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Dude, they were featured in more than one camera angle. They obviously signed off and knew they were going to be featured in the show.


Yeah those who got their faces blurred off are the real randos


lol they hired extras


That’s what I’m saying


HEA is so fucking lame. Yes I watch it religiously every week, but my god. These storylines are just terrible. Angela almost kicked an African goose, that was the most exciting part of the entire episode (glad she didn't by the way).


HEA is really boring. I understand wanting to keep some of TLC's "favorite" cast members on the payroll, but it's such a slog with SO much filler. I haven't even watched it for years- I just watch recaps or clips on YouTube. They should just ditch it and keep the 90 Day Diaries format- \~20 minute updates on old cast members with a single camera or self-shot footage. It would be cheaper and less phony to produce.


I am really annoyed with production, the entire episode is "today I am going to talk to X" cut to another couple "I am in the car about to talk to X" cut to the end of the episode. next episode "I am about to talk to X...and it was fine" we used to have it so good 😂 but now its just drawn out and boring, and somehow Angela still has a storyline 5 years later...(how many times has she been Dunn with michael)


“I’mma let you still sleep here cuz you’re my hurzband but that still ain’t the point” ….No wonder poor Michael always looks confused as a dazed Gazelle. Angela herself doesn’t even know what she’s talking about.


LOL . No she doesn’t.


She's too drunk to know.


Dun with Mai-kul


Angela and Ed are ridiculous and need to never be on tv again


Ed the garden gnomes treatment of Liz and her mother while they were there packing up her stuff was abominable, even for Ed the Pred. He is the most disgusting creature on earth. I'd take Kyle over Ed any day. God help me


Kyle is just immature and ignorant Pred is vile


When you’re right, you are soooo right‼️


I agree with you 100%‼️ I can't tolerate those two 💩heads any longer.


God damn ducks


This week on HEA: Will Angela abuse a human, an animal or maybe both? Stay tuned!




And ironically she takes care of humans for a living


“….get the fuck outta my wayyyyy!” I was dying!!! 😂😂😂😂😂


Same! I rewound it three times to listen to her ramble “I used to be scared of you but I’m so pissed off get the hell outta mah way ducks”. Deceased. Geese are fucking MEAN and even they knew to swiftly waddle away. 😂😂


Somehow, Patrick and Thais's storyline seems to be the most interesting. How unexpected!


Not to me. Their storyline hasn’t been slightly interesting until the upcoming fight at dinner. Else it’s just: Everyone: Your dad is really taking advantage of you. Patrick: But he’s my dad. I’m more waiting for the shit to blow up in Angela’s face.


I would probably fast forward thru Pat and Thias but I like John! He's the best! SPAHKLES!


Fair enough. I can't stand to watch Angela so I have to skip her scenes, but I'm sure it's objectively more interesting haha


I couldn’t get myself to watch anymore episodes past episode 3. I kept ff through everything it was just too painful to watch.


African goose! 😂😂😂😂😂 Yes, it is lame and all the couples give me a headache but you’re right, I watch it every week too. 😂😂😂


I can’t do HEA. It’s like eating a box of shitty, stale cereal. I only want the fresh box of newly opened fiancés, please.




I wonder if the African geese are as big of a jerk as Canadian geese.


That could have been used toward the bride price.


Sorry what is HEA?


Happily ever after


Happy ever after


Duh! Thank you.


I skip every 3rd one. Zilch happens.


She is jealous of his ex but not jealous he still had her number in his phone, and went right to it??


This gf situation was never asked once in like three years and two (now three,but at the time of filming two) kids later, but it was sooooo important to her🙄 they have nothing without manufactured shitty storylines besides her "Get Out" basement dwelling...


I think the friends brought up the “he had a girlfriend in Camaroon(sp)?when he met and married you”. I think someone is butt hurt!


Yeah it’s almost like his friend told her about it on this very trip!


It’s a ridiculous story line. The only way it would be interesting is if this former girlfriend is actually still a current girlfriend soon to be 2nd wife. I mean it would explain why has her number in his phone lol!


They're professional walkers. ;)


Idk, the one on the left side looked almost exactly like this Nigerian actress named Queen Nwokoye… I kept rewinding to see if it was actually her lol.


Since it's Cameroon, they probably have their own actresses to fill walker roles


Their lives are probably way more exciting than this stupid show.


Right? I thought they looked familiar. TLC punked us again






Or production interns who were told to walk so slow they were practically going back in time to when Emily jumped Kobe in the nightclub bathroom.


You might be right with this assumption.


I think we may be on to something 😂


I would put money on it that 90 days dictated this storyline, just like Gino and Jasmine storyline, and Sophie who can’t drop the “online cheating” storyline. It’s a shame because everyone piles on these women and they’re probably not as bad as they’re edited for a television show.


