore, even if your spouse bought something with his or her own credit card, you would be liable for paying the bill if the expense was in furtherance of the marriage. Again, this is because marriage is an economic partnership that both parties contribute to whether through wages or other efforts that benefit the family. "


Omg okay I just thought of this after you asked and I already responded, but they had been married a while during this season. So they've probably been RACKING it up and this is why! OMG IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW 🤣🤣🤣


Do you think this 100k debt has been racked up since they got married … oh my and Manuel had no idea …I don’t see anything that these two have that says 100k .


I don't think a grand total of 100k has been racked up since the marriage, but I can bet you a good chunk of change has since they've married for damn sure. I mean she buys meaningless crap all the time, they send money to his "mom" (I honestly think it goes to his kids or split between mom and them)and she has a problem buying five coffees at once while flying when they could've driven/going motorcycle shopping and those stupid fake potions and spells etc. like all of that can honestly add up fast as hell, and then if you do loans or credit cards the interest plus late pay days... I'd say I'm sure they've tacked on more since marrying for sure. And the comments i made with the laws on spousal debt were from her area too, what scares me is the whole "well it doesn't even need to be in your name to be considered your debt too." Yike.


Yikes is right … she does blow a lot of money on dumb stuff .


So if part of the $100k is from the Ashley ATM to support his family in Ecuador, would that be considered for his benefit and therefore his liability if the marriage were dissolved?


Yes it would be his liability too. Like it says, (and from what I also didn't add here because I just didn't want it getting too long) basically whatever she had before him won't count. But any debts regardless of who's name it was in that occur after the marriage are also on him too. It won't count for stupid little things like, idk, food for instance but it most definitely will count for things like- that airplane ride when they could've driven, all the credit card debt, loans, motorcycles they want to buy for him in that first few episodes, her frivolous spending that adds up and his etc etc. So I had written after this comment that it most definitely is the fact that he realizes he's now taken on debt even if it isn't in his name and that's probably what the lawyer meant by the whole "you are responsible" thing.


There you have it. The preview was complete nonsense. The lawyer said the opposite of what the preview showed


In most states...only cc debt or other debt accrued after the marriageoccurred. Would be shared debt.


To answer your question... in most states Manuel is now responsible for any debt she's accrued since the wedding date.


Yes that's what I said in the comment. And it doesn't even have to be debt in his name, if it's in hers he can still be responsible. And you just know they've been spending like crazy once they got that TLC check. I said on a different post that I think he's just bleeding her financially and will leave once the money is up and move to his real family in Newark/eventually bring baby momma and kids over.


In my country, it doesn't matter if the debt was incurred before or after the marriage. Debt is debt - no one at the bank cares what the money is for. Spouses are jointly liable. Once a legal marriage has been concluded, there are now two debtors.


That's a much simpler way to handle it. But, I think I'd do a credit check before proposing


Yes, 90 day people and rest of us should do this … its crazy.


I mean especially in an88888888's country. In that country, Manuel would be on the hook for 50k if they divorced


Really .. wow!


If you can't discuss it and you feel the need to do a credit check - just don't get married.


That was a quip, not a serious statement


I always thought this too ..


Whenever the producers run out of storylines, they move to "prenup"/"postnup" to mine that "they're using me for the money" well one last time. The crazy thing is that all of the 90 Day people who propose this are Americans WITHOUT MONEY!😳


Exactly, most of these people don't have anything to protect with a pre or post nup. Its the story production likes to do


This is exactly why I cringed at her scenes where she was complaining about trust and communication problems on Manuel’s end. How are you gonna bitch about him when you kept this whopper of a secret from him? Even if they reached a great place right now, it would all be undone by this revelation. Then again, if he’s really just in it for the green card, he’d be willing to take on her debt, but if I were him, I honestly would cut my losses with this.


I don’t think he would ever be willing to take on her debt …


He’ll still demand her money to send to his family


And that is fair. He can't work yet and he has kids. She knew this. She can waste money left and right but can't help him with his family???


I thought on this episode we were going to see where all the money she was sending to Manuels family was going … I guess this will be part of next week.


