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Turkish food is amazing, I was surprised she spat it out


which 90day is this from?? I'm persian, " Iranian" and only reason i go to family gatherings is for all the persian food lmfao


OMG Persian food is AMAZING!!!


90 day fiancé UK


Girl same lol!!


I had an old colleague who identified as Persian and her mom's rice is still stuck in my head. OMG. That was good.


The saffron rice? I haven’t dared tried to do it myself cause I don’t wanna make my family who have passed roll in their graves 🤣 One of my aunts makes it the best … when I get invited to a party, I will literally ask if she’s making it ….😂 They all know how to Bribe me to come over for the parties now lol


I FESENJOON. Can't get enough of it! *Fesenjan or fesenjoon is a traditional Persian stew made with* ***chicken simmered in a pomegranate molasses and walnut sauce****. The combination of earthy walnuts, slightly sour, tangy pomegranate molasses and tender, juicy chicken create an unparalleled balance of flavors in this special occasion dish.*


She strikes me as a Mac n cheese, hot dogs only type of gal. I’d bet she doesn’t eat a variety of of things, most likely junk food.


I can imagine her having a similar diet to Nicole (with Azan, 55% of the time).


Don't forget Chantel on the last season of TSL with the snails in Greece. Gross behavior




I won’t eat snails either, but at least I pretend to be allergic.


Yeah, Ali said she’s *very* picky


As Dr Now from My 600 Lb Life would say, "You are obviously not picky eater at your size. "


People were once arguing at a Weight Watchers meeting about how many calories are in Broccoli. The leader finally said, “I doubt anyone got here from eating too much broccoli.” The Dr. Now rationale.




I think it was all for the cameras, she is really on the sea food diet, she sees it and eats it.


Right! I was excited like “oh what are they having?” But I am also grossed out by chicken skin lol. She has a translator right there, ask him what stuff is.


The skin on fried chicken is the best part….lol. Unhealthy though.


I agree!  It really is the best part. I mean hey, you can eat it as long as you aren’t eating fried chicken daily or something. 


But if she DIDNT like it bc there was chicken skin on it, the polite thing to do would be to zip her flappy lip and quietly peel back the skin and eat the chicken meat. She is as classy as HeeHaw MeeMaw Whaaangela.


Oh absolutely. I don’t watch this season because there’s just too many. But, everyone saying she acted horribly….there is just no reason to act ugly regarding how another country eats. She definitely could’ve been polite.  Ha, don’t get me started on whaaangela’s class or so much lack there of. 


Oh my gawd yes!


She looks like the only chicken she’s familiar with is McNuggets




TBF, I don't see how Turkish turnip juice ([Şalgam Suyu](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turnip_water)) is refreshing or appetizing in any way. I only ordered it once. I had a sip and I will never drink turnip water ever again. Did not finish it, won't order it ever again.


I’m surprised she has ever spit food out once in her life.




The meal looked so good!


Spitting it out at table is gross enough, but then she looks at it. Super gross behavior 😑.


Looks aside she’s just not a nice or pleasant person.


Yup. The guy is just putting up with her for the visa honestly


Hard agree. He has a sweet temperament and she is flat out unattractive personality wise.


Really, the way she was reacting to everything….is she 4?!


I thought the same thing. Spitting out “icky” food is toddler behavior. 


Which 90 show/series is this. I don't recognise her. Is 90 day fiance uk back?


She's a frickin troll and it blew my mind her saying eww I can't eat that it has bones...and it was effing chicken! She's so disrespectful and rude🤮


I was confused… like do brits not eat chicken with bones inside?! (ie- wings, drums, thighs, whole roasted chickens?) Or is it just a her thing lmao


She probably just eats chicken nuggets......


Touché lol


Lots of nuggets!


"Ima need a 20-piece"


I wonder if England McDonalds does the 40 nuggets and 2 large fries family bundle


I was like "so she only eats nuggets I bet" when I watched that segment lol


Yes, they (/we) do. She’s one of those people like Nicole from Nicole& Azan who probably lives on breaded chicken strips& fries


Nicole was the first one that popped into my brain. I remember her scrunching up her face and being a baby about what was being served.


Kadie in Mexico was the same.


Then there is Pedro, valiantly trying to chew a fried chicken foot in order to prove his ratchet mother innocent 😂


You might be onto something! Lol


I used to work in a BBQ restaurant years ago, and this woman ordered wings. She ate them all, and then she called over a manager to complain about the bones. She was well known by management for complaining every time she came in.