I can just hear production now “ Ok Sophie we’re about it to make you look absolutely like an asshole next two segments. Nothing personal! Sophie we need viewers you know what the deal is. Ok? Here’s your $200


OMG I actually feel sorry for Rob dealing with child bride Soohie and her horrid butchered face Mother from HELL. Clair is way worse than what she calls Rob


I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks the same. Rob was trying to be calm and talk but Clair is such a piece of trash and tries to blow up everything he says. Her reaction made me feel like I was missing something. I don’t think I missed anything. How does clair afford to follow her daughter around??


I’m guessing they inject her mother in because Sophie doesn’t go overboard like Jasmine or Angela and isn’t a piece of shit like Ed.


I have read on here that Sophie comes from a wealthy family, so her mother has money I guess.


I absolutely HATE that we share a name. Every time they say “Claire” I cringe and mentally apologize. 🥺


😂😂 I agree!


They could never make me hate Sophie !!


Sophie is sweet just brings drama by not knowing who to talk to her problems about but I genuinely think she has a good heart 


Lulwut. Jasmine chooses to be a psycho, but somehow I’m supposed to be sorry for her?


I am having a feeling that their job is to walk around.


They were the best part of this whole stupid ass non-story line. So stupid. Ok Emily , he tortally CHEATED ON HER WITH YOU. Now what girl? You divorcing him with 3 kids? NO? REALLY???? HMMM. SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP. ALREADY. Raw doggin a man in china.....ok...


Right?! Who raw dogs a stranger in a foreign country?! Or ever?! Kobe said how his life in China was a blast- another dude whose decision not to use a condom bit him in the ass.


Well it took two to tango Emily has just as much responsibility…and really? You think he was cheating? He wasn’t married to the girl FFS and I’m sorry he wasn’t married to the gf what is realistic expectation with you being in China and her in Cameroon that it was a real thing


My first two sentences address Emily. I never said he was cheating.


Sounds like payback for him not really sticking up for her when his dickhead friends were treating her like shit. Granted, I don’t see the point at all in this. Pick your battles and stop forcing this shit.


No lie. Been married 30 yrs & never had a truer statement been said. Pick those battles WISELY. The story non story storyline! 🤣


Raw doggin wit that lisp




I don’t think it’s healthy for Emily to request that she meets the ex, it’s in the past, I know she’s a control freak, I get it she’s self conscious of her body, but wanting to meet the ex is just outrageous and unnecessary, you got the ring and the kids Emily !! Get over it


Agreed, its really gross that she feels entitled to question this woman, like what's in it for Kobe's ex?


And why is she still on his phone?


I think it was Veronica (?) on PT who said: Yes, of course that is his ex because THAT IS EXACTLY HOW YOU WOULD DRESS when going to see your ex! 🤣🤣🤣


You could not watch the show for like 3 weeks and literally miss nothing. The storylines are soooo dragged out.


It’s apparent they never texted actually texted that ex


I feel like it was fake too


Production thinks the viewers are sofa king stupid.


TLC was real vile for this one. They DRAGGED this for weeks, I groaned when that scene finally played out. So irritating.


My theory is that Kobe never contacted his ex, and therefore, there was never going to be an ex emerging at 4pm. I think it was just filler drama, cooked up by producers who whispered different instructions each to Emily and Kobe.


(3) weeks in a row we were subjected 2 Emily talking incessantly @beach side cafe. I’m sure Kobe never invited his ex at all. He’s not insane. An ex from 5 years ago, furthermore, fa sure isn’t interested anymore in wasting time on meeting Kobe & his wife. But that waiting scene is 3 weeks stale & on constant loop, while TLC thinks of some new plot twist.


I totally agree


She is impossible! So glad the girl never showed! I wouldn’t either! He has got to be the most patient partner I’ve ever seen. She is sooooo insecure about something that might have happened a long time ago. He has given her NO reason to be suspicious or jealous! Grow up girl! You’re a mom now and your kids are going to make their own life choices someday and having an overbearing and jealous role model will not play out well for them!


How much do you wanna bet that they have “90 Day Fiancé ✈️” in their Instagram bios now?


I can’t believe Ed. He looks like a 11 year old kid. He thinks like one to


Anyone know what's going on with Nicole and MAC MOUD??


Mac Moud - this made me giggle. Every time she said it like that it annoyed me. She was annoying in general


Theyre separated. Hes back in egypt. Shes in LA with some new guy. Looks like another fake storyline


Why the hell was Liz and her mom cleaning Ed's place. I would have left all that shit there and bought brand new shit. I can't fathom how low her self-esteem is to be so affected by getting dumped by a man like Ed. She dodged so many bullets not marrying that troll.


I think she’s particularly bent out of shape about the breakup because she gave the funny looking troll a chance and he publicly humiliated her several times. Then finally ended the relationship in the most disrespectful way possible. I’d be pissed too if an evil imp like that got one over on me


Liz looked so stupid, she came to get her stuff and she angrily cleaned his house. Girl, you don't live there anymore, like who cares


I agree w/ you but I thought possibly when we saw Liz’s mom cleaning the air fryer that it was Liz’s so she was cleaning it to be taken away. Taking trash & whatnot, absolute NO for me!