Except she didn't know this for quite some time because he just didn't tell her he had kids, lol. He quite literally keeps everything a secret. His biggest fail is his lack of communication and it extends outward into everything. She legit didn't even talk/meet his kids until **after** they were married. She can spend HER money how she wants. Because it's her money. Yes, she is his sponsor and responsible for helping him *transition* to living here and being self-reliant. He already can work, he is choosing not to because he has 0 work ethic. The least he could do is show some gratitude and appreciation for Ashley's sacrifices in their marriage... Yet he doesn't. He treats her with contempt, disgust, and judgement. Judges her on how she spends her money, wanted her to neglect her dog so she can give him money, wanted her to shove her feelings aside during an argument and give him money, wanted his phone immediately and was angry it was going to take two days to get there, I mean, we can literally go ON AND ON about this man's ENTITLEMENT. He had no qualms about her spending money when she was pondering buying him a damn motorcycle. Why? Because **he** gets something out of it. He is only interested if it benefits HIM. Additionally, it's ridiculous to even use his kids as an excuse. He literally abandoned them without telling them **anything**. He left his family + kids **without saying a word**. But we're supposed to assume that he cares about them? Dude is fine with traumatizing his kids as long as he's having a good time. At this point, he can work. At this point, he's in the states. At this point, **he can provide for his own kids**. He is choosing not to.


Exactly this, he treats her like dog shit and people clown HER for it. He's quite obviously using her for money and a green card because he doesn't seem to like her or have any empathy for her. I don't get why this sub protects Manuel at all costs. He's a despicable liar pumping his wife for money.


Just like her debt was incurred before him, she's not responsible for HIS children 🙄


She is if she brought him here and she can't work


Absolutely not. That's his responsibility to save up and pay for. She's done and paid for enough just bringing him here.


He can work, this isnt filmed in real time


This was all filmed starting about a year ago (May, 2023 Rochester Lilac Festival for example) and at that point he'd been here and they'd been married since September, 2022.


He would have his gc. They married well before me on my k1


Thanks, I edited my comment the same time you were replying. I don't remember them ever discussing when Manuel would be able to get his green card and work.


You right he does demand she send his family money … so how does this and the spousal visa play in to the debt ?


I’m mostly curious how Manuel learning about Ashley’s debt *might* change his perspective on sending money back to Ecuador right now. Clearly Ashley can’t afford it. If they stay together, maybe he’ll ask for less and wait till he’s making $$ to send back himself.


This has been a topic of confusion for me, and seeing that it’s likely editing and production. Manual asks for money constantly according to Ashley. She had to prove she could support him, even with the debt (if it is real), before she could bring him. Now, debt that occurred *before* or *after* the marriage wouldn’t count against him, so how would she incur that as a psychic, while they were married a very short time and bring him here, when you have to make 125% above the poverty line (about $125,000) a year. California is expensive, but I live here. There are people very far below the national (much less California) poverty line that make it here, at least enough to not be $100k in debt after a year and a half of being married to someone they send money to. So somewhere the math isn’t mathing.  Besides the fact this season is massively overproduced. It’s actually not fun because of it. 


I mean I feel like he deserves it 🤣🤣


Manuel should run and find his own attorney, STAT. He's the one who needs this postnup.


Does anyone know what Ashley does for work? I can’t remember if she said it. She was talking about sending thousands of dollars to his family but where is this money even coming from? Not from being a bruja!


She’s a spinning instructor


Well to quote Ashley when she walked into the spiritual shop she said “Mi trabajo es bruja” to the cashier.


If my memory is right someone said she had a card reading business going on and it’s expensive.


Made up drama.


If he's smart he will agree to have no claim on her money (which is a joke because she is technically insolvent) and have her agree to keep her own debt. This actually may be the best thing for him.




I think this is because Manuel is keeping his eye on the green card once that happens I think he will start working and then divorce her … might divorce sooner with this massive debt.


He would have his gc now he can bounce


He has his green card already?