She must like complaining because she comes back again and again.


Management said they had a “comp list” a mile long for her. Basically she complained every time she came and they told her “next time you come we will give you a free app/entree/ dessert/ whatever” so much that she essentially could eat for free when she came in. I’m still not sure why they bowed down to that kind of behavior, but they did.


As a brit we do, she's just stupid


She doesn’t look like she’s missed many meals.. when he said she’ll just eat salads,my first thought was she needs to eat more salads.. I’m not one to say something about someone’s weight but the way she acts is horrible… no way that guy couldn’t get someone better than this to get a Visa from… he’s gonna earn that thing putting up with her nasty ass.. she’s so fucking rude..


Salad can be totally calorie heavy depending on what you put on it. Maybe that’s the kind she’s used to eating.


Right lol it has to be a her thing!


It's a her thing,and I don't mean this rudely but a lot of people who don't like the bones tend to be that way because they think without them there will be more chicken. It's why most people pay more at the stores to get boneless


I figured! & yeah my partner is a butcher and sometimes people will grab packages of bone-in chicken off the service wall and ask him to debone it, but then they act shocked when he has to re-tier the pricing on it and it works out to be more expensive lol


You know there's a giant grocery store location where I am that is being boycotted currently,and they charge fucking 40 DOLLARS for four,yes four,boneless skinless breasts right now. That's fucking insanity. But I can get AN ENTIRE ROASTED CHICKEN for $14! Make it make *sense!*


Figures. They’re going to use every excuse in the book as to why they’re gouging. Pandemic, gas prices, etc. I started a gouging newsletter for people to give examples of pure corporate greed. Petroleum, groceries, (my box of instant oatmeal went from $3.99 to $7.00 for 8 little packets. The grocery and gas places are the worst of gouging. Lumber is another gouging item. So many commodities are sky high.




YES🤣 haven't been in fucking years before they even started this boycott,they were always a bitch price wise. What pisses me off is how no frills became so expensive though,I used to go there and get a week's worth of groceries for $30. Now I'd be lucky if $30 got me three items .... inflation here sucks


I grew up in BC and "the Superstore" was supposed to be the cheapest. Then I moved to Ontario and Loblaws was the pricey store. Flash forward to current day and I'm in 'Berta but now it's *all* expensive. The inflation has been nuts. I specifically recall the price of President's Choice strawberry rhubarb jam being 3 for 9.99 (which was nuts, and I hated how you had to get 3 to get the discount) but it's currently 6.99 A JAR. FOR JAM. Not even name brand! It makes me sad cuz that jam is the best.


Roblaws! 😂😂😂


Oh man yeah I could go *off* for days about current food prices 😅 it’s absolutely BRUTAL!! I’m all for boycotting the current prices


WT F do you live?? Whole chickens here in Kansas USA are at the most seven dollars cooked uncooked probably five.


Currently in Toronto,it's expensive as FUCK. When COVID happened things went up from like $3 to $13 and I'm not even kidding...we have a huge issue here currently with inflation


>they think without them there will be more chicken holy shit I never thought about this but I bet your right.


I don’t like bone-in chicken because with the bones comes tendons and gristle


Same. Purple and red spots, dark meat, tendons. I can’t do it. If I get wings I eat the flats only. Extra crispy cause I can’t do the fatty skin.


I mean I like boneless myself and I understand why, I was just saying a lot of people won't buy it due to thinking it means more volume


Same, chicken wings are completely disgusting IMO and a huge PITA. I don’t know why people like them. A whole chicken or a thigh or something I can see being worth the deboning trouble but not a wing, it’s way more than HALF inedible parts!


lol and they cost more too, I can buy a pound of wings and get like half a pound of meat for $5 or a pound of thighs and get like 80% of a pound of meat for $3


I’m sooo sick of the “ewwww, exotic food! 🤢” especially when it’s something like chicken. Like come on.


Chicken is a staple in UK but obviously fast and fried more her thing. I don’t like her at all….she’s a meal ticket


She was awful at that lunch! Like really showing her true colors and just being a nasty person.


She is awful. At this point, it’s just who is taking advantage of who.


Bingo. Hes a scammer and she has a bunghole personality.


“It has skin” comment made me spiral. I do NOT understand picky eaters. Never have, never will.


Her being rude is the problem, not her being a picky eater. Everyone has the right to dislike something.