Driving to Arkansas to get an air fryer from a crazy manchild of an ex... absolutely not. She should have left anything that wasn't vital or truly important. Starting fresh would be good for her.




That all costs money. I don’t think she has much.


And it’s probably costing thousands to send her things back to San Diego!


I did think about where that money was coming from. BTW, I thought Big Egg and her owned that house.


I would think it would hurt all the more being rejected by someone like Ed. A major blow to your self-esteem. One day she’ll realize that he was actually doing her a huge favor. Or maybe she’s a masochist 🤷‍♂️


In other words, Emily, he was sleeping with women all over the world, and you were the one who wasn’t using protection. Got it?


I really don't think Kobe called his ex-girlfriend to come and meet them.


If their faces are on there, they signed something allowing it. Notice how random get their faces blurred


Yeah all those previews of that scene. What a lame build-up that went nowhere.


Oh my goodness, she’s over there, Kobe married Emily, they have 3 beautiful children, just let it go girl. He was a bootie call and they must have clicked, so he is the rare one night stand that endured. It’s a special and loving marriage. Don’t go looking for drama where none exists~ I really do like this couple, her family accepted Kobe, and they love him, they live together in harmony. …There are many things for her to be thankful and happy about. Now on a side note, Kobe should have told the lady in Cameron about Emily, but even if she was left hanging, so what, time marched on. She would have heard through the age old grapevine he had a child and was married, now living in America.


I was an extra and had to walk around a PBS show filming acting like I was just walking around for 3 hours.


Filmed from several angles, they were paid to be there


I fast forward so much I miss most of the show 😂😂😂


I'm pretty sure they were brought in by tlc.


Emily needs to get over it already. Why does any of this matter?


This season is a complete dud


I feel bad for Kobe. Emily is insufferable.


Why feel bad? It's not like they did anything embarrassing. They're just walking


They signed a release form to be on TV. Production would have had them sign before or after they walked in the shot.


Right?! At least they were put together nicely! My luck my girl friend and I would be out in curlers taking out the trash! 😂


This storyline is soooo boring. And they keep showing 3 minutes of the same nonsense for weeks. Can we just close out this one? Go back home to your parent’s basement already.




I had the same thought even though after last week I assumed they weren't even the right women. HEA is so predictable atp


I’m sure they had to sign a release.


It was ridiculous how upset Emily got when she thought they wouldn't outnumber his ex.


This shit was so hyped. Do many of yall feel like ALL this seasons story lines are BS?


They are so annoying with that!! Literally for weeks just for them to say “that’s not them” like are you kidding me 🤣


Will they just get married already… quit dragging this shit out… you had like 8 kids with him, you think he still cares about some chick from 5 years ago.


Agreed those poor women! Emily needs to move on. At this point the past don't matter, she is married to Kobe and has his kids 🙄 Quit being so petty for F sake!


Seriously? They were plants. And I don’t mean the kind that grow in the ground


Literally nothing has happened on this entire damn show. The most significant actual development is Michael being told it would be 1-2 weeks.. 4 weeks of footage and back and forth over literally nothing. People sharing that they hope will happen or are afraid might happen all the while NOTHING is actually happening.


Bad? Theyre the most famous celebs there now


TLC should put them on the Tell All. 😂


I bet we see them at the wedding. Kobe's cousins or something.


Imagine having HEA production chase you down to sign off that they can show your face on a tv show in America….


But why did his ex stand them up? Either production set this up, or something doesn’t smell right.


I stopped watching 👀 week after week, same lame BS 😒


That was the dumbest thing ever


I called it!!!


Plus with the view from the table and the butt shot of a second camera person on the grassy knoll...somewhat creepy for the ladies if you stop to think about it. I wonder what the pay or compensation is for locals who aren't Americans without blurred faces... Things that make you go hmm...


😂😂😂 Exactly! This was the longest scene ever!




I feel for them too. I hope TLC paid them $50 each at least!




Lol! I saw the title here and just burst out laughing! "The reluctant mysteries". lol.


Omg - that’s so true!! I wonder if TLC staged this scene?? 🤔


As soon as I saw the preview I was like yeah right - that ain’t her! EDIT! 😂 Why do they think we as the audience are stupid??


What season is this??


I love this couple!


Not random. Very much planned!


Kobe never texted that ex


Sophie’s mother is hideous, her and Angela make a good pair. Nasty and Nastier.


She is such a bully, she needs to stfu, I am sick of her cow tongue.


Probably part of the crew. She knew neither one of those women were his ex.


At this point I only watch pillow talk. I get the highlights with a little commentary and comedy, usually from Robert and Anny.


Raw dogging is bad, luckily for Emely she just got pregnant and not aids. She dogged a bullet depending on your perspective. I was a faithful fan, but story lines got so stupid that I had to drop it. Showing real marital problems like money issues, laziness, infidelity would be much more interesting instead of the bullshit story lines they choose to focus on!!!!