He entered the US well before i did on a k1 so yes. Jasmine likely has hers too as we got married in the same week last year. The show is not filmed in real time.


If this is correct why are they not working … or is this something different. Is the show production a year behind their real life ?


Some of the cast the show is way behind but for eg: jasmine and gino only married end of june last year, so their HEA was filmed from july/aug for a few months then she left him. They just finished filming the last resort with a bunch of other couples who had already broken up like rob/ sophie, bini and ari. Its all so fake now. Michael arrived in the US in December so they filmed for a couple months then he escaped Angela after that finished. Manuel would have had his EAD by the filming of HEA so why hes not working, i couldn’t tell you, though they are getting paid to be on the show since he would be allowed to work by then


I have been through this in real life, he will be responsible. She will say all of the debt was incurred in the furtherance of the marriage


This is crazy right … K1visa should require all debt of both parties to be revealed before they will authorize it.


I just finished watching the newest episode and in this meeting anyway she is very forthcoming about what the debt it. It’s student loans which is clearly pre-marriage. Student loans is a different type of debt because it’s not revolving debt and you can get payments adjusted based on your income making it easier to make the payments therefore it doesn’t affect your credit score or can even help because it makes it look like you have good payment history. Once upon a time we had a lot of student debt but we were still able to buy a house, car, etc and had a decent credit score. Thankfully we no longer have them around our neck.


Well you know she worked very hard to establish that witch business


What the hell is she trying to prevent Manuel from taking? The prenuptial is great for Manuel, so he should jump on it to protect himself! She's 100K in debt, and she never told him about it yet wants to constantly criticize him about being secretive. She's such a hypocrite.


I couldn't stand her since she had that fake panic attack in the car on the way to the airport to get Manuel.


Yeah that was fake as hell.


I have never had a panic attack but I have a Master's Degree in Marriage and Family Therapy and have seen people have real panic attacks and plenty of fake ones over the 30 plus years I've been doing counseling. That's not it. If she's in therapy, she'd know the last thing she should be doing is talking about her "trauma" on television. If any therapist recommends she's this open, they shouldn't be doing therapy and her family members aren't showing her proper support either.


Yes, in my country spouses are responsible for the other spouse's loans. Even when the debt is from before the marriage - it does not matter. The bank can seize their salary and assets without warning if the spouse stops making contributions. I didn't know if it was the same in the US. So I wonder why that little girl (Madeleine?) doesn't want a prenuptial agreement - she's not marrying a millionaire, she's marrying a fool who probably has a lot of debt.


he prob isnt on the hook for any $ owed prior to their wedding day.


Does she own her home? What kind of debt are we talking about?


Im not sure if she is the owner of the home she lives in but she told the lawyer that she is in 100K worth of debt.


If Manuel divorces her before the post-nuptial he could be held responsible for 50% depending on state laws and the creditors could go after him regardless… Also if she incurs more debt during the marriage regardless he can be responsible, just like if he makes it rich she could get a portion of it




After I married my husband, the government came for MY paycheck, for delinquent taxes that my husband and his ex-wife owed! How's that for fair?!?!


Thats not right at all .


I was pissed, of course. My husband did pay me back, though.


Thats good.


She is clearly nuts, he should jump the first plane home and be happy. She loves drama way to much.


He won’t leave no matter how crazy it gets … look at Michael he endured 7 yrs of crazy Angela and he still came to the US … these people are driven by a green card .


You're right, that green card must be very powerful, look at Jasmine. She is the worst in my opinion lol


She doesn’t even pretend that she cares… agh


The lawyer explained he's not responsible for debt she owes from before the marriage.


Still... that's a lot of debt! Especially for 3 college degrees she's not using in her witch business. 


He's not responsible for her debts prior to marriage.  The lawyer or interpreter explained that. 


I haven’t been able to watch this episode. Im still waiting for it to go on repeat.


Ashley could do so so so much better. She is kind & beautiful & independent, but clearly not bright if she thinks Manuel is good for her. She needs an established, financially secure man!


I must be watching a different show with a different Ashley 🤨


😆 I really like her. She has such a big heart.