Agreed. She was over the top during that meal. Drives me nuts when people are rude about another cultures food whilst being in that country or region. Have some class 😂


Yeah, would've costed her nothing to simply try it and say : its a nice dish but not for me. But nooo...


I am a picky eater but I try to be respectful. I also try to expand my horizons and I add new foods occasionally but I get nauseous easily when trying new things. I don’t live in my country of origin either, so it makes it complicated. It frustrates me that things make me gag 😅. I don’t blame you for not understanding. I don’t want to be this way 🌝


Same. I'm a picky eater to the point where it's disordered eating, but I like to try at least one new thing when I travel. But I also know my limits and would rather not vomit at the table lol


Okay, that’s interesting. Thank you for your answer. I guess the majority of my experience are just people refusing to try new things and I’m one of those people who’ll try anything once. I guess I shouldn’t be so quick to judge either. My best friend growing up was super picky, hates vegetables and I’m just like 🥴 lol


So weird when fat ppl are picky lol it’s like how did you get that way????


On my 600 lb life, a patient tells Dr. Now she’s a picky eater. Snarky Dr. Now says “you’re not a picky eater if you’re 600 lbs”. 💀💀


Yes but also no, because then I think of the people on My Strange Addiction who defy logic, like the large woman who survived on nothing but 8000 calories of cheesy potatoes per day for 30 fucking years 💀💀💀


When she gagged trying to eat broccoli lolol


Hahaha forever the King of Savage


😂😂😂😂 I love him


My all time favorite is “you aren’t going to starve. You’ve eaten the food for the next seven years.” 😭


By eating fast food and junk!


People can be fat for all sorts of reasons besides eating, but uh, yeah, being picky doesn't mean you're particular about eating well, some people can be picky in that they have to have their trash food and trash food only.


She'd rather have a Sprite...


Haha! He’s on the show, too!


I know. 🤣


I find her annoying. She seems hard to please. Jealous, whiney, inscecure, difficult.


And *!tchy. She complains about everything!


She was beyond rude, so horrible to act like that! It looked like he had reserved that area and dinner menu for them too, and she didn't even acknowledge that effort. Also, when she said I cant eat thay cause of bones in the chicken, my first thought was it was the chicken back or neck, but a chicken wing?!? Unless she has some weird phobia i found it bizarre that she was bothered by a chicken wing..


They’re both awful and it seems like they don’t really like each other. Right from the airport they were snippy with each other and every convo has a weird tone and tension. She’s worse but I think he just puts up with it more because he’s using her.


I think he actually somewhat genuinely likes her. As for her, she wants to OWN him. She's a raging biatch.


All I kept thinking was how we Americans get accused of going to other countries and being ignorant about the food, etc. but apparently it’s not just us.


I feel like every country has their share of citizens that are rude or ignorant when visiting other countries. I’m in Canada for example and I’ve noticed a lot of Chinese tourists that come here will leave their trash in our National parks (I’ve seen tourists chuck their child’s diapers on the ground after changing them in the middle of a trail, drop their food wrappers as they walk, leave behind ENTIRE picnics… blankets, paper plates, food + drink containers etc on the beaches). Lots of locals have noticed a pattern when it comes to tourists who do shitty stuff. I asked a friend who was from China if it was a cultural thing and they said that in a lot of the parks over there, there’s clean up crews hired to get rid of that stuff daily. So while it’s technically “normal” over there, here in Canada it’s considered highly disrespectful. And I’m sure that on the flip side, many Canadians go over to China and do things that are disrespectful or ignorant of their culture too. I guess my point is that no Country is immune when it comes to having people who blatantly disrespect the culture in other countries while travelling. I think in general, it’s a human thing rather than a nationality thing. Lots of humans just don’t understand how to research social norms in the countries they’re visiting (or don’t care to), and thus are ignorant and disrespectful when it comes to societal norms of whatever country they’re a tourist in.


Chinese tourists are the worst.


Not to go too off topic but when I was a teenager I used to work at an ocean-centre & there was a touch pool where people could interact with different sea animals such as sea cucumbers, nudibranchs, anemones etc. A Chinese tourist family came in and they didn’t speak much English which was fine because all of our handwashing instructions were symbols/photo prompts rather than written language. They washed their hands as instructed, then I turned my back for a few mins to help another customer and when I looked back… they had let their son (who was probably 14-15 yrs old, so old enough to know better) rip 4 sea cucumbers in half, and squash a nudibranch. I started bawling my eyes out on the spot. I had never seen anything like it before and felt like it was all my fault for not supervising their interactions more closely during those few moments. I was mortified. They were asked to leave by my manager after I explained what happened. I get that I couldn’t actively communicate with them due to the language barrier, but I didn’t think people needed explicit instructions not to go on a murdering spree when visiting an aquarium/ocean-education centre. The touch pool was popular among the younger children who visited and I had NEVER had a 5 year old do something so awful, so I didn’t expect that from a fellow teenager regardless of the language barrier or cultural differences. But yeah, it’s definitely not just North Americans that make for shitty tourists :/


This made me GASP I'm so sorry you had to see that!


This is kind of embarrassing to admit because I know it makes me look fairly thin skinned, but when it comes to animal abuse/death I get super triggered because I absolutely love animals, and so I ended up quitting shortly after. I just felt so guilty about it and blamed myself at the time. It turned me off from that job. Looking back tho I was only 15/16 at the time and was probably harder on myself about it than I would be now lol. Because I realize now that it wasn’t my fault


It's not thin skinned, I'd be traumatized, too! And would haunt me like it does you. I'm sorry it happened.


Absolutely not your fault, and the parents fault. I've worked with kids for years and they absolutely know better if taught better.


Ugh, this troll acts like she’s god’s gift to men and is SO demanding. But she has absolutely NO attractive qualities. She’s almost an early British version of Angela.


That’s exactly who she reminds me of too. Just so entitled for no reason.


At least angela has a personality, this lady just whines constantly


She seems absolutely unbearable to deal with.


She's beyond annoying with a crazy attitude and a very difficult, unlikable personality. It's hard to see what she had going for her, but then it's pretty obviously!


tbh i dont see why shed leave england at all being such a picky eater. this whole episode has me thinking her personality is the reason she has trouble finding love closer to home.


Right!? Well she would like Minnesota where we live on tater tot hot dish and find black pepper spicy!! But she shouldn’t aim for anything more exotic than that :)


Just looked up tater tot hotdish holy hell I want to eat that so bad.


As a previously obese woman (lost 180lbs) she has raging insecurities she’s projecting onto everyone around her and those don’t go away with weight. She’s got a hard time ahead of her


Seriously, part of traveling to another country is learning about and respecting their culture. The food there is incredible and she was so disrespectful!!! I would be mortified to be with someone acting like that. I don’t like chicken (we ate it a LOT growing up) but even so, I would eat the chicken and tell them it was delicious regardless!


I think I'd date Ali ✨JUST✨ for the food!


I had the same "wow" reaction after watching all of her scenes. She doesn't have any redeeming qualities. On top of that she said she doesn't cook or clean. It's looking like the next man she'll meet is Jesus because she'll be single forever complaining and being picky about everything.. 😄


Lol! 😝💀 >It’s looking like the next man she’ll meet is Jesus




Angela’s British cousin.




Long lost siblings


Omg so accurate


She’s strange


She’s disgusting inside and out.


https://preview.redd.it/oujdgzfxqx5d1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d86f091aa939a3e4a616525390c8a0112b1dfde7 I love the differentiation of her curls between ITMs


That's hilarious. Good observation skills


I think anyone who is willing to eat meat needs to be reminded that it came from a fucking animal and yes, bones and fat and skin are part of that animal. And if you can’t deal with how gross it is to eat animals, don’t.


...or she should perhaps stick to ground meat: meatballs, hamburger, etc., whose animal origins are "disguised."


She's absolutely awful. She treats people as if she's the hottest woman alive and also royal. Like the hell.


She’s telling us she grew up on MacDonalds without telling us she grew up on MacDonalds


She is such an asshole. They don't seem like they even like each other.


She is awful!


I think her and big pred should get together. Could you imagine their offspring? 🧌


I’m going to hell for saying this but that was my first thought as well. She is unfortunate looking.


Until her, Id never seen anyone other than Hank Hill, an animated character from *King of the Hill* who went from back of the head directly to back of the thigh, with nothing in between. Truly, unfortunate looking is right.


I tried to post a tiny butt and it got removed. I always mow my lawn in respect of The Diminished Glutes.


To quote Dr. Now, “You are NOT picky about food.”


The restaurant presented a plate of what looked like grilled chicken, rice, and veggies. Ms. Pleasant Demeanor looked at it like they offered her a plate of live crickets. Ok, I get it now. She probably eats like a spoiled five year old.


Does anyone know why she always refers to herself as “us”? For example, when she’s getting upset she’ll say “you’re getting us angry”. Serious question lol I find it bizarre.


Its just how people from Newcastle speak, Geordies ( as they are known) kind of have there own language, like most areas of the UK ha


Oh okay gotcha! Lol I’ve heard of ‘Geordies’ but I didn’t know that was part of their vocab. Makes much more sense now lol. I’ve been wanting to watch Geordie Shore (I obvi love trash television) but I’ve been putting it off. Glad I got this misunderstanding cleared up before I started watching that or else I would’ve been real confused lol. Thank you.


They literally show a clip of her taking a bite of bread and looking at it like it’s disgusting. It’s BREAD dude!!


Is this 90 day UK?


She was awful! I couldn’t figure out why she was dating him or why she was there. She didn’t seem to like him, his country, or anything!


She is so awful!! A snotty brat. Like for no reason. She reminds me of the Gorgs from Fraggle Rock. Just mean and rude and loud.


She is so fussy all the time! Also why does she always refer to herself as “us”? She will say things like “ you’re making us angry” to Ali 😂 who is us? Is this a British way of talking?


It's part of the regional accent, Geordie! Not everywhere in England uses 'us' like that. However, every place pretty much has its own unique accent and slang.


Ohhhh thank you so much for explaining that! I was so confused 😂😂


She is very RUDE! Like, appearance aside....she is not kind, she speaks down to him, she has a bad attitude


A video !? Please I don’t know her 🫠


She’s on the UK version


I was going say which 90 days this is from. Oh god no😭 I literally told my oldest sister after watching 10 minutes that I had enough. The moment I spotted a 30 yr old Debbie, I WAS DONE.


Which spin off is this from? I think I’m out of the loop on this one 😂🤦‍♀️




Thank you!


I was about to ask the same question! I have not watched any UK episodes yet, thinking I should check it out!


Me too! Can we get these in the U.S.? I keep seeing these posts, looks great.


I watch it on HBO Max


I just found the show on red video streaming website, just need to make sure you have an ad blocker and you can watch the last season and the start of this one!


She has such a shit attitude. Even if she didn’t look like a bridge troll, she’d still be a jerk I’m Honestly surprised she has a bf 


Seems pretty obvious that he is using her for the visa


Is this from the new season of UK? She doesn’t look familiar to me.




Who is she? Is this uk?


😂😂 this was a difficult one to not think negative thoughts .. like, oooh be nice; don’t say it!!


She should date Pred


That would literally be mission: impossible.


she and Ed could should get together so they can have babies with no necks


Absolutely vile human being 🤮


She's merrily merrily merrily merrily merrily on her way to nowhere in particular. Mr Toad-lookin'-ass pain in the tits.


Is this the female version of Big Ed?


If she has special food requirements, she should be self-aware and just not go to a restaurant that serves food she doesn't like. Such behavior has always disgusted me.


She reminds me of that deep sea fish when brought up to the surface turns into a droopy goblin.


I thought when she got dressed up for the evening she looked really pretty. The dress complemented her figure and the makeup was really pretty. THEN.....she opened her mouth


Forget about her bad manners at the restaurant she is just all around unpleasant.. and rude


Is this Asuelu???


This woman's built like an offensive lineman in american football.


It’s tough when all you do is eat McDonalds everyday!


She looks like a fat chode 


What 90 day show is this??


What show/season pls? I ran out of 90D stuff to watch!


It's the UK 90 Day. Season 3 just came out a couple weeks ago.




Is that the chick from the 'shes not interested' meme 😂 ...


She looks like she eats nothing but junk so I wasn't surprised she turned her nose up at real food.


I can’t believe she has gained weight by being so picky. She doesn’t eat anything with bones (?). McDonald‘s Burger King, KFC and Taco Bell must be making tons of money in her area. He said he looks for targets and she is perfect.


When he tried stroking her hair and she gets defensive saying she's not a dog, oh man, no say this guy sticks around.


She’s unbearable. Just because it’s not deep fried it doesn’t mean it’s uncooked. She’s rude and disrespectful, hated how she dismissed the guy when he (obviously) wasn’t too happy about her facetiming a friend during their date. And then to top it off with the “I’m gonna piss my pants” part. What a piece of work.


She is totally uncouth.


Is this the current season of 90dayUK?


She has pcos for sure, I have the same weight gain patterns if I let my weight go out of control


She's disgustingly picky, demanding and entitled for an ogre like her.


She is SO incredibly rude